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The Transcendent Key

Video My Thoughts On The Kingdom Hearts Special Presentation!

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Hello humans of the earth, I hope I've gotten your attention! Normally, Transcendent's the one doing the "intro's" for his topics, but I'm running the show, so I'll be doing the intro here! So then, apparently, Paris had a Games week not too long ago, and Shinji Hashimoto, the human who's closely related to the Kingdom Hearts series as executive honcho, presented a special Kingdom Hearts presentation, and lots of things were revealed! It surprised all the humans who watched, and it even surprised me! But anyways, Transcendent here, or well, as he likes to call his Youtube persona, "The Friendly Neighborhood Webhead" has a video for you all, discussing everything I just mentioned! 



Things are gonna be real interesting for next year!  But anyways, leave your thoughts below, humans!  And remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram! :D

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Everything that you said was exactly my impressions on the Paris Games Week Kingdom Hearts presentation and honestly the part of the presentation that stuck out to me the most was the announcement of the 1.5 and 2.5 being ported over to the PS4 and the opening for 0.2. But other then that great video dude 

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Everything that you said was exactly my impressions on the Paris Games Week Kingdom Hearts presentation and honestly the part of the presentation that stuck out to me the most was the announcement of the 1.5 and 2.5 being ported over to the PS4 and the opening for 0.2. But other then that great video dude 


Well human, Transcendent gives his thanks, and he says that great things are in store for the Kingdom Hearts series from here onward! Paris Games Week was definitely a welcome surprise, and we'll probably have more in store!


Just watch, for the next surprise, I, the mighty Bill Cipher, will be included in the game, just you watch! ;)

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Well human, Transcendent gives his thanks, and he says that great things are in store for the Kingdom Hearts series from here onward! Paris Games Week was definitely a welcome surprise, and we'll probably have more in store!


Just watch, for the next surprise, I, the mighty Bill Cipher, will be included in the game, just you watch! ;)

Well I don't know about you being included in the game  xP  but you are right about we'll probably have more in store with the new year coming up so fast.

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Aw, come on, my presence would be genuinely great, and would boost sales! ;)


Also, yes, lots of info will probably overflow!

I have no doubt that you will but I'm just being open minded right now   ;)

Edited by riku1995

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Good, good, it's good to have an open mind! An open mind which I can take over later, hehehehehehe....

Yup it is I also believe in the idea that we make our choices by free will and not made by destiny

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