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New Kingdom Hearts 3 info 2017

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im with Eternal Sleep I just want to release date at this point I want to stay spoiler-free as much as possible I legit don't want to see any more worlds gameplay any kind of music ect.


This will be the hardest thing I ever do I've waited for this game for so long I want to be surprised as much as possible and when i play it and not know anything when I go in.

Going to take monk level patience but I gotta try.

Edited by RuDoe Ry

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definitely not a 2017 release date, in case some of you still had some hope left for that

IL bet ya with some cold drinks too that!

Till we get an update from nomura and his team us as fans can't say anything no one on this site has proof of how far Kingdom Hearts 3 is in development and that's a fact. People are freaking out because 2.8 + 1.5 + 2.5 are comeing and that's already breaking the one Kingdom Hearts game a year rule right there.

2.8 was only delayed because of Final Fantasy 15 Square themselves said that and 1.5 and 2.5 was heavily requested by fans that's just a bonus ( basically what I'm trying to say is 2.8 + 1.5 + 2.5 has absolutely no effect on the development of kh3)

It's 50\50.

it honestly truly depends on the answer in January that's if he even gives us good information who knows what that man will tell us. All we know is 3 is coming after 2.8 is the next new game in the series

(no 2.9.

1.5 2.5 again doesn't count it's extra for those newer fans that are complaining they don't have a PS3 and want it all on 4 so no one is left behind)

Back in 2015 he said everything that's going to be in the game is set ( skeletal structure is complete) and all they have to do is fill the game up with what they want so obviously they've been doing that nonstop since 2015 it all depends on how much they're going to put in the game.


Till the big man himself gives us an update sorry I still have hope.

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I just want a release date tbh. Gameplay & world reveals would mean almost nothing to me if we don't ever get a release date. At least a release year hopefully


Don't expect a release date anytime soon - final release dates are not usually announced until about 4 months or so before release.

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