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KHBbS Vanitas final form

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When u get him down to 1 hp, and then you get tel-ported to that other place, how come when i quickly spin the analog stick it doesn't work, and he ends up slapping me in the face? i thought this was the easy part. thanks, tell me if u know what i could b doing wrong.

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When u get him down to 1 hp, and then you get tel-ported to that other place, how come when i quickly spin the analog stick it doesn't work, and he ends up slapping me in the face? i thought this was the easy part. thanks, tell me if u know what i could b doing wrong.


You have to get the gauge above your attacks filled so u can do the special attack and once you do that you win

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At the beginning of the final part, Vanitas will probably (but not definitely) use a Shotlock on you. Counter it with your own Shotlock to make it easier. Throughout the fight, use your commands (spin the analog stick clockwise for clashes) to raise the command bar. Don't bother with normal attacks. You can still use Shotlocks throughout the fight, preferably for clashes. Once the command bar is full, lock on to Vanitas, close in, and finish him off.

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