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The Transcendent Key

Your Life Matters!

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True words spoken! It's really sad that we've lost many of people to suicide. :( I can understand life itself can be hard. A lot of bad things happening in their lives. Like that's the darkness and it's overwhelming them to do such a thing... One shouldn't even think of ending their life. Of what you said. Your life matters. 

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True words spoken here and like you said there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Also in the words of Kingdom Hearts "Even in the deepest darkness there will always be a light to guide you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away." 

Edited by riku1995

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True words spoken here and like you said there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Also in the words of Kingdom Hearts "Even in the deepest darkness there will always be a light to guide you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away." 

There is a light  that will never go out.

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That was very insightful and powerful! If anyone I know ever has suicidal thoughts, I just might direct them to this video because you've summed it up wayyyyyy better than I can.




Thank you! Originally, I had been planning to record this video a day or two after Chester Bennington's death, but things came up and life kept me busy, but I was finally able to sit down and record this. I felt good doing it. It's just something I wanted to let the world know, so they can know that hope isn't lost, it's just harder to find nowadays, ya know? But when there's a will, there's always a way! I just hope that my message can be able to help someone going through a tough situation, even in the slightest bit!


True words spoken! It's really sad that we've lost many of people to suicide. :( I can understand life itself can be hard. A lot of bad things happening in their lives. Like that's the darkness and it's overwhelming them to do such a thing... One shouldn't even think of ending their life. Of what you said. Your life matters. 


Yes, very true! But at least we can find comfort knowing that there are people who are able to come out of the abyss and don't end up ending their lives. So there's that, at least. It's sad to see what the world's come to, when life is discarded so easily, ya know? :(




True words spoken here and like you said there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Also in the words of Kingdom Hearts "Even in the deepest darkness there will always be a light to guide you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away." 


It will indeed push the darkness away! Though the darkness may be closing in, as long as one holds on tightly to the light, there's no need to fear the dark, for you can be able to traverse it wide eyed and with determination abound! :D


There is a light  that will never go out.


Well spoken words, friend! :)

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A very moving topic and video I haft to say


As a matter of subject this is very powerful to talk about since it's so common. Sadly we can't escape from our bad days but we can make good days too. One very common feeling is that of wishing that we sometimes could reach out to the right people in the time of most needed which is where the suffering is shining the most. We don't have a portal or teleporter yet in this universe but sometimes you really wish you had access to. So you could reach out to the ones in need, or they could reach out for you (If you know what I mean.) and give them a warm hug


Just watching your video made me really influenced and hopeful. We all need each other to make the best out of our lives as human beings.

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A very moving topic and video I haft to say


As a matter of subject this is very powerful to talk about since it's so common. Sadly we can't escape from our bad days but we can make good days too. One very common feeling is that of wishing that we sometimes could reach out to the right people in the time of most needed which is where the suffering is shining the most. We don't have a portal or teleporter yet in this universe but sometimes you really wish you had access to. So you could reach out to the ones in need, or they could reach out for you (If you know what I mean.) and give them a warm hug


Just watching your video made me really influenced and hopeful. We all need each other to make the best out of our lives as human beings.


Thank you, I appreciate the kind words! :)


Yes, sadly, this is something that rings all too common, especially nowadays in the hard times we live in. And yes, I understand what you mean. People that are going through this should know that there are people looking out for them, people who want to heal and bear their hurt as well as reach out for them. If one could reach out to all people being affected by the sickness that is suicide, just being able to help them see life in a new way would be immensely great! Because hope is something beautiful to have, ya know?


Indeed, that is true! Even though most of humankind is screwed up, there's still those few kind souls left that can make a difference. I'm glad I could be able to make you reflect upon things with my video! :)

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