RikuFangirl2008 1,368 Posted August 14, 2017 If this is too much, can you remove this post? I hope I'm posting this in the right spot. I just want to vent about this. I don't know how to go about saying it. But I'm going to try and just vent about. I'm sure a lot of us, hear this kind of sayings: "You are 27 close to 30 years, old. You need to dress up like you're an adult." "You are into the weird stuff." "Don't you think you're too old playing video games, collecting toys (Action Figures), etc." These sayings weighs me down like gravity. It really upsets me to a whole. The more I hear things like this, the more fear is added on. And the more the fear is added on to me, the more determine I am to get things that I want, no matter what people say about it. It's like as I hear talk like this, it's like I'm being pressured to "GROW UP" and do adult-y things. Go out and mingle with people, not stay home and play video games, get myself a man and start a family, go shopping with women, etc. I get nagged at over mingling with people and finding myself a boyfriend. Thinking about this makes me want to just not even both people in general, in real life. Just go to my future job, do my hours, talk to people and be sociable yes, but not do adult activities with them. Just sit in the sidelines and watch the crowd from afar. I've been called anti-sociable my by late aunt when I was a kid. I'm very shy, but I do pick and choose who I want to talk to. There are topics that I don't want to talk about, but yet talking about anime and video games comforts me. Is it wrong that I'm 3 years close to being 30 and I enjoy topics like that? Is it wrong that I want to add a little excitement and flair to my clothes (clothes that I want to take a break from the dressy casual kind), no matter how many times people would think that I'm not my age? I'm just filed up with these opinions, these sayings, and the whole talk that I need to contribute to society. The adult fear is eating me alive but yet it adds fuel to my burning determination. All I wanted to do is add a little excitement to my life and remember things, that I could possibly share to someone younger. I'm aware of what I am now, but that's what I want to do and not care of what people thinks. Thanks for letting me vent this. And sorry if this is too much to read.... 8 Sigrun, The Transcendent Key, Movies798 and 5 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sigrun 1,064 Posted August 14, 2017 (edited) Do whatever you want thats the beautiful part of begin an adult the difference is unlike a kid you have responsibilities and you uphold them then afterwards you do what you please. When some people get older they lose that spice that flaire then they get bland and get depressed. Live your life love will find it's way when you have your heart open. As long as you do what you love while making sure you are paying those bills you are contributing to society the only difference is you're not dead inside with a job that you don't hate. They say stuff like that because people want other people who aren't living their way to conform to their way of living not allowing anyone to be greater than them. Let em talk you know you are living the life you want to and the only reason they are saying stuff because they don't get to live the life they want so they'll drag you down to their level. Be great talk to more people who are good to you and have in common with and have a blast with your life as long as you take care of your responsibilities you live life how you want. They can have their little snobby dark pathetic space to themselves to grow old and bitter and wonder why they aren't happy. You can live and grow old to be happy and one day if you live to have kids/grandkids you pass on that greatness, that spark that lights up thier mind to be an inspiration to be great and they will truly be happy and have fulfilling lives. I know this post is long these topics make my blood boil because people be so negative and closed minded like a peanut never challenging their perspective never wanting to or feeling to learn something new or grow "because they already know everything." it pisses me off. Edit: im glad i accidentally clicked on this thread. Edited August 14, 2017 by Sigrun 5 The Transcendent Key, RikuFangirl2008, NayNaySIXX and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted August 14, 2017 (edited) If this is too much, can you remove this post? I hope I'm posting this in the right spot. I just want to vent about this. I don't know how to go about saying it. But I'm going to try and just vent about. I'm sure a lot of us, hear this kind of sayings: "You are 27 close to 30 years, old. You need to dress up like you're an adult." "You are into the weird stuff." "Don't you think you're too old playing video games, collecting toys (Action Figures), etc." These sayings weighs me down like gravity. It really upsets me to a whole. The more I hear things like this, the more fear is added on. And the more the fear is added on to me, the more determine I am to get things that I want, no matter what people say about it. It's like as I hear talk like this, it's like I'm being pressured to "GROW UP" and do adult-y things. Go out and mingle with people, not stay home and play video games, get myself a man and start a family, go shopping with women, etc. I get nagged at over mingling with people and finding myself a boyfriend. Thinking about this makes me want to just not even both people in general, in real life. Just go to my future job, do my hours, talk to people and be sociable yes, but not do adult activities with them. Just sit in the sidelines and watch the crowd from afar. I've been called anti-sociable my by late aunt when I was a kid. I'm very shy, but I do pick and choose who I want to talk to. There are topics that I don't want to talk about, but yet talking about anime and video games comforts me. Is it wrong that I'm 3 years close to being 30 and I enjoy topics like that? Is it wrong that I want to add a little excitement and flair to my clothes (clothes that I want to take a break from the dressy casual kind), no matter how many times people would think that I'm not my age? I'm just filed up with these opinions, these sayings, and the whole talk that I need to contribute to society. The adult fear is eating me alive but yet it adds fuel to my burning determination. All I wanted to do is add a little excitement to my life and remember things, that I could possibly share to someone younger. I'm aware of what I am now, but that's what I want to do and not care of what people thinks. Thanks for letting me vent this. And sorry if this is too much to read.... Trust me, you don't want to be "normal", you want to be yourself despite what other people say about you. I am only 21 years old, and yet I know for a fact that people will try and drag you down in the harshest ways possible, it's up to you to say "No, I'm not like you" and be your own person. It is when we decide to be ourselves that we aren't like the "normal" people, and that isn't a bad thing, it makes you special, and that specialness can be passed on to so many people who will differentiate themselves from the "normal" crowd and go on to be amazing people in life just because one person taught them to be themselves. Heck, there is a YouTuber of the name PeanutButterGamer, and he is around 26 years old, and he plays games for a living by making YouTube videos about them, and he still declares his love for silly things like Arthur (you know the PBS TV show), and he acts different from the normal crowd by being silly and random, but through all of his videos, I see that you can become older and still be yourself no matter who you are. You just need to decide who you are and decide what you want to be, and if you want to like video games, like action figures, and whatever else, you do that because that is who you are and there is no need to change that about yourself. You can only be you if you want to be happy in life, and if someone tries to bring you down, you just give them the look of "Watch me!" and you be yourself. I am 21, like I said, and I have never kissed a girl, been on a date, had a job, and I don't drink and I don't do any drugs, and my idea of a good time is playing my Nintendo Switch, and not just serious games either, I mean games like Splatoon, Mario, and heck I am even looking forward to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Kirby, and even Yoshi, even though I do play some serious games as well, but I still do what I love and don't care what anybody else thinks, and I think I will always be like that. So you be you, no matter how old you get and stay away from the "normal" crowd, because when you stand out, you are the most special person you can be. And one last thing, you can grow up and become old and do serious things but still be a kid at times and have fun, just look at Shigeru Miyamoto, one of Nintendo's legends, who can be as famous as he is and do important things in life but still be goofy enough to show up to the Ubisoft E3 press conference while carrying a replica gun from the new Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle game. You can grow up to be even 64 years old and never lose what made you special along the way! Edited August 14, 2017 by WakingDawn96 5 NayNaySIXX, AwesomeKHfan, The Transcendent Key and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NayNaySIXX 44 Posted August 14, 2017 I'm 24 and a secondary school teacher and the kids think I'm awesome because I'm so different from their other teachers. Im very open with telling them I collect figures, watch Anime, play games, they even love the fact I have a Pokemon Tattoo. Honestly just do whatever makes you happy. There's nothing more annoying than being told to 'Grow up'. Why be the same old generic person when you can be something and someone completely different. I constantly push this at the school and i'm happy to say that the kids I teach have finally started viewing stuff 'out of the norm' to be totally awesome! That's why I love my job Just do what makes you happy, who cares what other people think! 4 The Transcendent Key, WakingDawn96, Sigrun and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cricket 1,180 Posted August 14, 2017 I'm 26 years old and love anime, video games, manga, etc. Do people stop me from being who I am? No. Did they use to? Yes, but I am my own person and I enjoy what I find interesting or what de-stresses me. Video games, anime, etc. helped me become the person I am today and also gave me a light for my career. If people cannot accept you are your own person/individual and you have things you like just as they have certain things they like, then move on or point that fact out to them as well. If you keep thinking this way, it will pile up unnecessary stress. 3 Sigrun, The Transcendent Key and RikuFangirl2008 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystics Apprentice 2,397 Posted August 14, 2017 I greatly think that you can be an adult and still be a kid at the same time. Just because you age doesn't mean that you should change who you are. There are some people who just don't like to shop, aren't interested in dating, and have interests in other places, and that's perfectly fine. While I do have adult responsibilities and live on my own, I don't go out for nights at the bar with my colleagues, or do things that I'm generally disinterested in. A good time to me is gaming, watching anime or movies, writing, or being creative somehow. Pretty much the same things that I used to love as a kid. I used to think that I had to give up things, too, and sometimes I still feel crushed by peers who are so different from me and make me feel immature. It's hard because a lot of adults forget their inner child as they age, and are generally uninteresting people. I haven't found anyone like me in the real world except for online, so it means I'm pretty isolated in my likings and beliefs. You just have to hold on to who you are, regardless of how people try to make you conform. There's nothing that says you have to be like everyone else. Good luck! 3 WakingDawn96, RikuFangirl2008 and Sigrun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrandir 783 Posted August 15, 2017 I think the same as everyone above. I also have 27, I love video games, anime, action figures, I even like MLP, but that doesn't mean that I have to pretend that I hate those things because everyone else says that I have to grow up. I know that as an adult I have other responsabilities, but I will never give up the things I like to do only because others want me to. Do what you love to do, no matter what others think you should do, this is your life, not theirs. You have the right to be happy and enjoy the things you like to do. 3 RikuFangirl2008, WakingDawn96 and Sigrun reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted August 15, 2017 Oh ho ho, the day that people tell you to be a certain way, just flip them off and respond with a hearty: "I'm gonna be my own person. Me, no one else!" People like us who don't behave like the generic tropes of society are often ridiculed and are dragged down simply for the fact that we view life in a different way. And when you look at things that way, it's just sad and depressing, ya know? I always tell my friends that people who don't know about anime, video games, good music and whatnot are terribly missing out on making amazing, lifelong friends! I am currently 22 years old, and though I am adult, I am a kid inside and out! Obviously, I have my serious moments and I'm mature when I have to be, but really, other than those particular moments, I'm a goofball! I love video games, anime, movies, comic books, manga, rock/instrumental/video game music, books, art and what have you! I love all of these things, as each of these individual things has helped me forge my personality along my life, ya know? Thanks to these things I'm as crazy as I am, and thanks to amazing friends with the same interests, I'm a very open person to the world when it comes to expressing the things I love! At work, everyone gets along with me, and when they see me, they brighten up and feel comfortable around me, and they enjoy my company, ya know? And me being the way I am, being able to make other people happy just makes me feel good, ya know? (I realize I'm saying ya know too much...goshdangit Rai, you rubbed off badly on me! ) Just be yourself, no matter what people say. The minute you stop being yourself is the moment that you lose who you are and what makes you special, ya know? I know for a fact that I'll remain as goofy as I am for the rest of my life, and God willing, when I have kids, I'll pass on the awesomeness of anime, video games and many more to them, and when I have grandchildren, they'll be witness to the badassery of old man Gabe! I'll be the coolest dad/grandpa ever! B) Seriously though, who wants to be normal? I shudder at that word...just hearing it gives me goosebumps. Normal people don't have that zest for life like us! We cherish life and therefore, we make life awesome! So enjoy what you love, and love what you enjoy! From the biggest goofball of life, me! 4 WakingDawn96, RikuFangirl2008, Sigrun and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RikuFangirl2008 1,368 Posted August 16, 2017 Oh ho ho, the day that people tell you to be a certain way, just flip them off and respond with a hearty: "I'm gonna be my own person. Me, no one else!" People like us who don't behave like the generic tropes of society are often ridiculed and are dragged down simply for the fact that we view life in a different way. And when you look at things that way, it's just sad and depressing, ya know? I always tell my friends that people who don't know about anime, video games, good music and whatnot are terribly missing out on making amazing, lifelong friends! I am currently 22 years old, and though I am adult, I am a kid inside and out! Obviously, I have my serious moments and I'm mature when I have to be, but really, other than those particular moments, I'm a goofball! I love video games, anime, movies, comic books, manga, rock/instrumental/video game music, books, art and what have you! I love all of these things, as each of these individual things has helped me forge my personality along my life, ya know? Thanks to these things I'm as crazy as I am, and thanks to amazing friends with the same interests, I'm a very open person to the world when it comes to expressing the things I love! At work, everyone gets along with me, and when they see me, they brighten up and feel comfortable around me, and they enjoy my company, ya know? And me being the way I am, being able to make other people happy just makes me feel good, ya know? (I realize I'm saying ya know too much...goshdangit Rai, you rubbed off badly on me! ) Just be yourself, no matter what people say. The minute you stop being yourself is the moment that you lose who you are and what makes you special, ya know? I know for a fact that I'll remain as goofy as I am for the rest of my life, and God willing, when I have kids, I'll pass on the awesomeness of anime, video games and many more to them, and when I have grandchildren, they'll be witness to the badassery of old man Gabe! I'll be the coolest dad/grandpa ever! B) Seriously though, who wants to be normal? I shudder at that word...just hearing it gives me goosebumps. Normal people don't have that zest for life like us! We cherish life and therefore, we make life awesome! So enjoy what you love, and love what you enjoy! From the biggest goofball of life, me! I think the same as everyone above. I also have 27, I love video games, anime, action figures, I even like MLP, but that doesn't mean that I have to pretend that I hate those things because everyone else says that I have to grow up. I know that as an adult I have other responsabilities, but I will never give up the things I like to do only because others want me to. Do what you love to do, no matter what others think you should do, this is your life, not theirs. You have the right to be happy and enjoy the things you like to do. I greatly think that you can be an adult and still be a kid at the same time. Just because you age doesn't mean that you should change who you are. There are some people who just don't like to shop, aren't interested in dating, and have interests in other places, and that's perfectly fine. While I do have adult responsibilities and live on my own, I don't go out for nights at the bar with my colleagues, or do things that I'm generally disinterested in. A good time to me is gaming, watching anime or movies, writing, or being creative somehow. Pretty much the same things that I used to love as a kid. I used to think that I had to give up things, too, and sometimes I still feel crushed by peers who are so different from me and make me feel immature. It's hard because a lot of adults forget their inner child as they age, and are generally uninteresting people. I haven't found anyone like me in the real world except for online, so it means I'm pretty isolated in my likings and beliefs. You just have to hold on to who you are, regardless of how people try to make you conform. There's nothing that says you have to be like everyone else. Good luck! I'm 26 years old and love anime, video games, manga, etc. Do people stop me from being who I am? No. Did they use to? Yes, but I am my own person and I enjoy what I find interesting or what de-stresses me. Video games, anime, etc. helped me become the person I am today and also gave me a light for my career. If people cannot accept you are your own person/individual and you have things you like just as they have certain things they like, then move on or point that fact out to them as well. If you keep thinking this way, it will pile up unnecessary stress. I'm 24 and a secondary school teacher and the kids think I'm awesome because I'm so different from their other teachers. Im very open with telling them I collect figures, watch Anime, play games, they even love the fact I have a Pokemon Tattoo. Honestly just do whatever makes you happy. There's nothing more annoying than being told to 'Grow up'. Why be the same old generic person when you can be something and someone completely different. I constantly push this at the school and i'm happy to say that the kids I teach have finally started viewing stuff 'out of the norm' to be totally awesome! That's why I love my job Just do what makes you happy, who cares what other people think! Trust me, you don't want to be "normal", you want to be yourself despite what other people say about you. I am only 21 years old, and yet I know for a fact that people will try and drag you down in the harshest ways possible, it's up to you to say "No, I'm not like you" and be your own person. It is when we decide to be ourselves that we aren't like the "normal" people, and that isn't a bad thing, it makes you special, and that specialness can be passed on to so many people who will differentiate themselves from the "normal" crowd and go on to be amazing people in life just because one person taught them to be themselves. Heck, there is a YouTuber of the name PeanutButterGamer, and he is around 26 years old, and he plays games for a living by making YouTube videos about them, and he still declares his love for silly things like Arthur (you know the PBS TV show), and he acts different from the normal crowd by being silly and random, but through all of his videos, I see that you can become older and still be yourself no matter who you are. You just need to decide who you are and decide what you want to be, and if you want to like video games, like action figures, and whatever else, you do that because that is who you are and there is no need to change that about yourself. You can only be you if you want to be happy in life, and if someone tries to bring you down, you just give them the look of "Watch me!" and you be yourself. I am 21, like I said, and I have never kissed a girl, been on a date, had a job, and I don't drink and I don't do any drugs, and my idea of a good time is playing my Nintendo Switch, and not just serious games either, I mean games like Splatoon, Mario, and heck I am even looking forward to Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Kirby, and even Yoshi, even though I do play some serious games as well, but I still do what I love and don't care what anybody else thinks, and I think I will always be like that. So you be you, no matter how old you get and stay away from the "normal" crowd, because when you stand out, you are the most special person you can be. And one last thing, you can grow up and become old and do serious things but still be a kid at times and have fun, just look at Shigeru Miyamoto, one of Nintendo's legends, who can be as famous as he is and do important things in life but still be goofy enough to show up to the Ubisoft E3 press conference while carrying a replica gun from the new Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle game. You can grow up to be even 64 years old and never lose what made you special along the way! Do whatever you want thats the beautiful part of begin an adult the difference is unlike a kid you have responsibilities and you uphold them then afterwards you do what you please. When some people get older they lose that spice that flaire then they get bland and get depressed. Live your life love will find it's way when you have your heart open. As long as you do what you love while making sure you are paying those bills you are contributing to society the only difference is you're not dead inside with a job that you don't hate. They say stuff like that because people want other people who aren't living their way to conform to their way of living not allowing anyone to be greater than them. Let em talk you know you are living the life you want to and the only reason they are saying stuff because they don't get to live the life they want so they'll drag you down to their level. Be great talk to more people who are good to you and have in common with and have a blast with your life as long as you take care of your responsibilities you live life how you want. They can have their little snobby dark pathetic space to themselves to grow old and bitter and wonder why they aren't happy. You can live and grow old to be happy and one day if you live to have kids/grandkids you pass on that greatness, that spark that lights up thier mind to be an inspiration to be great and they will truly be happy and have fulfilling lives. I know this post is long these topics make my blood boil because people be so negative and closed minded like a peanut never challenging their perspective never wanting to or feeling to learn something new or grow "because they already know everything." it pisses me off. Edit: im glad i accidentally clicked on this thread. Thank you guys! I will never loose my determination of the things that I love, by people's opinions. Just hearing all of your comments really made me feel better. I'm really glad I got into the very things cause if I didn't, I wouldn't be here, I would be stuck with this "big normal world". I wouldn't get the chance to see how people would express themselves with their own imagination. I just want to see new things, hear new things, wear new things. I am an adult and I'm aware of the very things that I need to do as an adult, but I still want to try new things. 4 Mystics Apprentice, Sigrun, The Transcendent Key and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted August 17, 2017 Thank you guys! I will never loose my determination of the things that I love, by people's opinions. Just hearing all of your comments really made me feel better. I'm really glad I got into the very things cause if I didn't, I wouldn't be here, I would be stuck with this "big normal world". I wouldn't get the chance to see how people would express themselves with their own imagination. I just want to see new things, hear new things, wear new things. I am an adult and I'm aware of the very things that I need to do as an adult, but I still want to try new things. Atta girl, that's the spirit! Don't ever let a person determine what you can or can't be, because only you are responsible for such a choice! You don't have to let go of the things you hold dear and the hobbies you love! Just because you're an adult doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the stuff you love! On the contrary, it makes your life all the more fun! So don't stop pushing forward! 1 RikuFangirl2008 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RikuFangirl2008 1,368 Posted August 17, 2017 Atta girl, that's the spirit! Don't ever let a person determine what you can or can't be, because only you are responsible for such a choice! You don't have to let go of the things you hold dear and the hobbies you love! Just because you're an adult doesn't mean that you can't enjoy the stuff you love! On the contrary, it makes your life all the more fun! So don't stop pushing forward! Yeah! You're right! I won't stop! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted August 18, 2017 (edited) Yeah! You're right! I won't stop! Good! Never let other people get you down! Because if you do let them get to you, they'll only win, so by you succeeding with your life and doing the things you love, that's the way you'll utterly crush all naysayers in defeat! Edited August 18, 2017 by The Transcendent Key 1 RikuFangirl2008 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King.Mickey 359 Posted August 18, 2017 If this is too much, can you remove this post? I hope I'm posting this in the right spot. I just want to vent about this. I don't know how to go about saying it. But I'm going to try and just vent about. I'm sure a lot of us, hear this kind of sayings: "You are 27 close to 30 years, old. You need to dress up like you're an adult." "You are into the weird stuff." "Don't you think you're too old playing video games, collecting toys (Action Figures), etc." These sayings weighs me down like gravity. It really upsets me to a whole. The more I hear things like this, the more fear is added on. And the more the fear is added on to me, the more determine I am to get things that I want, no matter what people say about it. It's like as I hear talk like this, it's like I'm being pressured to "GROW UP" and do adult-y things. Go out and mingle with people, not stay home and play video games, get myself a man and start a family, go shopping with women, etc. I get nagged at over mingling with people and finding myself a boyfriend. Thinking about this makes me want to just not even both people in general, in real life. Just go to my future job, do my hours, talk to people and be sociable yes, but not do adult activities with them. Just sit in the sidelines and watch the crowd from afar. I've been called anti-sociable my by late aunt when I was a kid. I'm very shy, but I do pick and choose who I want to talk to. There are topics that I don't want to talk about, but yet talking about anime and video games comforts me. Is it wrong that I'm 3 years close to being 30 and I enjoy topics like that? Is it wrong that I want to add a little excitement and flair to my clothes (clothes that I want to take a break from the dressy casual kind), no matter how many times people would think that I'm not my age? I'm just filed up with these opinions, these sayings, and the whole talk that I need to contribute to society. The adult fear is eating me alive but yet it adds fuel to my burning determination. All I wanted to do is add a little excitement to my life and remember things, that I could possibly share to someone younger. I'm aware of what I am now, but that's what I want to do and not care of what people thinks. Thanks for letting me vent this. And sorry if this is too much to read.... The people who try to tell you to be someone you're not are complete snobs. In my opinion, the best adults are the fun, caring and interesting ones. us, basically. I'm 25 and still obsessed with Mickey Mouse. Always will be. it's their loss; we're the ones having all the fun! 1 RikuFangirl2008 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites