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Defending situation commands and no dual keyblades.

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Hello everyone. I think with the whole situation command mechanic is amazing. Think about it. You can use it if you want to, or not. It's really simple. There giving us a chance to choose our playstyle on a press of a button. It could prove useful if someone runs out of mp but still have ja magic. That's useful. And dual keyblades. Who needs them? No offense but sora is actually in my opinion fully has master potential in KH3. His keyblade transformation are giving him some substance unlike dual keyblades. Not to mention sora is gonna be more powerful(as with the toy story keyblade ). But alias, no final and antiform anymore. I still don't know if there will be a gimmick for using them too much.tell me what you think. :)

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Hello everyone. I think with the whole situation command mechanic is amazing. Think about it. You can use it if you want to, or not. It's really simple. There giving us a chance to choose our playstyle on a press of a button


Hello everyone. I think with the whole "Drive" in the command menu is amazing. Think about it. You can use it if you want to, or not. It's really simple. There giving us a chance to choose our playstyle on a press of two button (one with autodrive ability).


You're not really defending Situation command here. This argument can apply to almost everything in video games (you can choose to use magic, or not ! Just don't press the buttons ! Yay)




So then, why am I, like many others, against the situation commands ?


First : You can't choose when to activate it. Making strategies less reliable and adding randomness into fights.


Two : You can choose not to use it. I'd like to differ. As you can see, KH3 uses the power of the PS4 to provides us with bigger maps than ever in KH, but also with even more enemies. Did you try to count how many enemies there is each time Sora get into a crowd fight in the trailers ? Answer : MANY !



D23 EXPO 2017 trailer :

- 17 in front of TT manor 

- 7 in Toy Story 1st fight which then cut into a fight with ...

- 11 heartless (is it the same fight or the crowd fight of the room, we don't know)

- 7 on the roof

- 19 in front of the house (damn, and it's before the shadows appears)

- more than 15 in the toy store


ORCHESTRA trailer 2017 :

- 18 in the first fight

- 15 in the fight with second form

- I'll stop here, ok ?


When you have some bases in game design, you know that you make levels and enemies for the players to use his abilities, exemple :

If you have given a Sniper rifle to the player, you will put enemies on a balcony far away so the player has a use to his sniper rifle.

With that in mind, let's see why I differ : on the one hand the game gives you Situations Commands with massive destruction power that you can use without any cost, on the other hand the game send you enemies by packages of 15. 

The fights are designed so you have to use Situation Command to be efficient (which is perfectly understandable, that's what make ituseful). Imagine fighting 20 enemies without using them, it's long and dangerous, and it's only the first wave of the first crowd fight in this world. And this leads me to my third point :


Three : You can (and must) use them in every single fights ! And they all build up the same way, by hitting enemies fast enough. See the problem here ? Every fight will feel the same : quick combo this enemy fast, use some magic to build -ja.s  too, use your OP situation commands which will work in every situations, do it again.


- "But there are different situation commands with different uses ! "

- "Maybe, but the only way to decide what situation command you'll get is the choice of your keyblade, which only impacts the Keyblade transformation command, and the magic you chose to spam, because you have to do it fast enough ya'know. All the others are random (looking at you, attraction flow (and maybe limits too))."

- "But maybe the situation commands are not OP and just a way to add diversity to the fights (with randomness to force diversity)."

- "Then you still have to defeat waves of 20 enemies, if you don't see the problem, go to point two. But the situations commands will be OP, or else there wouldn't be 20 enemies at the same time !"


It's easy to see what type of gameplay the Osaka team wants to give us : Many enemies, but if you hit them good, we reward you with super strong and flashy attacks and you can kil... hum ... destroy them all !

I did choose my word well, the situation commands are not an option for the player to use, but a reward, a reward you get each fight. That's why I have a problem with situation command, they put limits on how you can play the game and prevent strategy in favor of flashiness.



P.S : Sorry for bad english.



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I honestly believe that Kingdom Hearts III's gameplay is one of the most ambitious in the series yet, and I'm really happy with the direction it's taken! The fact that we have so many options and so many different ways to go about combat really opens up possibilities for epic battles of Heartless and Nobody slaying epicness! I thought situation commands were pretty awesome in 0.2, and given that Kingdom Hearts III will probably have even better versions of said Situation Commands, the game will play in godlike fashion! :3

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