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Endless Thundaga

Roleplay RE Kingdom Hearts: Dark Desires RP

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             Stephen summoned his keyblade. He didn't like the look of this lady one bit. He got in his fighting stance to prepar for an attack. He gripped his keyblade in great desperation. "Spectre what should we do about this creep?"


- Alin Cruz - The Punchy McSass Girl - Traverse Town -


Alin couldn't help but smile as the mysterious woman began speaking what she would do if she was an enemy, which caused Alin to break out halfway through the woman's speech.


"Christ, She even monologues like one!" Alin snarked as she then hear the ethereal voice coming from her. "Oh, that was uncessessarily dramatic." Alin followed up with a shrug, as the soldier boys spoke for her as the woman only creeped closer to them, holding out her arms to her side as if to invite them to attack her.


Ina in particular seemed to keep her cool in the situation, finally, someone else with backbone.


Alin's expression turned into a frown and a mocking smile as the woman spoke the exact words. 


"Now you decide: What am I? Friend, foe or something more? What happens next is on you."


"Now hold it right there." Alin had to stop everything right there as she walked in front of the group, facing the ghost woman eye to eye.

"Enough with your drama or cryptic speech, as FireMan said, just speak your intentions else you are just wasting your, and everyone else's time." Alin spoke, folding her arms.

"I'l ask you again. What the hell do you want. You and...your drama queen friend." Alin spoke cleanly and directly.


Saros grumbled under his breath, raising an eyebrow as he watched this new challenger approaching. No hello, no accusations, just straight up challenging them to a fight. "We don't have time for this..." Saros muttered under his breath, gripping his handheld game tighter as he looked up. There's only so much one can do. They already had such a large group, and the worry of searching for Xavier. "(This is getting out of hand.)" Saros thought, bitting his lip slightly. If they let their guard down it would be begging for Xavier to get them once he saw the chance for it. Saros stepped a tad bit closer. "We mean no harm to you, nor we have qualms against you. Unless you want to get to the point and tell us what is it that you want, we are quite busy with stuff to do." Saros said, groaning loudly as he proceeded to point at Stephen. "Like Talion said. Unless you're here for his bounty, then to which I guess we could find a compromise." Saros said, glancing over at Alin. "Don't give her an excuse to actually fight us. We have better, more important things to do. Seriously." Saros hummed, waving his handheld game at Alin.


              "I'll like to know more about that something else." Stephen chuckled in a joking manner. "What the hell do you even want right now, like you just show up out of nowhere with your weird eyes and cryptic messages just stop and tell us!" Stephen shouted aggravatedly. Stephen puts on his helmet. "ATLAS give me a thermal scan of the creepy lady." Stephen ordered "There are no heat signatures operator!" ATLAS says confused. "What the hell?" Stephen mutters looking at the lanky woman. 


- Arwen Nestarial, the Blighted Lady/Ithil, the Wraith - Traverse Town -


It would seem that the group was irritable, impatient and not in the mood for this, though when the time came, mood would be irrelevant, yet Arwen decided, against the protests of Ithil in her mind that she simply blocked out, to concede with a sigh, though Stephen's shouting was not welcome. "You could at least keep your voice down, young man. You're lucky I'm on your side, not an ally of Xavier's." Arwen uttered, with a finger pointing down at him, then a thumb to herself and an aside gesture as she looked back to the rest of them. "Look, I apologise, but you must understand, while I said that if I were in his place you'd all be dead, it doesn't mean Xavier is incompetent. He cares not for your moods or convenience." She said, shaking her head and pointing to the skies as she mentioned Xavier. It didn't take long for Ithil to get restless and materialize next to Arwen, with a sullen expression. "To be fair, this was my idea. It was a test. I wanted us to see if you were at all impulsive, easy to anger or capable of judging someone beyond their cover." Ithil commented, but Arwen then stood in front of her, a little sheepish as she did. "Excuse her, she's not wrong, but she has no filter, so sorry if she insulted any of you." Her Wraith raised a finger in protest, then tried to peek around Arwen, who simply kept getting in her way.


"It was an attempt to judge your characters from the get go. It failed and I'm sorr--ow! Hey!!"


- Talion Glandur, "The Sunbreaker" - Had Enough -


Talion had waltzed up to Arwen and Ithil in the middle of their chatter and simply grabbed Arwen by her ear, leaving her at his mercy despite her apparent power. "We can all have a good apologetic discussion and introduction later. Right now, we have a job to do. Now get in the ship, Arwen." Talion ordered, while revealing her name to all, which puzzled Arwen, though most would find it hard to see her being puzzled behind the scrunched up expression of pain she was constantly wearing as a result of Talion. "Wha--? H-How, do you--Ow! Leggo!" Arwen protested, waving her arms in futility, Ithil followed closely, almost unable to contain her urge to burst out laughing.


"I will take full responsibility of anything that happens, just let her in." Talion assured Spectre, who was already on edge as it was, leading Arwen past him and to the Gummi Ship, finally releasing her ear but forcibly tapping her into the open doors. After a brief exhale of breath, Talion turned around completely to face the others and cleared his throat.


"That's Arwen Nestarial, Bright Lady of Radiant Garden. I've heard of her in my travels and she is a Wraithbound. Very powerful, very kind, very, very compassionate. She was almost drowned in the Darkness of Radiant Garden's Keyhole, but she somehow pulled through, mostly the same, but the Darkness is still in her, it's bound to have effects, but let's discuss this further later. Now, all of you here, might I kindly suggest you all do one thing: Get in the Gummi Ship." Talion explained curtly, then pointed his thumb back to the ship door upon his "suggestion" and then marched into the ship after Arwen, bringing an end to the charade she began.


        Stephen was amazed at what just happened. How much power does she contain in herself. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Stephen volentured. Inside of him he could feel a itching inside of him wanting to investigate.




"Spectre what should we do about this creep?" he heard Stephen say behind him as he heard the characteristic sound of a keyblade being drawn.

"You. Stay. Still." Spectre growled in the most 'don't screw this up' tone that has ever escaped his mouth. Alin's intervention of the whole situation didn't help either since she is now in direct line of fire for both him and Shadow. At least her comments kept this situation bearable, although he wasn't sure how to interpret the 'they're just gonna waste ammo' remark. "Enough with your drama or cryptic speech, as FireMan said, just speak your intentions else you are just wasting your, and everyone else's time. I'll ask you again. What the hell do you want. You and...your drama queen friend."


"We mean no harm to you," Saros chimed in, "nor we have qualms against you. Unless you want to get to the point and tell us what is it that you want, we are quite busy with stuff to do. Like Talion said. Unless you're here for his bounty, then to which I guess we could find a compromise. Don't give her an excuse to actually fight us. We have better, more important things to do. Seriously."


"He's right," Spectre added, "if you're here for the bounty, then by all means, go for it. My boys will stand aside, since it isn't our problem. I apologize for any miscommunication." He had a completely serious tone, with no hint of deception whatsoever. He really had no regards for someone with a bounty on his head that then decided to drag his sorry butt, and thus his friends, into because of being at the wrong place at the right time. At least this way, I won't have to worry about someone going rogue because 'I can't trust you' and all that shenanigans.


"I'll like to know more about that something else," he heard the boy with the bounty on his head say, "What the hell do you even want right now, like you just show up out of nowhere with your weird eyes and cryptic messages just stop and tell us! ATLAS give me a thermal scan of the creepy lady."

In a break of discipline, Spectre actually cackled. "You're in for a treat..." he growled again, this time with a sadistic grin. Amateur.

"There are no heat signatures operator!"

"What the hell?"

And this is all the information I need on the guy. Threat level: Minimal. Relies on a weird looking helmet that can talk. Has a bounty, but also a keyblade, yet lacks knowledge on darkness. What are you, really?"


"You could at least keep your voice down, young man. You're lucky I'm on your side, not an ally of Xavier's." Seeing the orange-eyed girl sigh, Ghost relaxed his stance as he let his right arm fall limp. Spectre and Shadow however were still on edge, but at least Shadow dissipated the energy cone of his rifle. As it turned out, he was intending to use it as a really nasty bayonet if things went south.

"Look, I apologise, but you must understand, while I said that if I were in his place you'd all be dead, it doesn't mean Xavier is incompetent. He cares not for your moods or convenience."

"Apology accepted," Spectre, Shadow, and Ghost announced in eerie unison, "you are cleared to approach."

 "To be fair, this was my idea. It was a test. I wanted us to see if you were at all impulsive, easy to anger or capable of judging someone beyond their cover."

"Well then," Spectre smirked as he stood aside for her to enter the ship, "I hope my boys and I passed. Ditto on the rest of the group. Now get in."

"Excuse her, she's not wrong, but she has no filter, so sorry if she insulted any of you."

"We can all have a good apologetic discussion and introduction later. Right now, we have a job to do. Now get in the ship, Arwen. I will take full responsibility of anything that happens, just let her in."


Noting Arwen's name, Spectre nodded. "Request approved. Welcome aboard, Arwen, Talion Glandur THE GLAMOROUS PALADINTM."

"That's Arwen Nestarial, Bright Lady of Radiant Garden. I've heard of her in my travels and she is a Wraithbound. Very powerful, very kind, very, very compassionate. She was almost drowned in the Darkness of Radiant Garden's Keyhole, but she somehow pulled through, mostly the same, but the Darkness is still in her, it's bound to have effects, but let's discuss this further later. Now, all of you here, might I kindly suggest you all do one thing: Get in the Gummi Ship."


Spirit had watched the whole spectacle from the cockpit, and was relieved to see the whole situation resolved without anyone getting hurt. As the group started to board, Spirit started the ship up, spooling the gummi engines up and reading the dazzling array of screens and numbers that danced around on the console as the ship became operational. Only after everyone boarded would the gummi ship take off to wherever destination that would be decided by the group in the main living area.


While everyone was boarding, Spectre grabbed Saros and Stephen by their shoulders. "You," he gripped his hand a little tighter on Saros, "I need your name, since you only said 'Susan, Ina and I.' Tell me what it is, and you're free to go." He looked over at Stephen and then gripped his shoulder a little tighter. "As for you, no exceptions. Depending on how this trip goes, you're gonna have to get acquainted with the brig pretty quick if we're all needed in the cockpit. You know, having a bounty and all that. The talking helmet is icing on the cake though. I needed that laugh."

"Oh, him?" Ghost chimed in from behind his leader, "I remember overhearing an exchange between him and Alin. It's Saros. Or Whippy, as Alin calls him. Your choice."

Spectre sighed, and released his hand off Saros. "Welcome aboard, Saros."

"Go on in Whippy!" Ghost smiled. 

"Whoopie Whippy!" Shadow giggled, happy that the standoff resulted in no casualties on both sides.

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Susan also notices that a stranger approaches the group. But before she could react, they reveal that they have no hostile intentions. "We need to go now." She proceeds to board the ship.


Meanwhile, Jynn was relieved to hear that Eclaire was going to stay by his side and offer her power to the group. "Great! Let's get goin........" He pauses as he noticed the newcomer. He wasn't interested in getting involved, but it seemed that the situation was solved and the newcomer was an ally. He turns back to Eclaire. "Sorry about that. Let's get inside so I can tell you what you need to know." He enters the Gummi Ship.

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Arrival at Polynesian Sea


A few hours after everyone boards the Gummi Ship, a new world appears on their radar. It is the oceanic world known as the Polynesian Sea. It contains a few islands, and a dark cloudy area, full of smoke and lava erupting from the depths.


For those of you who are listed as "Seekers", your goal is to find the keyhole to the world, and lock it, while eliminating those who upset the balance of light and darkness as well as small Heartless.


For those of you listed as "Eliminators", your job is to clear away small and Heartless bosses that might get in the way of the Seekers.


Seekers: Susan, Kalm, Ghost & co., Tailon, Jynn & Eclaire


Eliminators: Saros, Ina, Alin, Zion, Stephen, Arwen, Magnus



Susan enters the cockpit and gets a view of the new world. It was vast and oceanic. The water is a brilliant blue, and the waves were calm. She soon spots a small island. "Hey look. Maybe we could land there." Jynn, hearing Susan comes up to see the world as well. His eyes widen in awe. "Whoa.........." Susan takes a quick glance at him. "It's just water. What's so fascinating about it to you?" Jynn is silent for a moment, but he answers her. "My world doesn't have this much water. We have large lakes, but they are not vast like this." He tries to get Eclaire's attention. "Eclaire! Come up here! Check out the view!"

Edited by Endless Thundaga

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               Steven squirmed when Spectre put his hand on his shoulder. Steven thought he needed more self control. He was making bad first impressions and he could feel that Spectre and half of the group did not like him. He also heard Spectre crack a joke about ATLAS.He did not take it too well he had been making ATLAS for 4 years. "I'll try my best to stay out of you hair." He says sadly to Spectre. Steven walks to the armoury in hopes of creating new armour.

Edited by Cyber_Spider YT

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Saros sighed heavily at the resurfacing, and spreading of his nickname. Not really like he could fight it. It had stuck to him, and will most likely stick to him until the day he died. "Saros, or Whippy. Either is fine." Saros muttered, stepping into the ship, as he smiled at Spectre. "Thank you." He said. Soon, they had hyper jumped into the nearest world. A beautiful one of islands and blue seas. Saros leaned against the nearest window, whistling. "Beautiful." Saros whispered, smiling as he looked over. "Man...now I want a beach vacation..." Saros hummed. He looked over at the group. Holy crap there were a lot. "(Well, the more the merrier, and stronger, yes?)" Saros thought, looking over out the window as he saw the smoke rising on the horizon. "We should talk to the locals after landing about...whatever it's out there." Saros said, stepping away as he walked over Stephen. "Don't worry. We're all one big mix of misfits. We're bound to get along eventually." Saros offered playfully as he watched him go. "(Keep an eye on him still. I'll limit anymore clones until I've regained my mana.)"

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              Steven accepted Saros's attempt at lighting up the mood. Steven decided to sit next to Saros because he seemed to be the only person comfortable with him."Don't mind if I sit do you?" Steven said as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a password locked container.

Edited by Cyber_Spider YT

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- Alin Cruz - Just waking up - Gummi ship - 


Alin, unlike most of the others in the group, slept for most of the voyage to another planet, she always got sleepy on vehicles and the like, usualy she'd just take a good short nap, but this time it was a full blown slumber until they arrived, which the commotion woke her up, from the ship orbiting the world and the others commenting on it, some rushing to the windows to see the world's splendor.


"Either we get along or there will be infighting, and that just brings a whole heap of trouble." Alin commented to Whippy's remark. As she stretched her arms. "Mornin' i slept well." Alin commented, mostly to herself as she looked out the window. Pretty world, before she pondered Whippy's idea. 


"World seems like normal to me, but that just means we got here before the mess happens. That is good." Alin added. 


"Does this ship have any scanner or anything that can detect possible abnormalities in the worlds?" Alin asked, the soldier boys.

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Susan also notices that a stranger approaches the group. But before she could react, they reveal that they have no hostile intentions. "We need to go now." She proceeds to board the ship.

Meanwhile, Jynn was relieved to hear that Eclaire was going to stay by his side and offer her power to the group. "Great! Let's get goin........" He pauses as he noticed the newcomer. He wasn't interested in getting involved, but it seemed that the situation was solved and the newcomer was an ally. He turns back to Eclaire. "Sorry about that. Let's get inside so I can tell you what you need to know." He enters the Gummi Ship.



Arrival at Polynesian Sea

A few hours after everyone boards the Gummi Ship, a new world appears on their radar. It is the oceanic world known as the Polynesian Sea. It contains a few islands, and a dark cloudy area, full of smoke and lava erupting from the depths.

For those of you who are listed as "Seekers", your goal is to find the keyhole to the world, and lock it, while eliminating those who upset the balance of light and darkness as well as small Heartless.

For those of you listed as "Eliminators", your job is to clear away small and Heartless bosses that might get in the way of the Seekers.

Seekers: Susan, Kalm, Ghost & co., Tailon, Jynn & Eclaire

Eliminators: Saros, Ina, Alin, Zion, Stephen, Arwen, Magnus

Susan enters the cockpit and gets a view of the new world. It was vast and oceanic. The water is a brilliant blue, and the waves were calm. She soon spots a small island. "Hey look. Maybe we could land there." Jynn, hearing Susan comes up to see the world as well. His eyes widen in awe. "Whoa.........." Susan takes a quick glance at him. "It's just water. What's so fascinating about it to you?" Jynn is silent for a moment, but he answers her. "My world doesn't have this much water. We have large lakes, but they are not vast like this." He tries to get Eclaire's attention. "Eclaire! Come up here! Check out the view!"



               Stephen squirmed when Spectre put his hand on his shoulder. Stephen thought he needed more self control. He was making bad first impressions and he could feel that Spectre and half of the group did not like him. He also heard Spectre crack a joke about ATLAS.He did not take it too well he had been making ATLAS for 4 years. "I'll try my best to stay out of you hair." He says sadly to Spectre. Stephen walks to the armoury in hopes of creating new armour.



Saros sighed heavily at the resurfacing, and spreading of his nickname. Not really like he could fight it. It had stuck to him, and will most likely stick to him until the day he died. "Saros, or Whippy. Either is fine." Saros muttered, stepping into the ship, as he smiled at Spectre. "Thank you." He said. Soon, they had hyper jumped into the nearest world. A beautiful one of islands and blue seas. Saros leaned against the nearest window, whistling. "Beautiful." Saros whispered, smiling as he looked over. "Man...now I want a beach vacation..." Saros hummed. He looked over at the group. Holy crap there were a lot. "(Well, the more the merrier, and stronger, yes?)" Saros thought, looking over out the window as he saw the smoke rising on the horizon. "We should talk to the locals after landing about...whatever it's out there." Saros said, stepping away as he walked over Stephen. "Don't worry. We're all one big mix of misfits. We're bound to get along eventually." Saros offered playfully as he watched him go. "(Keep an eye on him still. I'll limit anymore clones until I've regained my mana.)"



              Stephen accepted Saros's attempt at lighting up the mood. Stephen decided to sit next to Saros because he seemed to be the only person comfortable with him."Don't mind if I sit do you?" Stephen said as he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a password locked container.



- Alin Cruz - Just waking up - Gummi ship - 


Alin, unlike most of the others in the group, slept for most of the voyage to another planet, she always got sleepy on vehicles and the like, usualy she'd just take a good short nap, but this time it was a full blown slumber until they arrived, which the commotion woke her up, from the ship orbiting the world and the others commenting on it, some rushing to the windows to see the world's splendor.


"Either we get along or there will be infighting, and that just brings a whole heap of trouble." Alin commented to Whippy's remark. As she stretched her arms. "Mornin' i slept well." Alin commented, mostly to herself as she looked out the window. Pretty world, before she pondered Whippy's idea. 


"World seems like normal to me, but that just means we got here before the mess happens. That is good." Alin added. 


"Does this ship have any scanner or anything that can detect possible abnormalities in the worlds?" Alin asked, the soldier boys.




>IFF: Active. Gummi Ship Vigilant

>Current Status: Armed, transiting.

>Report: Spectre. Have made contact with individuals with keyblades. Transiting to Polynesian Sea. Will send coordinates for database update. Sending names now, requesting declassified dossier on names. Stephen Osiemi has bounty, please advise. Also coffee reserves low. End.

>>>Transmission Sent<<<


>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

>Location: Command HQ

>Authentication Code: Verified

>Message: Available dossiers on names sent. Confirm landing for Polynesian Sea; ship will do the rest. No available information for Stephen Osiemi bounty on file; handle at squad's discretion. Quartermaster has sent a resupply box for coffee and yumyums, ETA 3 hour. Out.


"Man it feels good to be back!" Ghost stretched as he plopped his keyblade armored butt on the pilot's seat, "though it feels weird having people we barely know in our living quarters."

Spectre had just finished reading the reply from command before offering a retort. "Well, Master Susan is a confirmed keyblade master, so it shouldn't feel too weird. The only thing that's weird is the fact that we don't have this Polynesian Sea world in our databases. Oh well. Hopefully she's right on this navigation instructions." He had pushed all the information he could get onto the squad's personal tactical pads, and while in transit, they poured over the information. It wasn't much to begin with; only those who trained under the masters were the ones with actual dossiers. Even then, it only contained their name, age, gender, the names chosen for their keyblades and a few words about their observed personalities.

Spirit chuckled as he scrolled through the basic files. "It's like reading a really crappy character sheet for some Castles and Nobodies session, eh?"

"At least it gets the message across," Spectre replied back. 

"Oi," Ghost smiled, "wanna do Saros a favor and send a 'change of information' request to command? Have his nickname officially recognized as Whippy by all the masters and apprentices?"

"That would be cruel. However, his nickname is none of my concern so I won't intervene."

"You were his only hope, man!"

"Wait," Spirit interjected, "Who's Whippy?"

Ghost smiled mischievously. "Saros! That's his nickname now!"

"I'm strangely ok with this."

Spectre sighed. "Spirit... I expected better from you."

"But Whippy though!"

"Yeah! Whippy!"

As Ghost and Spirit were chanting 'Whippy' playfully, Spectre pondered how to look up information on Stephen. Part of him wanted to just punch his name into MoogleTM and see if anything pops up in the search results, the other half thinking to just leave it alone. I mean, he has a bounty on his head. There's gotta be a reason for that. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, Spectre punched in the name into the popular search engine and started reading on any articles about "Stephen Osiemi knight of osiris,"  thankful for having the name and title. The more specific the name, the better and narrower the results from a search engine...


Shadow had been watching Stephen the whole time during the transit; since they weren't engaging with heartless, there was no need for his role as fire controller. He was just leaning against a nearby wall, quietly putting his other role as scout to good use as he observed everyone's behavior and interactions, but mostly watching Stephen to make sure he didn't do anything bad as he was ordered to. I wonder what this guy did to have a price on his head? Every now and then, he would read the dossier files that was on his pad, but otherwise joined in on any conversation when appropriate and maintained a keen eye on Stephen.



"Hey," Spectre notified the group, "I got something on radar."

"It's... An uncharted world! She was right!" Spirit gasped.

Ghost reached for the nearby mic on his console. "Attention all passengers, this is your pilot speaking. We are currently approaching a new world and are starting our landing procedures. Since there are no seatbelts for any of you to fasten........ Yeah... Find a seat or something." Admittedly it wasn't necessary: Ghost was the team's best pilot. The ship descended onto the world, and eventually the clouds in the upper atmosphere gave way to the serene looking oceans below.

"Hey look. Maybe we could land there."

Ghost looked over to where Susan noticed the island. "Right away, Master." He pulled on the control stick smoothly, causing the ship to gently roll and descend onto the island. As they approached the island, the rest of the team were glued to their screens and were typing furiously as they requested a sensor frenzy from the ship, gathering as much information as possible about the world below since it was uncharted. Radar, sonar, Doppler, anything and everything that could be used to map out their surroundings were being utilized to the fullest extent possible to give them an information picture of what to expect once they landed. 

"Does this ship have any scanner or anything that can detect possible abnormalities in the worlds?" Alin asked the squad.

"Sorry," Ghost replied, "our ship isn't capable of that. It's a gunship, not one of those fancy flying scanners."


"This is an uncharted world," Spirit added, "So I'm sorry to say we're going in mostly blind on this one. The ship can do local scans such as terrain, buildings and points of interest around us, but not the entire world. If there is open skies above us or not too much of a ceiling, the ship can be used to support us, otherwise we're out of luck. At least its wide open waters here, so our cannons might be useful this time around." Spectre was confirming the location to later send out to his superiors, but was otherwise just as dazzled about the views as everyone else that was looking outside. It wasn't long before Ghost made the ship gracefully and gently touchdown onto the island, and the engines quieted to a low idle.


They had finally landed


The boarding ramp lowered, allowing everyone to exit the craft. Only after everyone left and a thorough sweep of the ship would the squad exit and join the group, allowing the autopilot that Ghost programmed to take controls and have it fly high in the skies above them in a lazy circle. Even before they would leave the ship, the views of the azure ocean stunned all of the squad members; they had never seen anything like it before. Except for Spirit, who had only seen pictures of it while reading through a geography book. "It's a lot more beautiful in person," Spirit breathed, "Lets get out there and check it out!"

Edited by Javelin434

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Ina woke up as she heard the bustle of people readying for landfall. After a stretch and a yawn, she headed to the cockpit to see the new world.

"Welp, I think I just found the place for my next vacation." She said, looking at the paradise below. "Those beaches look divine."

With the ship landing, Ina took a moment to grab a small bite to eat. She had learned a long time ago to eat and sleep when the opportunity presented itself, because you couldn't be sure when you could do so again. She was half way through a ration bar when she heard Spirit's call to head out.

"Last one on the beach is a sad crab!" The Apprentice called out and ran down the boarding ramp.

Spirit had been right. The beautiful beach was even better in person. Ina was knee deep in the water before she slowed, laughing and spinning in the sunlight.

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                       Steven was excited this was going to be the first mission with the team. The ocean waters reminded him of his homeworld before the uprising. Through his peripheral vision he could see that some dude was watching him carefully. He felt that Spectre guy put him up to it. Steven decided to walk next to and talk to Saros who seemed comfortable around him.

Edited by Cyber_Spider YT

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Saros stepped out into the ramp, covering his eyes momentarily as they adjusted to the sunlight. It was an absolutely stunning place, a scenario he wasn't used to nor seen before in his short life. One of those that made it worth actually stepping outside of your room to visit and explore. One of those few. Ina was already running out into the water, Saros chuckling after her. "Can crabs even get sad?" Saros asked, stopping right by the shore, just a few inches from the water reaching his feet. It was so clear he could see the bottom of it! "(We should return here some day.)" Saros thought, removing his hoodie before he tied it around his waist. His eyes simply gleamed at the beauty of it, a beauty he hadn't seen before but loved instantly. Like a child with a toy. Yeah, this world was definitely one worth fighting for. He reached into the water, picking up a small, nice looking seashell with pink hues before drying it briefly and putting it away in the safe place that was his pocket. For a moment he contemplated into stepping in and joining Alin in her celebration, but hesitated at the last moment. "(Wait...I can't swim.)" Saros gulped, taking a step away and safe. "(We mustn't get distracted easily. We have a job to do.)" Saros thought, looking around and into the mainland, seeing multiple man-made paths of wornout grass leading in. The sunlight didn't provide with as many shadows to his advantage as Traverse Town did, but just enough. Not like it was a bad thing anyways. He looked over to Stephen, offering a smile. They were one weird group, but that had it's own charm. "I think we should head inland." Saros suggested, thinking of the smoky, dark area they saw before they landed. "It would be a shame to see this world go too." Saros looked over to Stephen. "Ever been to this world before?"

Edited by Stardustblade358

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- Talion Glandur and Arwen Nestarial/Ithil, the Wraith - Gummi Ship "Vigilant"/Polynesian Sea -


After everyone else had entered the Gummi Ship known as the Vigilant, Talion escorted Arwen to the Living Quarters section of the rather sizable ship, picking out a room for them to stay in and sat her down in short order, the entire time she and her Wraith friend remained quiet until they were halfway to their destination. Talion was sharpening his Sword, a weapon he had not used in the battles prior, yet he wanted to keep it sharp and ready, when Arwen sighed, prompting Ithil to materialize, sitting next to her on the bed opposite Talions.


"You two are gonna have to say something at some point. None of us can work as a team with awkward silences." Ithil quipped, with Arwen responding in kind with a slight glare. "To be fair...I was just carted into this ship by my ear." "I don't recall you really fighting back! Almost like you deserved it~" "Well in that case, so did you! As you feel my pain, so I wouldn't laugh too soon, you minx." "You never had to follow that idea of mine in the first place, you could've just been your usual self and said "Hi!", eh?" "Okay, first of all--"


"Ladies, please. I'm perfectly happy to talk with you two, I've been more than welcoming to listen since we got here!" Talion finally interjected, despite the amusement he felt toward their little squabble, leaning forward as he continued. "Though I am sorry for the earpull, Arwen, I figured however, what better way to cease and desist with the dramatic flair than to do something unexpected?" He said, a little sheepish, but otherwise fine. Arwen contemplated her response for but a moment, before chuckling to herself. "It's more than all right. We both made the mistake, so we earned the...well, discipline." She spoke candidly, raising her hand to silence Ithil who was about to complain again. "I, never caught your name, yet you've heard of me." Arwen added, ever so slightly tilting her head.


"Talion. Talion Glandur, known as the Sunbreaker in more than a few worlds. I've taken a liking to the title, just as I've taken a liking to your tales and exploits." Talion said, looking upon Arwen with humility, despite her altered state, he could still feel a brightness within her spirit. "Oh, you're too kind to me, Talion...aside from the earpulling business, of course. But I'm flattered nonetheless." Arwen admitted, though she took some pride in teasing Talion, despite knowing she deserved some form of recompense, his unorthodox method was hilarious to her and Ithil, though even Talion laughed at her comment.


"I should use that method more often, it seems. Now, get some sleep. We've a long journey, Arwen." Talion finished with his sword, putting it to one side and laying down upon his bed, while Arwen began to lie on hers, Ithil disappearing once more. "Agreed. Though, I feel I must watch for that Zion. You've heard of her, right?" Arwen questioned, though Talion was more than puzzled. "The one with Wings? She's called Zion? And...why worry?" He quizzed, to which Arwen scoffed. "She has a reputation in more than a few fields...Goddess of Light, Wife of Xion...Consumer of Tacos. You'll like her." She explained between a few chuckles of admiration, Talion only responding with a closing of his eyes and sighing for things to come.





The Next Day...


Talion and Arwen were assigned with their roles of Seeker and Eliminator, respectively, necessitating a parting of ways for now, wishing each other good luck in their roles.


Talion walked with the Seekers, patting Ghost on the back in the middle of his stupor at the sight of this rather beautiful world they had found themselves upon. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He commented, knowing that the man was a fan of Talion right off the bat since Traverse Town, he could only wait for his reaction.


Arwen meanwhile, followed the rest of the Eliminators, noting Alin's snark and general attitude, though she found it more than admirable. Alin would be a constant source of entertainment and levity, she was sure of it, as well as her potential combat ability, though her gaze kept shifting between her, the suspicious Stephen and the eponymous Zion, the latter in particular intriguing her.


(Ghost was the fan of Talion, right? lol)

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                 Steven responded to Saros's question saying " No but it reminds of something that I lost." Steven gazes at the water. A flash of yellow eyes say "You cant run forever!" Steven jumps only to see it was gone. Steven continues to walk with Saros. "What is your homeworld." Steven inquires 

Edited by Cyber_Spider YT

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Saros perked his head up at the question. Home. "My world?" Saros paused, pursing his lips. "Anova. It's a very beautiful place. The cities are built to counterbalance the nature that surrounds them, it's a perfect mix of modern technology and wildlife." Saros began. "It's a...very statistically oriented world. Everything is highly controlled, including the nature that surrounds the cities. Decisions are usually made by choosing the one with the most positive outcome according to calculations. As well that it is limited. That way everything is balanced. If there is too much of one profession, it is temporarily removed from being able to study it in order to increase the other ones. If there is an overpopulation of a species, they either kill some off or increase the numbers of it's known predators. When I was born there was a ban on studying to become certain type of doctors, astronomers and teachers in the favor of encouraging the professions of agriculture, music and biology." Saros explained, pausing to look up at the coconut tree, his eyes glistening in interest. "The one thing that none of the calculations predicted was my affinity to the darkness, and being chosen by the keyblade, so I was isolated until King Mickey took me in with other apprentices." Saros summoned his keyblade, aiming before throwing his keyblade. The keyblade spun upwards, before slashing the coconut right off the tree. As the coconut fell, the keyblade spun back like a boomerang, slashing the coconut before being caught by Saros in one hand while he caught the coconut with the other. He dismissed his keyblade, pulling on the coconut, easily breaking it in two after the keyblade had slashed it in half. He offered one half to Stephen. "I'm guessing this world reminds you of yours? Like it reminds Ina of hers."

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Jynn and Susan disembark the Gummi Ship. Jynn heads out of the forest and onto the beach, admiring the ocean. Susan turns back to the Gummi Ship trio. "You should probably activate a cloaking device while we're off. We can't let locals take off with the ship."


She steps out of the forest and onto the beach as well. The water was crystal clear, and the breeze was comforting. But the appreciation was short lived, as someone in a large sail boat appears in the corner of her eye. She doesn't want the group to look suspicious. "Guys get back, someone's coming!" Just like that, Jynn gets behind the bushes.

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Ina woke up as she heard the bustle of people readying for landfall. After a stretch and a yawn, she headed to the cockpit to see the new world.
"Welp, I think I just found the place for my next vacation." She said, looking at the paradise below. "Those beaches look divine."
With the ship landing, Ina took a moment to grab a small bite to eat. She had learned a long time ago to eat and sleep when the opportunity presented itself, because you couldn't be sure when you could do so again. She was half way through a ration bar when she heard Spirit's call to head out.
"Last one on the beach is a sad crab!" The Apprentice called out and ran down the boarding ramp.
Spirit had been right. The beautiful beach was even better in person. Ina was knee deep in the water before she slowed, laughing and spinning in the sunlight.


Saros stepped out into the ramp, covering his eyes momentarily as they adjusted to the sunlight. It was an absolutely stunning place, a scenario he wasn't used to nor seen before in his short life. One of those that made it worth actually stepping outside of your room to visit and explore. One of those few. Ina was already running out into the water, Saros chuckling after her. "Can crabs even get sad?" Saros asked, stopping right by the shore, just a few inches from the water reaching his feet. It was so clear he could see the bottom of it! "(We should return here some day.)" Saros thought, removing his hoodie before he tied it around his waist. His eyes simply gleamed at the beauty of it, a beauty he hadn't seen before but loved instantly. Like a child with a toy. Yeah, this world was definitely one worth fighting for. He reached into the water, picking up a small, nice looking seashell with pink hues before drying it briefly and putting it away in the safe place that was his pocket. For a moment he contemplated into stepping in and joining Alin in her celebration, but hesitated at the last moment. "(Wait...I can't swim.)" Saros gulped, taking a step away and safe. "(We mustn't get distracted easily. We have a job to do.)" Saros thought, looking around and into the mainland, seeing multiple man-made paths of wornout grass leading in. The sunlight didn't provide with as many shadows to his advantage as Traverse Town did, but just enough. Not like it was a bad thing anyways. He looked over to Stephen, offering a smile. They were one weird group, but that had it's own charm. "I think we should head inland." Saros suggested, thinking of the smoky, dark area they saw before they landed. "It would be a shame to see this world go too." Saros looked over to Stephen. "Ever been to this world before?"


- Talion Glandur and Arwen Nestarial/Ithil, the Wraith - Gummi Ship "Vigilant"/Polynesian Sea -


After everyone else had entered the Gummi Ship known as the Vigilant, Talion escorted Arwen to the Living Quarters section of the rather sizable ship, picking out a room for them to stay in and sat her down in short order, the entire time she and her Wraith friend remained quiet until they were halfway to their destination. Talion was sharpening his Sword, a weapon he had not used in the battles prior, yet he wanted to keep it sharp and ready, when Arwen sighed, prompting Ithil to materialize, sitting next to her on the bed opposite Talions.


"You two are gonna have to say something at some point. None of us can work as a team with awkward silences." Ithil quipped, with Arwen responding in kind with a slight glare. "To be fair...I was just carted into this ship by my ear." "I don't recall you really fighting back! Almost like you deserved it~" "Well in that case, so did you! As you feel my pain, so I wouldn't laugh too soon, you minx." "You never had to follow that idea of mine in the first place, you could've just been your usual self and said "Hi!", eh?" "Okay, first of all--"


"Ladies, please. I'm perfectly happy to talk with you two, I've been more than welcoming to listen since we got here!" Talion finally interjected, despite the amusement he felt toward their little squabble, leaning forward as he continued. "Though I am sorry for the earpull, Arwen, I figured however, what better way to cease and desist with the dramatic flair than to do something unexpected?" He said, a little sheepish, but otherwise fine. Arwen contemplated her response for but a moment, before chuckling to herself. "It's more than all right. We both made the mistake, so we earned the...well, discipline." She spoke candidly, raising her hand to silence Ithil who was about to complain again. "I, never caught your name, yet you've heard of me." Arwen added, ever so slightly tilting her head.


"Talion. Talion Glandur, known as the Sunbreaker in more than a few worlds. I've taken a liking to the title, just as I've taken a liking to your tales and exploits." Talion said, looking upon Arwen with humility, despite her altered state, he could still feel a brightness within her spirit. "Oh, you're too kind to me, Talion...aside from the earpulling business, of course. But I'm flattered nonetheless." Arwen admitted, though she took some pride in teasing Talion, despite knowing she deserved some form of recompense, his unorthodox method was hilarious to her and Ithil, though even Talion laughed at her comment.


"I should use that method more often, it seems. Now, get some sleep. We've a long journey, Arwen." Talion finished with his sword, putting it to one side and laying down upon his bed, while Arwen began to lie on hers, Ithil disappearing once more. "Agreed. Though, I feel I must watch for that Zion. You've heard of her, right?" Arwen questioned, though Talion was more than puzzled. "The one with Wings? She's called Zion? And...why worry?" He quizzed, to which Arwen scoffed. "She has a reputation in more than a few fields...Goddess of Light, Wife of Xion...Consumer of Tacos. You'll like her." She explained between a few chuckles of admiration, Talion only responding with a closing of his eyes and sighing for things to come.





The Next Day...


Talion and Arwen were assigned with their roles of Seeker and Eliminator, respectively, necessitating a parting of ways for now, wishing each other good luck in their roles.


Talion walked with the Seekers, patting Ghost on the back in the middle of his stupor at the sight of this rather beautiful world they had found themselves upon. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He commented, knowing that the man was a fan of Talion right off the bat since Traverse Town, he could only wait for his reaction.


Arwen meanwhile, followed the rest of the Eliminators, noting Alin's snark and general attitude, though she found it more than admirable. Alin would be a constant source of entertainment and levity, she was sure of it, as well as her potential combat ability, though her gaze kept shifting between her, the suspicious Stephen and the eponymous Zion, the latter in particular intriguing her.


(Ghost was the fan of Talion, right? lol)


Saros perked his head up at the question. Home. "My world?" Saros paused, pursing his lips. "Anova. It's a very beautiful place. The cities are built to counterbalance the nature that surrounds them, it's a perfect mix of modern technology and wildlife." Saros began. "It's a...very statistically oriented world. Everything is highly controlled, including the nature that surrounds the cities. Decisions are usually made by choosing the one with the most positive outcome according to calculations. As well that it is limited. That way everything is balanced. If there is too much of one profession, it is temporarily removed from being able to study it in order to increase the other ones. If there is an overpopulation of a species, they either kill some off or increase the numbers of it's known predators. When I was born there was a ban on studying to become certain type of doctors, astronomers and teachers in the favor of encouraging the professions of agriculture, music and biology." Saros explained, pausing to look up at the coconut tree, his eyes glistening in interest. "The one thing that none of the calculations predicted was my affinity to the darkness, and being chosen by the keyblade, so I was isolated until King Mickey took me in with other apprentices." Saros summoned his keyblade, aiming before throwing his keyblade. The keyblade spun upwards, before slashing the coconut right off the tree. As the coconut fell, the keyblade spun back like a boomerang, slashing the coconut before being caught by Saros in one hand while he caught the coconut with the other. He dismissed his keyblade, pulling on the coconut, easily breaking it in two after the keyblade had slashed it in half. He offered one half to Stephen. "I'm guessing this world reminds you of yours? Like it reminds Ina of hers."


Jynn and Susan disembark the Gummi Ship. Jynn heads out of the forest and onto the beach, admiring the ocean. Susan turns back to the Gummi Ship trio. "You should probably activate a cloaking device while we're off. We can't let locals take off with the ship."

She steps out of the forest and onto the beach as well. The water was crystal clear, and the breeze was comforting. But the appreciation was short lived, as someone in a large sail boat appears in the corner of her eye. She doesn't want the group to look suspicious. "Guys get back, someone's coming!" Just like that, Jynn gets behind the bushes.




(Technically, all of Spooky Squad is a fan of Talion. They just need to experience his hamminess firsthand. Ghost already has.)


"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Ghost could only look at Talion in awe, unsure how to respond to such an innocent question. Maybe it would be ok to give a short reply, or maybe he should reply with something boisterous and rousing, like what Shadow does for his character, something along the lines of "MY FELLOW TALION, THE RADIANCE OF THIS BLUE WORLD IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THE LIGHT THAT SHINES IN ALL OUR HEARTS! ONWARDS BROTHER!" Nah, that would be insulting... Ghost thought to himself before finally finding the proper words to say to Talion Glandur The Glamorous PaladinTM.

"It sure is, Talion. Hopefully we can return to this world once again for leisure, rather than for a mission."

Crap, that sounded stupid! After the exchange, they all exited the ship.


"You should probably activate a cloaking device while we're off. We can't let locals take off with the ship." Susan advised the squad. Ghost nodded. "Don't worry, Susan. She's a smart ship." After everyone exited the Vigilant, the hunk of gummi slowly took to the skies, did a lazy circle to gather some last minute data, and then promptly screamed towards the ocean. There was a large splash, and then nothing. None of the team seems to be bothered by this...


"Last one on the beach is a sad crab!" 

"Can crabs even get sad?"

The sight of Ina laughing and enjoying herself in the azure waters made Spirit and Ghost smile. There was just something about it that made their hearts feel all warm and fuzzy. Maybe it was the twinkling drops of water in her hair that gave her a beautiful radiance, or maybe it was her carefree smile, that innocent look that can melt even the coldest of hearts. Whatever the reason, the two could only stand there, and for the first time ever since their indoctrination, they felt... alive. The two decided to indulge in that rare feeling while it lasted. Spectre, upon seeing the dumb look on their faces, promptly smacked the two on the back of their heads. "We're on a mission here," he politely reminded them, "get your heads on straight. You can admire the views later. Now where's Shadow?"


As if on cue, Shadow emerged from the waters right next to Ina, playfully roaring as he started splashing her. How he got there without anyone noticing, no one knew; it is a special ability of his after all. "I'm a shark!" he exclaimed gleefully, "omnomnomnomnom!"

"SHADOW GET BACK HERE!" Spectre yelled out, only to be ignored by his comrades as Spirit and Ghost started bolting towards the water, giggling and laughing all the way. Spirit kneeled in the shallow waters and collected a couple seashells before splashing some of the water onto his face, while Ghost dived into the waters just to get soaked. Shadow started swimming towards Ghost and promptly splashed the keyblade wielder. "Aaaah! Shark!" Ghost laughed, "Run away!!!"

"Back towards the meanie!" Spirit giggled as the trio started their way back towards Spectre. 


Spectre couldn't be angry at his boys letting off a little steam. He was pinching the bridge of his nose, snickering when they returned to him, thoroughly soaked in ocean water. "We're done playing!" Shadow exclaimed, "Onwards to the mission!"

Spectre sighed, then smiled at the trio. "You guys are completely hopeless. C'mon. Lets get going."

"Guys get back, someone's coming!" Susan exclaimed. Jynn was the first to act as he disappeared behind a bush.

"Disappear, boys!" Spectre commanded, and the squad did just that. In less than a minute, the four boys went prone and had buried themselves into the sands, with just enough of their eyes uncovered to spot the large sailboat. Their weapons were buried in their ready position too, not only to mask their location, but to allow a quick response should the need arise. Ghost decided against using the rifle since he was more familiar with a keyblade, and buried himself with his arms out to the sides so he too could respond quickly if need be. 

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- Alin Cruz - Sandy Punch - Polynasean Sea -


Element: Kinetic


Alin watched in mostly silence as Ina and Saros played in the water, both seemed to be having a lot of fun, after all, that is what a beach was for right? either way she couldn't stop them, place was sunny and beautiful, though she wasn't a big fan of sea water. She only looked around and kept watch, after all her clothes weren't very good to go into the water with...and she wasn't exactly comfortable showing much skin.


Just then, a thought came to Alin, what if...Alin promply filled both her hands with sand. and smashed both hands together with sand in it. 


"Hm..." Alin stood there for a few seconds, concentrating, probably looking like a fool, holding both her hands holding each other. took a few seconds for her to actualy be able to do it, some of the beach's sand began spiraling around her, as her clothes, hair, and eyes began to change accordingly, her clothes resembling a sand camo, her hair the same color as the sand everyone stepped in, her eyes though settled for a nice shade of golden. 


Element Switch: Sand.


"Oh, this is cool!" Alin exclaimed, as she began to be able to control and create sand, the sand they stepped in she could control, making a nice line of sand castles, very well done sand castles, each about one meter tall and around fifty centimeters in length.


She snapped back as Susan warned of an incoming sail boat. "Oh sh-" Alin didn't finish her sentence as she has promply submerged herself in sand, in an attempt to hide from it. Awaiting for whatever happened next. 


Surprisingly, the sand was pretty comfortable.

Edited by Scrapmaster

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Ina laughed at Shadow's "shark attack", and splashing him back.

"Always wanted some shark teeth." She cried playfully.

Coming to a halt, Ina turned back to face the land, watching her compainions enjoying this paradise. Ghost and Spirit were definitely getting into the mood, while even Saros and Stephen seemed to be enjoying them selves. The idea that Xavier would try to harm this place first settled like ice on Ina's heart, but it melted away with an assurance.

"Not on my watch." The Keyblade Apprentice said softly to herself.

Susan's call of someone coming pulled Ina fulling back on task. She briefly wished she could just breath underwater to hide there, but that was a kind of magic she didn't know. Instead, she warped up into a tree, spread eagle on top of its canopy. If she had understood where the person was coming from, she should be out of sight. Of course, considering how this adventure was shaping up, this new comer might turn out to be yet another tag along for the merry troop.

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Saros was enjoying the coconut juice, eating a bit of the scrapes from the inside. That is, until Susan alerted them of upcoming boats. Someone was coming, and whether they were friends or foe, better it be safe than sorry. Saros glanced around for a hiding spot, finding a spot that was heavily forested with tropical plants and large leaves. He dropped the coconut, quickly grabbing Stephen. "In here!" He said, pulling him to their hiding spot as he knelt down, hiding underneath the leaves, the shadows hiding them while allowing them some sort of view to the upcoming people. He pursed his lips. "(Hiding from them won't really solve anything, or help us, for that fact. But...it should be better than to surprise them and give the wrong impression, I guess.)" Saros thought, looking over to Stephen while getting a finger up to his lips in the shh sign. He wasn't going to waste his energy on shadows just yet. Instead, he kept his keyblade at the ready.

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Susan notices that Spirit and Ghost are eyeballing Ina, which made her chuckle quietly, but she regains focus on the disturbance. Everyone seemed to be out of sight. Using this opportunity, Susan examines the stranger. The boat had a large sail, with a decorative spiral painted on it. And the captain was a young woman. Jynn crawls towards Susan. "Any word Sus............" He was smacked across the face when Susan spooks at his sudden presence. "Jynn don't scare me like that again!" The Overworlder rises back up to his feet with his hand on his cheek. "Sorry......" Susan focuses back on the young woman on the boat. She didn't seem to pose a threat to the group, but what soon spawns on the beach was a different story.


Several Heartless spawn on the edge of the water, clearly attracted by the woman's presence. Susan and Jynn immediately make sure everyone knows that they are in the area. "Heartless!" Susan reaches her arm out, the air outside is too warm for her overcoat. She immediately takes it off, revealing a tight tank top with bandages wrapped around her wrists. Jynn is confused. "What are you doing?" Susan summons her Keyblade and responds. "Lessening my weight. Come on, we can't let those Heartless attack that lady!" They both immediately charge towards the Heartless. As soon as they jump out of the forest and to the water, a large bipedal shark like Heartless emerges from the sand. Susan tries to call for backup. "Everyone pitch in!" She then looks towards the Gummi Ship squad. "All of you, come out! Including the two lover boys!" Jynn forges a bow with his powers, and fires two arrows at the large Heartless, stunning it.

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              Steven runs towards the bipedal shark thing. Steven puts on his retractable armour. He bounces into the air then grabs out his plasma pistol. Steven was able to land a couple of shots before getting slapped to the ground. Steven summons his keyblade and with a mighty battle cry he lands a hefty  blow to the shark's leg knocking it off balance by chopping off the left leg.  



Edited by Cyber_Spider YT

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Saros dashed right after Stephen, towards the Heartless. "Watch your back!" Saros yelled, throwing his keyblade. The blade spun across the sand, causing sand to fly right into the air while revealing a few of the hidden Heartless, these in the shape of hermit crabs, with a tough outer shell and sharp claws to attack. From behind the sand Saros swung his whip, slashing across a group of the small Heartless with one hand as the other caught his keyblade, spinning right into another Heartless as he landed on his feet. He turned, whipping the sand in front of a Heartless, sending it flying once more. Using it as cover while the Heartless hid from the flying sand, he dashed across to the side, gliding to the Heartless' weak spot before slashing right through it once more. Before he could continue onto another target, a peculiar noise caught his attention. The buck of a...chicken? Saros' eyes glanced around, before finding the source. It was a chicken, a rooster, walking in the middle of the battlefield all while surrounded by Heartless. Saros didn't even hesitate, his eyes widening as he dashed towards it. He managed to throw his whip, having it wrap around the rooster's leg before pulling it towards him, barely saving him from a Heartless jumping right on it. He caught the rooster in his hand, staring at it as it screamed in panic. Saros quickly settled it down for it to run away, however, it decided to jump up and sit down on the shell of one of the Heartless, the Heartless itself running around trying to get it off. Saros was quick to smack the Heartless away and getting the rooster back into his arms. "Why the hell aren't you running away?!" Saros asked, staring down at the feathered creature. He could ignore it...but...it was a rooster. He was meant to protect all creatures from the Heartless. He was sure roosters were included. "Ok, you're staying with me until this is over." Saros decided, holding the rooster under one arm as he held his keyblade infront of them with the other.

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- Alin Cruz - Polynasean Sea -


Element: Sand.


Alin had bidded her time as most of the party commenced their attacks, most notably Susan, Whippy and that Stephen guy, Alin laid beneath the sand, getting aclimated with her sand element. After a few seconds of thought, she noticed she could control the surrounding sand, its composition, she could harden it and also soften it, it was strange. 


She could also move about below the sand like a torpedo, since she could control it, she made easy progress bypassing everything and going straight to the large Shark heartless. Alin shot out of the sand and onto the air, spiralring about with sand spiraling around her as well, it coming together to form a large fist, much bigger than herself right beside her arm, as she finished spinning she dashed mid-air towards the shark heartless's side, opposite that of the leg Stephen had slashed, as she punched it with all her might, as well as the large sand fist colliding onto the sand heartless as well, possibly causing extreme damage due to the surprise attack and attacking it while vulnerable. If it didn't outright knock it out, it would at least send it straight onto the ground.


She quickly motioned herself as she fell back from the attack and landed gracefuly on her feet. Kicking a hermit crab heartless that approached her, it blocked her kick with its pincers, but it was sent flying back from the force regardless. 


She took the moment to glance at her team during the battle, most were doing well. Whippy had...a chicken?  "Hey Whippy, why are you holding a chicken? and more importantly, what is a chicken doing at the beach?"

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Susan notices that Spirit and Ghost are eyeballing Ina, which made her chuckle quietly, but she regains focus on the disturbance. Everyone seemed to be out of sight. Using this opportunity, Susan examines the stranger. The boat had a large sail, with a decorative spiral painted on it. And the captain was a young woman. Jynn crawls towards Susan. "Any word Sus............" He was smacked across the face when Susan spooks at his sudden presence. "Jynn don't scare me like that again!" The Overworlder rises back up to his feet with his hand on his cheek. "Sorry......" Susan focuses back on the young woman on the boat. She didn't seem to pose a threat to the group, but what soon spawns on the beach was a different story.

Several Heartless spawn on the edge of the water, clearly attracted by the woman's presence. Susan and Jynn immediately make sure everyone knows that they are in the area. "Heartless!" Susan reaches her arm out, the air outside is too warm for her overcoat. She immediately takes it off, revealing a tight tank top with bandages wrapped around her wrists. Jynn is confused. "What are you doing?" Susan summons her Keyblade and responds. "Lessening my weight. Come on, we can't let those Heartless attack that lady!" They both immediately charge towards the Heartless. As soon as they jump out of the forest and to the water, a large bipedal shark like Heartless emerges from the sand. Susan tries to call for backup. "Everyone pitch in!" She then looks towards the Gummi Ship squad. "All of you, come out! Including the two lover boys!" Jynn forges a bow with his powers, and fires two arrows at the large Heartless, stunning it.



              Stephen runs towards the bipedal shark thing. Stephen puts on his retractable armour. He bounces into the air then grabs out his plasma pistol. Stephen was able to land a couple of shots before getting slapped to the ground. Stephen summons summons his keyblade and with a mighty battle cry he lands a hefty  blow to the shark's leg knocking it off balance by chopping off the left leg.  





- Alin Cruz - Polynasean Sea -


Element: Sand.


Alin had bidded her time as most of the party commenced their attacks, most notably Susan, Whippy and that Stephen guy, Alin laid beneath the sand, getting aclimated with her sand element. After a few seconds of thought, she noticed she could control the surrounding sand, its composition, she could harden it and also soften it, it was strange. 


She could also move about below the sand like a torpedo, since she could control it, she made easy progress bypassing everything and going straight to the large Shark heartless. Alin shot out of the sand and onto the air, spiralring about with sand spiraling around her as well, it coming together to form a large fist, much bigger than herself right beside her arm, as she finished spinning she dashed mid-air towards the shark heartless's side, opposite that of the leg Stephen had slashed, as she punched it with all her might, as well as the large sand fist colliding onto the sand heartless as well, possibly causing extreme damage due to the surprise attack and attacking it while vulnerable. If it didn't outright knock it out, it would at least send it straight onto the ground.


She quickly motioned herself as she fell back from the attack and landed gracefuly on her feet. Kicking a hermit crab heartless that approached her, it blocked her kick with its pincers, but it was sent flying back from the force regardless. 


She took the moment to glance at her team during the battle, most were doing well. Whippy had...a chicken?  "Hey Whippy, why are you holding a chicken? and more importantly, what is a chicken doing at the beach?"




 "Heartless!" Susan cried out, "everyone pitch in! All of you, come out! Including the two lover boys!" 

"I HAVE NO REGRETS!!!" Ghost boisterously roared as he popped up from the sands, summoning his keyblade while doing so. Eager to get into the fight, he quickly closed the distance between him and the group of heartless that seemed to take an interest on the stranger in the distance. Just as he got into range, he threw his keyblade at the group, then promptly dove away from the heartless he was targeting...

"Ditto!" Spirit cried out as he too stood up alongside Ghost, rifle at the ready. While his squadmate ran towards the group, Spirit was honing his aim. He waited for his friend to throw his keyblade, and as soon as Ghost was out of his line of fire, Spirit pulled the trigger, hoping to stagger the heartless group with their combined attacks.


Shadow and Spectre were still camouflaged in the sands, but with Susan's commands they too contributed to the fight. Breaking their cover, the two rolled into advantageous firing positions in relation to the others. Shadow was supporting Alin, firing off rather accurate shots whenever the situation allowed him to. Spectre managed to squeeze off a few bolts of his own until he was distracted by Saros. He could only watch in bewilderment as a keyblade wielder decided to prioritize the life of a rooster over the others, prompting the squad leader to yell out "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" before getting back into the fight. "Shadow," he commanded, "fire support on Saros!"

"I'm on Whippy!" the scout barked back in acknowledgement. He swung his rifle around, and together with Spectre, the two for the moment had shifted their focus to the chicken with the keyblade wielder. 

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While proud of her hiding place, Ina had to admit she hadn't positioned herself very well to watch what was going on below her. With Susan's call for action, Ina let out a little sigh as she precariously drew in her limbs so she could peak out beyond the palm leaves. 

"Let's see, area themed Heartless? Check." She said to herself as she got her feet directly on the canopy trunk. "Local in danger? Check."

Standing up with a big grin, Ina summoned her Keyblade.

"Show time!" She declared before teleporting down to the ground, her blade stabbing down to impale a crab like Heartless to the ground.

Pulling her chakram off her back, Ina hurled it at a Herartless heading for Saros. The sight of her friend cradling a skinny chicken made the Keyblade Apprentice have a double take. She warped over next to Saros, catching her throwing weapon after it scythed through a Heartless.

"Yeah, everything Alin asked, with added bewilderment." She said, checking for her next target.

The big Heartless was taking heavy hits, so no need to help there. What she was worried about was more water born heartless making for the lady on the boat. There did seem to be some of the crabs still heading for the water.

"Hold that thought, though." Ina said to Saros before warping away.

She reappeared above above the water ahead of some submerged crabs. She slashed at one while trying to kick the other away. She was thankful it was still only about waist deep for her.


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