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The Transcendent Key

Kingdom Hearts: Life As A Heartless!

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To KHLegendIII, it could heat up, or possibly cool down! X3


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, after a fun, awesome and unforgettable weekend over at Comic Con, I’m back on the scene and ready to post a new entry in Bob’s journal! So I hope you all enjoy what I have in store! And yes, I saw a lot of KH cosplayers this year, which was awesome! Anyways, enjoy the entry! :D


Journal Entry 12

Day 48: The Troubles Of Heartless!


                Oi, seriously, today has been a depressing day. It seems everyone’s been picking fights with each other, for no apparent reason why. I mean sure, fights break out every now and then between us Heartless, but it’s not something that can’t be remedied after a while! But these past days have been tension filled!


                No doubt it’s probably due to that Sora kid really pushing our buttons!


                Oh, and it turns out that the other Shadows tried to take on the other Keyblade Wielder that was wandering around in here, and they even did the whole Demon Tower/Tide formation, but I heard that they ended up getting themselves killed! So they decided it was best not to pursue anyone with that formation again, and all other Shadows agreed to it! So I was literally saved from the chopping block! Talk about a close call, whew!


                But as with all things, when one trouble is resolved, another one comes to take its place! Today, in particular, it seems that the other Heartless are skirmishing one another because about something that they heard from this guy named Ansem, a supposed Seeker Of Darkness! This got me curious, and carefully, I made my rounds around the Realm Of Darkness to find out more! Sinking into the ground has its benefits indeed…


                After some investigating, I found out that this Ansem fellow is apparently a Heartless…but with a human body! That was something unheard of, and it really surprised me! Apparently, he’s a really big deal amongst us Heartless, and he fancies himself our leader, like a supreme leader, of sorts! Then, after making some more rounds, I discovered that the main reason the Heartless were fighting amongst themselves was because they were vying for the position of leader! They wanted to see who among all of us was worthy enough to supplant Ansem as leader of all Heartless! I just had to laugh at this!


                The very fact that Ansem can be able to have a human form makes him leader material enough. He apparently has a scary looking being of darkness that’s on his back at all times. He looks enough like a Heartless, but I doubt he is one…I’d say he’s more of a guard dog, a guardian or something like that! Anyways, I wisely stayed away from the infighting, and I just stayed put in a corner and watched how all these morons destroyed each other. So Sora wasn’t the cause of distress after all, but this Ansem fellow!


                I feel like I’d like to meet him, but at the same time, I would prefer not to. I’m already trying to lay low enough as is, I don’t wanna draw to much attention to myself…especially since I don’t wanna die!


                And if that wasn’t something, I got caught off guard, and the other Shadows found me…let’s just say they ended up being the living kupo out of me for not having been there by their side when they tried to take on that Keyblade Wielder! Having nowhere to run or hide since I was already in their vicinity, I had no choice but to take the blows!


                Anything was better than to be annihilated by that Keyblade Wielder! And the worst thing about all this is that she was apparently sticking around because she couldn’t find her way out! So we’ll have a great decrease in Heartless population soon enough, I can feel it!


                I don’t even know how I’m writing this right now, considering that my head is throbbing from the massive beat up I went through…oi…




I guess Bob can’t get out of every mess, right? He’s beaten up, but he’s still kicking! Thank you all for tuning in for tonight’s entry, I hope you all liked it! Sorry if it wasn’t as funny as the others, but I hope it entertained you enough! Let me know what you thought about tonight’s entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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To KHLegendIII, yeah, I know, right?


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, we’re so close to E3! The final moment has come, the moment we’ve all been waiting for…Kingdom Hearts III’s official release date! I couldn’t be more excited, and with just two weeks to go, hype is at an all time high! But anyways, enough of me talking, here’s another entry from Bob, so enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 13

Day 50: I Can’t Even…Ugh!


(Start Song Here)



                I sometimes wonder if even we Heartless have any sense of decency or at least some sort of semblance of hygiene…like, do we even care about these things at all? I’m a little bit appalled, to be honest!


                Okay, you’re probably thinking: “Why are you prattling on like this, Bob? Just get to the point already!” Well okay, the point is that today I went with a few other Heartless to one of the many worlds that had been discovered recently…our latest haunt being Monstro…that’s right, a monster! Well, a whale, to be precise, but apparently called Monstro, or so I was told! But anyways, I was a little puzzled when we traveled to Monstro. I was wondering to myself how a whale could be a world! Seriously, what kind of logic is that? I don’t even know! But anyways, the other Heartless just told me to shrug off the illogicalness, and eventually, we made our way to this world.


                And boy, did I regret doing so…


                I honestly didn’t know the point of us being in this world if there weren’t any humans inside of this whale! I’d heard that Sora and his friends had helped two other humans get out of this whale, and after that, the place was deserted, with only the ship the old man came on remaining behind. So in other words, we were wallowing and waddling around in whale guts! I didn’t even know how I had the stomach to just endure this!                         


                I don’t think the others even came here to work at all! I think that if anything, they came here to lounge around and just relax and whatever, because they were just going to one side and just fooling around! They told me to join in, and while I did accompany them further inside the whale, I didn’t want any part in what they were doing! They were climbing up on lumps of its innards and just bouncing around! They were even poking its guts! I was disturbed beyond relief, and I was praying that we wouldn’t be turned to mulch by the whale’s bodily acids! I mean, innards have acids to chew through food, right? And we were food at the moment…


                But anyways, I felt like barfing…but then, all of us had to hide, because one of the other Heartless had heard someone approach! Fearing that it could be Sora, we quickly slunk into the shadows and just hid, hoping that whoever was coming our way would just leave. I wasn’t in the particular mood to attack anyone either…I was too busy thinking of not throwing up!


                After a few seconds, these really weird things came to where we were standing previously! These creatures looked so bizarre! At first I thought that they were parasites that were leeching off of the whale’s innards, but they weren’t eating or anything! They were these white, scrawny looking humanoid things that had their faces concealed with a zipper that opened up to where their mouths were! And they were weaving back and forth and had crazy flexibility! After a while, they left, and then, my friends and I looked at each other uneasily. This wasn’t something in particular that we felt was a simple rock in the road.


                No…I think these guys are gonna be trouble…

(End Song Here)




Well, I wonder if you can guess who these new strangers are? ;) Looks like Bob and the others might be facing a new set of foes! I wonder what awaits them? I’m sure you’ll all be eager to see what else Bob writes in his journal! So then, thank you for reading, and let me know what you thought about tonight’s entry! So then, until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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To KHLegendIII, yep, right you are! I'm glad you noticed! :D


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! Dang, what furious summer heat, eh? You can tell that summer has settled in nicely, and the summer season in and of itself has yet to begin! Just imagine how it’ll be when summer fully kicks in…? It’ll be a killer! xD Anyways, here’s Bob’s latest entry, so I hope you all enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 14

Day 52: A Wide Expanse Of…Bones?


(Start Song Here)



                Well, today was certainly an interesting day! My friends and I went to another world, and in this one in particular, I noticed something dreary the moment I stepped foot on that barren soil! And it was…that this valley, whatever world it was, was in decay. And I don’t mean a simple kind of decay! No, I’m talking about a  full on bone decaying, body rotting prodecure! This entire world seemed to be dying!


                It was honestly kind of sad, but luckily, we weren’t on a mission today, and we had eaten plenty before making the journey here! We were literally just exploring worlds at our leisure, casually spying at one or other world, trying to find their keyhole! After all, that’s what we Heartless do, am I right? But anyways, we came upon this one in particular, and I heard from the local residents that this place was called the Pride Lands.


                Pride Lands, I thought to myself. At first, I thought about the sense of pride, that sense of achievement that you’d get when you win something or reach a long awaited prize! Then someone explained to me that the pride part of the name was due to the pride of lions, and then I was like: “Okay, that makes much more sense!”  But yeah, basically, we just went to Pride Lands and just wandered around there!


                …Pride Lands…heh, seriously, I can’t take the name of this world seriously!


                The more serious I try to get when talking about this world, the more that I can’t end up holding in! But with a name like Pride Lands, the closest thing you’ll ever get to an insult is a slap on the face! But yes, this was truly something interesting, this world!  Oh, and we encountered the wildlife, and most of my friends got hurt in the process!


                Tina ended up being stung by these big wasps!


                Eric was rammed by a rhino and sent tumbling down!


                Sasha tried to communicate with a strange bird, but the bird ended up pecking her incessantly!


                Then there was Brendon, who had a cheetah running after him, wanting to taste a bit of him! But the cheetah really wouldn’t be able to taste anything beyond darkness, so I didn’t see what was the point! As for myself, I steered clear, and I managed to pull through with relative ease! That was the whole mumbo jumbo that happened!


                Pride Lands, though…seriously, who names a world like that? It’s Hollow Bastion all over again!


(End Song Here)




Well everyone, that was the entry, I hope that you all enjoyed it! And well, as you could see, this was more of a rant on Bob’s part, considering how he sees things! Anywyas, I hope you all enjoyed this entry, and thank you for your love and support! Let me know what you thought about the entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

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To KHLegendIII, indeed so, haha, the poor things! xD


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! Wow, we’re already so close to E3! And tomorrow, if I’m not mistaken, is when the KH Orchestra World Tour Encore Concerts begin! Gahh, so much hype for Kingdom Hearts everywhere! I love it! Anyways, here’s another entry, enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 15

Day 53: Nothing In Particular…


                Today has…actually been a pretty normal, nothing out of the ordinary kind of day! It’s actually kind of unsettling!


                Yeah, I know, you’d probably think that a realm of nothing but darkness would feel cozy and warm for us Heartless, but hey, we Heartless have feelings, ya know! We get anxious and full of tension sometimes! And this is one of those days…I just really feel anxious! Not one Heartless is making any ruckus, no conversation…nothing! It’s disturbing…


                I went to a wide expanse…and I honestly thought I had discovered a new place in this ever expanding realm…but it turns out it was just the regular meeting expanse of all the other Heartless…it’s just that since it’s so empty, the space around looks ginormous! Kind of like this place in…Hollow Bastion! Just before Villain’s Vale, the Great Maw! Yeah, there! That place, that kind of empty is what I’m talking about!


                You know, that place seems like an ideal place to summon forth an army of us to march down towards the humans in Hollow Bastion…it’s wide open enough that an army could come down at least in groups of a thousand! Any more than that and it’d be too crowded!


                Huh, I should talk about this with one of the big guys…they’d probably like my idea! Maybe then I could see if I could get to talk to Ansem! The guy is growing on me, and he has power to spare, in spades! He has true darkness emanating from him! In a way that not even I have mastered as of yet! Yeah, that powerful!


                But yeah, other than that, there’s really nothing much to report. Like I said, it’s really been a long, boring day.


                But then I noticed something…no Heartless were in the Realm Of Darkness because…there were no Heartless at all! They had left somewhere! After some investigating, it turns out they all went on a field trip or something…and I got left behind…


                Sometimes I wish Sora could just end me…



Whoa, that went dark a bit! Poor little Bob! He doesn’t wanna be left behind, can you blame him? Anyways, that was the entry, I hope that you all enjoyed it! As always, thank you so much for your love and support, and let me know what you thought about tonight’s entry! Until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

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To KHLegendIII, yep, he did!


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! My deepest apologies yet again for taking so long to post an entry! My time for departing my current home is drawing nearer, and as such, I’ve been making final preparations and just spending time with my family and friends, so forgive me for the slow posting of entries! Here is one to make up for the wait, I hope you enjoy it! :D


Journal Entry 16

Day 55: Summer Heat Has Never Been So Hot!


(Start Song Here)



                I really hate hot places! Seriously, heat waves are a plague, no matter if you’re human or not!


                You see, today I went to another world, Agrabah, and honestly, I can’t even fathom how people can live in such a hot place, the sand and the desert winds surrounding them twenty four seven! It’s seriously something else! Well, I imagine that for these people, sand must be as normal as rain, because they live all fine and dandy! All I know is that I’m not the kind of Heartless that takes to heat!


                But yes, today I came here with a few other Heartless to terrorize some humans and feast on their hearts! We managed to do that in peace, as Sora wasn’t around, so at least that’s a relief! And well, after we feasted on some human hearts, we went to a specific part of Agrabah, and there was enough shade there that the summer heat of the desert wasn’t affecting me so much!


                So out of the blue, this centipede looking Heartless shows up, tells us about this awesome plan, about how he’s been promoted and is now a competent Heartless that can be able to provide a challenge for Sora! Apparently, he ran his plan down by Ansem, about how he’d use pots around the city to disguise himself, and well, apparently Ansem liked the idea enough to greenlight it, because here he is, telling us about said plan!


                He seemed pretty smug about it!


                But then, after a while, when we had gone elsewhere in Agrabah, I heard word that Sora had come by, and that the centipede had tried to stop him…but failed. Heh, that’s for running his mouth!


                Gee, that makes me sound pretty Heartle—oh wait, I am Heartless! Ha, see what I did there? It’s a pun! Humans are very fond of them, and I guess I can take to making some puns as well!


                Later during the day, we found an oasis, and goodness, it was just what the doctor had ordered! The water was pleasantly cool, and when I got in it, it blocked out the hot desert temperature to the point that I had even forgotten that I was in a desert in the first place!  But then, just when I was relaxing, that’s when I saw those weird white things again! They were far off, on the other side of the oasis, and they weren’t in the water. No, they were walking along the shore of the water, they seemed to be looking for something!


                I was going to say something to the others, to see if we should follow them, but I was enjoying the water too much, so really, I just minded my own business.


                As long as they don’t come near me, I don’t have a problem with them. At least, that’s how I thought…


                Heh, I would soon be proven wrong…

(End Song Here)




And there we go! It seems Bob’s got an interesting tale to tell in the upcoming entry! I wonder what story he’ll tell us? Anyways, thank you all for your patience, and I’m sorry if this entry was short, but really, journal entries aren’t supposed to be that long, so I think I convey that pretty well with the entries I post! But anyways, let me know what you thought about tonight’s entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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To KHLegendIII, yeah, the poor thing! Heartless need water too! :3


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, here’s another entry, and this time, I didn’t take as much time as I had with the other entries, so I hope you enjoy what’s in store! :D


Journal Entry 17

Day 57: A Little Sidetracked!


                Well, just when I was about to discover more about these strange white things following us around, when I awoke the next day, we were all called into a meeting all of a sudden!


                Everyone seemed to be in a particular rush, and it seemed as though this was something important! So, obviously, I tried my best to avoid getting tangled up in the crowds, because trust me, you don’t wanna be squashed by Large Bodies or Behemoths! But hey, at least I can slink into the ground, so that’s one advantage I can use fullheartedly! Hah, fullhearted, as if I had a heart! Oh, sometimes I just amuse myself…heh…


                Anyways, today there was a big buzz, because someone famous had come to the Realm Of Darkness! A few famous Heartless, actually! They called themselves the Phoenix Squadron, and they were Heartless pilots! That’s right, pilots! Everyone was going crazy for them, but I was actually not really hyped up for them! Yeah, woo hoo, Heartless pilots, big whoop! I’m not really a fan of flying, and someone told me that they were a co-pilot once for one of the Heartless squadrons, and they managed to barely escape alive from a massacre during the inter-world travels, thanks to Sora, who had his transport, which that Heartless who told me called…what was it…Tummy Dish? Swarmy Fish? Oh, wait, I got it, Gummi Ship!


                What a weird name for a ship. You’d think that Sora would have a transport with a cooler name, but it’s seriously called the Gummi Ship! Who’s gonna be intimidated when they hear that ridiculous name? But well, I guess you don’t need names when the pilot is the Keyblade Wielder all us Heartless fear! Hence why I have stayed away from any Heartless pilot wanting me to accompany them on a run in the Lanes Between!


                Um, I guess I should explain what that is. The Lanes Between are like an inter-world pathway from which certain beings can travel through, because not everyone knows how to travel from world to world. In fact, it seems that most people in the worlds are ignorant about the fact that there are more worlds out there besides their own! But hey, who am I to question that? I’m just a simple Shadow!


                But yes, the Phoenix Squadron were bragging about their accomplishments and about how they cleared the way for many Heartless to invade other worlds and whatever…honestly, all I heard was mush coming out of their mouths. Oh, and all of them were Soldier Heartless, just a rank above me! And they think that they’re so high and mighty! Oh, I’ll show them…one day, I’ll turn into a Neoshadow! Oh yeah, that’s right, I still have that dream, even though it may never come true! I shall attain my true power! Cuz life can’t just be about small, withery claws! I should have elongated, deadly looking claws that make me look cool!


                Oh wow, I just went on rambling there, didn’t I?


                But yeah, who wants to stare at asteroids and floating objects and stars? I mean seriously, I don’t really get the whole deal of inter-world travel. We have portals of darkness we can go through! We get easy access through a world’s heart, so long as its keyhole isn’t sealed off! So thanks, but no thanks! Ship travel ain’t for me!




Well, that was a rant, huh? Bob isn’t too fond of inter-world travel, it seems! Haha, anyways, I hoped you enjoy this entry, let me know what you think about it and as always, thank you so much for your support, and stay tuned for the next one! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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To KHLegendIII, lol, I tried my best!


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, here’s another entry for you all, I was able to deliver one today, so I thought I’d post it! Enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 18

Day 70: The Encounter!


                Okay, so remember how I wrote about how there were these strange white things that had appeared all of a sudden? Well, at first, I thought those things weren’t anything too important, but then…it turned out these things might have been more dangerous than we thought! They obviously weren’t humans, and they weren’t any kind of normal creature, so their presence was a real mystery! So finally, I decided to investigate these things with a few other Heartless who volunteered to join me!


                And so, we scoured the worlds, trying to find any trace of these strange beings, and for the first bit of hours, we found nothing, there wasn’t anything in particular wrong, and there weren’t any signs of those creatures…but then, after we approached a world called Twilight Town, one of the Heartless that came with me said that she had found something! It was a crack in a wall that led to the outskirts of the town! We immediately saw this as suspicious, and we headed towards that crack, and we wound up in a small forest!


                Going through the forest, we kept going forward until we could see something beyond the trees! It seemed to be something big…a base, maybe? As we all crept closer, we felt the strange sensation that we were being watched! Not wanting to possibly be massacred, we slunk into the shadows, and we watched and waited!                                     


                After a while, one of those white things came out of the gate of what seemed to be a mansion! My companions and I kept a close eye on this creature, and we saw it walk from the mansion to the forest! Then, when it reached the crack in the wall, it disappeared! We all looked at each other uneasily, and we felt a creeping energy seep through that mansion…then, that’s when we saw someone in a black cloak! From the shape of that someone, it must’ve been human…all I know is that it stood there. Probably a human male. He stayed eerily still, as if he was waiting for something or someone to come out of the house! My companions decided it was best to leave, but I said that I would stay, because I wanted to know more.  And so, they left and I remained behind.


                I had this weird feeling that whoever this human was, he was someone interesting…and the fact of the matter is, he had an incredible scent of darkness on him!  Soon enough, he went through the gate, as if having seen the person he wanted to see, and then went into the mansion! For some reason, my body had the involuntary instinct of wanting to follow him, which is what I did!


                But then, I froze, as I saw something, or rather, felt something come up from behind me! I turned around and panicked! It was one of those white things! I was about to attack it with my claws on instinct, but the white thing put its whip like arms in front of itself, as if in defense, and it shouted in alarm to me! A female…she sounded shy!


                I think she said something like: “I don’t want to hurt you…I won’t tell anyone you’re here…I just want a friend.”


                And that, my friends, is when things got really interesting!



Oh ho, so it seems that Bob has met a Nobody friend? What could this mean for Bob? I hope this intrigued you all, because it’s got me intrigued! But yes, I hope you all enjoyed this entry, let me know what you thought of it! And as always, thank you all so much for your love and support, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

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Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, here’s a quick entry I wanted to dish out for all of you, I hope you all enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 19

Day 71: Okay…Don’t Freak Out!


                I really don’t know what to make of things! I met this other creature thing, a female, and she wanted to be my friend! I mean, what’s up with that?


                When we encountered each other, I didn’t know how to react, and my first instinct was to slink into the ground and vanish! And that’s what I did! My hands were shaking, and I didn’t want to be killed, so all I could think of was escaping so that I could survive! And yet…I sensed no malice in her!


                And for a split second, I felt bad…I felt horrible for having left her hanging there…I should’ve listened to what she had to say!


                Wait, what is this? Why am I fretting over something like this!? I’m a Heartless, a creature that can be able to consume the hearts of others and spread and multiply to extend the darkness we scatter out! I shouldn’t have to fear anything or anyone! Much less care about what happens to other that are different than me!


                But still, there’s a part of me gnawing away at having left her hanging. My conscience, if I even had one, was beating me mercilessly with the image of that creature! The way she was also scared, the way her whip like arms shivered, the way she seemed so small and fragile…wow, I really am a jerk, aren’t I?


                Well, that settles it! Come tomorrow, I’ll head back towards that mansion and hope that she’s still lingering around there! I wanna set things right!


                I’ll report once I’ve made contact again!




And so, that was it! Yes, like I said, this entry was gonna be short, but I just wanted for you to see what Bob was thinking of after the encounter with the other creature! And it seems as though this particular creature is gonna become an important part of the journal entries as time moves on! Interesting! Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this latest entry, let me know your thoughts! Thank you so much for your love and support, and as always, stay tuned for the next one! :D

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To KHLegendIII, I actually wasn't referring to Namine at all. :3


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, here I am with another entry to provide with you all, I hope that you all enjoy it to the max! Also, I am moving to the US this Tuesday, and wow, a lot of emotions have been swirling through me for the past couple of days! Knowing that I’ll be leaving home is something that really saddens me, but at the same time, I’m excited to see what this new chapter in my life has to offer me! But anyways, enough about me, here’s the entry!


Journal Entry 20

Day 74: A Second Encounter!


(Start Song Here)



                Okay, so after three days, I finally came into contact with that creature again! Granted, it was something scary for me, because I didn’t know what to expect…but when I found her, she was around the same area I had been, but she was a bit of a distance away from the mansion! It was like she didn’t want to go inside! I saw her peeking through some bushes near the forest, and that’s when I decided to brave myself and approach her!


                I stealthily made my way to her, and then I lightly tapped her shoulder! She jerked around faster than I could blink, and she was just about to yelp when she saw that it was me, and she immediately calmed down! Apparently, she had been happy to see me again, despite me having just up and ditched her the last time that we met!


                Okay, so it turns out that this creature is a Nobody, and she’s the most common form of Nobody known as a Dusk! Quite interesting! At least we share that in common, despite being of different species: we are both the most common of our races! She said that her name was Tracy, and she said that she was getting tired of having to go on missions terrorizing people and looking for new Nobodies to join up with the big number of them rising up!


                I could relate! I mean hey, being a Heartless can be tiring, too! It’s not all just heart consuming and people terrorizing, there’s a lot of work that goes into maintaining an army of such massive size that harnesses the darkness! But anyways, I found that Tracy was a kindred spirit, someone whom I could get along with! And so, as she had initially wanted, we became friends!


                And so, for the rest of the day, we just sat down on the furthest side of the forest, making sure that we wouldn’t be spotted by any more of these Nobodies and whatnot, and we just kept talking, about our lives and about our jobs! So apparently, Nobodies are created when a person becomes a Heartless! The shell that is left behind becomes a Nobody, if said person’s heart was strong enough! But well, since we Heartless steal the hearts of said strong humans, they are devoid of hearts, hence the name Nobodies! They don’t feel and they don’t behave the way humans do, but looking at how Tracy acts, she does seem to feel human emotions to me…but that’s beside the point!


                In the back of my mind, I was thinking that the Nobodies would seriously be a huge thorn in our side! Especially given the fact that there’s thirteen of them that have formed an Organization! Tracy says they are the strongest of the Nobodies, so strong that they were able to retain their human physical forms despite losing their hearts! It was a lot of information to take in, but at the same time, I just listened and appreciated the fact that she was giving me all this intel! It would be good so I could let my bosses know what we were up against! But yeah, I told her about the Heartless as well, since it’s only fair!


                Does that make me a traitor?


                But yes, after a while, I had to go, since I had to go back to my bosses to see if they had any sort of mission for me, and some Samurai Nobodies had come looking for Tracy! But we promised we’d see each other, but that we should try to find another world to meet, so that we don’t have anyone breathing down our backs!


                Huh…friendship. Interesting!


(End Song Here)




So yes, it seems that Bob has found a new friend in the Nobody Dusk, Tracy! I wonder how this will develop? Haha, thank you all for keeping up with my entries, and as always, I appreciate the love and support you all give me, it’s greatly appreciated! So then, until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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To KHLegendIII, what indeed, eh? :)


Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are having a splendid night! So then, I have here another entry for you all to read, and this is the first ever entry I’m posting from the US since 2015! So yay, a flagship moment for me! Anyways, I hope you all enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 21

Day 75:  A…Kupo?


(Start Song Here)



                Well, today was a weird day! As if having made a friend that wasn’t a Heartless wasn’t weird enough, today I decided to go for a stroll through a world called Enchanted Dominion, and there, I saw something that was wandering that world! It was a curious little thing, and it was a little far off from me, and it was looking this way and that!


                I hid behind a bush and squinted my eyes, trying to see if I could get a better look at whatever that thing was without getting too close! I then heard something, and for a split second, I looked behind me, and when I saw there was nothing there, I got back to looking at that weird thing! But when I turned around, it wasn’t there anymore!


                It turned out that thing had flown right to my side! I almost got myself a panic attack because of the sudden startle, and I almost swiped my claws at the thing, but I held firm! It turns out, the thing was called a Moogle, and its name was Stiltzkin! Apparently, he was looking for a bag he had lost, because he said that he was traveling the world! Strange that he should talk so freely about himself to a total stranger…


                But anyways, as I heard him talk, I noticed that he would use the word kupo at the end of each of his sentences. And I do mean every single sentence! I was thinking to myself if he was doing that on purpose to tick me off, or if he was just really saying that absentmindedly? Anyways, his whole appearance was weird!


                He was supposed to be this fluffy kind of creature, and he had really small purple wings, and he had a really big head and a big nose that covered most of his face, and a pom pom that dangled over his head! Honestly, this moogle defies explanation, I don’t even know how this creature was keeping himself afloat! He was an abnormality! Seriously, how does a moogle fly with such a big head and such little wings?


                Well, I guess that just goes to show how weird some creatures can be, and how varied this universe is! But anyways, he just kept talking and talking, and I was sort of listening to him, but at the same time, I wasn’t. He was a serious moogle, and he sounded like he really had traveled to a lot of places! He also told me that he’d stay in touch with his friends via Mognet, whatever that is. Seriously, why is it that strangers decide to trust me with such potentially valuable information?


                I mean, I could end up being the very Heartless that ends up consuming their hearts! Or they could get mugged or something, I don’t know, there’s a multitude of scenarios! The point is, moogles are weird, if Stiltzkin is any indication of the standards of moogles…and the word kupo just doesn’t make sense to me.


                Kupo…what the heck is a kupo…? This is really bothering me…


(End Song Here)




Unfortunately for Bob, he can never find out about the true meaning of the word kupo! It will forever remain a mystery to him! Haha, but anyways, I thought this was a good entry, and for those of you who don’t know, Stilzkin is actually a moogle from Final Fantasy IX, and in that game, he’s always exploring the world, and he always has a travel bag with  him, and he’s constantly in touch with his other Moogle friends, so I thought it’d be neat having him make a cameo in this entry! Anyways, thank you all so much for your love and support, and as always, let me know what you thought about tonight’s entry! Until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

Edited by The Transcendent Key

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To KHLegendIII, lol, right? It was pretty self explanatory. X3


To Keyblade101, thanks man, I'm glad you've enjoyed this story so far! Stay tuned for more awesomeness! :D


Good afternoon everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! Sorry for the delay in entries, I’m still handling my new life, and since I’m preparing my room and looking for a job and spending time with my family, I haven’t been able to be online all that much, but at least know I was able to make the time to post a new entry! Enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 22

Day 80: What A Strange Thing…


                Today was weird! I stumbled upon something curious that I hadn’t expected to come across! In all my time as a Heartless, I’ve seen a good many things, but today, I was in a grassy field, but I don’t know where this world particularly stood in the Lanes Between, so yeah, let’s just say that I was “exploring” though really, I was just lost…


                But anyways, as I was going through this grassy field, I saw something that piqued my interest! It seemed to be some sort of creature, golden colored! It was all feathery, and quite frankly, it was just a giant, yellow bird! Or at least, it was giant by normal bird standards, unless that bird was a distant relative of ostriches or something! But yes, back to the point!


                I decided to approach this curious little creature, and it either didn’t care that I was approaching it, or it was simply invested in its meal, which consisted of greens and seeds that it was pecking at from the ground! For some reason, I didn’t feel the urge to consume this thing’s heart. If anything, I was mildly amused. It seemed like such a peaceful critter! And so, I just sat down and watched it.


                I kept at it for a while, and I felt relaxed…until I heard some distant squawks! When I turned around, I saw a bigger version of that bird thing heading straight for me in full, unbridled rage! Why was it doing that!? But then, when I put two and two together in my head, I remembered that I’m a Heartless, so in that giant bird mother’s eyes, she saw a threat to what I assume was her baby chick!


                Let’s just say that I wasn’t able to sink into the ground fast enough…


                That thing started pecking me to oblivion! I was trying to claw its beak so that I wouldn’t hurt it, because I didn’t want to! But the darn thing kept poking my belly and yanking on my antennae, while the baby just stood there, watching me!


                Traitorous little filth…I hadn’t done anything to endanger its life, so the least the darn thing could’ve done would have been to defend me or something! But no, it just stood there, ruffling its feathers!


                After about an hour of trying to pry myself off that mama bird, it finally let me go, and I couldn’t get back home fast enough!


                Let’s just say that I was the laughingstock of the Realm Of Darkness when I returned, beak and claw marks all over my face and stomach…


                I hate birds!



Haha, in case you hadn’t caught on, it was a Chocobo that assaulted Bob! Poor guy, eh? He just doesn’t seem to have any luck! But anyways, I hope you all found the entry to your liking! Thank you for all your love and support, and let me know what you thought about today’s entry! Until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

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To KHLegendIII, I know, right???


Good afternoon everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, here’s another entry, I hope you’ve all enjoyed what you’ve read so far! I try to make it a point to make each entry something interesting or funny for you all to read! I hope Bob has been an engaging character for you all! Anyways, here’s the entry, enjoy! :D


Journal Entry 23

Day 90: Tracy


                After a few days of boring work, I decided that it was time to meet up with Tracy again! The Nobody friend who I made a while back! And so, after I finished up my daily heart consuming routine, I decided to meet up with Tracy in the same forest that we had seen each other the last time! Pretty much for the fact that she hadn’t bothered to mention which other world we could go to visit each other!


                So when I arrived at the forest, I met with her, and then we decided that it was best if the two of us headed for a world called Beast’s Castle! I think I had been here just once or twice, and I remember the castle area to be particularly empty, with the only residents in said castle being some anthropomorphic furniture, a grumpy beast and a  human lady! There was no one else in that castle area, so we decided that would be the perfect place to go! And so we did!


                And so, we talked for a while about different things. And it seems that contrary to us Heartless, Nobodies seem to be able to remember who they were when they were human! According to Tracy, she was a human who ran a library. She was very into books, and she said that she ended up becoming a Nobody because a Heartless consumed her. But since her heart was strong, her Nobody form retained her human memories. But she wasn’t strong enough to be able to retain her human form, unlike the higher ups of the Nobodies, whom she told me went by the name “Organization XIII.”


                This interesting topic kept me enthralled, and it wasn’t until we heard something that we spurred to our feet! We heard some kind of discussion near the bridge that led to the castle! We quietly went to figure out what all the ruckus was about, and that’s when Tracy recognized two people in black coats! She knew that one of them was definitely from the Organization, but the other one…seemed to be an impostor!


                Gosh, all this drama and talk about impostors was movie worthy material!


                So, the little we could hear about the conversation between those two was that one of them was a sham and that the other was trying to do all this so that his friend can sleep in peace? I don’t know, it was just something weird, and then one of the cloaked people just broke down and wailed…at that point, Tracy and I were uncomfortable, so we decided to call it a day and just head back home.


                After I got back home, I just sat quietly, looking at the ever encroaching darkness around me. The Organization, Heartless, Nobodies, Sora, Keyblades, all this craziness…it’s hard to believe that I’m a part of all this! But then again, I’m just an insignificant Shadow, so I probably don’t amount up to too much in the grand scheme of things.


                I wonder if I was a human or an animal or something? I wish I could remember…




Ah, so it seems that Tracy’s story of when she was human has caused Bob to wonder who he was when he was a human! Too bad that Heartless can’t remember who they used to be, huh? Poor Bob! Anyways, thank you all so much for tuning in and reading this entry, and as always, let me know what you thought about today’s entry! Thank you for your support, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! :D

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