The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 27, 2018 (edited) Hey there everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! Good evening to one and to all! So then, as I commented to you all before, I am going to be writing another story here soon, but since I finished Afterworld just recently, I’ve decided to give myself a short rest before proceeding to my next work, ya know? So in the meantime, I want to gift you all with this short story I’ll be writing, and yes, as the title suggests, it deals around the life of a Heartless! Now, this is going to be a comedic parody/spoof as opposed to a dramatic story, so there’s no grimness or a dark tone, this is simply something I decided to write for fun! It’ll have a prologue, fifty chapters and an epilogue, as with my other stories, but as opposed to my regular stories, the chapters for this one will be pretty short, and I’ll try to update as frequently as I can! Anyways, I hope that you enjoy what I have in store for you all! Prologue: Something To Start With… (Start Song Here) Okay…how to begin… Well, for starters, if you’re reading this, then that means that I’m probably dead. Or maybe I’m off on a vacation or something…I dunno… Geez, what am I supposed to write in here…? It’s not like my existence is anything remarkable to write about. Anyways, here goes! My name is Bob. No, I’m not a human, and I’m not an animal either. I am simply and above all things, a Shadow, one of the many forms of Heartless that exist. What’s a Heartless, you ask? Alright then, I’ll tell you! A Heartless is basically what you get when a person’s heart is consumed by darkness, and that darkness in turn, breeds one of me and my many kinsfolk, if you will! I think that’s a valid explanation, right? No need to go further into details! But yes, we are creatures who thrive on the hearts of others, as that’s our main way of surviving. Honestly though, couldn’t we get something better to eat? I mean, I’ve seen humans eating stuff that doesn’t involve hearts…just saying! If humans can have a colorful variety of food, then why can’t we? Why are we just relegated to hearts, hearts and more hearts? …Is what I would say under normal circumstances, but any talk like that in front of the higher ups would probably get me killed, and I really don’t wanna die. I mean sure, I live a sucky life, but it’s still a life! You may be wondering: “If you’re a Heartless, than how come you can write like if you were a normal person?” Well, to be frank, just because we’re creatures of darkness doesn’t mean we aren’t capable of thinking on our own! Seems to me like everyone thinks we’re a load of brick brains! Underestimating what you don’t understand is never good, dear reader, so please keep that in mind! But well, really, I don’t understand myself why I’m writing this down at all! Apparently, it’s something that can help keep my mind off of mundane, daily routine, or something like that. One of my bosses gave me a journal to write, and well, even though I’ve had to rewrite this countless times on account of my withered claws for hands, I have to say that the end result is a polished and well written entry! I feel proud of myself! Wait, why do I feel proud? I’m just writing… So uh…I guess this means that you, dear reader, shall be filling your mind with knowledge on what it’s like to live as a Heartless. Um, I hope you enjoy, I guess…? I really don’t know why I’m doing this… (End Song Here) -------------------------------- So then, that’s just a sneak peek of what’s to come! Now then, like I mentioned before, this will be more of a short story than not, as the chapters will be short, as they will be journal entries more than anything! Still, I hope you enjoy what’s to come! Here’s hoping you have a good time with this new story of mine! Stay tuned for the next entry, my fellow readers! Edited March 27, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 17 DennosZew, Williamduh, DanartG and 14 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuya Sakaki 5,212 Posted March 27, 2018 Were you inspired by Roxas' diary entries? Because I see a lotttttttttt of similarities! Peace! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted March 27, 2018 This is interesting. 2 NihonScribe and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 29, 2018 (edited) To Yuya Sakaki, haha, yes, Roxas's diary was one of the main things that gave me inspiration for this spoof! It is one of the bases upon which I based the idea of a Heartless writing his day to day life in a journal! So yep, you're right on the nose about that! Hope you enjoy the other chapters I have in store! To KHLegend III, indeed, I hope you'll find it even more interesting as more chapters come along! Good afternoon everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, I’m hoping that you all enjoyed the prologue to my short story here, and it is my hope that you’ll all enjoy the rest of the story as it comes! I hope it’s as funny as I intend to make it! Well then, without any further ado, let’s get a little deeper into little Rob’s life, shall we? Journal Entry 1 Day 14: Two Weeks Old! Okay, so it’s been a total of two weeks since I “joined the hive” in a manner of speaking. Everything’s been pretty casual so far. I mean, for being only two weeks old, I’m not doing so bad for myself, you know what I’m saying? Anyways, things have been pretty straightforward! We are all huddled up together in a place called the Dark World, or The Realm Of Darkness. I know…pretty grim names for such a place, eh? Though if you could see it now, you would see why this place goes by those names. Anyways, I’m going off the main focus here! So apparently, I’m one in an endless amount of Heartless that fit the cogs into the machine of the natural world order of things. According to our higher ups, where there is light, there must also be darkness, so we have to go around consuming other people’s hearts so that things don’t go out of whack, or something like that, either way. I just wish that there could be a different way of going about things. I know that it’s just the way things are meant to be, but if I had things my way, I would prefer not to consume people’s hearts. Well, maybe I just feel this way because I’m still just merely two weeks old. Maybe I’ll grow into my hearty appetite! Get it? Hearty? Cuz of hearts and…you know what? I’ll stop right there! So far, I’ve been socializing a bit with my other Shadow brethren, and I gotta say, they are a pretty nice bunch! There’s Matilda, Sasha, Ben, Landon, and a few others. Though the thing here is that since we are all Shadow Heartless, we virtually look the same. Like, I’m not even kidding, it’s like we are all directly related or something! Nothing distinguishes us from other Shadows! We all have the same antennae, the same yellow eyes, and the same small, diminutive stature and claws for hands! It can be a bit confusing trying to tell who’s who, but I think we’re slowly starting to get familiar with each other. That way, we just keep rolling along, without hurting other’s feelings and confusing them for one of the others. And well, in these past two weeks, I’ve been seeing a few other of our kinsmen! There’s the big, round floating balls of darkness…I think I heard someone say there were Darkballs? At any rate, they look kinda scary…I saw a big bunch of ‘em, apparently going off somewhere on a mission. Probably to consume hearts or whatever. Me? Well, apparently, I’m supposed to go on a mission too, but I’ve been here in the Realm Of Darkness, training and honing my skills so that I can be able to be of use in the field and not screw up and drag the others down! In either case, at least I’m going to be active and doing something for a community, so that’s something, I guess! Let’s see, what else can I write here of worth from today…? Oh, I also heard a bit of gossip today! There were a bunch of Shadows talking in hushed voices about someone wandering around here…and not just anyone, but a human! I was intrigued by this piece of gossip and decided to eavesdrop and see if I could find out more! Unfortunately, they were a bit too quiet in their talking, so I couldn’t make out much of what they were saying! What I could hear, though, is that apparently this was “another” human that ended up here. So that must mean that there’s been more than one human here in the Realm Of Darkness before! That made me wonder if maybe there was a village or town full of ‘em! Because if there were, there wouldn’t be any need for us to go to the outside world or anything, when we could have our food right here, in the comforts of home! Wait, what? Food? Gosh…I’m already giving in to my primal, Heartless nature! Wait a moment…I was a human before this, right…? Because the only thing I remember was the moment that I woke up down here! Huh, well that’s something that could be potentially worrisome… But anyways, I’m going to be keeping my eye out for this human that the others spotted, and keep my ears open for any new rumors! I don’t know why, but I just get excited whenever I hear about something from the outside world! That doesn’t make me creepy or anything, right…? At any rate, I should get back to training! I wanna make sure that these claws for hands can at least be able to slash at people properly! Don’t wanna be a drag to anybody else! I’ll report back when I’ve found something interesting to write about! --------------------------------- So, how do you all like it so far? Are you interested in this story? Does it pique your fancy? Maybe it makes you chuckle from time to time? Haha, well, I hope that I’m making this a curious tale for you all! I’m really excited to show you what I’ve got in store for this story, so it is my hope that you all keep looking forward to more of Bob’s journal entries! I’m sure they won’t disappoint! Let me know what you thought about this entry! Haha, anyways, until next time, stay tuned for the next one, everybody! Edited March 31, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 3 NihonScribe, KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted March 29, 2018 This was cool, the Heartless act to keep the natural order in balance, interesting. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 1, 2018 (edited) To KHLegendIII, yeah, I'm trying to portray how things look like from the perspective of the Heartless, ya know? Obviously, this isn't meant to be taken seriously, as this story is gonna be more comedic than not, and as much, it's gonna get into the parody bits soon, so I hope you enjoy! Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, here’s another entry of Bob’s journal! Let me know what you all think of his entries! He’s a curious little fellow, and he looks at things in a perceptive way, in a way that not all Heartless would normally do, ya know? It makes him stick out! But anyways, I’m just rambling on here, let’s keep going! Journal Entry 2 Day 20: Mission Progress! (Start Song Here) Okay, so this is already day twenty, and I’m happy to report that things are actually going pretty well! I’ve done good on my first couple of missions, and the higher ups have even gone so far as to say that I have potential! That I could have the honor of being on the front lines soon enough! Because you see, we rookies have been assigned to “base worlds” as we call them. Basically, these are beginner worlds that have relatively weak people, which makes it easy to extract their hearts! So basically, these worlds are places where we can hone our skills for when we get sent to some of the bigger worlds out there, where our numbers are more exponential! So then, as it goes, we Heartless go to different worlds, and basically, what we have to do is go to the world’s core, find its heart and consume it, thus making the world fall into darkness! And any human or any other sort of being that gets in the way, we gobble up their hearts as we go! Quite simple when written on paper! Although…it is kinda disturbing. I was talking to Sasha and Landon the other day about the nature of our missions, and to them, it’s simply a job, and they don’t dwell too much on it. They don’t dwell on consequences or any sort of repercussions, they just simply do as they must! Not saying their opinion is a bad one, but they are kind of close minded… I’d like to believe that there could be other ways of us Heartless surviving that don’t require us consuming the hearts of others. But, really, we’ve been told that this is the only way we survive, so there’s nothing we can really do about it, anyway. So, for base worlds, I’ve gone to a few in these past couple of days! I went to a strange forest with really weird plants and growing and shrinking architecture, and a cat without a body! Really bizarre, if I do say so myself! I can’t even imagine how a sane person could live in such a world! But anyways, me and a few other Shadows, along with other types of Heartless, went to that world, and we saw the person who runs the place. A Queen Of Hearts? That got me thinking…wouldn’t she be a prime and perfect target for us? Humans having hearts is one thing…but a queen of hearts? Which means she has to have more than one! But when I asked the higher ups about it, they said to focus on the mission. Another world we went to was a lush, deep jungle! This one in particular didn’t sit well with me. I don’t like hot, stifling weather, and this jungle was ripe with it! And on top of that, all the vines, roots and bamboo branches kept getting in the way! It made it difficult for us to navigate through such a place, since our bodies aren’t exactly prime for climbing and whatnot…but there are some parts of the world where there are flat expanses and there are also rocky mountainsides, so I suppose it wasn’t all that bad. But we didn’t see humans that much, we saw gorillas, mostly. We managed to extract hearts from a few of them, now that I remember correctly! We also tried to get into this other world, it was a castle, but for some reason, we just couldn’t get in! No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t get to enter the darn place, as if there was some Heartless repellant or an invisible barrier that had been placed to prevent us from crossing! After many repeated and failed attempts at trying to get into that world, we decided it’d be best to just leave that world for another occasion. The higher ups didn’t have a problem with that, thankfully! And well, we’ve just been going through the paces, just doing what we have to do. But I’ve been getting a funny feeling, though. I’ve been getting the sneaking, creeping feeling that things are about to get really bad for us Heartless. I’ve heard rumors…and let’s just say that there may be something big coming for us…or someone who will be hunting us down! Gives me shivers just thinking about it! Well, in either case, we can just consume the heart of whoever ends up trying to hunt us down, right? (End Song Here) ------------------------------------ And so, another journal entry is ended! I really like this concept! I hope that you’ve all enjoyed this so far! Trust me, the next journal entries shall be filled with funny content, so it’s my hope you enjoy what I have in store! It’ll make you question how you feel about Heartless! I guarantee it! Haha, anyways, let me know what you thought about this journal entry, and stay tuned for the next one! Edited April 1, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 1, 2018 I know it's a parody, but this is interesting. 2 The Transcendent Key and NihonScribe reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 4, 2018 (edited) To KHLegendIII, thank you, I'm glad you've found it interesting! Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are enjoying this fine night! So then, I bring you all another one of Bob’s entries! I hope you enjoy! Also, the Kingdom Hearts Union X fan event is almost upon us, and I have a feeling we’ll get a juicy, wonderful update on Kingdom Hearts III! The hype is on! Anyways, here I bring you the next journal entry! Enjoy! Journal Entry 3 Day 22: Different Heartless! Okay, so after a lot of observing, I’ve noticed that there are many types of Heartless! While there are a great many of each of our species, there are some that are harder to find than others! For example, there are Invisibles! These ones are freakishly strong, and they have long bodies, small wings, a hat connected to their skull looking faces, and a long sword! They are pretty good at combat, and they can be able to take down even the most battle hardened humans! Then there’s the Darkballs I mentioned previously! They’re…a creepy bunch! Their eyes are even more beady than my own, and they just teem with darkness and have a very intimidating aura about them! Then there’s also the musical troupe! And by musical, I mean that because for some apparent reason, these little guys are named after musical concepts! Red Nocturne? Blue Rhapsody? Green Requiem? Yellow Opera? Who made up the names for these Heartless? In fact, who invented the names for all Heartless? Were we just born with these names, or was it something else entirely? And well, there’s also other weird looking Heartless that are either based on items like hammers or cannons, or they are a mix of aquatic and amphibious creatures! There’s lots of variety to be found within our ranks! Ooh, that also reminds me! We Heartless are split into two groups! There’s Purebloods, such as myself, the Invisibles, Darkballs and others of our kind, and then there’s the Emblem Heartless, those that were created artificially! Those would be the musical troupe and the weird looking ones! Rumor has it that these Emblem Heartless were created by a human, and they multiplied at quite the expansive rate! Well hey, when it comes to consuming hearts and spreading darkness, it doesn’t matter if we’re Purebloods or Emblems! We’re all one big unit in the end! But still though, just who the heck invented our names? I mean, me being a Shadow is easy enough to explain, since I just sink into the ground and whatever and it makes me look like a shadow…but what’s up with Invisible? I mean, they are clearly visible! Oh wait, but they do vanish when they stab their swords into the ground and surround their enemies with purple flames…um, wait! What about Darkballs! No, wait, they actually make sense too…they are dark…and they are sphere shaped… But, what about the musical troupe? They don’t have an excuse! They don’t even compose music, so what’s up with that!? If they could be able to provide musical entertainment of any kind, I’d welcome it, for sure! Geez, all this writing’s making me hungry…and I feel annoyed. I feel like I wanna get into a fight with other Heartless, but I know I’d get my butt kicked if I tried…I am only a Shadow, after all…unless… WAIT, I THINK I HAVE AN IDEA! I’LL WRITE AGAIN WHEN I HAVE SOMETHING TO REPORT! ---------------------------------------- I wonder what sort of idea Bob got into his head at this final moment in his entry? I’d like to know myself! Haha, stay tuned for the next entry, I’m sure it’ll make you laugh! Let me know what you thought about tonight’s entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! Edited April 4, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 4, 2018 This was a funny chapter, with Bob questioning some of the names of the other Heartless and all. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 6, 2018 To KHLegendIII, thanks, I'm glad you thought so! Yes, the purpose of the chapter was for Bob to think about these different Heartless names and really question just who the heck came up with those names for them, ya know? I enjoyed writing that particular bit quite much! X3 Good afternoon everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! It’s a beautiful day to be alive, ain’t it? So then, with another day comes another journal entry from our dear Bob, so let’s take a look at what he has to show us today! Journal Entry 4 Day 25: I Shall Evolve! (Start Song Here) I have discovered what I must do! If I’m going to try and take on other fellow Heartless to prove my strength, there’s only one thing left to do…I AM GOING TO BECOME A NEOSHADOW! Yes, I know, this is quite ambitious, and maybe it’s not even possible…but hey, Neoshadows are just larger, more adult versions of us regular Shadows! There has to be a reason why they look like that! My hypothesis is that if a Shadow lives long enough without being slain, said Shadow could eventually be able to grow and evolve into a Neoshadow! It makes perfect sense, right? For some reason though, when I talked about this with my friends, they either laugh or shrugged off my words…almost as if they wanted no part of this! But oh well, forget them! I’m going to become a Neoshadow! Aside from devouring hearts, this is my other purpose, one I must fulfill! And so, I’ve been trying to train a bit harder, try to exceed my limits to see if there’s any growth, but all that has resulted in…exhaustedly tired limbs and a disposition to want to be lazier than lazy…but I can’t give up, I have to keep moving forward! If I want to be a great Heartless, I have to aim for the top to be the best! And in a sea of endless Heartless, I have to stick out from the crowd, and make the higher ups recognize me! Which also makes me wonder…do I have to devour more powerful human hearts in order to evolve? Do I have to eat a heart from a large creature, or a strong, heroic human? These are thoughts that are constantly going through my head, but then I think that maybe the way that one becomes a Neoshadow is through rite of passage? Maybe I have to do something in order to gain the power to become one! Gah, so many questions! My friends say that I’m delusional, and they say that I’m aiming for the impossible…but what’s so wrong with wanting to be the best of yourself? Hey, if I’m going to be like this for the rest of my days, I at least want to have ambitions! I don’t want to be a boring, static existence! I want my life as a Heartless to have some zing to it, something to leave behind for my fellow kin to remember me by! I wonder if I had this kind of motivation and drive in my past life…? Anyways though, a little bit off topic here, but today I heard another rumor! This time around, it seems that there’s been some sightings of a human female with blue hair, and a tiny mouse with big ears! They seem to be wandering around the Realm Of Darkness, and here’s the messed up part…they seem to have Keyblades! But that’s something I’ll leave for another entry…ugh, just thinking about the word Keyblade gives me shivers… But yes, as I write my occurrences here, I shall report on my success or failure in becoming a Neoshadow! I may be small, and I may have creepy, beady yellow eyes…I may have disgusting antennae and flaps for feet and claws for hands…but I have the determination and willpower to see this through! This is my story, my journey, and I’m going to make sure that I make my life memorable! Wow, it’s actually pretty cool to write this down on paper…it’s a good thing I was given this journal by one of my bosses, because it’s actually a nice way to put thought into paper! Well then, I’m going off for some more training, so I’ll report back soon! (End Song Here) --------------------------------------- Looks like little Bob here has big ambitions! Will he be able to go through with his dream of becoming a Neoshadow? That’s the big question here! But anyways, I hope you enjoyed this entry! I hope I’m making this story comedic enough while also trying to be a good story! Let me know what you thought about today’s entry! So then, until next time, stay tuned for the next one! 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 6, 2018 So, Aqua and Mickey have appeared on the scene, interesting. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NihonScribe 60 Posted April 9, 2018 This is very amusing. Sort of dreading when Bob encounters Sora for the first time. This reminds me of the first ever KH3 trailer/announcement when Sora was facing a shadow horde and they spelled out SOS before he made his attack (2013 anyone? Good times). I can't help but want to root for him, despite the fact that his success means the death of a good amount of humans. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 10, 2018 (edited) To KHLegendIII, yeah, they were just passing through. It was like a cameo mention, of sorts! To NihonScribe, thanks, I'm glad you found this amusing! Lol, and about that, I think you may find this particular entry amusing! Oh, and I do remember that! Good times indeed! Lol, and I know, Bob is just a lovable little scamp, isn't he? X3 Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing swell! So then, here’s another entry for you all! I hope that you enjoy! Also, the Union X Fan Event is almost upon us! I wonder what Nomura will have in store for us!? Anyways, let’s get on to the story, shall we? Journal Entry 5 Day 30: Something Strange I Noticed! Before anything, I’m a bit frustrated! I’ve been training my butt off, but it doesn’t seem as though I will be evolving into a Neoshadow anytime soon! And this really annoys me! I feel stronger and I feel more nimble, and yet nothing! Ugh, this is so annoying! But anyways, I noticed something strange today! On a mission I went with a few other Shadow Heartless to the world with the weird garden…I think Wonderland, I heard it was called? Well, anyways, we were all strolling and whatnot, looking for some hearts to devour while searching for the world’s core, when this kid came out of the blue with some spiky brown hair and weird clothes! There was also a talking dog and duck with him! They were all wearing weird getups. I mean, what’s with them, are they circus attraction or something? Anyways, though, that wasn’t what horrified us! What horrified us was the fact that this kid had the thing we fear the most in his possession! The Keyblade! I was told that the Keyblade is the weapon meant to destroy us, so if we see anyone wielding a Keyblade, we have to steer clear! And that’s precisely what I did! Me and two other Shadows slid underground and then reemerged behind some bushes, and we watched as the kid finished off our comrades in less than nothing! It was horrible! We had to escape, otherwise, we would’ve bit the dust too! But that’s not the weird part…the weird part was when he slew my friends! They burst, and they had munny coming out of them! And bubbles that contained magic energy in them, and even items! Then I asked to myself: “Just what the heck was that? Do we carry all those things inside our bodies? How come I don’t feel ‘em rattling inside me when I’m walking around?” The others gave me a shrug, and we returned to our home asap! It’s just bizarre though. I mean, when we Heartless die, we poof into black and that’s that! But why do all those objects pop out of us! Are we piñatas!? This merits investigation! I have to get to the bottom of this! ------------------------------------ Poor Bob! His world just got a lot scarier! Anyways, sorry for the shorter than usual update, but for what I have set up for the next three entries, I promise it’ll make up for this short entry! Anyways, let me know what you all thought of this entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! Edited April 10, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 10, 2018 Sora has finally shown up, and Bob is scared, interesting. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 12, 2018 (edited) To KHLegendIII, yep, I thought about putting a Sora Easter egg in there for the fun of it, too! Hey there everyone, good afternoon! I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, here we have another of Bob’s entries! Let’s continue reading and see what else this little Heartless has written down on his journal! Journal Entry 6 Day 31: Investigating! Okay, so after the weirdness that happened in Wonderland, I went around the Realm Of Darkness and talked to a bunch of different Heartless to ask them if they felt anything particularly heavy inside them, or something jingling! They shrugged and said no…then I explained to them that I had seen some of our comrades die by the spiky kid’s hand, and after the fact, they had left behind munny and other items! When I asked them again, they said that they didn’t have any items on them! I just think it’s weird! Why the heck would they say no if that’s what we leave behind when we die…? It’s just too weird not to notice! Well, when I came back home, I was talking to my friends, and they were saying that the other Heartless don’t tell anyone about the fact that we do actually indeed leave behind items when we die! They say it’d cause a lot of questions to pop up and all the other Heartless would start arguing or whatever…but this is something that shouldn’t be kept a secret! Which makes me wonder if any of these other friends of ours that bit the dust were once wealthy or something? Because if they drop munny, that means that at some point they had a job or something or other! I honestly don’t know! Later on, I poked my belly with one of my fingers to see if anything would come out. But really, nothing did come out! Not even a small amount of munny! No magic restoring bubbles, no items, nothing at all! Then it hit me… Was I flat broke when I was a human? DID I NOT HAVE A JOB!? WAS I SOMEONE THAT DIDN’T HAVE A SINGLE SHRED OF MUNNY TO HIS NAME!? I got somewhat depressed and wallowed my sorrows out by just laying on the floor and looking up at the darkness. Yeah…that didn’t help matters… After that, I decide to take a stroll around the Realm Of Darkness, just a casual, leisurely stroll by myself, and then I happened to stumble upon a group of larger Heartless! Among them were Large Body’s, Invisibles, Wyverns and what have you! They all seemed to be….gambling! That’s right! They were gambling with munny and items! SO MY INVESTIGATION DID END UP HAVING A LEAD! They took notice of me and offered me a seat beside them so I played along and go to play the game. Although to be honest, I don’t know what we were playing…in fact, I’m not sure we were playing anything at all! We were literally just sitting there, looking at the pile of munny and other items that had been gathered. It’s like all of them had nothing better to do than just sit there and watch those items. I even asked if we were playing anything at all, and then they just said they were admiring all these items and whatnot. Prizes gained from when one consumed a person’s heart! Wait a moment, that’s it! I think I know the reason why we all drop munny when we die! It’s because when we consume a person’s heart, we end up getting all their munny and whatever items they happened to have on them as well! That makes total sense! But how do we not notice that when we consume another person’s heart…? Is it because since they poof out of existence, their belongings sort of transfer into the Realm Of Darkness and are then imbued into our bodies or something…? I think I’m in way over my head here. I’m questioning ridiculous things! Well, either way though, I’m going to keep investigating to see what other things I find out! Because there’s got to be more to the life of a Heartless than just consuming hearts and spreading darkness and despair and everything, you know what I’m saying? ----------------------------------- Bob sure is an ambitious investigator! When he puts his mind to work on something, he doesn’t budge or give up! Looks like he’s gonna do some more investigating! Let me know what you all thought of this entry everyone, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! Edited April 12, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 2 Keyblade101 and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 12, 2018 (edited) This was cool to read, I found it a little funny when Bob brought up Heartless dropping Munny upon being defeated. Edited April 12, 2018 by KHLegendIII 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 17, 2018 To KHLegendIII, thanks, I'm glad you thought so! And yeah, lol, I wanted Bob to question just why Heartless would drop such things, ya know? X3 Good evening everyone, I hope that you are all doing okay! So then, let’s get down to another entry! Sorry for the slight delay, I’ve been a bit busy these past couple of days with multiple different things, so forgive my lateness! But anyways, here’s hoping you enjoy this next entry! Journal Entry 7 Day 32: Following The Spiky Haired Boy! Okay, so to follow up on my investigation, I decided to risk what no Heartless would risk on his or her own! And that was to wander around and wait for the spiky haired boy and his friends to appear! Now, granted, I wouldn’t be stupid enough to just stay there in plain sight where he could whack me out of existence…but I was carefully sneaking around, sinking into the ground and shifting here and there! The perks of being a small Shadow Heartless, it seems! But anyways, today I followed the spiky haired boy to a new world! This one seemed to be some sort of coliseum! I mean, well, with the two giant warrior statues placed just before the entrance, one would think this is some fighting arena of some sort! But anyways, I came from a portal of darkness, and then I quickly sunk into the ground and then made my way to one of the statues! I hid behind one of them and waited patiently to see when the boy would arrive! While I was waiting, this weird, talking animal thing came outside. He was round and had half a human’s body and half a goat’s body…or was it a ram’s? Anyways, he had horns on his head, and he brought himself about as a proud fellow. Looks like he was going about the business of cleaning the statues! Said he was preparing for something called “The Games” or whatever it is I heard him mumble to himself! Heard him say the name Herc a few times too. What curious inhabitants these worlds have! But things got annoying when he spotted me! Though, he didn’t spot me, per se…he thought of me as a smudge on the statue, and so he tried to cleanse me off with his wet towel! It was all I could to remain still, because otherwise, I’d blow my cover if I’d move! I couldn’t devour his heart, either, cuz it’d cause too much trouble and attention to be drawn to me! So I opted to stay quiet and not move a muscle! I have to say, this weird person had quite the grip! He tried to get rid of me as much as is possible! But then he got angry and said that he had some ointment that would wash off the toughest of stains! That was definitely a warning sign, so I opted to get my butt out of there before he’d grind me into nothingness! So instead, I chose to hide beneath one of the small pedestals that was on fire! And there I waited. Eventually, I saw that strange person come out again, and he was relieved that the stain was gone from the statue, and seemed proud that his strength alone washed away the stain. Heh, poor fool. But as I continued to wait for the spiky haired boy, he just didn’t seem to come around! Eventually, I had the bad fortune of dozing off, and it wasn’t until I heard voices coming near that I came to, and when I did, I quickly sank into the ground! When I reemerged, I saw the spiky haired boy leaving! Dang it, I had just missed him! I was just about to leave when I heard that strange person, now accompanied by a muscled behemoth whom I could only assume to be this Herc he spoke of, talking about the spiky haired boy and how he had potential! He had completed the tournament and said that the boy had managed to defeat strange looking monsters! Strange looking monsters…that could have meant us! Were Heartless taking part in battles inside that Coliseum? That, I’d decided, would wait for tomorrow. For now, I’d go back home, since the spiky haired boy had left… That spiky haired boy frightens me… ------------------------------- Bob is really risking a lot to take a peek at Sora! Just what is it about Sora that has Bob so intrigued? I guess we’ll find out sometime soon, eh? Haha, thank you for following and reading, my friends, and be sure to comment on what you thought about this entry! So then, until next time, stay tuned for the next one! 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 17, 2018 It was cool seeing Olympus Colosseum here, it was interesting to hear about Bob's investigation. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted April 26, 2018 (edited) Good evening everyone, and hello to one and all! I hope you’ve all been doing okay! I’m so sorry for being late on an update for this story! I’ve been quite busy these days, and with work and Infinity War taking up my time and hype, I haven’t been able to get to writing! So anyways, here’s Bob’s next entry! Enjoy! Journal Entry 8 Day 33: A Day Of Battles! (Start Song Here) I heavily considered participating in a tournament at the Coliseum, if only so I could get to experience what competing in a tournament would be like! But the wimp in me decided not to, and instead, I just opted to go towards the stands where the masses of humans were, and I sat down to watch the matches unfold. Today seemed to be a packed day, as the seats were filled with people excited to see some battles go down! How did I pull off being there without scaring the living heck out of everyone? Easy! I disguised myself as a human child! Granted, I just had a scarf and a hat covering my face, and I borrowed some spare clothes I had found lying around, and that gave me access to the Coliseum proper! So, after I took my seat, the battles began, and it was actually quite the sight to see! My Heartless kin were simply slaying, they were dominating the battlefield, taking down any challengers who opposed them! Then I began to wonder if Herc would show. He seemed particularly strong, so I wondered if he could withstand the might of the Heartless? But then the weird goat man announced that the spiky haired boy, apparently named Sora, would be competing next with his friends, Donald the duck and Goofy the dog! That’s when things got my attention the most! I was pretty intrigued to see the kid back again, and he looked ready for a fight! Though he had an absentminded face, so he didn’t seem at all like a guy who would have the face of a killer! But when he summoned that Keyblade…ugh, it gave me shivers! I honestly didn’t want to see what would happen next! And just as the tournament continued, Sora and his friends went on an onslaught! They tore through the brackets, winning round after round to the applause and admiration of the people! This was not looking good! Then there came a point where Sora, Donald and Goofy faced off against a particularly tough customer, a Guard Armor! We called this guy Pinky back home, because he wasn’t purple and silver like his friend! The way Sora decimated the poor chap, though…that was something that I would’ve liked to stave off of my mind! This was really making me nervous…I think I’m gonna puke… I’ll get back to you in a few, ugh…. (End Song Here) ------------------------------------------- Poor Bob, the little one seems to be mortified by Sora’s constant slaying of his friends and comrades! Will he keep this investigation going, or will he give up? Let me know what you thought about tonight’s entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! Also, on a side note, I’m gonna see Avengers: Infinity War tomorrow, God willing! Yay! Edited April 26, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted April 26, 2018 This was quite intriguing. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 1, 2018 To KHLegendIII, thanks, I'm glad you thought so! Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, let’s get down to business, for here is another one of Bob’s entries! The poor little guy was getting sick the last time we read his journal, because I mean, who wouldn’t panic at the sight of a Keyblade Wielder decimating other of your Heartless brethren? It’s enough to unsettle anybody! But anyways, let’s dive in! Journal Entry 9 Day 34: Nothing Good Can Come Of This! So apparently, I got sick to my stomach to the point that I ended up passing out! Or at least, that’s what one of my friends told me when they brought me back home! They said that they were lucky they found me, because they almost hadn’t recognized me because of the costume I had been wearing! Apparently, the spectators had simply thought I had dozed off and they let me be, which was pure luck! Honestly, I’m lucky that Sora didn’t sense me and went after me like a raving lunatic! After I got a little better, I just decided to take a stroll and that’s when I heard that other Heartless were formulating some sort of plan! I felt like listening in on their conversation, and they all seemed to be pretty motivated! But then I heard Sora mixed into the conversation, and that’s when I had to step in! The others were surprised at my intervention, because apparently, I was very sneaky to the point that they hadn’t even noticed me! A natural talent. Yeah, that’s right, I’m a lean, mean, stealthy machine! That’s aside from the point, though! I ended up warning them about Sora, and telling them that they shouldn’t provoke him, unless they want to be grinded into dust! Or literally, poof out of existence! But they wouldn’t listen to me! They brushed off my warnings and they thought I was being a spineless wimp! At that point, I tried to explain to them about what I saw, but they wouldn’t have it! So, since they were deciding on being ignorant to the truth, I simply walked away. Hmph, I say that they get themselves killed! They deserve it for not listening to me! After a few hours had passed, one of my friends came and told me that those same Heartless had gone to the Coliseum to take part in the tournament…and that they had all been butchered by Sora! This didn’t catch me by surprise, honestly! I had told them about Sora, so they should’ve seen this coming! But no, what’s my opinion worth in the grand scheme of things? So when I heard this, I began to laugh! Genuine laughter! My friend was a bit disturbed and left me alone, not wanting to deal with me now. I could see the panic in his face. He thought I had snapped! Nope, I was laughing because of how right I was! Nothing good can come of trying to take on Sora! We’ll all end up dead, and that’s not something I want for myself! Though I may be a Heartless, a life is still a life, dang it! So for now on, I’m going to lie low, consume as many hearts as I can before Sora ends up wherever I’m hunting, and just stay out of that boy’s destructive rampage! No one can tell me otherwise! A little later after that, I got word from another Heartless that a lot of Shadows were gathering together. Apparently, it was for a meeting of sorts. This got my curiosity piqued, and so I went to this gathering of Shadows. Surprisingly, there were thousands upon thousands of my Shadow kindred present, and I honestly felt small in a sea of darkness such as this! I guess you could call this some sort of pep rally? Everyone was cheering, and there was one, tiny looking Shadow at the center of the horde, and he was standing on a rock, rambling on about something. I was too far out to listen…were all the Shadows around me even listening to him? Or were they just cheering out of the sake of doing so? Well, I’m going to see what this meeting is all about! ----------------------- Little Bob, ever the inquisitive and curious one! It seems as though the Heartless could take a page in listening to him about Sora! But well, as you can see, that doesn’t happen, considering all the Heartless Sora and friends slay in the games. But anyways, thank you for tuning in to another entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one, and let me know what you thought about this entry! 6 FornetB, Keyblade101, Galenvaf and 3 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 2, 2018 This was cool to read, I wonder what the meeting will be about. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 5, 2018 (edited) To KHLegendIII, thanks, and don't worry, you'll find out soon enough! Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, let’s get down to another one of Bob’s entries. He’s been quite the investigative and upbeat Heartless. Not like your average Heartless, eh? Well, let’s keep reading and see what other thing he’s discovered! Enjoy! Journal Entry 10 Day 36: A Master Plan? (Start Song Here) Okay, so two days have passed since I attended that gathering of Shadows I wrote about in my last entry, and boy, let me tell you, this meeting was more interesting than I thought it’d be! For starters, the meeting was a discussion on how to deal with the two newcomers who had been spotted a while back wandering around in our home turf! Yeah, those two Keyblade wielding people! Well, one of them was a person anyway…I heard someone say that the other wielder was a humanoid mouse! Pretty crazy stuff, huh? But anyways, it looks like all of these Shadows intended to face them on headfirst! I called them off as insane for suggesting that we directly engage with Keyblade Wielders, given how those are the weapons that kill us off! I heard another of my friends say once that they were eavesdropping on a conversation between a guy named Leon and whom I think was maybe Sora, saying how we Heartless have a great fear of the Keyblade and whatnot. Well if that’s the case, then let’s just steer clear of the Keyblade altogether! What an easy and simple solution! I mean, it’s not like everyone’s wielding a Keyblade, so let’s just leave those wielders’ hearts alone! I don’t wanna poof out of existence! Whenever I listen to disturbing stuff like this, it makes me realize we have warning shots all along, to stay away from those crazy key wielding psychos! But no…everyone here wants to prove themselves to the superiors and whatnot. Well, at the meeting, the Shadow who called us out suggested that we do something, something that no other Heartless had tried to do before! And that, my friends, was to attack with numbers! No, seriously, like an overwhelming amount of numbers, kind of like a creepy swarm! Because apparently this way, we could become a really big threat, and that way, all the other Heartless would respect us, and we’d stop being the butt of the others jokes because of our diminutive size and small claws for hands! As I listened to that Shadow talk, his idea really rubbed off on me! Many other Heartless look down on us because we’re small and insignificant, and some of the meaner bosses send us out to die without caring what happens to us! We’re like Keyblade fodder to them! That’s just messed up! But, by merging in the way this Shadow was suggesting, it really did seem like a good idea! It’d be a way of proving to the others that we could be just as much a verifiable threat as the big guys! Then came the fun part, and it was thinking up a cool name for our merged formation! Everyone came up with different names! There was Swirling Shadow, Black Goo, Slimy Maelstrom, Shadow Brigade and others. While these seemed pretty nice, I had one suggestion, and I raised my hand! When I was asked, I pitched two names! For our standing formation, we’d be the Demon Tower, and when we’d take a swarming formation, we’d be the Demon Tide! Apparently, everyone really liked the names, because they started cheering for me, and they even carried me into the crowd, like I was some big celebrity hotshot! The head Shadow who had called this meeting then talked to me personally and thanked me for the name, and he said that we’d now have a high morale, and that we could go after the two Keyblade Wielders! And I actually felt quite confident that we could take them out this way! We’d show those Keyblade Wielders who’s boss, and in the process, we’d make fools out of the big Heartless that looked down upon us! Except…gosh, what have I gotten myself into? ----------------------------------- Well, this isn’t reassuring! Bob got so caught up in the moment of what was happening, that he literally became the center of the Demon Tide, as he suggested the name! Now all Shadows will be on him, looking to him! What will Bob do? Will he join the other Shadows in taking down the two Keyblade Wielders, or will he find a way to get out of it? I guess we’ll find out in the next entry or two! Anyways, thank you so much for your love and support everyone, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! Edited May 5, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted May 5, 2018 Wow, so the Demon Tower/Tide has appeared now. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted May 15, 2018 (edited) To KHLegendIII, yep, it indeed has! Good evening everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! My deepest apologies for taking so long to post an update, so here it is! And forgive its shortness, I’m a little pressed for time at the moment, but I promise I will deliver a follow up entry as soon as possible! Well, enjoy this next entry, my fellow KH fans and loyal readers! Journal Entry 11 Day 46: I Need Help! It’s been ten days…ten long days that I’ve been in hiding! Ever since the idea for a Demon Tower/Tide was put on the table and all the other Shadows were praising me and whatnot…they wanted me to be at the head of everything! Like heck I’d do that! I don’t want to die! I don’t want to be led to slaughter! I have a dark life to live, so I should live it in a manner which I see fit! But goodness, it’s been a trial trying to get around without being seen! The bad thing about the Realm Of Darkness is that the darkness itself is unpredictable! There could be other Heartless in any corner, and I wouldn’t notice until it’d be too late! That provides for some crazy jump scares! Luckily, all the Heartless I’ve encountered accidentally happen to be the stronger ones, so they don’t really pay mind to small fry like myself! I’m getting really hungry…I need some hearts to feed on, but I haven’t gone to any worlds out of fear that the other Shadows might be looking for me in order to get me to be at the head of the Demon Tower/Tide…I don’t want to do it! Why did I have to be stupid enough to recommend the name!? What was I thinking? Did I really just want to stand out and look cool in front of the others? Urgh, curse my foolishness! Huh, I sound like an old man rambling on like this…but anyways, this hunger is getting to the point that it’ll drive me insane if I don’t go to any of the worlds soon enough…but I don’t know when the heck I can go, because Heartless prowl everywhere at all times of the day! I wish sleep deprivation were a thing for us…that way, all Heartless would be forced to sleep, but I’d sleep during the day and stay awake at night…yeah, that’s what I’d do! But yeah, if I end up vanishing out of existence due to starvation, let this entry be my last living will and testament! …Except that I don’t really have anything to give away to anyone. What the heck am I talking about a testament? Geez, now I’m getting to the point that I’m getting unbearably cynical! I need some serious help…and I need food!!! HEARTS!!! MUST FEED ON HEARTS!!!! --------------------------------- Poor little Bob, the poor thing is panic stricken! Let’s see what he does next! I hope that you all enjoyed this entry, and again, I apologize that it was so short, but I promise I’ll deliver another entry as soon as possible! Let me all know what you thought about this entry, and until next time, stay tuned for the next one! Edited May 15, 2018 by The Transcendent Key 2 KHLegendIII and Keyblade101 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites