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the graphics on ps3 for example i don't see any appeal

ps3 games just look like modern games but, blurier and with slighty worse colors

you can't see the difference in polygons as muc

you can't see the difference in polygons as much or texture quality

heck if you upscale ps3 games they look no different from games released today

heck so many games from the ps3 are already ported to modern consoles and look like new releases

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yeah but, they just look like more blury worse colored versions of games released today

if i had to define what 7th gen hd games look like

they look like switch games are right now

I mean here you can see the difference

but, its not like the ps3 couldn't handle those reflections and lighting.

but, its not like the ps3 couldn't handle those reflections and lighting.

that game is very impressive for the ps4

that game is very impressive for the ps3

and my observation thing i said still stand

it just looks like modern games made today but, blurier

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I see what you mean, personally I think there's more differences; some bigger some more subtle, but, I don't have like high end monitors I just have a nice TV so what do I know lol

I just think retro isn't something as a concept that should be put (or can be put) in a box

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Its going to be hard to call any of consoles after the 6th generation "Retro"

i m just going to say that the game is old

but, not dated

i would call it old but, not dated

the ps3 and xbox 360 falls in tht catagory

the ps3 and xbox 360 falls in tht category

btw i remember playing the ps3 a lot when i was really young

i played a lot of little big planet

and some ratchet and clank

castle crashers

and such

castle crashers, megaman 10

i have memories with the ps3

before the ps4 game out

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i mean it has a manga


i suppose its a bit of an anime art style

nah it literally is

the soft face and all


It just looks kinda weird at times



Also who the firetruck put a prosetute in the kigndom hearts manga? Like what the firetruck...

also sora is like 14 wtf and disney aproved this?

Oh wait nvm that is a disney staple at this point

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i wonder how much say disney had in the manga

but yeah a manga is going to be written for it's target demographic which arguably is more so for JP folk than us here in NA

also lowkey Amano's style is amazing, even excluding the silly faces he does a great job with expressions

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