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but I have an annual pass to Efteling rn which is bascialy Dutch Disneyland minus the Disney and wirth

but I have an annual pass to Efteling rn which is bascialy Dutch Disneyland minus the Disney

and with some added hiking routes that are honestly pretty nice and relaxing

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during my bachelor I probably only invested half of the time in studying compared to high school and my grades in university are way better

I wish schools would work the same way university does but people probably aren't mature enough for this style of studying

university allowed me to study in the way I want it

during school I studied how my teachers wanted it

college is also tied to student loans so people put in general more effort into it because it's tied to real life consequences where your parents can no longer protect you

it's weird that they still want to see my grades from high school btw

for my master

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