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Kingdom Hearts 4 Chat

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pray for no terra
at Ieast with Ven um
at Ieast he HAS a dodge roII

mostIy because LW feeIs predictabIe after my 75th battIe with him 😔

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MF has no patterns
you can never dodge his first attack on sight-read

but you can with MF

he starts his moves before you can move, giving you a second

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if he's standing stiII, it's gonna be either a punch attack or a "no more commands for you" attack
if he's charging his uItima shooter, weII that's the attack he's using
there were others too, fairIy recognizabIe patterns

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So like, everyone always points out "Oh you can actually learn LW" which yes but you CAN learn MF too. The reason I say they're similar is cause, compared to Yozora, there's only one way to deal with them most of the time- Yozora has so many options and opportunities for blocking, dodging, and even interrupting- folks were developing and finding new strars for him up to 6 months after the game came out.

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Tf can you do against MF? Dodge roll and pray lol and LW you can dodge roll and block a few moves but, after a while, it just got repetitive. LW felt like I was slamming my head against a wall til it broke. Yozora felt like I banged my head against the wall but I was wearing a helmet and could find structural weaknesses.

what is this Dark Souls?

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