khoathkeeper13 429 Posted August 30, 2011 This is great! Can't wait for chapter 14 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 26, 2011 Hey guys, sorry for taking so long, my wifi has been slow these days and school is just so hard! But here is chapter fourteen, enjoy! Chapter Fourteen: Encounter with the Deadman, Davy Jones Ventus, Ethan, Trish and the gang are on the Black Pearl, sailing over calm seas. As they plan their next move, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner speak alone in private. Jack Sparrow: Now then, Will, this key has the power to save your damsel in distress. I require of your help to obtain it. Will Turner: What do I have to do? Where do I search for it? Jack Sparrow: You will find out soon enough. Will Turner: Stop talking in riddles! Just tell me where I need to go. Jack Sparrow: Patience, William, patience... Meanwhile, above deck, Ventus looks towards the horizon, deep in thought. Ethan: Hey, are you allright? Ventus: Oh... yeah. I'm just a little tired, that's all. Ethan: Look, I can tell something is wrong with you. I can see it in your face. Ventus: It's nothing. I just want to be alone for a while. Ethan: Look, if this is about the whole Vanitas coming back thing... I'll help you through this. Ventus: You-- you will? Ethan: I may not like you that much, and we may have our differences, but you're one of us. We have to look out for each other. Ventus: Right... Ventus just stays silent, thinking about what would happen once Vanitas comes back. As Ventus stares to the horizon in silence, Trish tries comforting him. Trish: Hey, Ven, please, can you tell me what's wrong? Ventus: What if, I can't stop him....once he comes back? What if he takes over me... and everyone I care about dies? Trish: Please don't despair, you must have hope. Jack Sparrow: What your little lass says there is true mate. When the odds are striking against you, take charge and keep that little flame of hope alive. Savvy? Sometimes the real fight is inside of you. Ventus: Thanks, Jack. Jack Sparrow: It's captain Jack, to you! Dexeres: Quite everyone, I hear something! And in the blink of an eye, Unborn appear in front of the ship's deck. Dexeres: Guys, go, I'll take care of these, go to the cargo hold. Ventus and the others heed Dexeres's advice and go to the cargo hold. Jack Sparrow: This is my ship, and I'm the captain, I'm not gonna cower away from these demonspawns. Dexeres: All right then, let's do this. They fight the Unborn with great might, and swiftly defeat the more weaker ones. Dexeres uses the power of darkness to make duplicates of himself and strike at every turn. Jack Sparrow: Interesting, a power like that is a good one indeed. Dexeres: Behind you! Before Jack turns around, Dexeres slays the Unborn that was behind him. Jack Sparrow: Thanks for that, mate, but I could have handled that slimy thing. Dexeres: Yeah, right. All right guys, you can all come out now. Shortly after the battle, the rest of the gang come up on deck and they decide to be high on watch for more Unborn obstructing their path. But just as everything seems to be calm, a familiar voice can be heard. Mysterious Figure: Ha ha ha, Dexeres, we meet again. It has been a while. Dexeres: You again!!! Everybody stand back! I'll take care of him! Mysterious Figure: Be at ease, you fool. I have not come to fight you, on the contrary, I am here to help you ease your burden. Dexeres: Burden? What are you talking about? Mysterious Figure: Can you not see? Your dear friend Ventus, I could smell his darkness from miles away. His true power is about to be unleashed soon. Hand him over to me, and I will spare your lives when I take over Kingdom Hearts. Dexeres: Never! Mysterious Figure: Ah, well, I tried to reason with you, but it looks like I will have to take drastic measures. The Mysterious Figure slowly raises his hand, and in the blink of an eye, a giant Unborn Behemoth rises from the sea, and looms over the Black Pearl. He dissapears, and just when the Unborn is about to destroy the ship, it goes back into the sea. Will Turner: What just happened? Ethan: It must have heard something. Jack Sparrow: Aye, it did. Even the mightiest of sea creatures cower away when Davy Jones is near. Ethan: Davy Jones? Will Turner: Yes, one of the most feared pirates over the seven seas. Just then, ominous winds blow over the sails of the Pearl, and from a distance, Davy Jones's ship rises from the water. Ventus: Whoah, it came from under the sea! Ethan: This can't be good. Jack Sparrow: Will, go over to Davy Jones, he has the key we are looking for. Tell him that I sent you to settle my debt. That'll surely save your skin, and you can focus on finding said key and saving your dearly beloved strumpet. Will Turner: All right, I shall. Trish: Good luck! And so, Will goes over to Davy Jones ship, only to see ruins. Will Turner: What? I could have sworn that i saw a ship in when I was in the Pearl. Sailor: We must keep the ship afloat, we must keep the ship afloat! Will Turner: Sailor, there is nowhere to sail to, your ship has crashed. Sailor: No! We must keep sailing! Suddenly, creatures come up the ruins of the ship and surround Will and the other unfortunate sailors. And up after a few seconds, the fearsome Davy Jones himself appears in front of them. Slowly he approaches one of the sailors and looks at him dead in the eye. Davy Jones: Do you fear death? Sailor: I do... Davy Jones: I can give you an escape from death, if you serve by me for 100 years. Sailor #2: Don't listen to him! Davy Jones: And you, do you not fear death? Sailor #2: I'll take my chances. Davy Jones: Off to the depths with you! And in the blink of an eye, the servants of Davy Jones kill the man and send him to the depths. Davy Jones: Now then, will ye serve. Sailor: I will serve. Davy Jones: Good. As the fearsome captain walks to return to his ship, he glances upon Will Turner, and stays looking at him for a while. Davy Jones: You are neither dead nor dying, what is your purpose here? Will Turner: Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt. Davy Jones: What is your purpose here? Will Turner: Jack Sparrow... sent me to settle his debt. What will happen now? Will Davy Jones spare Will's life? What is Jack's intentions for sending Will to the deadman? Find out in chapter fifteen: The Truth Behind the curse... 2 doom and Hunter Hawk reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted October 26, 2011 OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm freaking loving it! It's so epic!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted January 8, 2012 why couldn't you make more? 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
starlol9 39 Posted May 24, 2012 Will there ever be a Chapter 15? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baylaust 2,531 Posted May 25, 2012 Considering it's been 7 months since the last update, don't get your hopes up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 13, 2012 Considering it's been 7 months since the last update, don't get your hopes up. Damn, it's been 7 months already? o_o Whoah, hey guys sorry for taking so long to post Chapter 15. Well, here it is, enjoy! =) Chapter 15: The Truth Behind the Curse Davy Jones stares at Will Turner for a while, and then scoffs. Davy Jones: Ha! Jack Sparrow wants to settle things, eh? Hahaha, well then, you shall come with me. Will Turner sighs in relief but also watches in mortal terror as the rest of the sailors are killed and tossed to the sea. Back in the ship, Ventus, Ethan and Trish walk around the deck, looking towards the endless horizon of the sea. Trish: I do hope Will's all right! Ethan: He looks like a formidable guy, I doubt that he'd go down easy. Ventus: But still, we should keep a lookout, just in case anything happens. You never know when Davy Jones might pop up. Ethan: That Davy Jones reeks of evil, but yet, there's something about him that makes me feel sad for him. Meanwhile, below decks, Jack Sparrow speaks with Dexeres. Dexeres: Jack... why did you send Will over to your enemy? Jack Sparrow: Quite simple mate, he settles my debt for me, and I don't have to worry about ending up in the locker. Dexeres: You would condemn your own friend to save yourself? How despicable! Jack Sparrow: Haha, I'm a pirate mate, you'd better get used to how things work around here. Dexeres: You can't outrun your fate, no matter how hard you try. You've been escaping your fate for quite a while, but you can't let your wits get the best of you. Sparrow, there are times in life in which one must face the consequences of one's actions. Stop running, and face your worst fear. Don't become like me... Jack Sparrow:... You are rather poetic I might say. Dexeres: I'm going to check on will. Jack Sparrow: How would you do that if I may ask? Dexeres: The power of Darkness gets me where I need to go. And with that, Dexeres goes above deck and opens up a dark portal. Ventus sees him and reaches out to him. Ventus: Wait, Dexeres! Where are you going? Dexeres: I'm going to help Will. Ventus: No, you can't interfere in the business of other worlds. Dexeres: But... Ventus: He'll be okay, he can hold his own. Ethan: Ventus is right, we have to let Will face this alone. Dexeres looks at the portal and then closes it, and then silently sits down on a corner of the ship. At that same moment, Will Turner enters Davy Jones ship and quietly looks down at the floor. Davy Jones's Minion: Get to work Turner! Will Turner: Um, yes, I shall... Will takes a mop and starts mopping the cabin floors and he looks at the strange decorations of the ship. After a while, he goes above decks and works to keep the sails steady. The heavy rain beats down upon all the ship, and all the crewmates are hard at work keeping the ship ready for battle. Will looks at all of the crewmates and sees their disfigured and aquatic like forms. Suddenly, he looks towards Davy Jones as he shouts out the command: "Secure the cannon, Turner!" Just then he runs towards the cannon and another crewmate gets in his way. Will Turner: Get out of my way! Bootstrap Bill: No, this isn't your task! Will Turner: I said get out of the way! And just as the Crewmate sees Will's face, he freezes in shock and lets the cannon go, making it drop on the floor, hurting another of the crewmates. Davy Jones: Who let the cannon drop!? Will Turner: I-I did... Davy Jones: Ah, the new recruit. For your actions you must be punished! And in a moment, two more crewmates pin Will to the wall and rip off his shirt. Davy Jones gets a whip and prepares to brutalize Will, but just then, Bootstrap stops him. Bootstrap: No!!! Davy Jones: What blasphemy is this!? Do not deprive me of doing my duty! Bootstrap: Don't hurt him, I was the one that dropped the cannon! Davy Jones: Nonsense, this little pup needs discipline. Bootstrap: Don't hurt him, please! Davy Jones: And why should I not? Bootstrap...He's my son. Will Turner turns back in shock as he hears those words come out of Bootstrap's lips. Davy Jones: Ah, then you shall do the honors. Davy Jones hands the whip over to Bootstrap, and he sadly starts to brutalize his back with the whip. Bootstrap has no choice. He doesn't want his son to suffer, so he must be the one to punish him. After many brutal whiplashes, the crewmates drop Will below decks. Will Turner: Stay away from me! Bootstrap: You don't understand, if Davy Jones would have struck you with his whip, he would have teared your flesh from your bones. Will Turner: So am I to understand that this was an act of compassion? Bootstrap: Yes... son, you must understand, to serve under Davy Jones is to serve him for 100 years. It is a cruel fate I do not want you to have to go through. Will Turner:... As they go down below decks, a piece of the wall gets out and speaks. Crewmate: The Dead Man's Chest. Will Turner: What? Crewmate: The Dead Man's carries the heart of Davy Jones. Will Turner: It does? Then where do I find the key? Crewmate: He has it, when you have the key open the chest, and stab the heart! No, don't stab the heart, if you stab it, you must put your own heart. The Dutchman always needs a captain. Will Turner: Can you tell me more? And with that, the crewmate once again freezes in the wall and never speaks again. Will looks at Bootstrap and says: "Is this why you are like this? Then I shall find the chest and I will set you free! You won't have to serve him anymore. I swear it." What will happen next? Will Bootstrap help Will get the key? Will Jack Sparrow run away from his fate? And what mysteries lie beyond? Find out in Chapter 16: Escape from the Flying Dutchman... 2 Hunter Hawk and doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert Richard Romero 2 Posted June 14, 2012 Hey Man this is great Its great seeing fans like you and me write stories about how Kingdom Hearts should be. Keep up what your doing because you will become a good writer someday!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 14, 2012 Hey Man this is great Its great seeing fans like you and me write stories about how Kingdom Hearts should be. Keep up what your doing because you will become a good writer someday!!! Thanks man that means a lot! And wow, I can't believe 2,143 people have already seen my story! o_o I feel awesome! So hey guys, I'll post Chapter 16 as soon as I can! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 17, 2012 (edited) All right then ladies and gents, here is Chapter 16, enjoy and comment please! =D Chapter 16: Escape From the Flying Dutchman The long and eternal night continues, as Jack Sparrow freely wanders the sea with his ship the Black Pearl. Mr. Gibbs and the rest of the crew are silent and working around the ship. Meanwhile, Ventus sits on top of one of the sails and drifts off in his thoughts. (Start song) Ventus: Vanitas.... he almost took over my heart. I feel him closer every time I fight, every time I rest, everytime that I think. Suddenly Dexeres appears by his side. Dexeres: Hey Ven, everything okay? Ventus: Well... I've just been thinking. I'm afraid that I might hurt my friends, because-- Dexeres: Because of Vanitas, the dark part of your heart? Ventus: Y-yes... Dexeres: Look, I know that it's hard for you to control your darkness. I know how it feels like. Everyone has darkness in their hearts. Some succumb to it...some fight it...and some never even sense it. But I will tell you this, you have control over it, and I know it. Ventus: But I almost let him out! Dexeres: But you didn't let him out, and that proves your heart is strong. If you had a weak heart, you wouldn't be here right now. Ven, you have limitless potential within you, and I know that you are a good person. Ventus: Thanks Dexeres, that means a lot. Dexeres: Hmph, anytime. (End song here) And with that, Dexeres goes below to help the crew maintain the ship ready for battle. All is calm until Trish spots something in the distance. Trish: It's the Unborn! Ethan: Damn! Guys, prepare yourselves! Jack Sparrow: Oh, it looks as though the beasties have come to play. Ventus: Let's do this! Dexeres: We'll take them on! And as the Unborn board the ship, the entire crew prepares for battle. (Play this song during the battle sequence) The Unborn attack relentlessly as Trish weaves around and attacks them. Ethan runs through the sails, casting Thunder magic to them, and Dexeres and Ventus make a Limit Break. Ventus: Let's go! Dexeres: Here it comes! Both of them start slashing their keyblades at the Unborn, and then Dexeres casts stop while Ventus uses Strike Raid. And then both of them combine their powers to finish them off. Ventus: Blinding Light! Dexeres: Darkness come with me! In a sudden second, pillars of light and darkness consume the Unborn. Ethan: OH great, here come more of them! (Stop music here) Meanwhile, in the Flying Dutchman, Will looks at a few crewmates playing a game. Bootstrap walks over to him and looks at the crewmates. Bootstrap: So, you have it figured out? Will Turner: It is a game of lies and deceit, they wager constantly, but for what? Bootstrap: For the only thing we have... years of service. Will ponders deeply upon this and then says to Bootstrap: "So, any crew member can be challenged." Bootstrap: Yes, anyone. Will Turner: Then I challenge Davy Jones! Bootstraps eyes open wide as he hears his son say those words. And with those words, everyone in the ship looks at will and laughs and ominous thunder is heard. With a few seconds of silence, the footsteps of Davy Jones can be heard, as he comes down and looks at Will. Davy Jones: You wish to challenge me Turner? Will Turner: Yes, and if I win, you must give me this. He puts his hands in his pockets and takes out the drawing of the key. Davey Jones opens his eyes and then snickers. Davy Jones: Ha! And what happens if I win? Will Turner: I will serve you for eternity... Bootstrap: No! Davy Jones: It's a deal! They both stare at each other and sit and roll their dies and in that moment, Bootstrapcomes in to join the game. Bootstrap: Count me in. Will Turner: No, don't do this! Bootstrap: Roll the dice... They roll the dice, and lift up their cups. Will Turner: Four two’s Davy Jones smirks and says: Hahaha, it looks like you’ll be serving me for eternity. Welcome to the Dutchman! Bootstrap: Five Eights! Davy Jones looks at him suspiciously and his smirk turns into a deadly gaze. Will Turner: Five Eights… Davy Jones lifts his cup and slams it angrily at the table and says: Bootstrap, You are a liar and a fool, and you will serve for eternity! It looks like you’re free Turner, you can go back to land. That is…when we reach land. And with those words, Davy Jones laughs sinisterly and the crew members laugh along with him. Then, Will turns to his father. Will Turner: You fool, why did you do that? Bootstrap: I didn’t want you to suffer the same fate I did. Besides, what else did I have left? A few hours later, Bootstrap distracts one of the crewmates while all the others are sleeping, so that Will can go to retrieve the key. He slowly enters the room and sees Davy Jones sleeping besides the organ (a huge piano). Will carefully takes out the key, but then accidentally lets one of Davy Jones’s tentacles fall on one of the organ’s keys. He slowly opens his eyes but falls back asleep by the soothing melody of a lullaby in a small heart shaped amulet. Will sighs in relief and takes away the key and makes his way up to the deck. There he sees Bootstrap and makes his way to him. Will Turner: Thank you for everything…Will you be allright? If Davy Jones finds out you helped me, you could get in serious trouble. Bootstrap: Hehehe, ah my boy, I’ll be fine. I’m already a deadman anyway…what more can he do to me? Hmph, here, take this. He gives Will a small knife. Will looks at it and holds it tightly in his hand. Will Turner: I am going to make a promise to you. I swear to you that I will find the heart of Davy Jones, and I will set you free, you won’t have to serve anyone ever again. I swear it on this knife. Bootstrap looks at Will with teary eyes and says: Go my boy, go now. And after their farewell, Will leaves the ship and is cast away by the ocean waves. (Start song during battle sequence) Back at the Pearl, Ventus and the gang struggle to keep the ship afloat while fighting the swarms of Unborn. Ventus: Strike Raid! Trish: Healing Light! Ethan: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder! Dexeres: Twilight Slash! Jack Sparrow: All right then maties, I think we’re winning! Mr. Gibbs: Jack, we have to fall back, there are too many of these things on board! Jack Sparrow: No can do Mr. Gibbs. No one is going to be taking the Pearl away from me! The battle continues, and everyone valiantly fights. But, little by little, they start to feel the weight of defeat upon them. Just then, two enormous Twilight Thorns appear out of thin air and decimate all the Unborn. Everyone is awe struck, as the Twilight Thorns simply stand there. Just before anyone says another word, a giant Unborn sea monster arises from the waves and strikes the ship. Dexeres: It looks like we’ve caught a big one. Jack Sparrow: By my mum’s dress, that is one big beastie! Ventus: We have to stand and fight! Trish: I’m with you Ven! Ethan: To the end! And to their surprise, the two Twilight Thorns also aid them. Dexeres teleports and shoots out dark arrows all around the beast, while Trish attacks it’s legs. Ethan casts Thundaga and Ventus climbs up the monster’s arms and attacks with Ars Arcanum. The Twilight Thorns weave and dart around the monster, wrapping their arms around it. Jack Sparrow shoots the beast while the crew members man the cannons. After a grueling struggle, Dexeres deals the finishing blow, and the Unborn monster fades away. (End song here) Shortly after, the Twilight Thorns teleport to an unknown destination. Jack Sparrow: Well, I believe that was an odd stroke of luck, having those beasties help us fight the ugly smelly thing. Dexeres: But how…? Ethan: I agree with Dexeres. I mean, aren’t Nobodies supposed to be our enemies? Trish: Maybe they want to be on our side now! Ventus: Maybe…or maybe it’s for another reason. Dexeres: Guys, we have to go to Radiant Garden, I feel that something is very wrong. Trish: But what about Will? Jack Sparrow: Don’t worry lassie, if there’s one thing I know about young William, is that he is one tough nut to crack. He’ll be fine. Mr. Gibbs: We’ll hold down the fort here, it’s best if all of you be on your way. Ethan: All right, we’ll come back as soon as we can. Ventus: Yeah, we’ll be back before you know it! Dexeres: All right guys, let’s go. Dexeres opens a portal and Ventus, Ethan and Trish go through it. What will happen next? Now that our heroes are going back to Radiant Garden, what is in store for them? And how are Terra and Aqua holding up? What mysteries await? Find out in Chapter Seventeen: Hopes and Dreams, Nightmares and Sorrows… P.S: Hey guys, the reason that I decided for this part of the story to end this way is because I got the idea of this from Kingdom Hearts 2, since in the story you visit the worlds twice. That’s why I decided to pause the Dead Man’s Chest arc so I can also focus on the story arcs of all the other characters including Riku, Terra, Aqua, Kairi, Sora, and many more. (As you can see, the boss battle in the Dead Man’s chest story arc was the Giant Unborn monster, but don’t worry, I will revisit this world and make the boss of the story the Kraken, like it should be. That will be in the second visit Ventus and the gang make in the Pirates of the Caribbean universe.) I hope you like the direction I will take the story in. Sorry if these changes bother some of you, but I wanted to do this story with the story arc style of Kingdom Hearts 2. Please keep on reading my loyal fans, and those who have recently read my story, I really hope you keep on reading it! So stay tuned for Chapter 17, I will post it as soon as I possibly can. So, what do you guys think? J Edited June 17, 2012 by Dark Sora 2 doom and Rizzyy reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naught 44 Posted June 17, 2012 Naught approves. I love it. I can't wait to read more. 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rizzyy 736 Posted June 19, 2012 love it write more!!!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 21, 2012 I will do my best to post Chapter 17 as soon as I possibly can, so stay tuned my loyal fans!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 21, 2012 Okay guys, here is Chapter 17, I hope you like it. Please comment on it and tell me what you think of how the story has been so far, and if any of you want to suggest any new characters or ideas, please let me know. Fan feedback is appreciated! Chapter 17: Hopes and Dreams, Nightmares and Sorrows The Mysterious Figure walks slowly in the Realm of Darkness, wandering the Plains, as if searching for something…or someone. He continues to walk until he reaches the seashore. He sits down near a boulder, and then a shadowy figure appears before him. ???: How is your mission progressing? Mysterious Figure: The pieces are falling into place…slowly but surely. I have seen Ventus’s potential. He has admirably held his darkness at bay for the time being. Vanitas is still trapped inside him. ???: Hmm…That is surprising indeed. And what of Sora? Mysterious Figure: He is slaying the Heartless, Nobodies and Unborn, and going along many worlds. He is performing remarkably. ???: Very well…I shall report back to the Master. Mysterious Figure: Wait, there is also something I must inform…it’s about Terra. He somehow found his way to Radiant Garden, and is now currently there… ???: Ah, I see. The Master will be very intrigued by this information. Keep observing, and see what surfaces… Mysterious Figure: All right. With those final words, the shadowy figure vanishes, and so does the Mysterious Figure. Meanwhile, Dexeres, Ventus and the gang are traversing through the portal to Radiant Garden. Everyone is silent, for they have no words to say. They silently ponder what will happen to their friends and to the other worlds, once this sudden outbreak of Unborn gets worse. After a while, they arrive at Radiant Garden and go inside the castle. Dexeres: All right guys, we’re here. Go to the castle and get some rest. Trish: What about you? Dexeres: Don’t worry, I’ll be around. And with that, Trish, Ethan and Ventus head towards the castle. Dexeres stands at the corner of the courtyard and remains there silent. (start song here) Riku: So, how did everything go? Dexeres: OH…Riku. Everything is fine. We just arrived from Port Royal. Riku: Hey, you all right? Something’s on your mind. Dexeres: It’s about Ventus. I worry about him. He’s a good person, but he fears himself. But I can’t blame him. After all, he’s had it rough. Riku: Yeah. But we all have to overcome our own darkness, the trials that we have to go through define who we are. We either face our problems, or we fall and let the darkness take over. Dexeres: I know. Riku, tell me something. Is there any hope for me? Riku: What? Dexeres: I am a Nobody. I lost everything I cared about, everything I knew was taken from me. Is there hope for me? Can I go back to normal? Can I ever be my true self again. Riku: Hey, anything is possible. You just have to look within yourself, and think about what you want. Dexeres: Hmm…I guess so. Thanks Riku. Riku: Anytime. After that, they both head towards the town. (end song here) Meanwhile, in the castle library, Aqua is reading books, hoping to find one that can possibly help her comrades in this war. She then feels a presence and turns around slowly. She sees Terra climbing up the stairs and closes the book. (start song here) Terra: Aqua, is everything all right? Aqua: Oh, yes, everything’s quite fine. How about you, how have you been? Terra: I don’t know. With all this that’s been going on, I don’t know what to do. Aqua: Hey, I know you are still struggling with your darkness. But at least you are back. You came back. We are finally together again. She holds his hand lovingly and they both look each other in the eyes. They slowly get closer, and they feel their hearts burning with fiery passion. Terra: Aqua, you’ve been through so much, and so much of it has been my fault. Aqua: No, please, don’t blame yourself. What’s done is done. All you can do is fight for a better future. Terra: I was so far away from you for so long. I yearned for your touch. I yearned for your heart. And now I’m finally here with you. But I’m afraid that as long as Xehanort lives, I will forever be tied from him. I am still not free from his hold on me. As long as he lives, I will be taken over again… Aqua: No, that’s not true. You can fight against yourself, I know that you can. I believe in you, and I know that you won’t betray us, I know that you won’t let the darkness take over again. Terra, I love you. Terra: I love you too. Aqua blushes and they get ever closer, and they slowly and passionately kiss, as if the world would never end. Terra thinks in his mind: I hope this moment could last. (end song here) Later during the day, everyone in the town works hard to build strong defenses that can hold back the Unborn. Riku and Dexeres head down to Merlin’s house and go inside. Merlin: Ah, boys, just in time! Look, Cid has made blueprints for a new weapon that can help us keep a winning edge on this war. Cid: The old coot’s right! Hehehe, and I made this all by myself, with a little help from Yuffie. Dexeres: What is it? Cid: It’s a state of the art airship equipped with fifty cannons on each side and turrets and enough room to fit as many moogles as you want! I called my sweet airship Highwind! Riku: Wow, this does look like a potent machine. How soon can you build it? Cid: It’ll take some time… That’s actually something I was going to ask you. Tell em Yuffie. Riku: Okay, so what do you need? Yuffie: Well guys, we need you to clear out all Heartless, Nobodies and Unborn that are all over the Bailey. We need to get through there so we can manufacture the airship inside the factory. You know, where Ansem the Wise’s study is. Riku: All right, we’ll do it. Come on Dexeres. Cid: Thanks, I knew we could count on you guys! Aerith: Excuse me Dexeres, before you go, take this. She gives him a tiny charm. Dexeres: What is it? Aerith: Hehe, it’s a lucky charm. Just focus your energy and who knows what will happen? Dexeres: Thanks. And with that, Riku and Dexeres depart to the bailey. Merlin: Well then, let’s get back to work! At that same moment, Ventus sleeps comfortably in his bed. He has a peaceful sleep, but suddenly he starts to feel uneasy. His mind races with thoughts of Vanitas unleashing his power. He tries to open his eyes, but it’s no use. He is completely succumbed in his own nightmare. (start song here) Vanitas: Well well well, how have you been Ventus? Ventus: No! I’m not going to give in! Vanitas: You’ve done surprisingly well keeping me cooped up in here. I actually have to give you credit for that. Ventus: …What do you want? Vanitas: Hmph, stupid, what a stupid question. Hahaha, you really are so weak and meaningless. You may think that you have me locked, but sooner or later, I will come out Ventus. And when I do, everything you care about will be destroyed, including that precious Trish of yours. Ventus: No!!! Ventus reaches out for Vanitas and grabs him by the throat. Vanitas: Hahahaha, bravo Ventus, bravo! Finally I get to see your bad side! It looks like the weakling has some bite after all. See, we are more alike than you could possibly think. Ventus: I’m nothing like you! Vanitas: Stop fighting Ventus, you know you want to let go of this, you know that you just want to lose control. Ventus: Never! Ventus summons the power of light and uses all of his might to drive Vanitas back. Vanitas: Grrrr…that actually stung a little. Ventus: Stay away from me, and stop getting in my head! Vanitas: Hahahaha, no can do Ventus. As long as you’re alive, I’ll just keep coming back. No matter how many times I fall, I’ll always resurface. Without me your nothing but an empty shell. Ventus: Stop it! (end song here) And in a sudden moment, Ventus wakes up startled and sweating. Ventus: It was just a nightmare…but it felt so real. Is it a vision of things to come? Terra and Aqua are swept in passion, Dexeres ponders on his past life, Ventus fights with his subconscious darkness, what more can possibly happen? And just how many foes will Riku and Dexeres be up against? Stay tuned for Chapter 18: A Horrifying Memory… 4 Rizzyy, doom, Kirie and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rizzyy 736 Posted June 23, 2012 MOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE please XDDDD Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted June 28, 2012 (edited) Okay then, here is Chapter 18 everyone! As you can see, I’ve been doing the best I can to post as many chapters as I possibly can. I hope you all keep reading my story. Please comment and if you have any suggestions for new characters, speak up please! And tell me what you thought about this chapter! =D Chapter 18: A Horrifying Memory Ventus is terrified. He wants to sleep, but he fears that sleeping will only do him more harm. He gets out of bed and quietly makes his way into the courtyard. There he stands and looks at the beautiful starlit sky. He looks all around him, and then he summons his Keyblade, and he starts training, so he can hone his skills and control his darkness. A few minutes pass and he feels someone is watching him. Ventus: Who’s there!? Trish: Hey, it’s just me silly! Ventus: Oh, hey Trish…what are you doing here? Trish: Hehe, I think I should ask you the same thing. Don’t you think it’s a little late to be training? Ventus: Um, I uhhh… Trish: Hehe, well, if it’s training you want, how about you spar with me? Ventus sees the eagerness and simple joy that Trish has, and he can’t help but smile. Ventus: All right then, but I won’t go easy on you just because you’re a girl! Trish: Hehe, don’t worry, I won’t hold back either! (Start song here) [media=]http-~~-//[/media] And in an instant, Trish and Ventus dodge and attack at each other, and they move all around the courtyard. Ventus: Get a load of this! Thunder Raid! Trish: Quake! Ventus falls to the ground in shock as it trembles under his feet, while Trish simply smirks. She then stands at the far end of the courtyard and blows him a kiss. Ventus: You get back here! Magnet! Trish’s feet are swept away and she is pulled by Ventus’s magnet spell and she floats In the air for a few instants before falling to the ground. Trish: That’s a good one! But can you stand this? Ragnarok! Ventus steps back and quickly dodges all the rays of Trish’s Ragnarok attack, and then he readies his Keyblade and unleashes his ultimate attack. Ventus: Salvation! As he utters those words, giant pillars of light surround him and start expanding until the whole courtyard is covered in a blinding light. (End song here) Trish: Ven, that was amazing! You took control of your most powerful attack! Ventus: It looks like I did. I owe it all to you Trish. Trish: Hehe, aww thanks, but give yourself some credit, you have some really good skills with that Keyblade! Ventus happily nods and he looks at Trish, and they both look into each others eyes for a few seconds. They both blush and look away. Ventus: Trish, thanks. Trish: Anytime! Now come on, now you should really get some sleep! She happily holds his hand and they run off inside the castle. Meanwhile, Riku and Dexeres head for the bailey and spot numerous Heartless, Nobodies and Unborn wandering all over the place. They quietly move safely above all their foes to think up a battle strategy. They quietly watch their foes and try to find any openings within their ranks. Riku: Hmm, there’s too many of them. We have to make a clearing so we can take them all out without getting cornered. Dexeres: I think the Nobodies will help us… Riku: What are you talking about? They’re our enemy, why would they help us? Dexeres: I don’t know…I just have a feeling that they might help us… Riku: Look, we have to be careful, we’ve got a lot on our hands, so we have to make sure that there are no losses. We can’t afford to lose anyone in this war. Dexeres: I know. Allright, here’s what we’ll do. I’ll take the Heartless on the west side of the bailey, and I’ll make a portal so I can transport them to you and then you can use your Dark Powers to finish them off in one place. Riku: Okay, and we’d have to use the Aeroga spell to pull in the Unborn so that we can focus on the other enemies while the spell damages them. Dexeres: Good. Let’s go! (Start song here) [media=]http-~~-//[/media] Dexeres teleports to the west side of the bailey and then he uses his Twilight Lance to swipe off the Heartless. Dexeres: Lance of Redemption! And in one swoop, he wipes away twenty Heartless. Riku: Hey, Dexeres! Dexeres: What? Riku: Let’s have a little competition, let’s see who can kill the most foes. Dexeres: Ha, I already got twenty, so I’m in the lead! Riku: Hmph, I can catch up quite fast. And in a split second, Riku uses his Dark Aura attack and kills twenty Unborn. Dexeres: Hmph, I guess now we’re even. But not for long! Just then, Dexeres uses Twilight Splicer and Riku uses Dark Firaga. Dexeres: Twenty Five! Riku: Twenty Eight! Dexeres: Thirty Seven! And in the blink of an eye, they make a limit break. Dexeres: Pepare for this! Riku: No stopping us now! Dexeres and Riku perform a series of slashes and spells and then they both teleport and use Twilight Scythe to swipe away their foes, until they unleash their ultimat attack. Riku: Gungnir! Dexeres: Till the break of dawn! But just as they defeat their foes, numerous swarms of Heartless and Unborn surround them. Riku: This is not looking good! And in the blink of an eye, just as the Heartless and Unborn are about to attack Riku and Dexeres, they are killed by the Nobodies. The Samurai Nobodies dart and weave around them and they kill off the remaining enemies. Riku looks surprised while Dexeres merely smirks. (End Song here) Dexeres: See? I told you that they would help us. The remaining Nobodies surround Riku and Dexeres, and a Samurai Nobody approaches Dexeres. Riku: Be careful! The Samurai simply looks at Riku then redirects his gaze towards Dexeres. It stands silent then bows down to Dexeres. Dexeres: W-what? I don’t understand. Riku: Incredible! And with that, the Nobodies disappear and the bailey is all cleared out. Riku: Dexeres, can you believe that? That Nobody bowed down to you. Dexeres: It…It must think that I am it’s superior. Riku: Of course! It makes sense! You are a Nobody, and it seems that they have noticed your great skill and power, and they’ve decided to be your followers! Dexeres: Huh, who’d have thought of it? Riku: This is good. Now we have new allies. This will help us turn the tide of the war in our favor. Dexeres: Right, now let’s go back to Merlin’s House. We have to let everyone know that the bailey is good to go, and that airship construction can begin immediately. And so, Riku and Dexeres head for Merlin’s House. At that same moment, Ethan is in the library inside Radiant Garden. He wanders the halls and looks towards the window. There he sees Ventus and Trish walking around town. Ethan: Hmph…she’s happy with him. That’s good. ???: Are you certain of that? (Start Song here) Ethan: *Gasp* Who’s there!? ???: Don’t be alarmed. I am only here to remind you of the danger that Ventus poses to your sister. Ethan: W-what? ???: Don’t act so stupid, you know of what I speak. Ventus holds Vanitas within him, and you know that Vanitas could come out at any moment. And your poor little sister would suffer a cruel fate. Ethan: Grrr…Shut up! Ventus would never dare to hurt her! ???: Hmph, I wonder if that is true… Ethan: Whoever you are just get out! He summons his Keyblade angrily and looks all around to see if he can spot the person who is talking to him. ???: Now then Ethan, I assume that your duty is to protect your sister, to make sure that she doesn’t perish…just like your parents did. Ethan: W-what!? How do you know about that!? ???: Oh I know a lot about you. For you see, we have been keeping a close eye on you. Ethan: Who’s we!? ???: That is none of your concern…at least for the time being. But do you not remember the painful demise of your parents? Ethan: Stop getting in my head! But it’s no use, the ominous voice somehow puts Ethan in a trance, and he is warped in his own subconscious. There he sees something terrible…a horrifying memory that he so desperately wants to forget. ???: Let me take you back to the day of your parent’s death. Ethan: NO! Please stop! ???: There. You see? All the Heartless swarming around them, while you pathetically cry realizing there is nothing you can do. Ethan: No!!! And in that moment, he sees the horrid image of his mother and father being torn to shreds by the Heartless. The images are so real, the voices are so familiar. Mother: Ethan, run!!! Father: We’ll hold them off! Go, and take your sister! Ethan: Mom, Dad, please, come with us! Father: Ethan, please promise me that you will take care of your sister. Protect her no matter the cost! Ethan: I will! And there, Ethan sees the agony his parents suffer and he hears their cries of pain. ???: Do you see now? Do you see the horrid nightmare of the power of darkness? A power that Ventus has in his possession? Ethan: No! Stop! Ventus would never do that! Stop! ???: Pitiful fool. Your sister will suffer the same fate if you do not act. Ethan fills up with rage, and seeing no way he can escape this nightmare, he kneels down and screams with all his might: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! (End Song here) And in the blink of an eye, he is on the floor of the library, and he looks around and realizes the mysterious man Is no longer there. Ethan: Ventus…. In the Meantime, Kairi is in the castle chapel, and she opens a portal. Kairi: Master Yen Sid. Yen Sid: Ah, yes Kairi. What is it? Kairi: I’m happy to report that Ventus, Ethan, Trish and Dexeres returned safely here. Yen Sid: Ah, that is good. Any news on Sora? Kairi: He’s in the Castle of Dreams with Donald and Goofy. They should be back in a few days. Yen Sid: I see. Now then, what troubles you? Kairi: Huh? What do you mean? Yen Sid: Hehe, Kairi my child, you may have reported good tidings, but your face tells a different tale. Is there something that is bothering you? Kairi: …Well, it’s just that, I don’t know why, but I have the feeling something terrible is going to happen. Yen Sid: Hmmm…is it concerning any of our allies? Kairi: Yes, although I don’t know exactly which of our allies it is. All I know is that I feel that something terrible will happen soon. Yen Sid: Then you’d best be sure to keep a close eye on your allies, and make sure nothing happens. Kairi: Yes Master Yen Sid. Farewell. Yen Sid: Farewell Master Kairi. Take care. Kairi walks away from the chapel and then goes to the castle entrance. Kairi: I hope that nothing bad happens… It seems as though the Nobodies have sided with our heroes, and Ventus and Trish are as happy as can be. But who is the mysterious man that spoke to Ethan? Will Ethan reflect upon going against Ventus? And why does Kairi think something terrible will happen? Find out in Chapter 19: Rise of Darkness… Edited June 28, 2012 by Dark Sora 3 Kirie, doom and KHLegendIII reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted June 28, 2012 (edited) Add N, Kyurem, Reshiram, Zekrom, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem from Pokemon White 2 and Black 2. Edited June 28, 2012 by Tom13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 1, 2012 Add N, Kyurem, Reshiram, Zekrom, Black Kyurem and White Kyurem from Pokemon White 2 and Black 2. I'm really sorry, but I can't add those characters because they are not from Disney or Square Enix, but I will include Kyle, because the way you depicted that character to me was really good. Kyle will appear in my next chapter. And for everyone else, I will post Chapter 19 as soon as I possibly can! 1 doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 5, 2012 Okay everyone, here is Chapter 19. I hope you all like it, and please comment on my story! Also, special thanks to Tom13 for suggesting a new character named Kyle, who will appear in this chapter. I hope you all enjoy, my fellow readers! Chapter 19: Rise of Darkness Kairi stands at the castle entrance, still wondering what the strange feeling she has might mean. She looks towards the horizon and sees the beautiful garden filled with roses, violets, forget me nots, and many other flowers. She smiles as she feels the refreshing fragrance of the flowers, and she heads towards the garden. Kairi: Such a delightful smell. It almost makes me forget about all the sorrow and all the evils of the world. If only the war would end soon… Oh Sora, I miss you so much. I’m not the same without you. Hehe, but I know that you’re safe, I know that you’ll always return to me. Then she suddenly feels a strange aura, an ominous presence looming over Radiant Garden like a creeping fog. Then she looks up to the sky and sees dark clouds gathering. Kairi: Dark clouds…could this all have to do with that strange feeling that I’m having? Either way, I have to warn everyone in town. (Start song here) She then summons her Keyblade, Destiny’s Embrace, and she runs quickly towards town. As she runs, Heartless and Unborn appear, and she kills them off one by one. Kairi: I don’t have time for you, back off! Radiant Wings! When she utters those words, two beautiful crystal wings appear on Kairi’s back, and she uses the light of her wings to kill the Heartless in midair. Kairi: Wings of light, save your strength! And with that, her crystal wings disappear in thin air. She then uses Time Splicer to dispatch the Unborn. She is successful in killing her foes, but more and more of them appear with each one that is killed. Kairi: There’s no end to them! And in the blink of an eye, numerous Berserker Nobodies appear and kill all the Heartless and Unborn. Kairi: Nobodies? Helping me? She looks at the Nobodies surprised at the sight of Nobodies killing both Heartless and Unborn. At first she thinks that she’s imagining it, but then she realizes that it’s not her imagination, as Dexeres and Riku come running to Kairi’s aid. Riku: Kairi, are you allright? Kairi: Yeah, don’t worry, I’m fine! Dexeres: Let’s finish them off! Together, they drive off the Heartless and Unborn. They fight with all their might, and give their all to the battle. Riku dispatches the Unborn in Dark Mode, while Kairi’s Keyblade morphs into a summoner’s staff, and she casts rays of light at the Heartless. Dexeres takes the lead with his Nobody soldiers, as he charges with one of the Berserker’s right into one of the Heartless’s commanders. Then Kairi summons Bahamut. Kairi: Bahamut, aid us, lend us your strength! When she says these words, a giant circle surrounds Kairi, and pillars of light surround her. In a few seconds, Bahamut materializes and it’s eyes are a bright flaming blue. The Bahamut helps to turn the tide of the battle. Riku: So, Dexeres, ready to give up on the competition? Dexeres: Huh? Riku: You know, our little competition that we had going yesterday. I’ve racked up more kills then you. Dexeres: Ha! So you want to play that way, huh? This should be fun. He does a backflip and then attacks with his Keyblade and then shoots Twilight Arrows and kills forty Heartless and twenty Unborn. Dexeres: How’s that for you? Riku: Not bad. But watch the Master and learn. In lightning fast speed, Riku uses a new attack. Riku: Dark Arcanum! Dexeres looks surprised as Riku performs multiple fast slashes and teleports and reappears behind every single enemy before them, and then he goes up and multiple copies of him materialize in the air, and they all swoop down for a final Dark Meteor attack. Riku: Looks like I win. Dexeres: Hmph, I will admit, that was impressive. Kairi: Guys, focus, we still have more enemies ahead of us! Stand back! She stands in front of Riku and Dexeres and then she faces the Heartless and Unborn. Kairi: Bahamut, use Megaflare! And with boiling rage and mighty power, Bahamut uses all of it’s energy to unleash a deadly Megaflare attack that wipes out all the Heartless and Unborn. (End song here) Kairi: Allright guys, we’re cleared for now. It’s a good thing you guys came along to help. And I’m really surprised that the Nobodies helped us. Dexeres: That’s because they are under my command now. They are now our allies. Kairi: That’s great news. Now then, come on, we have to make sure we get everyone in town to safety! Riku: Right! And so they head to town to secure the citizens. Meanwhile, at the library, Ethan still stands shocked and saddened by the words the mysterious man spoke. He is now torn and doesn’t know what to do. But he feels a darkness tugging at his heart. His burning desire to protect her sister awakes new resolve in him. Ethan: Ventus…you won’t hurt my sister! Ethan runs to the castle courtyard and sees Ventus and Trish near a fountain at the garden. He slowly walks up to them, with a now yellowish color in his eyes. Ventus: Oh, hey Ethan, am I glad to see you! Trish: Hehe, hello brother. Ethan: … Trish: Ethan, what’s wrong? W-why are your eyes yellow? (Start song here) Ethan raises his hand and summons his Keyblade and points it at Ventus, and dark aura can be seen eminating around his body. Ethan: Ventus, stay away from my sister! Ventus: W-what!? Ethan, what’s wrong!? Ethan: I’ve had it with you. You don’t love Trish, you just want to trick her so that you can kill her off when you unleash Vanitas. Trish: No! Ven would never hurt me! How can you say that!? Ethan: I have been enlightened to the truth. Now I see things more clearly. Ventus: Ethan, no, I would never hurt Trish! Ethan: Enough… He strikes Ventus with his Keyblade, but luckily, Ventus blocks his attack and then prepares for battle, while Trish tries to make Ethan snap out of it. Trish: Please, don’t do this! Don’t hurt him! Ventus: Ethan, I don’t want to fight you, please I beg of you, stop this! Ethan: Enough, stop playing with my mind! In fueled rage, Ethan disappears then reappears behind Ventus and uses Sonic Blade, while Ventus dodges every hit. Ventus then uses Strike Raid to try to get Ethan off balance. Trish: Guys, please stop this! Ethan: Die Ventus! Ventus: Ethan, snap out of it! But it’s no use, as Ethan uses Divine Judgement to pin Ventus to the ground. Ventus holds in all the hits, while Ethan simply grins and keeps attacking him. He then jumps up and disappears then reappears by Trish’s side. Ethan: You’re safe now sis, now get in the castle, I’ll finish him off… Trish: Are you crazy!? What is with you!? Why are you hurting him!? She furiously slaps Ethan’s face, and he growls in anger. Ethan: So, he’s turned you against me!? You would betray your own brother!? Trish: Of course I would never betray you! Why are you saying all these things!? Just as Ethan is about to say something, Ventus stands up and looks at him in the eyes. Ethan: So, you insist on fighting? Hmph, this will be good. Stay here, Trish, I’ll finish him off once and for all. Ethan snaps his fingers and binds Ventus’s body with a chain spell, and he moves close to him, and prepares to pierce his Keyblade to Ventus’s heart. Ventus: Ethan, why? Ethan: You will finally be no more… Trish: No!!! And just as Ethan is about to kill Ventus, Trish stands in the way and receives the killing blow. Ethan’s eyes open wide as he sees what he has done. Ventus: No!!! Trish!!! Ethan: Sis, no, no, why!? Ventus: Why did you do that Ethan!? Ethan: Grrrr….See what you’ve done!? You’ve hurt her! You’re a danger to everyone! Ethan carries Trish’s body with him, and he opens a portal and disappears. Ventus: No!!! (End song here) Thunder cracks the sky, and suddenly sorrow overcomes Radiant Garden. And just as all this happens, two individuals stand in the distance, watching the events unfold. Mysterious Figure: Ah, I see that your plan worked better than expected. The boy has betrayed his allies. ???: And now all the pieces are in place. Now the darkness will overcome this pitiful world, and everyone along with it. Mysterious Figure: Hmph, excellent. Everything is going according to plan. ???: Come, the Master is waiting for us. Mysterious Figure: You go, I want to see the destruction of this world with my very eyes… ???: Very well. Come back when the deed is done. Mysterious Figure: Agreed. And after that, the Mysterious Figure heads down to the town. In the meantime, Kairi, Riku and Dexeres notice the sudden dark clouds gathering in the sky. Not soon after, Terra and Aqua quickly come running to them. Kairi: Guys, do you know what’s happening? Terra: I don’t know. Everything’s happening so suddenly. Dexeres: The darkness…it’s more powerful than any I’ve ever felt. Aqua: Kairi, we have to get everyone out of this world! I have a feeling it will be swallowed by the darkness! Terra: Come on, we don’t have much time! Just then more Heartless and Unborn appear. (Start song here) Dexeres: Go! I’ll take care of them! And hey, be sure to find Ventus! Terra: Right! And so, they run to save as many people as they can. Dexeres: Allright Heartless, let’s dance. Mysterious Figure: It looks like you are in quite a predicament. Dexeres: You! What the heck are you doing here!? Mysterious Figure: Hmph, I just happen to be passing through, watching this little world fall to the darkness. Dexeres: I’m not surprised that you were the one that surely caused this. Mysterious Figure: Oh, on the contrary my old friend, it was one of your allies that caused all the commotion around here. Dexeres: What!? As Dexeres is caught off guard, he is almost killed by a Heartless, but the Mysterious Figure killed it with his Keyblade. He goes down and joins Dexeres in the battle. Dexeres: You’re- helping me!? Mysterious Figure: …Don’t get used to it… And with that, the Mysterious Figure unleashes a volley of dark spheres that shoot lasers while he cloaks himself in flame. Dexeres kills the Heartless and Unborn and commands his Nobodies to hold back the enemy reinforcements. Dexeres then summons eight lances and shoots them one by one. Dexeres: Twilight’s shard! Mysterious Figure: Hmph, it has been quite a while since we’ve fought side by side. Dexeres: Yeah… Mysterious Figure: Vanish. And with that simple word, all Heartless and Unborn on sight vaporizes and vanishes. (End song here) Dexeres: Incredible! Mysterious Figure: I suggest we find that young friend of yours, I suspect he is alone… Dexeres: Ventus!? Mysterious Figure: Exactly… Quickly they teleport to Ventus’s location, only to find that Ventus isn’t there. Ventus is deep in the library, following a strange light. When he reaches it, he sees a young boy laying unconscious on the ground. Ventus: Huh? Hey, kid, who are you? Are you okay? Slowly the young boy opens his eyes and looks at Ventus. Ventus: What’s your name? Young Boy: Kyle… Before he says anything else, he falls back into unconsciousness. Ventus: I can’t just leave him here. Well, I guess I’ll bring him with me. Ventus carries Kyle and walks to the castle entrance, where he finds Dexeres and the Mysterious Figure. Dexers: Ven, we found you! Hey, who’s the kid? Ventus: He’s Kyle, I found him in the library. Huh? Hey! What’s that guy doing here? Dexeres: He’s helping us…though I’m not sure why. Mysterious Figure: … Dexeres: Where are Ethan and Trish? Ventus: Ethan betrayed us, and he took Trish with her. He hurt her! Dexeres: What!? That can’t be! Mysterious Figure: I told you so… Now come on, let’s go. The Mysterious Figure teleports them to Kairi and the rest of the gang to Merlin’s House, where everyone is. Cid: Hey, what’s that guy doing here? Mysterious Figure: Providing you with an escape route… Your airship still needs work, but it can’t be here. I will transport you to Disney Castle, you can work on your ship there… Cid: What? Dexeres: Just listen to him, we don’t have any other choice now. Riku: Allright, let’s go. The Mysterious Figure opens the portal so they can make their escape. Mysterious Figure: Flee you fools… And after that, Radiant Garden is consumed in Darkness. Meanwhile, Dexeres and the rest are in the portal on their way to Disney Castle. Ventus: I wonder why he helped us? Dexeres: Who knows? Riku: Everyone, we at least have to thank the help we got. Now we just have to prepare for whatever lies ahead. Ventus: I wonder when this kid will wake up? Dexeres: Don’t worry, he’ll wake up sooner or later. Radiant Garden has been consumed by darkness, Ethan has turned against Ventus and has taken Trish with him to an unknown destination. And the Mysterious Figure has helped Ventus and the rest to escape. What are his intentions? Has he had a change of heart? Stay Tuned for Chapter 20: The Boy from the Unknown… 4 doom, Kirie, Rizzyy and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sarrin 100 Posted July 6, 2012 very well done 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rizzyy 736 Posted July 6, 2012 ima be a noob first comment comment!!! jk but for real nice chapter! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted July 6, 2012 Awsomness! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 9, 2012 Everyone, here’s Chapter 20. Thank you all so much for your comments, and thank you for reading my story. I’m happy that you all like it so much! Special thanks to Tom13 for Kyle and his little companion, which you will see in this story. Hehe, anyways, without further ado, here is Chapter 20! ^^ Chapter 20: The Boy From the Unknown Terra, Aqua, Ventus, Dexeres, Riku, Kairi and the rest are in the portal awaiting to arrive at Disney Castle. They are still recovering from the fact that Radiant Garden is no more. Everyone is quiet, and uncertainty looms at large. Ventus can still not believe that Ethan betrayed him, and Dexeres is still puzzled as to why the Mysterious Figure helped them escape. And the boy named Kyle is still unconscious. Terra: Allright guys, when we arrive to Disney Castle, the first thing we have to do is prepare defenses that can hold back the Heartless and the Unborn. Aqua: Yes, we have to make sure that we protect the castle at all costs. For now, Disney Castle will be our home. Cid: Okay then, so all of us that managed to escape from a icky date with darkness will do all we can to help. Yuffie: You know Cid, it’s just like the Mysterious Figure said, we can work on the airship on the castle. Merlin: Hmm, yes, of course. But the fact still remains, who was the one that caused this? Until now, nothing of this magnitude had consumed Radiant Garden…but it’s just as Dexeres said, the darkness was far more stronger than anything we had felt before. Ohh, I do hope that Leon is allright. Riku: Your right! We hadn’t seen him when we went to your house. I wonder if he managed to escape. Aerith: He’s a strong person, I’m sure he made it out. It’ll take a lot more than darkness to keep him down. Hehe, I suspect that we’ll be seeing him very soon. Ventus: Guys, what are we going to do about this kid? Will he wake up? Dexeres: Don’t worry, I can sense his heart beat. He’s alive, just unconscious. But Ven, I have to ask…why did Ethan betray us? Ventus: I’m just as surprised as you are. I just can’t believe it…Trish and I were just in the garden and then he suddenly came and started to talk about protecting Trish from me. It’s like he thought I was going to let Vanitas out. Then, we fought…he was going to kill me…but that’s when Trish took the blow for me, and she got severely wounded. He got angry and made a portal and disappeared… Aqua: Ven, I’m so sorry for what happened. Terra: Is there anything we can do? Ventus: No guys…I just have to figure this out. This is a situation involving him and me, and I’ll be the one that solves this problem. They all remain silent for the remaining time left for them to arrive to Disney Castle. Shortly after, they arrive at the Engine Room of Disney Castle. (Start song here) Chip: Dale, Dale, look, look over there! It’s Riku and Kairi! And more of our friends! Dale: Whoah, it is! Boy are we glad to see you! Cid: Hmph, this is some fancy engine room you have here. It’ll be perfect for building the airship. Riku: Hey guys, where’s Queen Minnie? Dale: She’s in the Hall of the Cornerstone! Riku: All right. Come on everyone, let’s go. Yuffie: Oh, Aerith, Cid and me will stay here with Chip and Dale to work on the airship. Cid: Don’t worry about us, we’ll be quite busy here. Aerith: Hehe, go on, say hi to the queen for me. Aqua: Okay, we’ll see you all later. (End song here) Meanwhile, the Mysterious Figure walks silently along the shores of The Realm of Darkness. He walks for many hours until he sits on a nearby boulder to rest. He then hears a voice. (Start song here) ???: You took awfully long… Mysterious Figure: What? Can I not enjoy the destruction of an entire world? ???: Still, I sense something strange within you… a changed air about you. Mysterious Figure: Hahaha, is this concern that I am hearing? I appreciate the thought. ???: I am just making sure that everything goes as planned. There cannot be…distractions. Mysterious Figure: Put your worries to rest, everything is going smoothly. ???: And what of the boy that Ventus found? Mysterious Figure: I still have not found out anything. Give me time, and I’ll find out what you want to know. ???: Very well… Mysterious Figure: And what of the Master? Has he given any new order? ???: No. He just wants us to move quietly within the shadows, and observe, nothing more…at least not yet. Mysterious Figure: Hmph, I can only wonder how glorious it will be once Kingdom Hearts is ours. All the power from all the world’s hearts, ours to command. A truly motivating thought, isn’t it? ???: Yes, yes it is. But before that, we must assure that no one is left to oppose us. Mysterious Figure: Understood. ???: Very well. Now then, we must be swift, for already we have waited too long. We must move this war towards it’s ultimate stage. Hehehehe, if they thought that these swarms of Unborn were difficult to handle, wait until we unleash our second strike… Mysterious Figure: …Second Strike? ???: Yes. For you see, all these attacks that the Heartless and Unborn have wrought over the worlds is just a primary strike. To test their strengths and find their weaknesses. And as you can see, this primary strike has worked in our favor. For as you know, the boy known as Ethan has betrayed his friends, and the darkness has overtaken him. Mysterious Figure: And I suppose you were the one behind that? ???: Hehehe, it was quite fun…playing with his mind and peering deep into his memories. Now he is allied with us. Ethan, come forth! And from the shadows of the shore Ethan appears from a portal and is carrying Trish, who is unconscious. He already made sure to heal Trish’s wound, and he’s made sure that she is still alive. Ethan: Yes master. ???: How was your errand? Ethan: Radiant Garden has been destroyed, along with all it’s inhabitants. ???: Very good. And the Keyblade Wielders? Ethan: They’re the only ones that managed to escape. I can capture them if you so wish. ???: No. We will do nothing for the time being, just be patient and observe. Ethan: Yes Master. Mysterious Figure: Hmph, impressive, you made him into your own little puppet. ???: Hehehe, yes, he will serve us well. (End song here) Meanwhile, at Disney Castle, everyone heads towards the Hall of the Cornerstone to talk to Queen Minnie. Dexeres: Such positive aura that I sense here, even in such a dire time. It’s soothing. Ventus: Yeah. Hey Dexeres, you guys go on ahead. I’ll stay here in the throne room to see if I can wake up this kid. Dexeres: Okay then, if you run into any trouble, just let me know. Ventus: Okay. Everyone heads down to the Hall of the Cornerstone while Ventus sits down on the floor and tries to find out a way to wake up Kyle. Ventus: Ummm, I wonder if he’ll ever wake up. Hey kid, can you hear me? Kyle? Just when he’s about to say another word, he sees a tiny little dot in the distance running down the giant throne room. Ventus: Huh? What is that thing? Before he can even get a good look, the tiny thing jumps at him and drops him on the floor. Ventus then realizes that he’s been attacked by a baby wolf. The baby wolf just growls at him and pokes his nose at his face. Ventus: Hey, easy there boy! Don’t worry, I wasn’t hurting him, I was just trying to wake him up! After saying that, the baby wolf gets off of him then turns his attention to Kyle. He whimpers sadly, as if he had just lost his best friend in the world, but then he does something that he know will wake Kyle up. He goes underneath Kyle’s shirt and starts licking his stomach and then he gets out and goes towards his head and pulls his hair with his teeth. Suddenly Kyle wakes up. Kyle: Huh? What? Hehe, hey, Lunar, stop doing that! Haha, that tickles! Ventus: Whoah, this wolf must really like you. Kyle: Oh, he’s my pet and best friend Lunar. I found him when he was all alone. He had lost his parents, so I decided to take him and raise him. He’s been my best friend ever since. Ventus: Oh, no wonder he’s so fond of you. Hehe, my name’s Ventus, but you can call me Ven. Kyle: Say, you’re the guy that found me right? Ventus: Yep. Kyle: Well, thanks for that. Where were we anyway? Ventus: We were in Radiant Garden, and we were escaping because it was being consumed by darkness. Kyle: Oh, I see. And where are we now? Ventus: We’re in Disney Castle. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe here. Kyle simply smiles at him and sits on the floor and holds Lunar closely to him while Lunar calmly sleeps in his arms. Ventus: So, what world are you from? Kyle: To tell you the truth…I don’t really know. I don’t know where I’m from. I don’t remember anything…I only remember about Lunar and I only remember that I was unconscious and nothing more. Ventus: Hmm, then you might have come from the Lanes Between, or maybe you were drifting along them. Kyle: The Lanes Between? What’s that? Ventus: They are lanes that connect all the worlds in existence. To put it more simply, they’re like pathways to other worlds. Kyle: Hmm, interesting. Well Ventus, thanks for finding me, and thanks for finding Lunar for me. Ventus: Hehe, your welcome, but actually, Lunar found you. Kyle: Oh, I see. Hehe, well, he always does follow me around. So, where do we go now? Ventus: To the Hall of the Cornerstone. Come on, follow me! They head down to the Hall of the Cornerstone with everyone else. Queen Minnie is at the far side of the room, standing by The Cornerstone of Light, talking with the others. Terra: Your Majesty, we have to make preparations for the coming war. Too many people have gotten hurt, and we can’t let anyone else suffer. Queen Minnie: Oh yes, I agree. Oh, I wish that Mickey was here. Aqua: Where is he Your Majesty? Queen Minnie: He’s off on many worlds recruiting many people to our cause. Aqua: How long has he been gone? Queen Minnie: He left yesterday, and Pluto went off with him. Riku: Your Majesty, we’ve come to tell you about a new enemy. The Unborn. These creatures are relentless, and they destroy everything in their path. But the good news is that the Nobodies are now allied with us. But we still have to worry about the Heartless and the Unborn. Queen Minnie: Then we have to being battle preparations at once! And we have to build defenses! Dexeres: Agreed. Terra, Riku and I will take care of that. Cid, Yuffie and Aerith are working on an airship with Chip and Dale in the engine room. We’re all set. Come on guys, let’s go. Terra, Riku and Dexeres leave the room. Aqua: Your Majesty, we have to see if we can find any clue to the origins of the Unborn. Do you think the library will hold the answer. Queen Minnie: It’s worth a try! Ventus: What about me and Kyle? Can we join you guys? Aqua: Of course Ven. Queen Minnie: That boy! There’s something familiar about him! Kyle: Huh? Queen Minnie: Yes, there is definitely something familiar about you, but I can’t wrap my finger around it! Kyle: Um, okay...? Ventus: Come on, let’s go to the library! And so they head off to the library. What events await our heroes? And what are the enemy’s next plans of attack? What other mysteries do they hide? Does Queen Minnie know something about Kyle that our heroes don’t? Prepare yourself for Chapter 21: Resurrection… 2 Hunter Hawk and doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted July 10, 2012 I love this! This seems good enough to make into an actual Kingdom Hearts game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rizzyy 736 Posted July 10, 2012 i love it much like how i love this story Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites