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Is it just me or has every Kh game ended on a sad note?

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IDK about spoilers. I don't think it'll be too specific but just in case, if you want to stop reading, now is the time.











I just kind of found it odd that all the songs for the most part are hopeful but the games themselves actually aren't as happy as I thought. I thought about all the KH Games I've played or seen and realized that there has never been a game that's ended on a positive note.

Examples from KH games.


KH- SOra gets separated from Kairi.

COM- Sora loses all his memories of CO

Kh2- Sora gets a letter saying that other people need his help.

358/2- Xion dies, Riku loses his real form and takes on the appearance of Ansem SOD. Roxas is turned into data and loses most of his memories.

BBS- Ventus goes comatose. Aqua gets stranded in the realm of darkness. Terra gets taken over by Xehanort.

Re-Coded: Sora gets more information about people who need his help.

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I would say that KH2 and Coded are more on the hopeful side, rather than a depressing side. And same with BBS. You're missing the ending, where it says, "the future will be saved by the two boys who stood beneath the same stars" (something along that line...)


Sora is the only one who can save these people--that's hope! Sure, that's a lot of weight to put on someone's shoulder, but it's Sora for goodness sake. He likes the weight. So I don't really see those two endings as "sad" or "depressing" necessarily. At least it suggesting others are going to get the help they need, rather than they're doomed forever.

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For KH2, it was the most happy because almost everything was good. I guess it could be considered a happy ending.

For BBS, though, it might say that but all the protagonists ended up in varying states of misery. That makes it more sad than happy.

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You could argue that CoM, KH2 and BBS arent sad endings. CoM-Sora makes a true promise to Namine that he wouldnt forget her, cuz the memory of their promise would always be inside him somewhere---KH2- They all get to go back to their home and are together again finally.(them getting the letter wasnt revealed yet, it just forshadowed the start of a new journey, so not really sad) BBS- Sora makes his decision to go and help those who need him and set things right, like others have said, its more of a sign of hope than sadness.

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