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Number XV

Kingdom Hearts: Incarcerated RP

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Corey saw Mariah diving for his legs, and even though he knew that letting Joy get his sword back would be the bigger threat, he felt more like fighting on instinct and rage alone, letting Chernabog's raw power guide his movements.  His leg shot up to kick Mariah as she dove towards his shins, and he absently summoned an spirit to distract Joy for a moment.  



Troy couldn't bear to leave Keilani, not like this, so instead he held her tight in his arms and hoped beyond all hope that everyone would be alright.

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Just before Corey’s foot hit her, Mariah shot one arm up in front of her face, blocking some of the impact. It really only ensured that nothing would get fractured and the bruise on her face wouldn’t be quite as horrible. When he kicked her, she was knocked back and started to fall, but then she reached both of her hands up, took hold of Corey’s foot, and used her arms to launch herself into the air again, attempting to fly up over him so that she could attack from above.------------------------------------------------------------Keilani sighed with relief at Troy’s reassuring embrace. After a few moments of silence, she looked back up at him and smiled, wanting to make more casual conversation after all of this heavy, stressful stuff. Just for a little bit, she wanted to get her mind off of everything that would be burdening her for the next few days, or--depending on the outcome of the battle their friends were currently in--maybe even for the rest of her life. “So, a mountain within a tropical island, huh? I guess I can live with that,” she said playfully. “Is that going to be a long trip, though? Will we need to make any stops? Or can you fly this thing super fast?” she challenged with a giggle.

Edited by Always

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"Ow!" Callum winced at the pain. "You know, shock burns hurt!" He stepped back in an automatic reaction, scowled and sat down again. Dead serious now, he looked at at Mariah. "If you're uncomfortable with this, we can clean our wounds ourselves. But it's not like I'd actually try anything Rebekah." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Look, Felix may never come back. And with Alex who knows where, it's just us two. We're going to have to trust each other, and this tension isn't going to do us any good."


Callum stood and looked at the decapitaded head of Reilly. This was the extent they had to go to beat the enemy? Fighting to kill? Callum felt sick to his stomach, and threw up on the ground. Idiot. You're letting your feelings get in the way of everything! You could be the best of the group if you just let go! You're holding on to this memory of your feelings when you had a heart. They're not real. Shut up Vanitas. I choose how I feel and if I feel. No one else.


Joy dodged the spirit, but not before it clawed his arm. Luckily it was just his left arm. He slid to his sword, and picked it up in his right hand, wincing at the pain. He slashed at the spirit, and turned, not caring if the spirit was gone. He turned to see Mariah in the air, and swung his sword in a wide arc at Corey.

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Rebekah laughed.  “Sorry, just ensuring that you get my point.  I won’t do that again.  And of course Felix is going to come back--there’s no way he would just abandon us, or Alex, for that matter.  It would haunt his conscience horribly if he didn’t keep to his word after telling Alex that he’d go get him.”  Her face and her voice softened as she continued to clean Callum’s burns gently.  “And I am sorry, I’ve just always been suspicious of other people.  It’s kind of an automatic thing for me.  But you’ve definitely proven yourself trustworthy, not only to me, but to Aqua as well.  And we’re both grateful even to Vanitas for saving us.  He could’ve just let us die and have that be the end of it, but he didn’t.”  She shook her head in amazement, then brought out some ointment and gauze from the First-Aid kit in the kitchen drawer and started to apply them to his wounds once she was done cleaning them.

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As Mariah hung in the air overhead, Corey leaned back and allowed a surge of flame to rise up from within him.  As he breathed out a cone of all consuming fire, he was hit hard in the back by Joy, bringing the flames to a stuttering halt, the attack at Mariah being reduced dramatically in power.  While the blade had slammed him hard in between the wings at his back, luckily that area was blackened as well, a sign of Chernabog's influence, giving it far greater toughness than normal flesh.  The blow had been so powerful, however, that it left a painful gash and threw Corey into the house, or what was left of it, nearby.  



"It'll take a good little while, Keilani, so we should probably take a break after standing on it for so long.  It shouldn't take us terribly long, though, just a few hours.  Is that alright, sweetheart?" Troy asked her, suddenly very appreciative that Ventus had let him share a part of his heart and concerned for Callum, who was still without.  Troy further resolved his decision to do everything he could to get both of their hearts back, especially since something wasn't feeling quite right with Troy at the moment, something that had been nagging at him for a little while now...  



Felix sighed soulfully, the kind of thing that Axel would have done.  "Look, I left because, well, because I haven't been feeling quite right.  I haven't been the best leader for this group, haven't been able to keep everyone safe.  I just wasn't strong enough.  I've also been having less and less control of my actions, getting viciously aggressive.  I'm so sorry, Rebekah.  I promise I'll never leave you again."  His eyes fell downcast and repentant, leading him to accidentally notice Callum in his time of need.  "Callum?  Damn, man, are you okay?" he asked as he ran to his side.

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Callum noticed Felix call to him, but what he said was hazy. The smell of death was filling his nostrils and blood from his wound hit the ground. A horrible mixture of pain and revulsion hit him. He had to get away. Darkness filled his vision. He threw up again, spat blood on the ground and fell to his knees. He had a doubt in morals on both sides, and there was only one answer. Felix, himself and the enemies were all psychopaths.                                                      


Callum hissed as Rebekah applied the ointment. "Alright, your turn." He started to clean her wounds gently, making sure not to press too hard. "I do hope Felix will come back. He was a pretty good leader. Kept us together anyway." As he was cleaning, he made sure not to go anywhere near her breasts or he knew she wouldn't' t talk to him for days. "So how is your relationship going?" He winced at how blunt and forceful he sounded.


Joy breathed heavily as Corey went flying. They had a chance, but they needed to act fast. Joy charged, and jumped into the wreckage, aiming down at Corey.

Edited by Number XV

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Mariah reacted quickly when she saw the flame coming up at her, knowing that it would be impossible to avoid altogether.  She turned herself over in the air so that her back was to the fire, and curled herself into a ball, trying to become as small as possible, then she squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw, waiting...  She cried out in pain and nearly lost her focus when the burning assaulted her, but barely managed to hang on to her focus and did several flips in the air as she went back down, landing on her feet.  She then dropped to the ground immediately and rolled over to smother the flames, then jumped back up once she was sure the flames were gone.  The smell of burnt cloth, hair, and even flesh came to her nose, but Mariah ignored that, as well as the incredible pain on her back, and ran back towards the house to attack Corey.




Keilani felt her heart swell a little at the endearing name Troy used to refer to her, and smiled again.  “Of course that’s alright with me,” she replied.  “Any ideas on where we would stop?”





Rebekah’s eyebrows raised in surprise for a split second, then her face relaxed again.  She tried to pretend she didn’t understand, to ignore the reason behind the question, but deep down, she knew...  And now she had to figure out the right words that would let Callum off easy, while also telling him that she simply wasn’t interested in him...wait, was that true?  Wasn’t there some part of her that wanted to be with him?  No...that was Aqua.  It was the influence of her Inhabitor, exactly what had caused so much controversy and confusion as to whom Mariah loved.  Only, unlike her cousin, who was purely in love with Joy regardless of Inhabitor influence, Rebekah didn’t actually have those feelings for Callum.  She shared her heart with Aqua, yes, and could now feel her Inhabitor’s pain and yearning and love for this boy before them...but it wasn’t the same.  Rebekah loved Felix, and it was really only Aqua who...was in love with Callum?  Or was it just a crush?  She wasn’t sure.  She swallowed and gave Callum a small smile.  “Well, our relationship is...going really well.  We love each other very much...”  She cast her eyes down and continued almost in a whisper, “I’d give my life for him.”  She could feel Aqua getting restless, like she had something to say, but her Inhabitor remained silent.  Rebekah decided to give Aqua some space until she decided what it was she wanted to do or say.



Rebekah gasped when she looked over and saw Callum covered in blood, and she was thrown into a panic.  “No, Callum!!” she screamed, running over to him.  Aqua instantly took over while Rebekah was in mid-run, then knelt beside Callum, ignoring the blood and the vomit, and grasping his shoulders, looking into his eyes.  “Callum, don’t do this.  Stay with me.”  Her voice was calm and authoritative for the most part, but she was unable to fully hide her desperation.  Aqua kept a hand on one of his shoulders while she used the other to thrust her Keyblade into the air over Callum’s head.  “Heal!” she cried, with a note of pleading in her voice.  “You’re gonna be fine, you hear me?” she said as leaves and vines and flowers issued from her weapon and surrounded him.

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The pain was horrible. He couldn't breath, he couldn't see anything. Death. The smell of death was all over them and more of the darkness was filling his vision. 'Let go Callum. What has love ever done for you? Your feelings for Rebekah aren't love. They're remnants of a memory of a crush.' No. He couldn't give in…right? All of a sudden his visionvision cleared and he saw Rebakah...No Aqua leaning over him. The pain was still there but at least he wasn't' t dying. "Aqua? You saved my life."


Callum nodded, then took the ointment and finished up. "Um...I' m going to the store. We're out of some things like milk and I' m guessing we need them."Do you want to go or stay here?" 

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“I’ll go with you,” Rebekah replied with a smile, then she shrugged.  “I’ve got nothing else to do.”  More than just having nothing to do, though, she could sense that Aqua really wanted to accompany Callum.  She still wasn’t saying anything, which was a little strange.  Aqua?  You alright? Rebekah thought to her Inhabitor.


“I don’t know...” Aqua said.  “I just...have some things to figure out...”


Rebekah sighed, put her shirt back on, and drew her attention to Callum again.  “Okay, whenever you’re ready.”




Aqua made a half-choking, half-sobbing sound at Callum’s words and pulled him close so that he couldn’t see her face, being careful not to hurt him.  She managed to hold back her tears as she smiled and let go of her Keyblade, saying, “I told you you’d be fine.”  Then she laughed a little and drew back to look at him again.  “I guess this means we’re even, huh?  You saved my life, and now I’ve saved yours.”


Now that she was over her fear of losing him, Aqua stared at Callum nervously.  She had never felt this way before, and had no idea what to say.  This entire situation was doubly complicated by the fact that this boy was Inhabited by one of her worst enemies...though that enemy had saved her life not too long ago.  She trusted Callum, but how much could she trust Vanitas?  What was his agenda, anyway?  She knew there was the χ-blade, but Callum and Ventus and Troy could take care of that, keep him from acquiring it...but was there anything else?  Whatever the case, Aqua was almost past the point of caring.  She knew that she loved Callum too much to try to shut him out any longer.

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Callum's head fell back against the ground. "Ugh. So much violence in one day." Callum had to figure out what was going on here. Only thing he could do was be polite to Aqua. Callum leaned up and groaned when sharp pain hit his abdomen. What WAS Felix's agenda? What was his own agenda? He couldn't even determine enemy from ally. He didn't want to trouble Aqua but he knew his face looked pained.


Callum nodded. "Let's get going then. He grabbed a coat, put it on and walked outside, back hunched and hands in his pocket. Callum chuckled. Yep, still a moody teenager. He opened the car door, made sure he had everything, and waited for Rebekah.

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Felix attempts to grab Callum and sling him onto his back.  "Hey, man, I'm sorry I haven't been the best friend or leader lately.  I'm going to try to fix that, and even though I don't like it too much, I'll do my best to give you a shot with Aqua.  Let's get you to the street, alright?" he asked, and then turned to Rebekah, asking her to please call an ambulance.  


Troy responded, saying "Well I figure that we'll both be tired and hungry after a while, so I figured that we could maybe stop by a nice restaurant?  Besides, this will probably be the last real amount of time we'll be able to spend together."  


Corey stood resolute against the incoming attacks, blocking them with the back sides of his demonic wings and gathering untold power within the dark shield they provided.

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Joy jumped back. "Shit! We're not gonna be able to get past those wings!" He rubbed his burn, wincing as pain shot through his face. How serious was the injury? Joy didn't care. He ran towards Corey but at the last second did a backflip over Corey and swung his sword, hoping to get him in the back. 

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Due to the attack aimed at Corey, he released his pent up power before he was ready, launching a terrifying onslaught of flames right at Mariah.  Even at this potency, without being fully charged, it was still enough to incinerate any normal human who may have gotten caught in it.  In a rage, Corey turned to face Joy, attempting to punch him with Chernabog's demonic fists.

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Joy felt a rib break, everything went dark and he felt his back crunch as he hit a tree. He felt the tree fall down behind him. He tried to stand up, but everything was swirling. He  is arm across  mouth, but blood was coming from his mouth. Bad sign. He charged again, hoping Mariah got out of the way in time.




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(Ah, Mariah's part was intended to come after Not-with-a-whimper's post, #2161. Haha I hadn't seen that there were a few posts made today. Anyway, I edited it to work with what's happening now.)*****FLASHBACK*****Rebekah stepped into the car with Callum and smiled. “So, Callum, since we haven’t really had any one-on-one time, tell me a bit about yourself. Your family life, school, friends back home, whatever.”****PRESENT*****At Felix’s words, Aqua blushed a little and looked down bashfully. Now it seemed obvious to everyone that she had a thing for Callum. And there was also the fact that this whole Inhabiter matter had to make things really awkward for Felix and Rebekah. But they were so understanding, which she was very grateful for. She allowed Rebekah to take her body back so that she could do what Felix had asked.Rebekah brought out her cell phone and dialed for an ambulance, making up a lame excuse about how some hooded gang members had jumped them, which would account not only for Callum’s stab wound, but also all of the cuts and bruises and burns that she and Callum and Felix had received from the confrontation with Alexis and Scott that morning. At least the emergency responders seemed to buy it.------------------------------------------------------------Keilani nodded and swallowed. She wasn’t sure why, but something about Troy’s words seemed ominous, seemed to hold more gravity than they were meant to. She pushed the strange feeling aside and maintained the happy, contented look on her face. “Aye, captain. Lead the way.”------------------------------------------------------------Mariah finally reached Corey and dove in to punch him, only to have pain shoot through her arm as there was almost no give beneath her fist; she may as well have punched a solid, rubber block. She cried out in pain and frustration through a clenched jaw as she stumbled back, holding the hurt hand in the other and glaring for a moment at the cocoon that contained their enemy. “What the--” His wings didn’t look that tough.“Run,” Tifa urged in quiet fear. Then her voice became louder and clearer. “He’s building up power for a fatal attack. RUN!!”Mariah hesitated only to give a warning look to Joy. “Stop, Joy, don’t attack!” she screamed, hoping he would trust her and listen. “Get out of here!!!” With that, she took off, running at top speed, as far from the remains of the house as she could get before the devastating blow.As she ran, she could hear something crunching against a tree far behind her, and she could guess that it wasn't Corey. It took all her willpower not to run back and help Joy, but if he was badly injured, she would be of far more use to him alive than dead. So she kept running. Hold on, Joy, she thought.  Please.She felt intense heat against her back, and it felt even more potent due to the burn her skin had already suffered. But none of the flames reached her this time. Once the attack seemed to be over, she skidded to a stop and turned around to see Joy charging at Corey. She could also see a patch of red near his mouth, and hoped that blood was coming from only his mouth, and not from an internal organ. She ran back again towards Corey, and jumped up to kick him.------------------------------------------------------------Alexis clenched her fist and growled. “Screw the FBI. I’m done with this. All these stupid Inhabiter brats ruining my life. From here on out, I’m just going after very specific targets so that Larxene will shut the hell up, and once those idiots are finished, I’m going back to my old life. I had just as much money and power as I needed, even without this bitch’s help.”“EXCUSE ME!” Larxene fumed. “I will not take that kind of degradation, you pathetic--”“Anyway!” Alexis screamed so that she’d be able to drown out the awful shrieking. “You’re right, we won’t be going back to the house together,” she said, glaring at Scott. Though she wasn’t angry directly at him, she needed someone to blame the whole disaster on, and he was the most convenient candidate. “You’ll be going back to your gigantic, plush mansion, and I’ll be working solely with Larxene, far away from you.” She turned away from Scott, trying to storm off, but some of the initial, more intense rage had subsided, and she stopped. Did she really mean to never see him again? She wasn’t sure what was happening, but that thought set a spark somewhere deep within her, causing her to burn slowly and painfully from the inside. Dammit, what is this? she thought.She turned back to face Scott once more, and, keeping her eyes devoid of any emotion aside from slight anger, she walked to him quickly, grabbed him by the back of his neck, pulled his face down roughly to meet hers, and kissed him intensely. Then she pulled her face back and looked into his eyes, careful not to reveal any longing or softness or any of that other crap in her own. “Got anything to say before I go?” she asked.(That's right, Alexis is back!! Not-with-a-whimper and I agreed to sort of alter what happened in Damion's post, #1997, LOL because we both had no idea where Damion had intended to go with the confrontation between Alexis and Victor, or how or why Victor was going to leave and all of that. And I also wanted to do something with Aleixs. So I'm starting up again right after the point where Damion posted about Scott, and Not-with-a-whimper will decide what to do with Victor later.)

Edited by Always

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Callum shrugged, getting into the car, starting it, and pulling it out of the driveway. "I told you guys this didn't I? My family was extremely abusive and I ran away a lot. I didn't have many friends because most of them betrayed me for more popular friends. The only true one I had committed suicide. I guess I'm supposed to be in my, what, Junior or Senior year? I'm not sure. I did have a dream though. It was like to graduate college and be an engineer or something.
Callum couldn't seem to process it. Aqua...liked him? He heard screaming sirens as an ambulance pulled, but that was only a vague, distant sensation. He felt himself pulled up and onto a stretcher. At least he wasn't as hurt as Joy was recently. The ambulance doors didn't close and he supposed they were asking Rebekah and Felix to come along. Felix...something burned in Callum. Jealousy? Hatred? Awe at his abilities? Friendship? Callum couldn't' tell.
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(Oh crap.  Number XV, I actually re-edited Mariah's part to better go along with what was happening in yours and Not-with-a-whimper's previous posts. :P  I made it so that now Mariah is seeing the blood coming from Joy's mouth and she's charging back at Corey and all that.  But did you want me to put my post back to the way it was before?)

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(Oh crap.  Number XV, I actually re-edited Mariah's part to better go along with what was happening in yours and Not-with-a-whimper's previous posts. :P  I made it so that now Mariah is seeing the blood coming from Joy's mouth and she's charging back at Corey and all that.  But did you want me to put my post back to the way it was before?)

(I've got it. He can just respond to my 'Joy charging at him'.

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(I've got it. He can just respond to my 'Joy charging at him'.

(Awesome, thanks!)




Rebekah felt her face getting warm from embarrassment at not having remembered that Callum had told them this.  Had she been there at the time?  She must have been, but maybe she had been too focused on Felix, or maybe something stupid, like herself.  “And do you have a dream now?  Maybe a different one?” she asked quietly.



Rebekah climbed into the ambulance behind Callum and the medics, and when she got to Callum’s side, she noticed a strange expression on his face as he looked at Felix.  She tried to decipher it, wondering if she should be worried about this.  He seemed...conflicted.  But before she was able to study his face further, one of the medics came up beside him, blocking her view.

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This would be the part where Callum would blush if he actually had a heart. Too bad he didn't. His face remanied serious as he responded, "I don't know. It's hard to tell anymore what is what at all. My feelings, enemies, what I'm gonna do after this assuming I don't die a horrible death. But I guess my dream is to get my heart back and to.....find love." He spoke the whole thing quickly and quietly, then looked out the window, realizing they had a while before the store, but for once, he didn't care.


Callum leaned his head back as the medics started to work on him, cleaning the stab wound. How had this happened? These feelings that shouldn't exist? And why should they have to do with Felix and not with Rebekah? He closed his eyes and it seemed like all that happened was flashes of Calder dying. Why him? One of the medics looked at him. "How did you get this?" Crap, Callum didn't know what Rebekah had said. "Um, I was stabbed."

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(OOC:  I am so terribly, terribly sorry.  I really have no excuses.  I promise to be better, though!)  


Troy and Keilani set foot in the parking lot behind the restaurant and got off of the keyblade glider, it vanishing in a flash before them.  "After you," he said as he bowed gently to Keilani and gestured towards the door.  


Scott was hurt, then pissed that he had let his emotions get the better of him for so long.  He was the best assassin in the world, after all.  He knew better than this crap!  "Get your sorry ass out of here and don't let me ever see your face again," was all he could think to say to the girl he had changed for.  


Now far more Chernabog than Corey, instead of sidestepping the attack he attempted to punch the blade aside, not caring that it landed a winding blow on him as he attempted a direct punch at Joy, ignoring the threat of Mariah for the moment.

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(OOC: Goood Morning KH13!! Back from Boot Camp, 7x's stronger, and ready to put up one heck of a post!)


Felix buried his face in his hands and looked around at his comrades. "I...have something to say. It's mission sensitive...it's...some serious shit guys," Felix said covering his face, "I'm useless to you now. I'll never be at the level I was." He crossed his legs and sat like a child. He held his arms and a tear slowly slipped out of his eye. What was he doing? He had no reason to explain himself to these people. But here he was. "I've lost Axel. He's...he's gone," Felix said slowly, "He gave his life for us back there...I wasn't doing my job...and I killed him."


Scott's mind was riddled with a new purpose. It was time for him to get back to the mission. He would hang back, and let all of the regulars kill eachother off. Then he'd strike right after an attack. It was perfect. His focus was on that gang he and Alexis had fought. That rag tag group of children with gifts would die, and he'd do it because he was the best.


Victor slumped over, and sat down. "No...this is pointless. We kill all the inhabiters, and then what? Kill myself? Please. What is the point?" ,he asked. He shook it from his head. Got back up, and walked north. He'd bump into one eventually. They were all moths heading towards an inevitable flame.

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