Koko 3,944 Posted October 19, 2012 I have to agree that in North America, a land founded on religious freedom and a separation of church and state, far too many of our political issue have a root in religious viewpoints. Far too many politicians appeal to people's religious view points and use them as the basis of their policies and it somewhat frustrates me. marry me 2 TheApprenticeofKingMickey and hatok reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirux 1,224 Posted October 19, 2012 (edited) I'm not going to answer on terms of abortion, because that'll just lead to a never ending debate, since no one can agree on when a fetus is a baby. I totally see what your saying, and I did question that stance myself multiple times. Unfortunately, I do not represent all Conservatives, But the way I see it, is that I am pro-family. I believe that there are roles that a Father teaches to a child, and roles that a mother teaches a child. I believe it's essential to have both. I'm not saying that if you are a gay parent that you child is going to be screwed up. Because I don't believe that. I just think that it is important for the child to have both influences-- of a mother and a father. Hmm, I understand and respect your answer. I disagree that the role of a 'mother' and a 'father' can only be played out but a person's inherited physical gender, but that is neither here nor there. I appreciate your answer. marry me Yes ^-^ Edited October 19, 2012 by Kirux 1 Koko reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted October 19, 2012 (edited) Well, I'm surprised. Not only has a shitstorm not started, but I really like a lot of the conservative points. Honestly, I"m very liberal. Probably Socialist, near Communist. But I really like Conservatism because it fits more with human nature. Like take Communism for example. There will always be that jack-ass selfish person who takes more than he/she should, and ruins the whole system. So I'd LIKE to think Communism would work, but no, I'm not going to answer on terms of abortion, because that'll just lead to a never ending debate, since no one can agree on when a fetus is a baby. I totally see what your saying, and I did question that stance myself multiple times. Unfortunately, I do not represent all Conservatives, But the way I see it, is that I am pro-family. I believe that there are roles that a Father teaches to a child, and roles that a mother teaches a child. I believe it's essential to have both. I'm not saying that if you are a gay parent that you child is going to be screwed up. Because I don't believe that. I just think that it is important for the child to have both influences-- of a mother and a father. Well, I think, unless we live in a sexist time, a child can learn how he/she wants to be with same-sex parents AND straight parents. So I think, no matter what marriage it is, a parent should teach that a child can be whoever he/she wants to be. I mean, I'm really 'effeminate' (I wear a lot of make up and would rather do 'girly' stuff than play football. I read fashion magazines and stuff too. Of course, this is somewhat stereotyping, but that's how I am. I fit more in the 'girly' stereotype.) So tell kids to be who they want to be, not who you want them to be. And abortion should be legal in my opinion. No ifs, no buts. I honestly think all guns should be banned. Seriously, any weapon that can kill in one shot is going to be used for bad purposes outside of the military. At least, strict laws should be placed and enforced so minors cannot get their hands on them. And here we go. Yeah, I'm very anti-military. Having a military in the first place will almost never help, because at the very least, it's beckoning to other countries, almost like saying 'Come on, try to take me on, jackass. See if you have a better fighting force.' And I really hate war. Seriously. Just stop. Stop being selfish and/or trying to force your beliefs on someone else. Edited October 19, 2012 by Number XV 2 TheApprenticeofKingMickey and Koko reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2,990 Posted October 19, 2012 You're the first conservative to point out that marriage is nothing more than an agreement between two people and that religion is playing far too much of a role into the issue and I respect that A LOT. I have to agree that in North America, a land founded on religious freedom and a separation of church and state, far too many of our political issue have a root in religious viewpoints. Far too many politicians appeal to people's religious view points and use them as the basis of their policies and it somewhat frustrates me. Yep, and that's part of why I think that we 'religious' people have been getting bad reps here. Because a lot of us try to force our viewpoints down others' throats (like the Westboro Baptist church *cough cough*. That's no way to spread God's love, if you ask me. And thanks, the respect is mutual. 2 TheApprenticeofKingMickey and Demetri Burke reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Koko 3,944 Posted October 19, 2012 I'm pretty much independent, I like some conservative view points and some liberal, but I don't fully agree with Democrats or Republicans I do however agree with the Green Party 3 TheApprenticeofKingMickey, Loki and wayfinder823 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirux 1,224 Posted October 19, 2012 (edited) Yep, and that's part of why I think that we 'religious' people have been getting bad reps here. Because a lot of us try to force our viewpoints down others' throats (like the Westboro Baptist church *cough cough*. That's no way to spread God's love, if you ask me. And thanks, the respect is mutual. I believe that, unfortunately, both sides (religious/athiest, republican/democrat, etc) take too much time and spend too much effort on trying to get the other side to agree and submit to their respective opinions/ideals that no one sits down to honestly, seriously, genuinely try to find a midground solution that has the best interest of the people, whose lives will be effect by their policies, in mind. I believe that parties are the fundamental flaw of the American democratic system; it only promotes the separation of the people and limits what we can get accomplished within this nation due to the fact that each president trying desperately to overturn everything his predecessor did, barring same party successions and re-elections of course. As Aesop tried so in vain to teach us: United we stand, divided we fall. Edited October 19, 2012 by Kirux 2 hatok and TheApprenticeofKingMickey reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hatok 6,413 Posted October 19, 2012 I am a big fan of history, and history can tell us one thing regarding economics. Conservative economic policies and beliefs, such as trickle down economics has worked everywhere it has ever been tried in the history of mankind. By contrast, Liberal economic policies and beliefs such as big government spending, raising taxes, and re-distrubtion of wealth has never worked everywhere it has ever been tried in the history of mankind. When it comes to social issues, I'm a bit of a toss up. This may seem a bit odd as my family is very conservative. My mother is extremely Catholic and my father basically only watches Fox News. But I hate both sides equally, especially regarding religion. The bigotry in my very own religion (Catholicism) is sicknening, but I what I despise even more is the arrogance that a lot Atheist have. Catholics seem to believe that everyone who doesn't follow their beliefs has been corrupted by the devil or something and Atheist seem to believe that everyone who has a religion is of a lesser intellect. I know that's a broad generalization but it's what I see and hear on a daily basis. You can't deny that many people, most likely the majority of people in these groups feel this way. This is why I'm always so confused when it comes to my religious beliefs. I'd still consider myself a Catholic but not like most Catholics would think of themselves. I'm not like one of those hypocrites wearing a rosary and spitting on homeless people or doing drugs in a back ally though. They are the most revolting people on the planet, those that affiliate themselves with a religious belief but seem to do everything the religion tells them not to. I respect and admire all religious beliefs or lack thereof, but sometimes I can see why the Church embarked on crusades and other times I can see why the Soviets did away with religion entirely. But, I digress. Regarding other social issues I'm mostly mixed. I feel that abortion should only be legal in a case of rape, incest or if the child would be too horribly deformed to possibly lead something that resembles a happy life, or if the child endangers the mother's life. Though I can't support abortion when people are just irresponsible. Why deny the existence of a potentially amazing person just because you couldn't keep your legs shut? And to my fellow guys, are condoms too expensive or something? The whole "Don't have sex if you aren't ready for a child" idea is just unrealistic. The entire reason why you and I are here today is because, to put it in layman's terms, people like boning each other. On weapon control, I feel that most weapons should remain legal, especially rifles. Most people who commit crimes with weapons do so with illegally obtained handguns. There have only been a handful of cases where the shooter's possessed military grade firepower. Even smaller, are the amount of people who obtained a firearm legally and use it in a crime. Gun control should be centered around making it more difficult to illegally obtain a firearm, not to legally obtain one. I could share more if anyone is really interested, but I've rambled on long enough. I'm interested I can easily see this getting turned into a bandwagon of bashing... but whatever. I'm a little confused, since you said you wanted a Conservative Opinion, yet gave no topic or issue for us to give our opinion on... so I guess what you really want is our ideologies that make us "Conservative"? I grew up in a rather apolitical household. I used to detest politics and either check out or leave the room the moment the subject got brought up. It wasn't until the 2008 election that I started to feel that something strange was going on. I didn't agree with most people were saying and it bugged me, I remember feeling like, "What the crap is going on here?!". So I started doing my own research and before I knew it, I became pretty politically involved. And I also found my self -- dare I say it??? A Conservative!? .... :huh: http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png Then I guess I'm "stupid...." At least I'm entitled to my beliefs. I am a religious person, however, and most people do obtain their values from religious beliefs, but I wouldn't consider myself a "religious zealot." A very big part of me that I heavily believe in is personal responsibility and independence. I strongly believe that YOU are the in charge of your own life and YOU ultimately decide how you want your life to be based on the decisions YOU make, and if you don't like your current situation, YOU have the power to change it. YOU are your own Master, there are no shackles on anybody. I believe everybody has the right to fail AND succeed. I believe in limited government, and that more power should be given to the States. I am a staunch pro-life advocate (with few acceptions to some cases... but I'd really prefer leaving it for adoption...) <- is a strong personal issue of mine that every time I talk about it, I get a little teary, so it's a good thing this isn't done face-to-face. (I won't go into details because i don't want to get emotional right now, but if you'd reallly like to know why I am in such strong favor of pro-life, you can PM me or something) I believe in fiscal policies, and the spending into oblivion that is happening right now in Washington needs to stop! I am for free enterprise in the economy. I do not believe Government is the answer to most (like... a good 90% of) problems. At the voting booth, I will vote against Gay Marriage, (I'm not anti-Gay!!!! I'm pro-family reared by a Father and Mother.) but if it gets passed, I won't cry about it. I'll just shrugg my shoulders and move on. Though I am not a current gun holder, I do support the NRA and the 2nd Amendment. I really wanted to like this post. I tried. But there's just a little too much bias in hereLike your definition of 'Liberal Media' And the way you think your personal beliefs need to apply to everybody else in your entire country. Well, I'm surprised. Not only has a shitstorm not started, but I really like a lot of the conservative points. Honestly, I"m very liberal. Probably Socialist, near Communist. But I really like Conservatism because it fits more with human nature. Like take Communism for example. There will always be that jack-ass selfish person who takes more than he/she should, and ruins the whole system. So I'd LIKE to think Communism would work, but no, Well, I think, unless we live in a sexist time, a child can learn how he/she wants to be with same-sex parents AND straight parents. So I think, no matter what marriage it is, a parent should teach that a child can be whoever he/she wants to be. I mean, I'm really 'effeminate' (I wear a lot of make up and would rather do 'girly' stuff than play football. I read fashion magazines and stuff too. Of course, this is somewhat stereotyping, but that's how I am. I fit more in the 'girly' stereotype.) So tell kids to be who they want to be, not who you want them to be. And abortion should be legal in my opinion. No ifs, no buts. I honestly think all guns should be banned. Seriously, any weapon that can kill in one shot is going to be used for bad purposes outside of the military. At least, strict laws should be placed and enforced so minors cannot get their hands on them. And here we go. Yeah, I'm very anti-military. Having a military in the first place will almost never help, because at the very least, it's beckoning to other countries, almost like saying 'Come on, try to take me on, jackass. See if you have a better fighting force.' And I really hate war. Seriously. Just stop. Stop being selfish and/or trying to force your beliefs on someone else. When it comes down to it, the left wing is the ideal of how we SHOULD be, but fundamentally aren't, while the right wing is more realistic, sometimes to the point where it leaves a bitter taste in your mouthHaving no military though... is kind of silly. Not having a military has led to entire cultures becoming extinct. Being able to defend yourself and others is an integral part of survival. Never mind that if the US decided to up and drop its military, they have more than a few enemies who could rush in for the kill... Now, if CANADA dropped its military, I don't think anybody would care. Yep, and that's part of why I think that we 'religious' people have been getting bad reps here. Because a lot of us try to force our viewpoints down others' throats (like the Westboro Baptist church *cough cough*. That's no way to spread God's love, if you ask me. And thanks, the respect is mutual. You know, it's cool. My sister decided to become Christian several years ago, and it's been great for her. She has done a TONNE of good by being a part of the community. She sponsors children, donates her belongings, and in general just makes people who are less fortunate a little happier. I've learnt a tonne about her religion, and she respects and understand why I choose not to follow any particular religion.The key thing she did was, rather then talk about how I was going to burn in hell unless I listened to her, unlike most other religious people who had talked to me about it before, but instead talked about all sorts of positive things about Christianity, in an engaging way, while ACKNOWLEDGING the flaws. I ued to be very anti-religion before she showed me how good it could be. I'm pretty much independent, I like some conservative view points and some liberal, but I don't fully agree with Democrats or Republicans I do however agree with the Green Party I don't think ANYBODY really believes everything that one side or another has to offer, when it comes down to it. 2 TheApprenticeofKingMickey and Jim reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wayfinder823 477 Posted October 19, 2012 (edited) I really wanted to like this post. I tried. But there's just a little too much bias in here Like your definition of 'Liberal Media' And the way you think your personal beliefs need to apply to everybody else in your entire country. What? Those are just my beliefs. I'm not forcing them on anyone. And have you seen MSNBC lately...? That's just how I feel they view people like me, and some kids at my school have actually said that to my face! I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, and I'm sorry if you feel that way. Edited October 19, 2012 by wayfinder823 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hatok 6,413 Posted October 19, 2012 What? Those are just my beliefs. I'm not forcing them on anyone. And have you seen MSNBC lately...? That's just how I feel they view people like me, and some kids at my school have actually said that to my face! I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, and I'm sorry if you feel that way. No ME specifically I'm from Canada I'm talking about the marriage thing. You are talking about families that are not your own, and how they are supposed to function. I'm pretty sure everybody is ridiculed for their beliefs to some degree (Some not so much, some dramatically more) It doesn't really mean you should generalize 1 TheApprenticeofKingMickey reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amon 4,279 Posted October 19, 2012 If conservatives put so much emphasis on "limited government" than why do the vast majority feel as though they have the right to try and tell me what I can do to my body and who I may and may not marry? It seems a contradiction. It's no more of a contradiction than Liberals advocated for peace, but then dragging the country into conflict. I hate to bring up the president now, but it's a bit ironic that Obama's major accomplishments have been centered around war and conflict when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirux 1,224 Posted October 19, 2012 (edited) What? Those are just my beliefs. I'm not forcing them on anyone. And have you seen MSNBC lately...? That's just how I feel they view people like me, and some kids at my school have actually said that to my face! I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, and I'm sorry if you feel that way. Unfortunately there is liberal and conservative media that both skew the other side far too strongly. Fox News is just as bad as MSNBC, and have gone too far on occasion. This is the trap that is any sort of media, though; and it seems there is very little ways to report politics without having some degree of bias, some are just worse than others. It's no more of a contradiction than Liberals advocated for peace, but then dragging the country into conflict. I hate to bring up the president now, but it's a bit ironic that Obama's major accomplishments have been centered around war and conflict when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. I wasn't trying to keep a score of contradictions by parties. I haven't even been trying to defend the liberal point of view if you've noticed. I truly honestly wanted to understand her opinion. Edited October 19, 2012 by Kirux 2 TheApprenticeofKingMickey and hatok reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2,990 Posted October 19, 2012 You know, it's cool. My sister decided to become Christian several years ago, and it's been great for her. She has done a TONNE of good by being a part of the community. She sponsors children, donates her belongings, and in general just makes people who are less fortunate a little happier. I've learnt a tonne about her religion, and she respects and understand why I choose not to follow any particular religion. The key thing she did was, rather then talk about how I was going to burn in hell unless I listened to her, unlike most other religious people who had talked to me about it before, but instead talked about all sorts of positive things about Christianity, in an engaging way, while ACKNOWLEDGING the flaws. I ued to be very anti-religion before she showed me how good it could be. You know, that's really cool. Kudos to your sister, and to you too of course, for being open-minded. The way she talks to you about it, if I'm understanding you correctly, is the way that we Christians should talk to other people. A lot of people simply associate us with groups like the Westboro Baptist Church, when that isn't what we should be like at all. It seems like (and this could go for politics too, going back on topic) if you're against something (like you said that you used to be anti-religion), you will generally only look for the flaws in that that thing without admitting that there are good aspects to it too. Like, many conservatives will point out all the negative things about Obama, and many liberals will point out negative things about Romney, without stopping and thinking, "Hey, that guy actually does have some pretty good ideas, apart from that one I don't like". That's why I respect people who keep an open mind. They realize that there's a grey area instead of life just being black and white. 1 Loki reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amon 4,279 Posted October 19, 2012 I'm interested Very well let me think of something else. Ah yes, the environment. This is one of those topics that only get brought up when there is nothing else to talk about but still. Personally, I find global warming to be utter bullshit. Rather that we are responsible for it. The Earth goes through regular cycles of heating and cooling. For the past few decades or so the Earth has been steadily getting warming. Not because humans are polluting the planet but because that's just how nature works. I'm no expert but I'd imagine the heat generated from the sun fluctuates very slightly over time, but those slight fluctuates effect the overall temperature of the Earth dramatically. I read it was something along those lines but I digress. Point is, the Earth constantly getting hotter, and then cooling down, almost like a world wide change of seasons. Many scientist actually believe that we are about to enter a stage of cooling. In fact, the only reason why global warming theories became so popular is because Mr. "I invented the internet" Al- Gore (he didn't FYI) decided to make a movie about it, mostly to make money. As for foreign affairs, I feel we need to stop trying to appease other nations. The left is too concerned with what the world and most importantly our allies think of us. However, when we deal with other nations we should be considering how these deals best benefit America, not the world as a whole. As much as I like the idea of Manifest Destiny going into overload and America consuming the whole earth, it's not going to happen, so stop acting like it's going to happen. We have to fix things here at home before trying to fix the problems of other nations, and if we need to cause problems for other nations to fix our own than so be it, they probably already hated us beforehand. And this goes to both the left and the right, can we stop supporting terrorist groups for our own personal agenda's please? The only reason why Al Queda and the Taliban became a threat is because we covertly helped them fight off the Soviets when they invaded Afghanistan. I can easily see Libya degrading into another group of America haters. Guize, can we support people that actually do like us and not people who just want to use us as their personal army? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demetri Burke 11 Posted October 19, 2012 this thread = thumbs up Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oniaku 280 Posted October 19, 2012 See, I'm MORE conservative, but on the issue of homosexuality, gay marriage, and the like, I am very undecided as to how I feel about it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordOfTheCastle 92 Posted October 19, 2012 I tend to find a lot of liberals to be naive, and a lot of conservatives to be infuriating. Especially ones that try to "bring America back to how it should be" with women being beaten and forced to cook, children being beaten to a pulp and told they're sinners, and everyone taking more than what's theirs. I know once it comes to the topic of religion I lose a lot of charisma, but I am an avid anti-theist and religion in all forms disgusts me to no end. That said, in any normal conversation, if you're religious and we're talking about anything other than religion, I'm almost guaranteed to leave you alone. It takes too much energy and frankly I don't want to be that much of an asshole. I like being nice to people and I didn't come to a Kingdom Hearts fansite to prostletize But anyway, I agree with a lot of things conservatives and liberals say. It's not something you can easily pidgeonhole yourself into. There aren't that many people who truly fit the archetypes of full left or full right. Most people have the common sense to comprimise. That's a little faith in humanity, right? As for gay marriage and abortion, I don't think they should be debatable issues. They should simply be legal, no debates or anything. 2 Koko and Kaiso reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wayfinder823 477 Posted October 19, 2012 I tend to find a lot of liberals to be naive, and a lot of conservatives to be infuriating. Especially ones that try to "bring America back to how it should be" with women being beaten and forced to cook, children being beaten to a pulp and told they're sinners, and everyone taking more than what's theirs. I just wanted to say, that I don't know any Conservative that actually believes any of that. All the Conservatives I know that bring up the whole: "bring America back to how it should be," are referencing to the times when the government feared the people, and depending on the person, they want to go back to the times of how government worked before the progressives got in and changed everything. Others want to go back and just go by the Constitution word for word. It all depends on who you talk to, but they're all in reference to "the government."The things you listed, with wife-beaters and fearmongering religious zealots are ways of society, not the government. And I reallllly doubt majority of Conservatives want to go back to those days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordOfTheCastle 92 Posted October 19, 2012 I just wanted to say, that I don't know any Conservative that actually believes any of that. All the Conservatives I know that bring up the whole: "bring America back to how it should be," are referencing to the times when the government feared the people, and depending on the person, they want to go back to the times of how government worked before the progressives got in and changed everything. Others want to go back and just go by the Constitution word for word. It all depends on who you talk to, but they're all in reference to "the government." The things you listed, with wife-beaters and fearmongering religious zealots are ways of society, not the government. And I reallllly doubt majority of Conservatives want to go back to those days. I know everyday people that are conservatives and most of them are not religious zealots, I agree. I actually do agree with conservatives on a lot of issues. We do need to protect our borders more (im against illegal immigration), far too many people exploit the system, veterans are treated piss poor, the list goes on. With political issues, i find conservatives and liberals to both be right, the only thing wrong is that they're divided so vehemently. The conservatives I take issue with are the ones that want to put their religion in to law. Y'know, don't teach evolution, teach intelligent design, make prayer mandatory, outlaw abortion and gay marriage, and I don't know if this is an issue from both sides or just Americans as a whole, but we can not seem to elect any president that is not Christian. If you're not a Christian you probably won't even make it on the ballot. It's that kind of stuff that annoys me, and when people try to outlaw blasphemy and such. I'm not saying most conservatives are like that, but the higher-ups usually are, and thats what screws things up royally for everyone and that's what makes me angry. I know politics get nasty, so I'll try to keep the conversation lighter. I'm not here to make enemies ^^ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jim 2,990 Posted October 19, 2012 I know everyday people that are conservatives and most of them are not religious zealots, I agree. I actually do agree with conservatives on a lot of issues. We do need to protect our borders more (im against illegal immigration), far too many people exploit the system, veterans are treated piss poor, the list goes on. With political issues, i find conservatives and liberals to both be right, the only thing wrong is that they're divided so vehemently. The conservatives I take issue with are the ones that want to put their religion in to law. Y'know, don't teach evolution, teach intelligent design, make prayer mandatory, outlaw abortion and gay marriage, and I don't know if this is an issue from both sides or just Americans as a whole, but we can not seem to elect any president that is not Christian. If you're not a Christian you probably won't even make it on the ballot. It's that kind of stuff that annoys me, and when people try to outlaw blasphemy and such. I'm not saying most conservatives are like that, but the higher-ups usually are, and thats what screws things up royally for everyone and that's what makes me angry. I know politics get nasty, so I'll try to keep the conversation lighter. I'm not here to make enemies ^^ As a Christian, I want to respond to your big paragraph in a respectful and logical way. Here's what I think about those subjects: "The conservatives I take issue with are the ones that want to put their religion in to law. Y'know, don't teach evolution, teach intelligent design, make prayer mandatory," I think, with respect to everyone's opinion, that both intelligent design and evolution should be taught, but with both as theories. This way, neither side is being shoved down the student's throat, and they have the ability to make the decision for themselves what they want to believe in. "...outlaw abortion and gay marriage" I think abortion is a terrible thing, but I wouldn't instantly give it the red light in the case of a rape, or if the pregnancy is unexpectedly dangerous to the life of the mother. That being said, I feel they should make it more humane than it is (if someone could tell me how humane it is right now, just in case I'm mistaken, that would be great). I do NOT agree with it just being used as a form of birth control. I believe that's incredibly selfish and immature. As for gay marriage, I don't care what the government does about the legal agreement of 'marriage'. After all, it's just a legal agreement. Just keep it out of my church and away from my eyes, and I'll keep my opinions out of yours. That's how I feel it should be. It's not worth giving Christianity a bad rep in the fight to prevent something not worth preventing anyway. "and I don't know if this is an issue from both sides or just Americans as a whole, but we can not seem to elect any president that is not Christian. If you're not a Christian you probably won't even make it on the ballot. It's that kind of stuff that annoys me, and when people try to outlaw blasphemy and such. Can't really comment on this, I honestly wasn't aware about the presidents. and "outlawing blasphemy"? I hate blasphemy just as much as the next Christian, but outlawing it would be about as effective as the outlaw of marijuana is going right now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LordOfTheCastle 92 Posted October 20, 2012 As a Christian, I want to respond to your big paragraph in a respectful and logical way.It looks like you've done just that, so thank you Here's what I think about those subjects: "The conservatives I take issue with are the ones that want to put their religion in to law. Y'know, don't teach evolution, teach intelligent design, make prayer mandatory," I think, with respect to everyone's opinion, that both intelligent design and evolution should be taught, but with both as theories. This way, neither side is being shoved down the student's throat, and they have the ability to make the decision for themselves what they want to believe in. But the issue isn't equal exposure to different theories, it's that intelligent design is more of a philosophical idea rather than a scientific theory. Basically, it's an unproven hypothesis. People can believe what they like, but if the evidence comes into play then evolution does come out on top. And I don't see why somebody has to choose between God and evolution o.O The idea of evolution basically breaks down to this: When creatures reproduce, the offspring is not exactly the same as its parent(s), which can be easily observed, and also that dead animal can't reproduce. What I mean by that, and I'll keep it very short, is that animals are not perfectly suited to their environment, it's just the animals that are suited to their environment that didn't die. If I can indulge in an over-simplification: If the world ended in nuclear war and all that was left was cockroaches, that doesn't mean that the world was obviously designed with cockroaches in mind. They're just the only animals that survived. "...outlaw abortion and gay marriage" I think abortion is a terrible thing, but I wouldn't instantly give it the red light in the case of a rape, or if the pregnancy is unexpectedly dangerous to the life of the mother. That being said, I feel they should make it more humane than it is (if someone could tell me how humane it is right now, just in case I'm mistaken, that would be great). I do NOT agree with it just being used as a form of birth control. I believe that's incredibly selfish and immature. As for gay marriage, I don't care what the government does about the legal agreement of 'marriage'. After all, it's just a legal agreement. Just keep it out of my church and away from my eyes, and I'll keep my opinions out of yours. That's how I feel it should be. It's not worth giving Christianity a bad rep in the fight to prevent something not worth preventing anyway. Well, when it comes to abortion it really breaks down to somebody's life not being ruined by a simple mistake. With rape and life endangerment it's really not something anyone should be forced to go through with, especially if we have the means to prevent it. I know you find abortion to be a terrible thing, and I understand where that comes from, but can you imagine going through the traumatizing experience of being raped, then when you think the horror is finally over, you're forced to carry the child of the rapist inside of you? I can't imagine the psychological horror of something like that. With regards to people getting abortions as a form of birth control is just... well... honestly, who has that kind of money? An abortion can run you 500-1000 dollars. I'm not sure if anyone actually does that. And if they constantly run up a check getting abortions just because it makes people angry, I'd be right there with you calling that person an asshole Now, if you mean using abortion as a safety net for the 0.001% chance that your other birth control fails, I don't think the failure of birth control should doom that person to raising a child if they made an honest effort to prevent it. Not to mention that if you make abortion illegal, people will go back to the medieval methods of coat hangers and staircases. That's just extremely dangerous. But this is just talking about passing a law about abortion, not your personal life. If you personally don't believe abortion is an option in your personal affairs I'd be damned to say that's not your right to stick to your principles. As for gay marriage, I never associated it with getting married in a church. I don't know why they would want to be married in a church. But being legally espoused and reaping the legal benefits that everyone else can seems perfectly fair to me. I can't speak for myself, being a straight man, but I imagine that being gay is no different than being straight. You have one gender that is sexually appealing and one that is not. I don't choose to be straight, and I couldn't be gay even if I tried, so I have no reason to believe that homosexuality is within somebody's control, and they shouldn't be punished for it. But again, if we're talking about marriage in an actual Christian church, I don't see why they would want to in the first place. It'd be like me wanting to have my birthday party at a radical feminist meeting, I simply would not be wanted there because I violate their principles inherently. "and I don't know if this is an issue from both sides or just Americans as a whole, but we can not seem to elect any president that is not Christian. If you're not a Christian you probably won't even make it on the ballot. It's that kind of stuff that annoys me, and when people try to outlaw blasphemy and such. Can't really comment on this, I honestly wasn't aware about the presidents. and "outlawing blasphemy"? I hate blasphemy just as much as the next Christian, but outlawing it would be about as effective as the outlaw of marijuana is going right now. Yeah, people get all woozy when they think about Mitt Romney being a mormon, and that's still being a Christian. People also made a big deal about this conspiracy of Obama being a "secret Muslim." Even if that was true... so what? And i think he's proven himself to be a Christian, but what he doesn't do is shove it down people's throats or try to make it law. That's why I like him. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elijah Gravenhorst 480 Posted October 22, 2012 I don't know if I'm too late too join in on this but I do call myself a conservative and I would dare to ask the same question of liberals. I don't see how big government, filled with choking regulations and intrusive laws can support a strong economy or call itself a freedom loving organization. America has always been about equality and independence and I fail to see the logic of most liberal views. I like to think that I know my stuff so If there is a specific point you want to know about then let me know. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites