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I Apologize to people

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I Apologize to....

AgentQV (For calling you a noob and for being rude to you)

Chronic Tumor (I dont know what i did to this person)

Koolkingdom1 (For all the PMs and for being mean to you i dont hate you)

Cellar Door (For getting on your nerves with the way i acted, and for PMing you alot about the AMV)

RoxSoxKH (For being Rude to you)

DeathSkull3000 (For being rude to you and a jerk)

CodedbyDays (For insulting you i think, and for having you put the neg rep back on)

If you feel like i have been mean to you or something else and your not above feel free to PM me about it.

I apologize to all i have hurt in any way.

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You have not apologised to me. You have lost all respect that I had for you. Shame on you.


And apologise to DChiuch for he is your master and you are not worthy.

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I don't remember if why we disagreed or what the argument was about or even if we argued. All the hate/dislike towards me blends together so I don't really remmeber any of it.


So I refuse your apology because I hold nothing against you.

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thanks for the apologies, good to know your seeing sense.


i'll leave my negarep on for now, but after a while if i notice you being nicer then i'll change it.


i don't think it'll ever be posotive though. sorry but it's just the fact that you did all those things, but i accept your apology

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I am glad you are apologizing to people Brayden, it is mature and people respect you more, but people will not always forgive you. You need to ask yourself how you would feel if you were in their shoes. You have made me mad too in some ways, but I sort of see you in a new light now. Just do not think you are better than others, because I have seen you act that way. I honestly think you are a good member in a sense, a bit rough to people but you try to do your best. Just do not feel like you are superior to others because we are all on the same level and here to have fun and relate on the same topics.

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i'll leave my negarep on for now, but after a while if i notice you being nicer then i'll change it.


You're not really accepting his apology.


Stop being such a self-righteous dick


i am accepting it. i just said that it will take quite alot to change my rep, because i really was insulted before he left. but i will change it eventually

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I am glad you are apologizing to people Brayden, it is mature and people respect you more, but people will not always forgive you. You need to ask yourself how you would feel if you were in their shoes. You have made me mad too in some ways, but I sort of see you in a new light now. Just do not think you are better than others, because I have seen you act that way. I honestly think you are a good member in a sense, a bit rough to people but you try to do your best. Just do not feel like you are superior to others because we are all on the same level and here to have fun and relate on the same topics.


I agree with Cricket 83

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I need the be apologised for, because you called me "Douchebag". I do not like this term, it offends me and my family as we live in a giant douche. Sometimes I drink fluid which is expelled from the vaginal area. This makes me happy.


But you still must apologise to me. You must state my name 15 times and say you are sorry if you wish to be forgiven.

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