Tom 437 Posted February 14, 2013 (edited) It was eventually going to happen one way or another, but I'm deciding to choose it now out of all days. Funny that it happens to be on Valentines Day, but I digress. So here comes the why, you know why am I leaving, what is going on that is hindering me from staying on the site (even though nothing is), etc etc. Well quite frankly, I don't really sign into KH13, and if I do, it's because of some shitstorm that a few of the members are talking about, or the mods are talking about some random thing. Keep in mind, I have EASY ACCESS TO ALMOST ALL OF THE MODS, so I basically know that shit's going down. I mean, why bother signing in when you think to yourself and say, "Well what purpose do I have on KH13? News is going to be slower than hell for a really long time, more new members are running the place, and a lot of the old friends I made said firetruck it, I'm leaving?" Essentially, I'm too old for KH13. I was here my Freshman year, and now I'm taking a leave at the end of my Senior year. That's about 4 years, marked in August. But that's not why I'm TRULY leaving, no no no, this may be a long term effect that probably would of made me never leave, but an immediant cause has lead me to turn my back to KH13. Instead, I'm taking my leave after the disrespect towards the mods themselves, particular one that I've grown pretty fond of. That would be Cricket. Now let me give you guys a little history lesson. Cricket and I have been good friends on KH13 since the beginning, about 2009. He would have occasional chats, and this is before Cricket had become a mod. See, I don't suck up to any mods, nor do I intend to. I may have the mods on my contact list but I don't go after them and consistently talk to them in a chance that I might be praised by them or some shit. Sounds ridiculous doesn't it? Yeah well, it's happen all too many times in the past. But regardless, I've been friends with Cricket for a while, and even after her return from a long break had the conversations started. It was even to a point where that I have her phone number and we could text, but there is issues going on with this texting, so I won't go into any further details. Now I'm going to give you a few details about Cricket, and I know that she may not want me to share some details, but I need you guys to understand her circumstances. First off, Cricket, or as I know her as Brittany, is 21 and working a job (in which the managers treat her like shit, mind you), so she's pretty busy with her life. Another thing that all of you should pay attention to is that Cricket is not quite healthy, and I mean is a few disorders that greatly affects her. Schizophrenia, bipolar, panic attacks, depression, and a few other stuff that she has to take quite a few pills to keep herself sane. You guys may see her in a positive mood and always trying to help, believe me I thought she was perfectly fine, but she's not fine. But she's trying to do her best in keep up with the site and Internet friends, including myself. And that leads me to my last point, Cricket loves this job being a moderator of the site. She likes helping people, she wants to keep everything safe, and she is very fair with the members around here. So what does those three points mean? They tie up to the events that happened about roughly two weeks, in which Cricket attempted to do her JOB AS A MODERATOR and received backlash because of it. This regards back to the thread Sora96 made about Aaron. Mind you that this was against one of the newest Random rules that DC himself had made that one thread may not be directed towards a member or group of members, because many people may not get the jokes or it could possibly lead into targeting other members. That's the gist of it. So one mod, Kishira in particular, closed the thread due to violation of said rule. All was fine and dandy, until DC took the opportunity to go against his new rule, that you guys PERSONALLY COMPLAINED to him about, and opened the thread, basically breaking the rule. Now I don't know how Cricket got into finding this thread, but all I know is that she took it upon herself to close the thread, stating that once again, goes against one of the rules implemented by DC himself. And what happened then? Cricket gets backlashed by you guys for doing her job, and I'm talking to you Sora96, you broke the rule and you're going to complain about Cricket? Unfortunately, I'm going to get back to you in a few, so keep tight my little Australian. At this point, Cricket basically said firetruck it, opened up the thread, and this is her last time dealing with this site because she's not signing in anymore. So because of the member's actions and AN ADMIN'S AS WELL, one mod is now officially gone. Was it worth all this trouble guys? Was it really? Now for a similar scenario that also happened a while back. Hatok was getting pretty salty with this whole Random rule that spamming and breaking rules and ruining his own good image in mere minutes was worth it. Cricket had to be the one who banned him for his own sheer actions, and yet, I've had Cricket tell me that you guys were sending PMs or chat messages, whatever you were sending her, hating on her or saying bad things about Cricket. I don't care who did it or who was harassing Cricket, but I KNOW some of you people did it, and even for someone like me who doesn't go on KH13, I don't appreciate it. That's because even though I want to stay away from stupidity of this forum, I want Cricket to do her best in regulating the forum because I know she's a REALLY good mod and she doesn't deserve this kind of disrespect. After the event of Sora96's thread, I was tempted to make this thread back then instead of now, but I did not make such thing. I had better things to do than to tell you guys what I'm saying right now, but I should of done it. Why the thread now? Well I was talking with a member on Skype because Cricket happened to sign in on Skype, and he linked me to this status from a member, and he had figured from this status that Cricket was leaving However, when I read it myself, a completely different thought came into my head because of what Cricket had said to me about this said person beforehand. I will not link you to the status, but I will quote the status and I will tell you after who made that status. Farewell to a legend. She helped make me a better person. If it wasn't for her, I might have left KH13. Anyone want to take any guesses in who made that status? I mentioned the person above, and that's Sora96. Makes sense, right? The two had been good friends to an extent that is similar to my friendship with Cricket. Unfortunately, it seems that Sora96 doesn't feel that way anymore, and so, I'm going to reveal to you guys what he said to Cricket that absolutely made me angry to no end. I had posted on his status of what he originally said, but he chose to delete my comment, which comes to show that people don't want the truth revealed and to make themselves look better in the eyes of others. So here's the comment: Sora96: I don't need you like I used too ...... How messed up is that? Do you guys think that's fair that he can say she's a "legend", but make her out to be nothing more than just a simple tool? Do you guys think that Cricket made him a better person when he bluntly told her that he no longer needs her as a friend? Members of KH13, you guys, Sora96, Cricket, everyone here is a person, NOT AN OBJECT. No one should be or needs to be treated as a tool, even if you are no longer friends with somebody. No one is slave, pawn, or a servant to any one and their causes or objectives. You can say I'm taking this the wrong way, I am most certainly not. Friendship isn't some little hobby that you can just drop because of whatever reason, it's a driving force for human beings, it's something that brings us happiness and makes us understand that NO ONE, regardless of any situation, is alone in this world. Never tell me that you have no friends or your family doesn't care about you, there's is always ONE person out that is willingly to come up to you and shake your hand. Never forget that guys. A lot of people I met on here are gone, and even the friends that I made, I myself had issues with, but never once had I questioned the quality of our friendships, nor did I say that the friendship is not needed anymore. This is why I'm upset, and this is why I'm not going to let these things slide by. I have seen hypocritical situations multiple times on this site, and I'm someone who does stand up to it, but this one, I am pouring my entire soul into this post because I've boiled up so things about this site. I stopped complaining about the issues of this site since they never helped me feel better, and I had to move on from stupid shit to focus on my high school. Call me immature back then, but I've grown up, and there's no need for growing, all there is is more knowledge and more wisdom. But I've had enough, the injustice created by some people are not being accounted for, and my friend, Cricket, had to put up with so much of it that she actually began to SUFFER. And I don't use suffering lightly, there is no means of over-exaggeration. It's to a point where she broke down, she had to avoid the site, she even had to avoid DC, which congratulations DC, you must be doing something right for her to do that. And this is the final straw that I will send hardship towards Cricket. So to Sora96, I know you were will more than likely report this thread because I'm calling you out, but this is by no means of slander towards you. I have no hard feelings for you, I don't even hate you, even though all those times I kept saying to myself, "I'm really despise this kid", I never thought you were truly a bad person. Maybe not quite bright (that's my opinion of course, you've already proven to me how so, so don't question it) and way too firetrucking egotistical that it pained just about everyone to see, but you were by no means a nuisance to the site. But that status you made that tried to make you look all high and mighty and the oh noez Cricket's leaving, she was a legend excuse, now it's the final out with you. I am fed up with your crap, especially deleting my comment on your status, because that made me more mad than making the status itself. So there's nothing to hide about how you truly are to other people. I honestly do not care how people look at you or treat you after they read this thread, but I'm going to make this thread for people to see this, no matter how ridiculous this all sounds. I'm tired of it, Sora96, and your actions alone was the reason why Cricket left, and was fed up with this site. You broke a rule, you complained about Cricket, you got your way. How is she a legend to you if you don't need her as a friend? No respect bro, and that's why any remaining respect I had for you is gone. You probably don't care. That's fine, but don't think I'm not going to give you a piece of mind for it. And that's all I have to say to you Sora96, because frankly, I already have this hunch that you're going to try and remove this thread from the Personal forum. You'll probably get you way most likely, but any remaining time this thread has is going to for members to see these bullshit being pulled off. If you really REALLY want any redemption, then I expect some form of apology from you, but just know that this is the final straw. Cricket's not coming back, she set her password to something she will not remember. She is never signing in again. Now you can see why I'm calling you out of all people. But I'm not just done yet, I have other final message and that's to you DC. I'll keep this one short though, I don't have much to say. A) I understand that recently members have been giving you a hard time because of this new rule, and because of this new rule, everything has filled with chaos and arguments. I understand that hatok's actions are quite outrageous, if anything, and it was to a point where even I had defended you because it was just pure nonsense, but breaking your own rule does not set an example for the members. If you do not want members to break your rule, do not be a bystander and let it be broken for "special occasions". This is why I particularly grown distrust for you in the past because you did it how many times? And when I confronted you about it, all there was is, "I did nothing to you". Maybe so, but that's being hypocritical and even though you did this action after hatok complained about it after the rule, you did not help your case at all. No hard feelings, I mean, you did bring upon yourself when you chose to open the thread. B ) Are you ever going to grow out of this female mod appointing that you absolutely refused to just appoint male mods (I still don't understand why people like baylaust are still not a mod, I'm being completely serious when I say that someone like him is a perfect example of a mod)? Sectional Mods don't count, especially since those that are male mods don't even had much power than the females ones. I don't even why Sectional Mods was a good idea when they can only control a certain portion of a forum. Now that one of your mods is gone ONCE AGAIN, and the few barely get on to help you prevent further problems, Sectional Mods are not going to solve the clusterfiretruck of problems with your own mod team. Just saying. C) I understand you don't like me for some reason STILL, even though you tried to come to me about letting our differences go, but telling the other mods or the people in the MSN chatroom that I scared away one of your own mods, aka Jeny, none for nothing, but slander against me is a douchebag move, and I really don't appreciate it. I don't go around telling everyone you're a bad admin. I could but what would that solve? It would just make me look like idiot and then just get banned. Not even worth the trouble. Again with Sora96, I don't hate you or think you're a terrible person, but you're making yourself look really bad. D) One last thing, hitting on the mods? Seriously? Don't you have a girlfriend or something like that, unless the only relationship you're carrying around is your hand. Either way, hitting on the mods is pretty much a big no no, and yes, Cricket tells me about it. It's disgusting dude. Look for other Aussies in your area, not random American or whatever girls that you appointed to do work on your forum. Is every Australian person this much trouble? This is more advice than me explaining my opinion, since right now your site is crumpling into massive amounts of chaos, and nothing is really being done about it. So chop chop, because I'm done being around for this dump, and after this point, good luck with some of the people here, you're really going to need it. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now that all this is said and done, I have no regrets, and I take nothing back, even if this thread doesn't last long enough, because even though I stuck to giving out opinions and showing the truths to everyone here, some people won't appreciate it and it'll be gone before you know it. I won't pull out the First Amendment freedom of speech bullcrap, but I hope that I'm going to have the right to allow others see this. There is a chance that this may make people angry or frustrated at what I'm saying, hell you might even think I'm a ridiculous sack of shit, hey that's fine by me, but you're still going to read this and find out that you guys need to know some of the stuff going on and understand that these things shouldn't be happening because of it, regardless of any negative notion towards me. I realize that over the course of these four years, I've changed, even to become a complete douchebag to many people. I would say I'm sorry to these cases, but some people deserved it, and that's something to keep in mind. I may act hostile towards a lot of you because either you drive me bonkers or provide unnecessary drama to the site, but never think I'm a bad person. I have good intentions, and I will be completely honest with everyone here with anything I say. Hell, if I have to bluntly say you're annoying to you specifically, I will say it and I will say it straight foward. When I say some things, a lot of you guys take it as a joke. When I say I despise a lot of people on this site, I really mean it. So many people in a span of 4 years has made this site unbearable for me, and it's driven me away. It can't be helped with the mass amount of new members joining the site, but some of you people have not seen the worst of this forum. You think you've seen worse now with this Random Rule nonsense, but guys, it's been worse, and you can only imagine how upsetting it's been for me. That isn't to say I do not like everyone on this site. There are some people here that I do not mind, or at least finally put up with. I'll give you guys some examples. I'm going to bring up my two favorite stalkers, Apprentice and Shana. When you two first signed up on this site, I want to rip my eyes out of my head, you guys drove me insane. And despite me being a douchebag constantly to them, both Apprentice and Shana like me, because they know I'm a good person. I mean, I may of not enjoyed Apprentice's company, but when people made fun of her aspergers or bullied her, you can bet my ass I was going to defend her. No matter what, even if you guys may annoy me, I will still stick up anyone who has to go through this trouble. Let me you give a wise quote of Volitare himself: I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it. It's like that, just not in an argument sense- oh you guys know what I mean. Consider it that there a few people I like on here. YOU READ IT HERE FOLKS, THERE ARE PEOPLE I DONT MIND, HOLY SHIT CALL THE POLICE. With that in mind, I'm going to actually put out my Skype to those who actually want to contact me and continue talking to me. I don't expect everyone to add me, nor do I expect those who don't like me to add me, but I'm going to put it out there in case people actually want to keep in touch with me. So my Skype name is dantesmandess15. Add me if you want, but only do it if you still want contact with me. I won't bite, unless you are a person that annoys me, then I might take a nibble. I've got sharp teeth mind you know. Also, in case anyone did not get the memo, I do have a YouTube account where I do Yugioh videos, and if you like Yugioh, go check it out, or just check me out to hear my voice since I do commentaries. That YouTube name is also DantesMadness15. I will check back on this thread later on, and hope that it's still up, regardless if it's closed or not. After that, done with KH13. If I ever come here, it'll only be for the news, and news right now is slower than shit with HD Remix 1.5 or whatever. It's been fun for the first two years, four years is way too much. Goodbye cunts and cuntettes...or just cunts, that'll probably represent everyone. Later...uh need some video to make this goodbye seem like an actual goodbye...SK3 took the ending of Cowboy Bebop....GOT IT, DRAGONBALL Z, PERFECT SCENE: Feels ;-; P.S. I have no one for Valentines Day Maybe something will miraculously happen and dem kisses being given/received. I'll update on that later. Still going to wear my Bullet For My Valentine shirt anyway Edited February 14, 2013 by Tom 22 TheApprenticeofKingMickey, Lu Xun, Queen Tery and 19 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora'sMum 352 Posted February 14, 2013 I think I missed something. . .when did this all happen? I don't go on this site often enough apparently. I miss Hatok. I never knew what happened to him. Here are some points in no particular order: 1) Is it just me or do heaps of people on this site have real world problems they're trying to escape from? It's a real shock to me because I'm basically the opposite. 2) I've always wondered why all the mods were chicks. 3) Woohoo Aussie pride! what what 4) I feel sorry for Cricket. I've got no idea what happened even though I read what you wrote. Although, I did see Sora69's thread (I think) early on, and it was fine at that point. 5) Well done for sticking up for your friends. 6) The 'c' word is a bit harsh. 7) The alphabet has 26 letters 9) Quail does indeed taste like chicken 14) boohoo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted February 14, 2013 Dayum. Poor Cricket. This is terrible and I agree with you on many points. tbch I can understand you leaving. Many people have with the recent unnecessary drama and such And dayum. Just. Wow. Welp, these were all good points and I agree with a lot of it. Not much more to say. Take care, Tom. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hei 3,233 Posted February 14, 2013 I give props to you for standing up for your'e friends, and it sucks knowing that crap like that happens on a Kingdom Hearts fansite and it ends up hurting them. Can't say I know you all to well, but take care man and I hope everything turns out well. 1 Alliecat714 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sakuraba Neku 660 Posted February 14, 2013 (edited) I love how everything happens in this site and im always ignorant to it. I will be the last one standing here and dont even know why. Neku for President, right now! Edited February 14, 2013 by Sakuraba Neku 1 Alliecat714 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DChiuch 5,773 Posted February 14, 2013 I wouldn't normally get involved with something like this, but allow me to address the things you've said about me. So what does those three points mean? They tie up to the events that happened about roughly two weeks, in which Cricket attempted to do her JOB AS A MODERATOR and received backlash because of it. This regards back to the thread Sora96 made about Aaron. Mind you that this was against one of the newest Random rules that DC himself had made that one thread may not be directed towards a member or group of members, because many people may not get the jokes or it could possibly lead into targeting other members. That's the gist of it. So one mod, Kishira in particular, closed the thread due to violation of said rule. All was fine and dandy, until DC took the opportunity to go against his new rule, that you guys PERSONALLY COMPLAINED to him about, and opened the thread, basically breaking the rule. Now I don't know how Cricket got into finding this thread, but all I know is that she took it upon herself to close the thread, stating that once again, goes against one of the rules implemented by DC himself. And what happened then? Cricket gets backlashed by you guys for doing her job, and I'm talking to you Sora96, you broke the rule and you're going to complain about Cricket? Unfortunately, I'm going to get back to you in a few, so keep tight my little Australian. As you say, the point of the rule is to avoid topics that exclude others by only applying to a single member, or group of members. The topic in question was about Aaron, and since Aaron is the co-creator of the website, I consider him well-known enough such that jokes made about him do not really exclude a lot of people. It has nothing to do with who created the topic, as many expect, but rather that the topic was about Aaron. Anyone is welcome to make topics about Aaron. Not that I agree with any backlash, just explaining my decision. Cricket, had to put up with so much of it that she actually began to SUFFER. And I don't use suffering lightly, there is no means of over-exaggeration. It's to a point where she broke down, she had to avoid the site, she even had to avoid DC, which congratulations DC, you must be doing something right for her to do that. And this is the final straw that I will send hardship towards Cricket. How have I made her suffer exactly? This is news to me, in fact, I would say that I'm quite nice to her. I mean, here's our last conversation: [9/02/2013 4:13:09 AM] Cricket .: hey, are you mad at me? D: [9/02/2013 4:13:39 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: hey, nah it's cool [9/02/2013 4:13:45 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: but i'm actually going to bed right now, sorry [9/02/2013 4:13:48 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: i'll talk to you later [9/02/2013 4:13:53 AM] Cricket .: ok I'm really sorry for what happened [9/02/2013 4:13:56 AM] Cricket .: and alright c: [9/02/2013 4:14:01 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: night [9/02/2013 4:14:04 AM] Cricket .: goodnight Does that look like a conversation that would happen if I was somehow causing Cricket to avoid me? No, I don't think so... I haven't done anything But I'm not just done yet, I have other final message and that's to you DC. I'll keep this one short though, I don't have much to say. A) I understand that recently members have been giving you a hard time because of this new rule, and because of this new rule, everything has filled with chaos and arguments. I understand that hatok's actions are quite outrageous, if anything, and it was to a point where even I had defended you because it was just pure nonsense, but breaking your own rule does not set an example for the members. If you do not want members to break your rule, do not be a bystander and let it be broken for "special occasions". This is why I particularly grown distrust for you in the past because you did it how many times? And when I confronted you about it, all there was is, "I did nothing to you". Maybe so, but that's being hypocritical and even though you did this action after hatok complained about it after the rule, you did not help your case at all. No hard feelings, I mean, you did bring upon yourself when you chose to open the thread. I explained this above, there's no "special occasions", it's simply that people such as me and Aaron are well-known enough and important enough to this website such that topics about us do not exclude people. Also what do you mean, I did it "how many times?" As far as I'm aware we're talking about a single topic, right? (Makes you wonder how the opening of a single topic can cause so much drama with people...) And when did you confront me about this? As far as I'm aware, we haven't talked about this particular incident. B ) Are you ever going to grow out of this female mod appointing that you absolutely refused to just appoint male mods (I still don't understand why people like baylaust are still not a mod, I'm being completely serious when I say that someone like him is a perfect example of a mod)? Sectional Mods don't count, especially since those that are male mods don't even had much power than the females ones. I don't even why Sectional Mods was a good idea when they can only control a certain portion of a forum. Now that one of your mods is gone ONCE AGAIN, and the few barely get on to help you prevent further problems, Sectional Mods are not going to solve the clusterfiretruck of problems with your own mod team. Just saying. Why don't sectional mods count? The male sectional mods absolutely do have as much power as the female sectional mods Sectional mods are a great idea, and so far it has been a very successful project. They will have more power in the future, and eventually will take on many of the responsibilities of the Forum Team, such as dealing with reports, having the ability to mod in all forums, etc, but the project is just getting started, this takes time. That said, it's going very well so far. I don't think it's fair to say that our mod team is a disaster, because as it is now, they do plenty of work and keep the forum functioning great. It's really not as bad as you make it out to be. C) I understand you don't like me for some reason STILL, even though you tried to come to me about letting our differences go, but telling the other mods or the people in the MSN chatroom that I scared away one of your own mods, aka Jeny, none for nothing, but slander against me is a douchebag move, and I really don't appreciate it. I don't go around telling everyone you're a bad admin. I could but what would that solve? It would just make me look like idiot and then just get banned. Not even worth the trouble. Again with Sora96, I don't hate you or think you're a terrible person, but you're making yourself look really bad. I've literally hardly ever talked to you, so please don't go assuming that I have a vendetta against you or something. I don't. There are no differences that need to be let go of. The incident that you refer to, me "claiming that I scared away Jenny", was literally OVER two years ago. And I never claimed that you were the sole reason for her leaving, simply that your argument with her the day before she left might have had some impact. But yeah. Over two years ago! Come on. You say that I'm telling people you're a bad member, but you're not telling people I'm a bad admin, but: - This one thing I said about you was over 2 years ago, and not nearly as bad as you make it out to be - Who is the one writing paragraphs and paragraphs about me in public? I don't think I ever talked about you in *private* in the last couple years, let alone in public D) One last thing, hitting on the mods? Seriously? Don't you have a girlfriend or something like that, unless the only relationship you're carrying around is your hand. Either way, hitting on the mods is pretty much a big no no, and yes, Cricket tells me about it. It's disgusting dude. Look for other Aussies in your area, not random American or whatever girls that you appointed to do work on your forum. Is every Australian person this much trouble? If Cricket doesn't like flirting then I would suggest that she says something to me instead of going along with it? I mean, this kind of thing works two ways, I wouldn't be doing anything if Cricket wasn't also. This is kind of a private issue though, don't you think, not something to make a topic about? This is more advice than me explaining my opinion, since right now your site is crumpling into massive amounts of chaos, and nothing is really being done about it. So chop chop, because I'm done being around for this dump, and after this point, good luck with some of the people here, you're really going to need it. A couple of our thousands of visitors are obsessed with this drama = the site is crumping into massive amounts of chaos Right 3 Oishii, Snow and Sora96 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted February 14, 2013 Why don't sectional mods count? The male sectional mods absolutely do have as much power as the female sectional mods Sectional mods are a great idea, and so far it has been a very successful project. They will have more power in the future, and eventually will take on many of the responsibilities of the Forum Team, such as dealing with reports, having the ability to mod in all forums, etc, but the project is just getting started, this takes time. That said, it's going very well so far. I don't think it's fair to say that our mod team is a disaster, because as it is now, they do plenty of work and keep the forum functioning great. It's really not as bad as you make it out to be. So pretty much you're going to make the secs into global mods. A couple of our thousands of visitors are obsessed with this drama = the site is crumping into massive amounts of chaos Right People do what people do. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora96 17,256 Posted February 14, 2013 For starters I did not delete your comment solely because of your quote of me. It was in the most part because of what you said after the quote. I'm fully aware of what Cricket's been going through for the past couple of years. I did worry for her at times, I did miss her when she went missing. When she went missing for months at one point I missed her to the extent I had a dream about her returning. Cricket made me a better person, if it wasn't for her I might have left KH13. She gave the confidence I needed to do certain things. It is not my fault she has left nor it was my fault she thought of leaving the past. For your quote of me today, you were not there. All was good between me and Cricket and she said she was thinking of leaving for good this time. I said that it was her decision. That if she left, she would be remembered and that I would miss her. I said I didn't need her anymore. This means I don't need to depend on her, I don't need to go her with every issue. She helped me grow as a person. And for that I am very grateful. I always want to be her friend. I have always thought of Cricket as a very good person. I've always thought of Cricket as a better and stronger person than myself. Whenever I needed her, she was there if she could be. As DChiuch said. The rule is you can't make topics about other MEMBERS. Aaron's the Co-Webmaster. He's not a member and never was. Now I admit I spoke rudely to Cricket about her locking of the topic. It was a mistake, and I apologized for it after she apologized for overreacting. I thanked her and she thanked me. Everything is fine between us. I have no reason to apologize to Tom or should I say DeathSkull3000. I don't hold grudges. I didn't hold a grudge against you when you acted badly towards me and got yourself banned. And I won't for this topic either. Also, another rule. If you have an issue with another person then contact them privately. You've never spoked to me about any issues and it doesn't look like you have to DChiuch. I think that's all. If anyone has any questions, comments or concerns feel free to send me a message. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demyx. 10,064 Posted February 14, 2013 Well done sir. Sending my best wishes to you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shera Wizard 2,736 Posted February 14, 2013 damn there's been so much going on this site. Imo, this is kinda going off-limits for a fanbase/news site for a video game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 5,571 Posted February 14, 2013 Drama is the norm on KH13, unfortunately. Peace out DeathSkull. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Oishii 3,987 Posted February 14, 2013 Well, that was... long. If anything I hope you got any pent up frustration out. Oh, and this is the first time I've really talked to you... And I guess it'll be the last. Hi... 1 Kinode reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alagoth 46 Posted February 14, 2013 (edited) I read the whole thing even though I knew absolutely nothing about what was being talked about. I ljust love all this forum drama, so delicious. Oh, and bye, you seemed like a interesting character. Edited February 14, 2013 by Alagoth Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tom 437 Posted February 14, 2013 (edited) I wouldn't normally get involved with something like this, but allow me to address the things you've said about me. As you say, the point of the rule is to avoid topics that exclude others by only applying to a single member, or group of members. The topic in question was about Aaron, and since Aaron is the co-creator of the website, I consider him well-known enough such that jokes made about him do not really exclude a lot of people. It has nothing to do with who created the topic, as many expect, but rather that the topic was about Aaron. Anyone is welcome to make topics about Aaron. Not that I agree with any backlash, just explaining my decision. Hmmmmm, this is going by technical standards, but however, the backlash out of it ended up being unjustified, and even though it happened, in a similar event like this, regardless of who is the person for the thread, I don't think it's fair that the mods have to put up with that.I may of been off with the Aaron thread, but I'm more concerned with the backlash, and this kind of thing, although it won't stop, is unacceptable. I'm allowing people to see that these mods aren't here to bow down to them, and they should not be harassed because of some event. Cricket being harassed twice in a row, that's where the line needs to be drawn. How have I made her suffer exactly? This is news to me, in fact, I would say that I'm quite nice to her. I mean, here's our last conversation: [9/02/2013 4:13:09 AM] Cricket .: hey, are you mad at me? D:[9/02/2013 4:13:39 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: hey, nah it's cool[9/02/2013 4:13:45 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: but i'm actually going to bed right now, sorry[9/02/2013 4:13:48 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: i'll talk to you later[9/02/2013 4:13:53 AM] Cricket .: ok I'm really sorry for what happened[9/02/2013 4:13:56 AM] Cricket .: and alright c:[9/02/2013 4:14:01 AM] Daniel Chiuchiarelli: night[9/02/2013 4:14:04 AM] Cricket .: goodnight Does that look like a conversation that would happen if I was somehow causing Cricket to avoid me? No, I don't think so... I haven't done anything I think there's a slight misunderstanding, I wasn't implying that you were making her suffer. However, do understand that sometimes on MSN, she pops offline, and she has to tell me that she's getting offline because you're getting online or something, that's something that you two need to work out. I merely talk to her about other stuff, she talks to me about the KH13 stuff. All I have for details is that she avoids you quite a few times, so you're clearly presenting a problem to her, and one of the problems seems to be something below, which I'll get to a few. I have no doubt that you are nice to Cricket, but there's communication problems here. Figure it out between the two of you, not that Cricket's going to really sign in anyway. I explained this above, there's no "special occasions", it's simply that people such as me and Aaron are well-known enough and important enough to this website such that topics about us do not exclude people. Also what do you mean, I did it "how many times?" As far as I'm aware we're talking about a single topic, right? (Makes you wonder how the opening of a single topic can cause so much drama with people...) And when did you confront me about this? As far as I'm aware, we haven't talked about this particular incident. We've been over this matter about a member, and I talked to you about. I'm not going to go back to that again because it's been done and over with, and there's no point in beating a dead horse with a stick. Why don't sectional mods count? The male sectional mods absolutely do have as much power as the female sectional mods Sectional mods are a great idea, and so far it has been a very successful project. They will have more power in the future, and eventually will take on many of the responsibilities of the Forum Team, such as dealing with reports, having the ability to mod in all forums, etc, but the project is just getting started, this takes time. That said, it's going very well so far. I don't think it's fair to say that our mod team is a disaster, because as it is now, they do plenty of work and keep the forum functioning great. It's really not as bad as you make it out to be. I think I was little too underdetailed with this.First thing I noticed when I saw the Sectional Mods was when I checked out who was assigned to what forums. And I guess I had a little test because I checked out the genders of them, and it seems that male mods has less coverage of the forums than the females ones, which may be a small detail, but there's a clear difference here.The problem I see here with the mods is that now there's about what, 2 mods getting online now? The rest are calling it quits because stupid shit keeps happening and this is why the backlash against the mods is what's really killing this site at this point. The mods are getting harassed that they don't want to do it, as far as I can see.I'm not saying that Sectional Mods are a completely horrible idea, but I'd rather take a simpler route and bump them up to mods and see how it works from there. I'm not going to go into much detail, but I understand if you need to let it take time.But my opinion still stands for male mods, because this old habit isn't really working out anymore. I've literally hardly ever talked to you, so please don't go assuming that I have a vendetta against you or something. I don't. There are no differences that need to be let go of. The incident that you refer to, me "claiming that I scared away Jenny", was literally OVER two years ago. And I never claimed that you were the sole reason for her leaving, simply that your argument with her the day before she left might have had some impact. But yeah. Over two years ago! Come on. For something that was over two years ago, I come to find this detail out LAST YEAR, and this was when Protoman was talking to me about being in the MSN chatroom and I don't know how the thought of me being in it came up, but when it did, I had to find out, at that time, you were talking bad about me. I found out sooner than I should have, and at that point, I was starting to think that there are grudges. I think we can both say that this is not the case anymore.However, in any case, there's no reason to talk bad about me, past or not. I'll leave it that this won't happen again. You say that I'm telling people you're a bad member, but you're not telling people I'm a bad admin, but:- This one thing I said about you was over 2 years ago, and not nearly as bad as you make it out to be- Who is the one writing paragraphs and paragraphs about me in public? I don't think I ever talked about you in *private* in the last couple years, let alone in public People referring to the MSN Chatroom. However, I wouldn't know if you were telling other people, but I'm not going to make that assumption.Unfortunately, I'm still going to shed some light on some things in public, hence why the title says, "Some Truths". I'm going to state the truth since if I'm going to leave, I'm want people to know some of these shenanigans going on. And acting like I'm purposely saying bad things about you? I said that you were doing said action, I said I didn't appreciate it (again, it doesn't matter if was 2 years), and that's it. I didn't throw in an insult or discriminate you in any sorts. If Cricket doesn't like flirting then I would suggest that she says something to me instead of going along with it? I mean, this kind of thing works two ways, I wouldn't be doing anything if Cricket wasn't also. This is kind of a private issue though, don't you think, not something to make a topic about? I have a suggestion. It's called just not doing it. Two ways or not, don't flirt with random people on the Internet, seriously. And I don't know what you want me to say about it in response. She keeps telling me she doesn't like it, she keeps signing off because you apparently sign in. I'm not making this up, she tells me that it's going on. Why isn't she not doing anything, well I'm not Cricket. I can tell her for her to tell you to stop. A couple of our thousands of visitors are obsessed with this drama = the site is crumping into massive amounts of chaosRight If I'm getting notified by people that there are issues with KH13 multiple times in a short period about he said she said bullshit or old members retaliating, whatever it is, clearly there's a problem and it's being consistent. 6 months ago, I might of said this site = meh whatever, but right now there's way too many problems and too much drama that things are going to chaos.I had to say what I had to say. There have been a misinformed notion here and there, but if anything is clear, one mod became upset from this. If she's leaving because of these stupid events, then so be it, she's done. But I'm getting this as one of my messages:[2/13/2013 11:23:06 PM] Brittany: So[2/13/2013 11:23:17 PM] Brittany: I don't mean this to come off as rude but...[2/13/2013 11:23:35 PM] Brittany: I'm thinking about forgetting all about my internet friends[2/13/2013 11:23:45 PM] Brittany: no one cares about me[2/13/2013 11:23:46 PM] Brittany: and[2/13/2013 11:24:05 PM] Brittany: yeah I need to move onThen I'm going to have an issue with it. And people need to start reading about these things, because if I'm going to lose a good friend because of the stupid shit that goes on there, then I'm going to do what it take for people to open their eyes and see some of these issues.I needed to bring up a few points to you because quite frankly it was necessary, whether you feel it needed to be private. No more of this private nonsense, we need to bring up these things to the surface. And like I said, I said what I had to say with the best of my knowledge of what's going on. I don't hate you, I have nothing against you, but there's some things that needs to get off my chest if I'm going finally leave.I'm not going to argue with you about this any longer. You have valid points, and I have valid points, but everything has been said. Now I'm going to leave right after this post has been made, I wanted to read any particular posts that I would get, so that's it._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sora96, this one I'm actually keeping short.I already know about your friendship with Cricket, I'm aware of it. This is something oblivious to me.But she feels horrible about that comment that you don't need her, regardless if you meant that you don't need her advice. You're always going to need advice from people, always. You are never done learning, and people always have something to teach you.You're in good terms with her, fine. But never tell that to a person. Because from the logs, after she told what you said, she said that this was the final straw on KH13.I don't get it Sora, she said she was thinking of leaving for good, you tell her that you don't need, now she makes up her mind. It's not hard to put the pieces together. But what's the point in arguing because she's coming back, so it doesn't matter.I'm tired of having her always feeling depressed, and then your comment makes her feel worse. Of course I'm going to be mad at it. It's more to friends that just giving advice, then just going out there and say you don't need her advice. Advice or not, nothing was changed!And I don't want an apology from you, I would gain nothing out of it._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________So this is the final post. After this post is done, I'm signing out and there's no reason for me to sign back it.Everything has been said and done, as stated multiple times, and I got at least most of my points out.To DC and Sora96, it's not all about you when it comes to these troubles, but I feel the need to state my opinions, whether you like them or not.And yeah. That's it. Ta ta. Edited February 14, 2013 by Tom 1 Snow reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sora'sMum 352 Posted February 14, 2013 ^Looks like we now have one less wacko to worry about. Hooray! *fireworks* I suggest we drop the madness brought up by this self contradicting doubting Thomas. Instead have a seat by the pool, sip piña coladas and reminisce about the old times. Namely, the day before this topic was posted. 5 Sora96, Ajexmi, DChiuch and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted February 15, 2013 A moment of silence for Tom, one of the oldest members of KH13. *Salutes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted February 15, 2013 ^Looks like we now have one less wacko to worry about. Hooray! *fireworks*I suggest we drop the madness brought up by this self contradicting doubting Thomas. Instead have a seat by the pool, sip piña coladas and reminisce about the old times. Namely, the day before this topic was posted. I do hope the madness will be dropped as well. Hopefully DC drops it soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amon 4,279 Posted February 15, 2013 Oh God, I haven't seen drama and tears on this scale since, well when Sora96 made a thread about his signature or something. I don't remember anything about it other than that it was incredibly stupid, both the idea of his thread, the follow up thread and how so many people attacked him for it, including me. Regardless that drama was in the past and this will be too if we all stop crying for a minute. I don't believe I was directly involved in anything mentioned so I will deliver my thoughts as a mostly unbiased observer. 1. I can't say much regarding Cricket and her complications. I never really spoke to her or interacted with her in any meaningful way. As an observer I noticed that she seemed very enthusiastic to help people and adhered rather closely to the rules in her moderation. I was not aware of her mental disorders however after learning of them just now, it seems that she used this website as a way to cope with them and find comfort in participating in the community and helping others through being a moderator. For this reason I am upset that she left. 2. All of this drama over some joke thread about Aaron? This is a bit extreme. I don't feel that this is a real player in all of this drama. You know how when you don't really like someone and suddenly every little thing they do, no matter how insignificant makes you pissed off? It seems like this is the case. I don't know of the backlash Cricket got for it but it was certainly undeserved if this happened. However, I feel that if it was so bad, she would of done something about it. She was a moderator, she could of easily handled people being harsh to her. She may not want to play the dictator role or something like that, but a mod needs to know when to put their foot down. Getting slandered just for locking a thread would be this case. 3. Sora96 always perplexed me. I don't think he's a bad kid, really I don't but I do think he has his own issues that he keeps under the radar from us. There is nothing wrong with that though, if he has any issues, it's his business, not ours. He's gotten "better" though, I remember a year or two ago that I rather disliked him to say the least. He was a braggart and seemed very hungry for attention, especially from moderators and admins coupled with being rather easily made upset. He's alright now and he actually grew on me a bit. Whatever was causing him to act the way he did two or three years ago, he got settled and now I feel he is a valuable asset to this website and this community. With this in mind lets look back at the drama. Sora96 may not have always been on my goodside, however even when I would get annoyed with him, I know that he isn't capable of acting out of pure malice. He might accidentally say something that could upset people sure, but even when the two of us didn't get along that well, I knew he wasn't a wicked person. I'm sure he didn't mean to upset Cricket with his comment, and I'm sure Cricket knows that as well and if she doesn't now, she probably realize it later. The way Tom makes him out to be seems like Sora96 is this super villain that had a master plan to get rid of Cricket, I don't think this is the case. Sora96 is a good guy and while he got on our nerves in the past, he is a valued member of this forum. If someone like me, who used to get outraged at him more than anyone can say it, then it has to be true. 4. I feel DC has been running this website fairly well. I didn't agree with him on the rule change and to be honest I still don't. However the apocalypse that was being predicted from it never happened. As sectional moderator of Random, I can safely say that KH13's culture is alive and well. There have been some pretty entertaining threads lately so while I'm not a big fan of the rule change I feel that it may have helped to an extent. Speaking of sectional moderators, I have to say Tom that you are 100% wrong with what you said. Sectional Moderators have helped this forum a lot. It takes the small group of normal mods hours to make sure everything is well. Breaking the workload down has made this forum a lot more efficient. Problems that would take days to get fixed are now being solved in mere minutes. If you pay attention to the number of people online on a regular basis you will find that there has been MASSIVE growth in our community. Two or three years ago, we were a lot smaller, after spending maybe a month here you would pretty much know who was who. Suddenly now, I can safely say I hardly know anyone, especially those who post more in other parts of the forums than I do (I RARELY go into the Kingdom Hearts sections of this forum for example, the people that frequent it a lot don't tend to know me that well and I don't really know them). As for DC flirting with the mods, I don't really have much to say on that. As long as he knows his limits and doesn't try to take it too far I don't see a problem with it. I don't really know DC on a personal basis so I can't really determine what his intentions are. If people are being disturbed by his advances then he should stop, end of story. However if they are leading him on just not to make him feel bad or something then the problem isn't on his end. Regardless this is a rather private matter and I don't feel you should of brought it up Tom, listing all of Crickets mental health issues isn't really good either considering that if what you said is correct, she has been trying to keep them hidden from the forum. 9 _The Door To Light_, Sora96, Sora'sMum and 6 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Number XV 490 Posted February 16, 2013 You know we haven't seen each other in person and we never will, right? Now this is a rhetorical question and 'Tom' won't respond, but seriously, come on. This is supposed to be a fun site where we support each other, and although I've made some stupid mistakes in the past, this bullshit on both sides has to stop. Some mean things were said. GET OVER IT. MOVE ON. Keeping on complaining about it is just contributing to the so-called 'chaos'. 5 Weiss, _The Door To Light_, Shana09 and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiss 8,279 Posted February 16, 2013 You know we haven't seen each other in person and we never will, right? Now this is a rhetorical question and 'Tom' won't respond, but seriously, come on. This is supposed to be a fun site where we support each other, and although I've made some stupid mistakes in the past, this bullshit on both sides has to stop. Some mean things were said. GET OVER IT. MOVE ON. Keeping on complaining about it is just contributing to the so-called 'chaos'. I like this idea. A lot. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ajexmi 446 Posted February 16, 2013 this is all just zetta bullshit..... Tom, with the greatest of respect as I really don't know you, if you wrote this with the intention of leaving I advise you leave. You said your piece and personally I don't like the idea of having all of Cricket's or ANY member's close personal information on display here for all to see (especially if she comes back). I made that clear when this topic was discussed previously. I'm sure there is some validity in what you say, but it seems you posted this to pick a fight with DC and Sora96 and prove yourself right and be a hero. I will keep my response short: If your intention was to defend Cricket, this wasn't the right way to do it. If you came to fight the staff, we are not going to bow to a mundane attack from a single member. If you came to stop drama, you're a fool. 'Drama' will occur time and time again to shake things up a bit - such is the livelihood of the community. Please man, do yourself a favour, do Cricket a favour, and everyone else a favour, and take this up with DC and Sora directly, and not attract so much negative attention to yourself. Cheers.... 2 Number XV and Aaron reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_The Door To Light_ 1,507 Posted February 16, 2013 You know we haven't seen each other in person and we never will, right? Now this is a rhetorical question and 'Tom' won't respond, but seriously, come on. This is supposed to be a fun site where we support each other, and although I've made some stupid mistakes in the past, this bullshit on both sides has to stop. Some mean things were said. GET OVER IT. MOVE ON. Keeping on complaining about it is just contributing to the so-called 'chaos'. Yes, this is supposed to be a website where we can come together and love Kingdom Hearts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4Everbee 1,365 Posted February 17, 2013 Okay I'm just gonna say a few words before I go on saying goodbye and shit. I find this "Only female mods .' thing Sexist and rude. 96, me and TAOKM have staneded up for you a few times in the past, and all you did was make fun of TAOKM and another shit. And even tho you tried to ban me from the site (or whatever you were tryin to do) in the past cause I was young. I still stood up for you. But never once did you tell me you were sorry and never once did you say sorry to TAOKM. DC is doing a fine job on the site. and TBH. Even tho he works hard, you guys bash on him and shit. "Omg I ain't gonna pay 99 cents for app even tho I really want one." Okay I am in no mood what-so-ever to make a long post since I'm tired . So I'm gonna keep this short , if you don't like what I say, please just PM and I can check it when I come back. You guys act like me when I was 10 years old. Srly . "Omg this rule is stupid." Keep that to your god damn self instead of making a firetrucking topic about it. "Omg I hate this mod." If you don't like what the firetrucking mods are doing, either A: Talk to them CALMLY about it. Or B: Leave the site. Or C: Not pay any mind to them. M.A.G.I.C Magic. If you do not like one of the members and they are being mean/rude/whatever to you. Tell a mod, report them or just block em. And No. If you were being mean to somebody, even if it was 'trolling' and they report you. You do NOT have the right to make a topic about it and tell them they are a butthurt . You . Are. Not. Ten. You guys want be treat like your age? Act like it. You want people to like you? Be nice and stop being a jerk off to people for no firetrucking reason . You want respect? Earn . It. Again if you don't like what I said you may del it or if you are not a mod you may PM me about it. Now back to Tom leaving. I never talked to you really, TBH I found you a bit of a jerk when I first joined the site. But I think your a (still annoying) cool (annoying) dude . (I can't be nice to you all, I have to put annoying in there some where ) I wish you the best of luck in life. I'm not good at goodbyes at all sorry; Peace. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites