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Nintendo 3DS Announced!!

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Hey Everyone. If youi are a nintendo fan, then you better be listening! Nintendo has announced a new ds. The Nintendo 3ds. It has backwards combatibility with the ds lite and dsi. Which I think is saying it can play gameboy games again, yet still have the dsi features like camera and internet! Great flor you pokemon fans that like to migrate. Also, it will have 3d imnages, without the use of 3d glasses! And hey, if you dont believe me, then go on this site. www.serebii.net. And if you do not believe that site, then go search the 3ds on wikipedia. And if you dont even believe that, then go to the official japanese nintendo site! we shouldbe getting more information by e3 conference 2010. And it should be released within the fiscal year of 2011. (ending of 2010, beginninbg of 2011, or first quarter) but this is for japan. I looked at past ds consoles, and the ds, dslite, dsi, and dsi xl were released by only a few months by japan and america, so we should be getting it a few months after the japan release of the console/ handheld! More info to be announced from nintendo. (so excited! i have to sell my dsi to get this!) by the way, I wrote this review up myself so please dont criticize it badkly, if it doesnt sound professional. Thanks everyone!

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ven is roxas true self, they are? i dint know. where did you hear that? id love to check that out


read about it in gameinformer. I'll edit this post and list the features

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Nintendo just HAD to go there. They just came out with DSi, and it's fine without anymore of them. It is just like with the PSP Go, Sony should of just stopped at PSP 3000 -_-

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Oh boy. It sounds like the Virtual Boy all over again -_-. 3-D just doesn't work out very well for me when it comes to video games.


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i'm not sure if i believe this, because only weeks ago they released the DSXL (which, luckily, is not an improvement on the DSi, but an alternative)


also if it's going to have the features of the lite and DSi, the price must go through the roof?



Nintendo just HAD to go there. They just came out with DSi, and it's fine without anymore of them. It is just like with the PSP Go, Sony should of just stopped at PSP 3000 -_-


i completely agree, it's a bit like the ipod. you'd want to just have a really good one, without having to pay the lot of money for a new one, but of course they release one after that's twice as good...

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This sounds cool, I'll buy it depending on if I like what I see when I see it at E3. If the 3DS has Gamecube graphics and an analouge stick I can guess that an AWESOME Kingdom Hearts game will be released on the 3DS in the distant future. :D

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