Sorage55 10 Posted May 16, 2010 Ok, so seeing as the original story is finished I thought i'd type in the first prequal created so far. I recommend no one reading this story unless they've read the original story first, for spoiler reasons Anyways, here's the short story prequal to the first story: -------------------------------------------------------------------- -2,500 Years Ago, On the planet Mars- There lived a planet so lushious and green, plants, water, creatures so strange and sunlight so dazzling! There was happiness all around. On this planet lived very intelligent creatures, called "Humans". These humans lived their lived on this planet, this planet that was very similar to planet Earth. And these humans were very smart, they created many inventions and technologies on this planet, and everyone was happy. One day, in the Eastern City Cpital of Mars, a child was born to two of Mars's best astronauts, Jack and Jill Naught. They were happy about their newborn son and, because of his many emotional-shifts, they named him Mood. The family lived happily for two months, until then they recived a phone call from the space station of Mars, it seemed as though a new planet was spotted near Mars, Mars Space Station named the planet "Earth". Jack and Jill accepted the task and left Mood with his grandparents, they blasted off towards the new planet.... They were never heard from again.... -15 Years Later- Mood now entered Highschool as a Freshman. He was an athelic-bodied boy, long-ish black hair, dark brown eyes, farmer-tanned skin and his inner ability to control his emotions. Mood was new to this school, the summer before he was moved to a new home with his grandparents, away from everyone else he knew. So Mood spent the few days in High School alone, until he found some new friends: John, Rick, Mikey and Joe. John was a hot-tempered guy with a short fuse, Rick was a short guy with a big brain, Joe was a big huskly fella with an even bigger heart, and Mikey.......well........Mikey the dumb one....(-.-'). Mood was in with his new gang and they tackled on high school together, then one night, while Mood was asleep in his grandparent's home, a large flash of light scoured the Martian skies, it engulfed everywhere so beautifully, and then it was gone...something holy happened.... The next morning, Mood entered the doors of his school and encountered John, before he could say anything John grabbed him by the shirt collar and tugged him to the school's basement (The gang's "Meeting Room"). There were standing the other friends, all shaking as if scared. They told Mood about this strange power that had rose within them this morning, a great power. Mood was confused, until he too, noticed an aura around him, it was dark in color, and very strange. The other guys had the same ability. The thus named the power...."Anti Light" for it wasn't a holy power at all. A week later, the gang thought up a plan, why not test their new abilities, and not by training either with what they had now, but by inventing a suit, that would multiply their abilities x10! Everyone thought great of the idea, and for the next 6 months, they were hard at work on the suit. Then finally they were done! The suit was amazing to their eyes, it was made of metal, and had leather straps around it so it could be worn. Everyone nominated Mikey to test the suit first () because his strange power, was the ability to melt his body, so they thought he could shape it into the suit's fitting. After Mikey clumsily put the suit on, before he activated it, Joe came out from the group and handed Mikey a mask to put on, the mask was just for decoration of course. Mikey put the mask on with a smile and started up the suit. Immediatly, there was a surge of electrical energy skockwaving from the suit, "Anti Light" pulsing everywhere from Mikey, Mikey wasn't happy, he got scared and begged for someone to please help him, Mikey was levitating in mid-air and then... He was decintigrated. Mikey fell in ashes as the suit fell in front of the group. Everyone was shocked, scared and frightened of the suit. But they couldn't destroy it. So they buried it, out in the near desert close to the city. And everyone was able to forget about the suit....except for Mood. A few nights later, Mood awoke from his bed, he heard someone calling for him, the voice was unfamiliar. Mood got out of bed and went outside, he tracked the echoing and soft oice to the suit's grave a mile away from home. Mood looked at the spot with a half-insane stare. The suit was calling for him, it told him that he could be the best, that he could unlock abilities and powers no one ever could think of. The suit told Mood that he could be....a God! Mood fell right into temptation, and dug a hole with his bare hands straight to the suit, which he steapped on himself, and put on the mask. Immediatly, Mood felt a pulsing energy rush through his veins, he felt his power increase evermore! Anti Light levitated Mood and gave him the ability to blast off and orbit Mars, there Mood went completely under the suit's power, he formed dark Anti Light orbs in his gloved hands and blasted beams of energy at houses and cars and people everywhere! Mood was destorying everything, until he arrived at the last house on Mars, his house, Mood blasted the dorr and walked in, he heard his grandmother shreik and run upstairs while his grandfather grabbed a large wooden pole to fight with, Mood quickly killed his grandfather and walked up to the attic of the home for his grandmother. She was on her knees in the center of the room, crying, weeping, and begging for mercy. Mood stood in front of her and raised his hand to the ceiling, blasting it away. You could see a violent tornado of Anti Light ouside, Mood lifted his mask in front of his grandmother, and she looked up to him with tears in her eyes. "W-Who are you?!" She managed to say in her sad and fearful voice. "Death." Is all Mood said, his grandmother stared at him in the midst of the drama and the intesnse-ness with an awed and shocked expression in her face. Then Mood put his mask back on and blasted off to the Exosphere of Mars, there he summoned up a huge orb of Anti Light and blasted it at the planet, killing all life on Mars. And it became to red barren plane we know today. Then Mood turned his directon over to Earth, knowing that that is the planet where his parent were, Mood formed a high Anti Light shield around his body and blasted off towards planet Mars. -2,500 Years Later- Mood finally reached the stratosphere of Earth and death was in mind. But as he entered the atmosphere, something happened, his shield was cracking under the pressure, and it finally shattered under the heat. Mood was unprotecteded and his body armor quickly melted to his skin, he couldn't take it off now, the mask was melting to his face and suffocating him, Mood then became a giant metal shard and crash-landed into the forests near a city. And then, another story begins.... This has been....The true History of D.O.O.M. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unexpected huh? This was written a long time ago and...yeah. the completed prequal to The Adventures of Veinxs Poisenberry. Comments? 1 DarylTrect reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Giginha 22 Posted May 16, 2010 Of course there are comments, it's great. I loved your other story so I had to read this one. You say a long time ago? You always wrote so well? I can't believe it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sorage55 10 Posted May 16, 2010 Well it was written about 3 years ago, and my writing skills wern't that great yet. This was just an adapted version. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Giginha 22 Posted May 16, 2010 This one is good too but I bet this one won't make my sister cry again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites