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Lady Aleister

--Kagerou Project-- (RE-RUN RP)

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For a while it was quiet and Zed was listening then said, "Okay plan is to get out of here. It only makes sense because I hear no battle going on."

"Okay then." I said standing up dusting myself off.

"Wait I'll walk you home.""What? Why? I'll be perfectly fine." 

He averted his gaze I studied his look...he looked worried. I've heard he's overprotective of the animal units as well...hm... "Are you...overprotective?"

He nodded, "Especially friends..."

I smiled, "Okay friend let's go then." He called me friend, I grinned to myself. Looks like things will go well.

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"I'll take my chances." Yuki replied. "Don't go getting yourself caught." He told Kurumi. "But don't go ignoring me forever either." He winked at her as he exited her field of concealment. He left the building. For all he knew, Kana could be right behind him. He quickly turned around, pointing his knife ahead of him. No one. Or so it seemed. Yuki sighed. He was becoming paranoid. He decided to wander around town, maybe find a cute girl to woo.

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After Slica told Luke the time he looked around feeling a bit uneasy "Wow! is that the time!, I have to get home!, The Simpsons starts at 6 a'clock & it'll take me at least 45 mins to get their by train. Hey Slica, I guess you'll have no problem getting home by yourself and all, but if ya need my help or need me for anything heres my mobile number" said Luke as he placed in Slica's hands a piece of paper with his mobile phone number on it. Luke quickly took off running taking a short cut through the woods heading for the train station "I hope I can make the train in time & I hope Slica will be okay getting home by herself as I think I might have someone on my tail" said Luke as he continued running through the woods in a hurry.    

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Me and Zed were talking amongst ourselves. Zed oddly felt like a older brother to me yet We've only known each other for like an hour. I looked at him my arms crossed behind my head. "Zed do you have any friends, besides me?" That was a bold question...I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't answer. He looked calm and became calmer when I asked a yes or no question. He shook his head left and right. "But your Officer Code! The most youngest high ranked officer!"

"People don't know that.""Oh yeah...my ability. Code has blue eyes and black hair. You have white hair and white and black eyes." 

He nodded. "It's safer that way..."


He looked at the sky, "People are after Code."

"That makes sense..." 

He nodded again and patted my head, "Keep it a secret okay?" 

"No problamo!"



"Hm..." I received the piece of paper at put it in my pocket. I took out my phone looking at the map to the library... And following the directions as much as I could I ended up at...school... I sighed and checked my phone again trying again. This time I ended up at the local market, I sighed again... 

"Oh my its you Slica."

I turned around to see the wife of the man who owns the bookstore, Mrs. Yuvy. "Ah Mrs. Yuvy it's good to see you.""You two honey. Now what are you doing here?"

"I...wanted to go the bookstore but...I got lost."

She smiled sweetly and said, "Come with me honey I'll take you. I just finished shopping too. Barly will be pleased." She started heading to the bookstore and I followed her...

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At this point, most peoples abilities have worn off, Kurumi and Kuroto walking together.

"Kuroto...are you sometimes upset about you not having an ability....?" Kurumi asked him.

Kuro looked sharply at Kurumi.

"Don't call me Kuroto!" he complaint.

"Okay...Okay..." Kurumi sighed.

"It is a bit upsetting....but you invited me into this group. I can't turn you down!" he said seriously.

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Luke was still running through the woods heading towards the train station and it was now very dark, not pitch black but just dark enough "Oh MAN, at this rate I'll never make it there in time" said Luke as he continued running. Luke was almost out of the woods & he could see the park just up ahead, but just when he was about to get out of the woods someone wearing a black coat with their hood covering their face had jumped down in front of him making him stop in his tracks "Hey man whats the big idea jumping right in front of me, I could have crashed into you bro" said Luke pointing his figure at him "hehehe, do you feel it?" said the stranger in black "What're you talking abou...argh!" said Luke as he then felt something strange weakening him causing Luke to kneel on one knee "Darn it! what's happening to me? I feel weak & my body is freezing up inside, What's going on here. Who are you?!" shouted Luke as he tried to move is body.


The stranger soon walked up to him "From the moment you went into the woods you were breathing in a special potion I let loose all around this place which weakens & paralysis those who breath it in" said the stranger as he keeled down next to Luke "that answers one question but WHO ARE YOU!" shouted Luke in annoyance. The stranger than placed 3 figures were Luke's eye is "I am no one important to the likes of you but I am from a group called the Azami. I.. am.. sorry" said the stranger has he than pulled out Luke's right eye painfully but quickly "AAAAARRRHHHH!" shouted Luke in pain as hes right eye was now gone with blood dripping down his cheek "Don't worry, I only needed one eye from you. We will met again...I hope" said the stranger as he then vanished into the night of the woods. Luke's body was soon feeling able to move again but as Luke regained body movement he fell onto the ground unconscious.

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My ears caught the sound of Luke's voice crying in agony. "What happened...we have to make sure he's okay!" Without hesitation Zed nodded then I started sprinting off towards the direction I heard the cry. Zed followed behind me putting his hand near his pants pocket...there was a holster probably for his signature gun. We reached the woods and kept running Zed's face cringed...was it the smell? I have like no sense of smell whats so ever. 



This smell...it's of blood... Ugh...I thought I would be used to it by now... This only reminded me of caged up memories... 



We finally found Luke on the ground unconscious. Blood was dripping from his right eye... D-Did something happen to his eye...? Zed seemed to know already and held his hand to his right eye showing an expression of insanity... "Z-Zed. W-what happened?"

"His eye...was torn out...." 

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Kurumi saw Zed and Claude run off, and she began to fallow.

"Kuro! Come on! Something is wrong!" She called.

Kuro followed close behind his friend, and they arrived soon after Claude and Zed. Kurumi's eyes widen, stepping back a bit. She was shocked.

"They went too far...." She muttered to herself.

"Zed! Claude! Kuro! I need your help unless you want a Mekakusuki dead on the first day." Kurumi called.

"Yes ma'am!" Kuro said.

"Someone needs to carry him. I'm a woman meaning guys should carry me and I should not carry guys." She snapped.

Kuro looked down at Luke and gulped.

"You have 10 seconds to decide." Kurumi said seriously.


(God I love Kurumi.)

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I saw Kuro and Kurumi approach us, "Guys! Something happened to Luke!" I then listened to her plan and nodded, "Yes ma'm!" But then her next statement it gave me the chills... I looked at Luke in sorrow. I wasn't the strongest person...plus um.......um....blood....blood everywhere equal no good.



Really.......really? I sighed in my thoughts, I guess it makes sense because they're not used to seeing a bloody body... I picked up Luke carrying him on my back. I really didn't mind if the blood got to my shirt. He was in a great deal of pain from what I read so much that he fell asleep...



I looked around the bookstore and found the section I always go in. And found another book about the eye abilities. I flipped through random pages and found an interesting section... The originals are not the only ones with their other eye abilities. For there will be others with the same abilities. Only one will know what they target...

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Kurumi looked at Zed sadly.

"Sorry that you have to carry him Zed...." She said, kicking the side of Kuro's leg.

"Ouch! What was that for?!" Kuro snapped.

"You could have carried him." She said seriously.

"Sorry Kurumi...." Kuro apologized.

Kurumi cast concealment on the five of them, and started leading him to the Mekakusuki Base.

"I'll stay at the building tonight to watch over him, if anyone needs a place to stay, stay at the Base." Kurumi said, staring at Zed.

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"It's fine....Kuro is not used to this...I've carried many bloody bodies before...don't worry about it...." I said quietly, "I won't be able to be here to watch him though..." 



"Oh....then I guess I'll be accompanying you and Luke then." I said, feeling sorry for Luke. Cause god he just had his eye pulled out... But also sorry for mom and dad... I won't be able to visit them...that place gets cold at night... I need to bring a new bouquet of flowers...the others are probably wilting...  

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It took them a while, but Kurumi and the others got to building.

"If anyone needs to leave, I would do it now." She said seriously, unlocking the door and opening it.

"Zed, there is a room at the end of the hall on the right. Set Luke down on the bed, I'll get him fixed up." She said seriously.

"Kurumi....I have to go...." Kuro said a bit quietly.

"Then go." Kurumi snapped.

Kuro nodded, walking out.

"Goodbye" he muttered before leaving.

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Meanwhile somewhere in a secret place "I have it now" said the stranger wearing the black coat "Okay then, lie down over there & we will start the eye operation miss" said a random doctor. The stranger in black then walked over to a flat bed table & slowly laid down onto the hard bed lifting up his hood, the doctor soon walked over to the stranger in black & looked at the person's face only to see that the person had covered his eyes by wearing a black piece of clothing that was tied around his head "Lets hurry this up doc" said the stranger in black "Oh, okay then, you know this will be very painful miss. Are you ready then?" said the doctor as he got his tools ready for use "I'm ready...besides...It's not like the pain will be any worse than what I'm feeling inside my heart" said the stranger in black.


The doctor then gave a confused look at the stranger but then gave a nod and then removed the black piece of clothing that covered his eyes "Wha..your eyes...their.." said the doctor with a stunned look on his face "HURRY UP & START!!" said the stranger starting to get angry at him, the doctor then gave another nod and quickly started the eye operation on him "AAARRGGHHH!!!!" screamed the stranger in black. Later on, after the eye operation the stranger was now sitting up on the hard table bed with bandages covering his eyes & there was some blood on the hard table staining the bed "Finally...I have a piece of his power inside me and yet there are so many more to obtain. Those foolish enemies of ours will now know who the TRUE Mekakushi Dan are. Right..Kana?" said the stranger in black as his head turned to face Kana.

Edited by The Unversed

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Kana nodded, giving a dark smile.

"That was a bit harsh though, wasn't it? Taking the boys eye from him....I don't know if that will help you gain the ability...I made Kurumi's mother fall sick and die. That's how easy that was taken care of." she said seriously.

"I bet she's doing everything she can to help the boy too...." Kana scoffed.

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Gideon, having left about the same time as Yuki, sat in an alley and reviewed what he had written down in his note book. He wasn't entirly certain he trusted this Kurumi, but there were somethings that supported her story.

Sighing, Gideon put away his notebook. To get more answers, he was going to have to stick around Kurumi more. He exited the alley he was in and nearly ran into someone.

"Hey, watch where your going!" Samantha barked.

"Sorry." Gideon apologized and tried to help Samantha pick up a bag she dropped.

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I nodded carrying Luke to that room and placed him on the bed. I looked at Luke again closing my eyes... There was a hooded person who had paralyzes as well...and they took Luke's eye...they were also from Azami... I opened my eyes then I turned to Kurumi, "Give him some of this. It will heal his eye in one night...." I took out a bottle from my jacket it was a pill bottle. Supplements that I made...yeah...yeah. I could be in the field of doctors and probably found the cure for cancer years ago but... No...it would be too dangerous for me... I wouldn't be able to handle it... So I made my own supplements and tested them on myself... They worked every time... I hoped this would help Luke.



"Okay bye Kuro!" I waved and then walked in. I looked at Luke again...hm.... His eye was completely gone...that means someone or something took it out... Hm... I examined the bottle Zed was giving Kurumi. That didn't look like ay medicine from doctors....

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"....." I looked at Luke...and then at Kurumi and Claude... That hooded person could come back... I took out a remote and flipped a switch... "I'll stay then..."


][][ ???? ][][

I laid on the floor waiting for Zed to come home... he was late... But my head perked up when I heard a 'click'. I ran to the door...he was no where to be found. The door was open though that means. I walked out the door and closed it with my head. I sniffed the cloth sticking out of the bag on my back. Then ran off following Zed's trail...



I looked out the window, I'm counting on you buddy. 


][][ ???? ][][

I reached a weird building smelling blood nearby...and Zed. He was near here. I walked up the stairs to this room where I could tell Zed was there. I pawed on the door whining quietly.



I heard the pawing then opened the door to see my furry friend. Good boy good boy. He licked my face a little. I'm sorry I couldn't come home we have a mission here. He sat and walked in closing the door behind him. I stood up, "This is Shepherd."  

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I made a small grin, "He's friendly to everyone though." I said kneeling back down and petted Shepherd. Then reached over to the bag on his back and took out another nail gun pistol and put it into my other pocket. I patted his back and he began to socialize with the others. He walked up to Kurumi and Claude. Greeting them with a (dumb dog smile) smile and wagging tail.



I wasn't surprised that officer Code had a dog, or even a German Shepherd for that fact. I'm more surprised that he didn't have more dogs!  

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Meanwhile back at the secret place "I had no choice in the matter Kana, and as for Luke's ability...trust me I'm more than a much for gaining it's power, As I do have the same blood running through my veins as he does" said the stranger wearing the black coat. After Kana talked about Kurumi's mother the stranger in black then put his hood back over his head covering his face once again saying "Hehe, you always seem to talk about Kurumi in some manner Kana. But enough Ideal talk..I'm going to need some time to heal my right eye now. So where are our other member's? They should be here right?"

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(Kage the Rebel.) 


Kana nodded.

"They SHOULD be here, but most of them aren't." she sighed.

"God only knows where they are though." she said, looking at her companion. 




Kurumi began wrapping Luke's injured eye up in some medical tape after getting down to the room, looking at Shepard and smiling slightly before she went in the room with Luke. 

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The stranger wearing the black coat punched the hard table in annoyed at the other members "drr...well Kana..I suggest since it's only us two you should go and find the others while I rest up, unless you can't handle it my friend" said the stranger giggling a bit at the end. The stranger in black was now walking towards a door that led to a dark room and soon opened the door handle. But before entering the dark room the stranger turned his head to the side looking at Kana and saying "It'll take some time for my new eye to become usable, but until then I'm counting on you Kana...don't fail the group, don't fail me...friend" then the stranger entered the dark room closing the door behind him locking it too.


Meanwhile at the Mekakusuki base Luke's body started to twitch, flinch & Luke's face showed sweat dripping down his face a bit while Kurumi was wrapping Luke's eye up. It looks like Luke's twitching, flinching & sweating is due to bad dreams of having his other eye taken as that would leave him only seeing darkness forever. 

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