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What Do You Want For Xmas?

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Are you inside my head?  I was in the middle of making a topic like this (titled "All I want for christmas is.." cause yano, song references) and I left it to go to Uni unposted




I know I'm getting (which I asked for):

  • Eternal Sonata
  • FFXIII-2
  • PSN voucher
  • Folklore
  • New pajamas.

I suspect I'll get surprises like nail sets, bath sets and other femininey things


I want:

  • More time.  I have loads of work to do
  • Mary Jane.


There's nothing else I really want.  Anything really expensive, I buy myself, like my laptop, tv, PS3 etc were all bought by me.  

I'm treating myself to a new 32 inch tv for my room after Xmas, since I could get better bang for my buck in the sales.  

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For KH1 Kairi to be real so I can make cute, sweet love to her.

Sexy lingerie to compliment first wish.

Ok, just KH1 Kairi to be real.

Maybe Xion as well...

Ditto on Namine and Ollete and Larxene.

A paopu fruit to share between me and Kairi if she was real.

DId I mention wishing Kairi being real? I think so...


Um... I'm pretty much happy with what I got. Afterall, who do I think I am to deserve awesome gifts and toys when everyone else usually gets showered with expensive toys and gifts? But if granted the wish of getting anything I want for christmas, let it be a car (that's cheap enough so I can totally crash it with no hard feelings) or an awesome gaming laptop for porn multimedia stuff... Like PS2 emulation. or porn...

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