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How are they going to beat Xehanort?

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I don't think they should kill him at all. I think since it's his fault Aqua is in the Realm of Darkness in the first place, they should trap HIM there for eternity and see how HE likes taking in his own medicine. He needs to suffer, not escape from suffering.

But, don't those who master the darkness have the power to escape from there? Maleficent escaped from the Realm of Darkness, and Xemnas, Xehanort's Nobody, had the power to freely go there and back through the Corridors of Darkness. In order to trap him in the Realm of Darkness, you would need to somehow remove his power over darkness, and I don't have any idea how one would do that.

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They don't. Instead through a fierce battle, he gets amnesia/kick his memories away forever. Nah, too complicated with future issues such as but not limited to some dick wanting to bring his memories back, etc etc.


Yeah, no clue.

Edited by OmegaForte

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But, don't those who master the darkness have the power to escape from there? Maleficent escaped from the Realm of Darkness, and Xemnas, Xehanort's Nobody, had the power to freely go there and back through the Corridors of Darkness. In order to trap him in the Realm of Darkness, you would need to somehow remove his power over darkness, and I don't have any idea how one would do that.

Hmm...True. Forgot about that.

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If Superman can kill, Sora can kill. 

What Superman are you talking about? We talking the paragon of Morality Superman in the comics cause he doesn't kill, or are you talking about the alternate universe superman in that one movie where he killed Zod, cause that's two entirely different things. 

Also my question is Sora a good guy if he can kill someone and still be happy go lucky... that doesn't seem normal. 

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Can Sora Kill though? and if so doesn't that say something about him as a person? Someone who can be smiling and happy and kill another person?

He's done it before DemyxSaixLuxordMarluxiaLarxeanXemnasWell like they are orgy members does that count?

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He's done it beforeDemyxSaixLuxordMarluxiaLarxeanXemnasWell like they are orgy members does that count?

Not reeeallly and here is why. He didn't "kill" them, he beat them and they faded away into darkness but as Xehanort, Axel/lea and others have showed that you can be put back together afterward as a whole person. 

What I'm talking about is KILLING Xehanort, like the kind where you don't get split into a heartless and a nobody, but your just a corpse on the floor. If Sora can do that and still be happy go lucky there is something wrong with him. 

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I could actually see either Riku or Terra being the one to deliver the final blow against Xehanort, and considering their histories with him, they've earned it. They're also darker, angstier characters whom I could actually see killing someone.

Personally I wish that Terra gets the kill strike, but I doubt it :(Also, as Flaming Lea pointed out, MX knew he would die of old age if he didn't get a new body. Thus, he can die.

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Not reeeallly and here is why. He didn't "kill" them, he beat them and they faded away into darkness but as Xehanort, Axel/lea and others have showed that you can be put back together afterward as a whole person. What I'm talking about is KILLING Xehanort, like the kind where you don't get split into a heartless and a nobody, but your just a corpse on the floor. If Sora can do that and still be happy go lucky there is something wrong with him.

You got a point there.

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