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Shard the Gentleman

My personal opinions on the XIII series

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Before we start, I just want to say that the only game in that series I have played myself was XIII.Short version: XIII should've been the only game in the series.Long version:Lets take a look at the ending of XIII shall we?Vanille and Fang sacrifice themselves, Serah comes back and a family is reunited. This was the perfect bitter-sweet ending, and it should've stayed that way. XIII was a good game, and I loved it, until I started watching XIII-2 on YouTube."This Endless realm is awash with sadness." Nope nope nope. I don't want to hear this, I don't! You're telling me that after everyone was finally happy, everything turned to crap again? I can't accept that. I can accept that Lightning and Shera were finally together again. I can accept that Snow and Shera were finally married, and that the family circle was finalized.If Square wanted a game based on the story of XIII-2, It could've been an entirely different numbered game, with different characters. It would've worked nearly the same. Seriously. But nope, they had to go and ruin the perfect ending of XIII.I'm not even going to talk about LR: XIII.-end

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Before we start, I just want to say that the only game in that series I have played myself was XIII.Short version: XIII should've been the only game in the series.Long version:Lets take a look at the ending of XIII shall we?Vanille and Fang sacrifice themselves, Serah comes back and a family is reunited. This was the perfect bitter-sweet ending, and it should've stayed that way. XIII was a good game, and I loved it, until I started watching XIII-2 on YouTube."This Endless realm is awash with sadness." Nope nope nope. I don't want to hear this, I don't! You're telling me that after everyone was finally happy, everything turned to crap again? I can't accept that. I can accept that Lightning and Shera were finally together again. I can accept that Snow and Shera were finally married, and that the family circle was finalized.If Square wanted a game based on the story of XIII-2, It could've been an entirely different numbered game, with different characters. It would've worked nearly the same. Seriously. But nope, they had to go and ruin the perfect ending of XIII.I'm not even going to talk about LR: XIII.-end


Thank you!!! This is exactly how I feel! XIII would have been great as it's own game, but then they went and made XIII-2 and LR... I've played (and Platinumed) XIII and XIII-2, and I can honestly say XIII-2 kinda ruined the story for me.


I don't even really have an interest in Lightning Returns since it feels like they're just dragging out a story that had an already great ending.

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Thank you!!! This is exactly how I feel! XIII would have been great as it's own game, but then they went and made XIII-2 and LR... I've played (and Platinumed) XIII and XIII-2, and I can honestly say XIII-2 kinda ruined the story for me.


I don't even really have an interest in Lightning Returns since it feels like they're just dragging out a story that had an already great ending.

Agreed. I feel like, because XIII was successful, they're just milking it for money now. I loved the game, but now they're just dragging it, like you said,

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This is how I felt as well, it had a great ending, then square screwed it up! LR's ending sort of fixes it but the originals ending was great!

I heard from a few people that LR: FF XIII's ending sucked.

Edited by Tails

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I agree with you Final Fantasy 13 should of just stayed as one game. It had a good ending, everybody was happy. 13-2 should of been about trying to get Vanille and Fang out of the Crystal and Serah and Snows wedding. I was hoping we got to see the wedding cause I really felt the connection in Final Fantasy 13. Instead in Final Fantasy 13-2 there relationship was a wreck and at the moment I felt like there wasn't going to be a wedding which is what made me turn away from this game. Which is sad :(

Edited by Kodakliv

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I agree with you Final Fantasy 13 should of just stayed as one game. It had a good ending, everybody was happy. 13-2 should of been about trying to get Vanille and Fang out of the Crystal and Serah and Snows wedding. I was hoping we got to see the wedding cause I really felt the connection in Final fantasy 13.

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Damn it.

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True the ending of XIII was a good ending until they released XIII-2 which make things upside down and the worst part is that you don't even understand why in the world are you doing this adventure until later on which is annoying.

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Before we start, I just want to say that the only game in that series I have played myself was XIII.Short version: XIII should've been the only game in the series.Long version:Lets take a look at the ending of XIII shall we?Vanille and Fang sacrifice themselves, Serah comes back and a family is reunited. This was the perfect bitter-sweet ending, and it should've stayed that way. XIII was a good game, and I loved it, until I started watching XIII-2 on YouTube."This Endless realm is awash with sadness." Nope nope nope. I don't want to hear this, I don't! You're telling me that after everyone was finally happy, everything turned to crap again? I can't accept that. I can accept that Lightning and Shera were finally together again. I can accept that Snow and Shera were finally married, and that the family circle was finalized.If Square wanted a game based on the story of XIII-2, It could've been an entirely different numbered game, with different characters. It would've worked nearly the same. Seriously. But nope, they had to go and ruin the perfect ending of XIII.I'm not even going to talk about LR: XIII.-end

but they divorce and snow becomes lcie again

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