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Dio Brando

What are the saddest tracks you've heard in the Final Fantasy series?

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As we all know the Final Fantasy series has it's share of very sad moments that we'll continue to remember,and they're coupled with sad musical pieces that makes you immersed more in the story


So,in your opinion,what are the saddest tracks you've heard in the Final Fantasy franchise


Me,I had a couple of tracks that I can never forget



That moment in Crisis Core where you can't stop crying even though you already saw it coming if you've played FFVII.


Zack against an onslaught of Shinra Solders trying to protect Cloud with everything he got,but one can only endure so much damage before he collapses,thus we get to the moment that made me cry like a little baby.....Zack is truly one of the best heroes the FF franchise ever got,no wonder Cloud was so sad and crushed when Zack died




Anyway(trying to wipe my tears...sniff) moving on....








I know this particular theme is for the world map later in the game but it really have a sad and somber atmosphere for it,most of the soundtrack in FF6 feels like that but it's still awesome






Edited by Metal Snake

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The saddest moment of my childhood was thanks to this song and Final Fantasy II (at the time, later changed to IV) on the Snes



Why Twins why! Children turning themselves into stone for the sake of their friends.

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The saddest moment of my childhood was thanks to this song and Final Fantasy II (at the time, later changed to IV) on the Snes



Why Twins why! Children turning themselves into stone for the sake of their friends.

This song was more sad on Tellah who died after casting Meteor on Golbez


As for the rest....they survived,which makes me happy even though I don't understand how Cid managed to survive that explosion....I'll bet my money on that awesome beard of his

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This song was more sad on Tellah who died after casting Meteor on Golbez


As for the rest....they survived,which makes me happy even though I don't understand how Cid managed to survive that explosion....I'll bet my money on that awesome beard of his


Agreed. Poor Tellah was blinded by rage.

Definitely the beard and those amazing googles.


Another sad moment is the intro of Final Fantasy Type-0 It makes me sad how Izana died even when Ace tried to help him. The "Zero" opening song makes it even more heartbreaking.



I can't wait until August 8th for the release of the translation patch.

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As for the rest....they survived,which makes me happy even though I don't understand how Cid managed to survive that explosion....I'll bet my money on that awesome beard of his

His magnificent beard served as insulation and took the brunt of the explosion, causing him for the first time ever to be caught clean shaven. He then believed in all the fairies of the underworld, their combined Yang-fueled giggles bringing his beard back to life. Of course, this was unnecessary, as all Cid would have had to do was will it back into existence.


Because he can.

Edited by Arcmin

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Even if it isnt supposed to be that sad, this song always makes me tear up for some reason


YESSS I love Rose of May


His magnificent beard served as insulation and took the brunt of the explosion, causing him for the first time ever to be caught clean shaven. He then believed in all the fairies of the underworld, their combined Yang-fueled giggles bringing his beard back to life. Of course, this was unnecessary, as all Cid you have had to do was will it back into existence.


Because he can.

Yang had that awesome mustache....you can't go down that easily with a bitchin stache like that on your face ^_^

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Wooo.. this is hard.... but well...


Final Fantasy III: Elia - The maiden of water.


Final Fantasy IV: Theme of Sorrow


Final Fantasy V: Sorrows of parting 


Final Fantasy VI: Searching for friends


Final Fantasy VII: On that day Five years ago


Final Fantasy VIII: (I cannot really find something truly sad here so ... xD)


Final Fantasy IX: Tie between Roses of MAy and the Fall of Neo Kuja



Final Fantasy X: To Zanarkand (It´s up there)


Final Fantasy XIII: Promised Eternity 


Final Fantasy XIII-2: The Promised Future

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Both of those from Crisis Core. First time a game ever made me tear up... ;_;


That whole thing that went down at the World of Ruin between Celes and Cid... Ugh, it makes me sad just thinking of it.


(Wanted the SNES version but couldn't find it) FFIV had a ton of sad tracks, but this one probably takes the cake for me. I don't even know if it was meant to be sad, but it certainly sounds sad to me.


Hearing this when the party reaches Zanarkand and reflects on their whole journey, and the feeling that everyone wants to stop Yuna's fate at all costs... It was some seriously emotional stuff.

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Quite a few tracks that sprung to mind have already been posted :P


However I do know a few that get to me,


Final Fantasy XIV - Answers



It's a powerful song more so than weepy sad but I still remember that cinematic they released for A Realm Reborn and thinking how they did a good job at making me feel sad for the characters that I knew nothing about.


My mind has gone blank though on certain tracks so I'll edit them in if I remember xD





I don't find tracks sad, I find people actually dying sad.

More often than not, music contributes to why we find character deaths so sad to begin with.

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Quite a few tracks that sprung to mind have already been posted :P


However I do know a few that get to me,


Final Fantasy XIV - Answers



It's a powerful song more so than weepy sad but I still remember that cinematic they released for A Realm Reborn and thinking how they did a good job at making me feel sad for the characters that I knew nothing about.


My mind has gone blank though on certain tracks so I'll edit them in if I remember xD





More often than not, music contributes to why we find character deaths so sad to begin with.


I don't. If a character is dying I'm going to have a clear reaction depending on the situation and character regardless of music.

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I don't. If a character is dying I'm going to have a clear reaction depending on the situation and character regardless of music.

I was just saying that music helps contribute to a sad scene. I was in no way judging your opinion.

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I don't. If a character is dying I'm going to have a clear reaction depending on the situation and character regardless of music.

Ok,let's play the track from the Gold Saucer amusement park from FF7 on Aerith's death and see how sad the scene can be with happy music

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