VIIth Angel 35 Posted March 23, 2014 (edited) Homeroom 139 Seating Chart:(Front of the class)ROW 1: Seat 1/Seat 2/Seat 3/Seat 4/Seat 5Cesare Abasalo (Junko)/Ryo Ainle (Junko)/Jeremy Hunter (Oathkeeper136)/Nimue Lloyd (Junko)/Rosemary Nerthuz (Junko)ROW 2: Seat 6/Seat 7/Seat 8/Seat 9/Seat 10Peter O’connell (VIIth Angel)/Jules Parker (VIIth Angel)/Lieoa Sang (Proper Gentleman Crona)/Sora Takagi Voelker (OathKeeper136)/ Seth Carter West (The Basic Nerd)ROW 3: Seat 11/Seat 12/Seat 13/Seat 14/Seat 15Sonya Miles West (The Basic Nerd)/Lily Williams (VIIth Angel)/Jon Wilson (Josh Wilson)/Charlie Mors (Yuffie Kisaragi)/Ellie Hunter (Oathkeeper136)(Back of the class)I have randomly selected the “extra” student, the one who is a ghost, and it will be up to you all to find the culprit, before you fall victim to the curse. I will display the month when the month changes, and by the end of the month (but it can happen somewhere in the beginning or in between as well), someone will be destined to die. Good luck to you all.SEPTEMBER(Jules)Jules pulled into the Centra High School parking lot, and she parked her car next to the big tree just a little to the left of the center of the entrance to the school. She exited her car and opened the back door, pulling out her backpack. Closing it, and locking the car doors, she put her hand up to her forehead, blocking the glaring sun from her eyes.“It’s a nice day, considering the gloomy circumstances.” Jules said to herself, throwing her backpack around her shoulders. She straightened out her skirt, and started towards the school. She knew when school officially started today, as part of the Homeroom 139 Protection Committee, she would ask for two volunteers to assist her in her work to protect her classmates. But before that, she would give a speech on the circumstances revolving around the curse of Homeroom 139. The Curse of Rose.(Peter)Peter sat in the library, having gotten to school an hour before Centra even started. He was reading an X-Men comic, when the bell for school to start had rung, and he nervously got up, and grabbed his things, dropping some comics once or twice before even leaving the library.“I w-wonder if the rumors about 139 are true…” He muttered to himself as he shuffled towards the classroom. “N-nah, there’s no such thing as c-curses.” He continued to convince himself of that as he finally entered 139. The teacher handed Peter a seating chart, and he quickly found his seat.(Lily)As she walked to school, Lily drew a flower in her sketchbook, one that was halfway beginning to wilt. Without once looking up, she somehow managed to make her way down the suburban neighborhood that surrounded Centra High, and eventually found herself in the courtyard of the school. She stopped in her tracks and ceased her drawing, as she slowly glanced up at the oak tree that stood tall and stout directly in the center of the courtyard. It was where Rose’s body was found, a tree had been placed there to commemorate her. Benches surrounded the base of the tree, encompassing it on all sides and forming a square around it. After standing there for a couple of minutes, she heard the bell ring, and started toward her class, continuing to draw her wilting flower. Entering 139, she grabbed a seating chart, and sat down where she was assigned to sit, in the back row. She quite enjoyed having a last name of Williams, as most of her teachers would assign seats in alphabetical order as this teaher had done, which meant she got the back seats. It was low key, and she could disappear from everyone’s radar, living in her own world and drawing all the things she wanted to. Lily quietly waited for everyone else to show up and for class to begin. Edited March 25, 2014 by VIIth Angel Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 23, 2014 Jeremy's Mustang slid in beside the familiar Camaro SS. That girl... He stepped outside as Sora detached herself from the hood, laptop closing. "Hi." "Hey." He hugged her. "Good to see you." He grinned, but worry was still in his mind. The summer had been harsh on both the Hunter and Voelker families, and Sora's Code Geass mesenger bag had new weight. He patted her head. "What were you doing?" "Nothing." "Is that why the sign currently displays the answers to the supposed secret quiz in third period's History Class?" "I har nothing, I see jothing, I know jothing." As she walked towards the building, the familiar star made of five brooms decorated the electronic billboard. The Strike Witch had struck again. Jeremy shook his head, then spotted Jules. Recognizing her from the news and school, he slid up next to her, earphones down and ever present Seattle 138 Beanie he got from InFAMOUS: Second Son's Collector Edition perched on his head. "Hey. Jules Parker, right?" He asked. "I dont mean to be insensative...but your sister was killed in '05 right?" He asked. He quickly raised his hands. "I swear I'm just trying to establish identity. If I'm right, I'd like to be friends. If I'm wrong...wanna be friends?" He grinned lightlg. Sora stepped into Room 139. She instantly felt like running. Forcing herself to sit in her chair, Sora opened her laptop up and began playing some RTS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted March 23, 2014 "W-wait! Dammit why the hell do you walk so fast?!" Nimue could be hear almost shout throughout the courtyard trying to catch up to someone. And that someone happened to be a black haired male reading as he walked. How he could keep such a pace while his eyes were scanning the paging in the small book he was holding, that was in a mystery of itself. Either way, Nimue finally reached him and tried to catch her breath as she came to a walking pace to match his. The boy didn't say anything to her though, even appeared that he was ignoring her, but she knew that he wasn't. Nimue let out an irritated sigh. "..Ugh. What's with this bullshit about some haunted room 139? Dealing with school is already enough of a headache." "It's rumored that a girl that died there years ago has come back to haunt that certain classroom. Seems pretty fake in my opinion. Once you die, your soul is suppose to pass onto the afterlife. There's nothing left for her on earth." "Huh? Don't try to sound so intellectual on a topic like that. Besides, how would you know? It's not like you've died before." "It's mere common sense." "Hmph, whatever. I'm not afraid of no stupid rumor like that." Once the reached the room, Nimue pushed open the door to see that a few people were already in the classroom. The two of them looked over at the seating chart that were sitting on the teacher's desk and sat at their assigned seats. "Hello there!" At the sound of the somewhat loud voice, Cesare glanced up from his book and looked over to see that the male next to him was greeting him. The male raised his eyebrows before the same heart warming grin came back to his face. "Hi! It's nice to meetcha. I'm Ryo." Cesare blinked before looking back over to his book. "Cesare." "Cesare, huh? Kinda like Cesar but with that extra letter. How unique. I'm not usually one to be fascinated by name bu-" "Shut up. You're disturbing me." The smile on Ryo face shrunk into a wry smile. He dragged his fingers through his crimson hair. "S-sorry about that....still it's nice to meet you." Cesare didn't say anything, or bothered to look into the male's direction for that matter. Ryo looked over to see that the person sitting next to him was not even here yet but the two girls sitting at the end of his row were. He sighed as he leaned his chin into his hand and twiddled his pencil with the other. (No need to be down. He's just having a shitty day...right?) The small tip of the mechanical pencil snapped and Rose paused as she stared at the small image she produced on her paper. It was a very detailed sketch of a a pair of eyes. She set the pencil down next to the small sketchbook and continued to stare at it. She had no idea why she decided to draw that. She just felt like it. "Woooahhhhh! That's a very pretty drawing! You're very good at this aren't you??" Rose was nearly startled out of her chair as she looked up to see that someone was hovering over her. Nimue. She looked away from the girl. "....Thank you." the girl said at a slight mutter. Nimue cocked her head to the side, unaware that she scared the other in the first place. "You're one hell of a shy girl, aren't you? What's your name." Did she really want to use her actual name or just go by the one she preferred. Besides, her name was attached to her real name. "It's Rosemary." She went along with her given name after all. She didn't have to know about Mary. Nobody needed to, until she came out from the back of her mind. Nimue grinned as she backed away and sat back down in her seat, but still faced Rose. "Like the plant, right? How cute." Rose simply nodded. Nimue was already intimidating to her and she just met her not even 5 minutes ago. This was going to be a long day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DEADACCOUNT2333 Posted March 24, 2014 Jin looked at the class. Nothing suprising at all about the lot, from what he- He looked at Sora... And saw... Was that a? A manga? And she was playing videogames!? He lifted an eyebrow at the girl. He had a fascination with people who like videogames and manga… he pretended to not look at her intensity while playing the game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted March 24, 2014 (edited) A big yawn escaped out of Seth's mouth as he and his sister walked down the school's front courtyard. With tired eyes Seth looked around at the familar school he's been going to for 2 years not noticing any slight changes. Sonya however looked quite the opposite with her bright and innocent personality as she giggled. "Did you sleep late again last night? Mom and I told you hundreds of times to sleep early since school is coming up!" Laughing nervously Seth rubbed his dazed eyes, "Sorry, it's just a bad habit." Not seeming to like his excuse, Sonya pouted but decided to change the subject, "Well anyway, since I skipped 10th grade, I'm now in the same grade as you and not only that but in the same homeroom!" Seth felt his stomach twist uncomfortably, ever since his family got the news that Sonya was skipping an entire grade due to her education level far exceeding than teacher's expectations, his family has been squealing about it ever since. The thought of his younger sister being in the same grade and homeroom haunted in the back of his mind in embarrassment. Suddenly Seth's sister spotted a couple of her friends waving at her to come over and with a bright smile, Sonya skipped to her friends leaving Seth alone to walk toward his homeroom. 139. _____ Arriving at the class Seth searched his surroundings already finding students interacting with others. 'These people are already making friends? If I don't start talking then I'm going to end up as a loner..again..' Taking the seating chart from the teacher, he managed to find his seat and plop down scanning the room for any potential friends. There was a girl (Sora) next to him but she seems pretty focused on playing something and Seth didn't want to be rude to disturb her. There was another girl (Lily) sitting quietly far behind him and she seemed to be staring off into space. Taking a few moments to gather up his courage, Seth spoke to the silent girl. "U-um hi I'm Seth," His heart began to race, he rarely talked to girls besides his sister and from watching alot of movies, he learned females have really fragile feelings. Edited March 24, 2014 by The Basic Nerd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted March 24, 2014 (Jules) Jules looked at Jeremy with a blank stare. She could tell his heart was in the right place, and the comment about her sister didn't even bother her that much, but she made it her goal to keep her distance. "It's nice to meet you." And walked past him without asking his name. I can't form relationships. She thought to herself. I can't have any weaknesses. If I get close to them, and I were to lose one of them, like Kaitlin... I can't get attached, there's no telling who's going to wind up dead. Jules approached the teacher and whispered something into his ear. He nodded. "Let's wait for a few more students, and then you can give your talk." The teacher assured Jules. And so she stood in the front of the classroom, examining all those that were present. (Peter) Peter awkwardly approached Ryo, trying to start a conversation. Dad said to try to make friends Peter, you got this. He thought to himself. "H-hi! My names Pet-t-ter!" He shouted at Ryo louder than he meant to. Oh God, what are you doing Peter? He hit himself on the head. He probably thinks I'm one of those weird kids that sit in the corner and make cat noises. He turned slightly to where Sora was, examining her cat ears, and then slowly turned back to Ryo. "How a-are you?" He tried to save the conversation he was failing at having with Ryo. (Lily) Lily was startled by the fact that someone had talked to her. Aside from the people that occasionally stared at her eye patch, she almost never had anyone notice her. The only person she occasionally talked to was the librarian. Lily adjusted her eye patch and continued drawing, and muttering her name to Seth. "Lily." Within the wilting flower, she began to engrave the name Seth into the sides of the petals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted March 24, 2014 A bit startled, Ryo looked up to see that someone was standing in front of his desk. A boy with glasses. Ryo couldn't help but stare at him for a second. A nervous one. Not the kind of people that usually approached him, or that he tried to talk to for that matter. The conversations always ended up being awkward. Still, Ryo was going to make this work somehow. A welcoming grin came to his face. "Hi. I'm Ryo" He simply said. A straight forward greeting. That shouldn't spook the kid that much, right? Ryo took his hand out of his hand and drummed his fingers against the desk lightly, finding something for them to do. "I'm doing great but you should really relax, man. I don't bite." Nimue sighed as she fiddled with the end of her manila colored scarf. She looked over to see that Rosemary had her head down in her crossed arms on the table. She was.....sleeping? Already? Class didn't even start yet. Perhaps she was only that in order not to get bothered or some crap like that. She looked over to the other side to see that Cesare was still reading and two guys were chitchating. But she didn't want to bother with anyone else in the next two rows. She didn't really feel like getting up anyways. She just wanted class to start so she can get the hell out of there as soon as possible. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 24, 2014 Jeremy blinked, sighing. "Still getting them all ladykiller?" Jeremy turned. His twin sister Ellie had decided to grace him with her presence. "Yeah yeah. Sora's inside." The Flash had nothing on Ellie. Within ten seconds she was in the door...and as Sora quickly ended her game and closed her laptop, she soon felt arms encirlce her from behind, and a chin rest against her head. "Ellie." "My precious." "I'm not a ring." "You're mine." Sora sighed. "Back row." A groan escaped her lips, and she headed to the back as Jeremy slipped into his seat up front. Jules next to the teacher. Lovely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted March 24, 2014 Seth looked curiously at Lily's eye patch as she adjusted it, 'Huh, I wonder what happened to it. Maybe her eyes is one of those different colored ones like you see on TV. No no no, I shouldn't ask personal questions off the bat.' Noticing her writing something on her sketchbook, his curiousity got the best of him as he peered slightly over her seeing the wilting flower with his name on it. Staring at the drawing he couldn't help but feel drawn to it. "That's really beautiful Lily, do you usually draw this good all the time?" Seth wished he could draw, or at least have a talent like everyone else does. The door to the classroom opened and Sonya walked in getting the seating chart from the teacher, passing by her classmates who were all taller than her, and waving cheerfully at Seth who waved back sheepishly. _____ 'Wow, junior students sure are tall.' Sonya kicked her legs back and forth as she peeked glances at Seth and the girl next to him. 'Is Seth flirting? Nah that'd be just weird.' She couldn't help though but to feel a little jealous. Her brother acted awkward around her like he doesn't want to be seen together with her but he looks comfortable with other people. Not knowing the reason why bugged her but whenever she tries to confront Seth about it he changes the subject. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest DEADACCOUNT2333 Posted March 24, 2014 "Humph..." Jin said looking at the computer close. Seems the girl had a lover. .. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 24, 2014 Jeremy rolled his eyes at his sister, who took her seat in the back. Sora tucked her laptop away in her bag and looked front, waiting for the teacher to speak. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted March 25, 2014 Charlie sat at his desk, strumming at his guitar, waiting for class to start. Lots of people were entering the classroom, beginning conversations, and gaining friends. Charlie wasn't necessarily antisocial, but he had never liked going out of his way to make friends. The musician closed his eyes, enjoying his music as he continued strumming chords, on occasion mixing in a few measures of picking. He wasn't playing a specific song, so much as letting the music inside, find a voice through his guitar. Charlie was going to start singing, but he realized that might be frowned upon in a classroom. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted March 25, 2014 (I know not everyone has posted, but I'm just going to go ahead and get the plot moving. Get ready for a lot of exposition mwahaha) (Jules) When most of the students had arrived, Jules straightened her school uniform, and cleared her throat, signaling to the others that she was about to speak. "Good morning homeroom 139, my name is Jules Parker, and I am head of the Homeroom 139 Protection Committee." Jules glanced out the classroom window to see the oak tree in the center of the courtyard, then she glanced at the teacher behind her. Poor guy, I don't think the school administrators have told him yet. The teachers in 139 usually never stay for more than a year or two. She cleared her throat before looking back to her classmates and continued. "I'm sure many of you have heard the rumors about this class, but most of the rumors are inaccurate. So I will clarify the truth... A few decades ago, a junior that was in this class named Rose Williams, died, most likely being murdered on school grounds, though no one was able to identify the killer. Weeks after this tragic event, a student in 139 pointed to her empty desk, joking that she was still here. This joke continued on until the end of the year. When everyone got their yearbooks, they noticed something odd. Rose was in the homeroom 139 class picture, even though the picture was taken after her death." Jules began to pace the room, making sure she made equal eye contact with everyone that was present. "Every year after that, the class of 139 is plagued with a student that has passed away. A ghost. All records somehow seem to include their names on the roster, and everyone seems to remember them always being a part of the school. But this is not true. The dead do not belong with the living, and because of that, unnatural events begin to occur. Death attracts death, and as a result, every year students begin to experience unexplained accidents. Approximately once a month every year, a student has been known to be killed, their deaths never fully understood. This is the Curse of Rose." Jules stopped in front of the class again, and the teacher decided to speak up. "Excuse me, but what kind of joke are you pulling right now?" The teacher asked skeptically. "This is not appropriate-" "The administrators of Centra deny the curse because they believe that it's all just one big four decade coincidence." Jules interrupted. "But the evidence doesn't lie, every year many of the students in 139 die from the curse. They've tried to move everyone to different homerooms before, but the curse just follows all those that the curse has latched on. There's no denying the curse." She paused to let this sink in with the students, and then began again, "However, there are many school years where the death count has been kept to a minimum. I've heard of class years that only had three or four deaths. I've made it my job to see that I do everything in my power to save as many of you as I can. But I can't do it on my own, I need all of you to be as careful as possible when going about your daily lives. Tread lightly. I also need two helpers to assist me in my plans to keep 139 as safe as possible. Any takers?" I must make the best effort possible to find a way to stop the curse. Jules told herself. But how? To my knowledge, it's never been done before, and I don't know where to begin in trying to find out. Jules waited patiently for the others to speak up. (Peter) Peter's heart began to race. So it's true? There is a curse? Am I gonna die? I CAN'T die, I just CAN'T. He made his best effort to stay still, and tried to block the negative thoughts from his mind, but eventually he couldn't take it anymore, and stood up. "I'm s-sorry, I can't be here! I I've gotta get out!" Peter grabbed his things and raced out of the hallway. When there were about three steps left in the stairs he sprinted down, he had lost his footing and fell against the wall before him. From the high ceiling above, the jolt from his collision with the wall was just slightly enough for a loose screw that was keeping the 6 foot by 6 foot large rectangular light 10 feet above Peter up had fallen out, and the light followed with it, at an increasing speed. Peter didn't even have the chance to look up before the light made contact with his bare neck. The glass from the light shattered, and Peter was decapitated, as his body fell to the ground lifeless, and His head rolled to the wall he had bumped into. His glasses were still attached to his head, and his nervous fit had ended. A student at the edge of the stares simply stared as the blood seeping from his body trickled to her shoe, and eventually she let out a piercing scream, alarming the nearby classrooms and triggering more screams and gasps. Within a few minutes everyone was aware of the poor student who was beheaded, having just started his first day as a junior. (Lily) Lily had just finished drawing the wilting flower when the screams began, and she had gotten up, grabbing her things and leaving the drawing on her desk. She knew it would not be long before the school ordered everyone to go home, and she was not going to bother with waiting until they made the official call. Lily was out of the door before the teacher of 139 followed, to see what the commotion was. The teacher simply covered his mouth, as he tried to hold in his vomit.' And Lily slowly began to walk home, entering the line of cul-de-sacs that were on the way to her house. She pulled out her sketchbook and began on another drawing. 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Naegi 149 Posted March 25, 2014 (edited) Seth felt goosebumps chill down his spine. 'D-deaths? I've heard about this rumor before but I thought it was just a big lie..' Sweat beaded down his forehead as the girl, Jules who claimed to protect them waited patiently for volunteers but a guy in his row stood up panicking and ran out the door. Then a few moments later there was a loud crash and screams could be heard in the hallways. 'Wha..what just happened?!' Squeezing through the students Seth looked at the scene that occured however regretted it when the headless body of a guy who was just alive a few seconds ago, burned the image right into his mind. A hint of white string was spotted out of the corner of his eyes and Seth turned to see Lily slowly heading toward the exit. "Lily! Where you go-" Something wrapped around his waist before he could finish and Seth looked down to see Sonya with her face digging into his chest with wet tears. "S-Seth, please tell me what just happened is fake. I-It's just some kind of stunt r-right?" She glanced up at Seth who was avoiding eye contact with her. "I wish I could tell you that Sonya..but.." More tears fells down his sister's cheeks as she continued to sob as Seth was in deep thought. 'Curse of us in the classroom was someone who previously died pretending to be one of the students. But..who?' Edited March 29, 2014 by The Basic Nerd Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted March 25, 2014 Nimue stood up and slammed her hand on the desk out of sudden quick temper and annoyance. She was going to speak up, claiming that this was all a load of shit before the student next to her simply dashed out the classroom. Within a few minutes, screams began to echo in the halls. She raised an eyebrow before looking back at Jules standing in the front of the classroom. She felt her heart stop in her chest. What the hell was that?! Her eyes went to the now empty desk next to her. Did that boy....? . Cesare faintly jolted in his chair from the sudden piecing screams and shut his his book. He still kept the neutral facial expression but his eyebrow twitched slightly in worry. Ryo's attention has been fully caught as well, the redhead nearly shaking in his seat. "T-T-This isn't some sort of prank now, is it?" he asked, his voice quivering. He didn't want to know what exactly happened to the guy he was just talking to a few minute ago but from the screaming, he figured that he wouldn't be seeing him ever again. Either way, Ryo stayed put in his seat, fearing that something unfortunate were to happen to him if he just moved even an inch. "Ooooh, if I do volunteer, do I get paid for this?" Eyes of shock went to the girl sitting in the front, the same girl that was just silent and drawing not too long ago. Her legs were kicked back on top of the desk and her hand was raised, as if she was back in elementary school to ask a question. Her other hand was was fiddling with her white hair. The girl furrowed her eyebrows, getting impatient from not getting a response back. "Well!?" She pressed, sound all too harsh and demanding. Nimue's eyes twitched before her finger went to point right at the girl. "D-Do you not understand the situation we're in right now, Rosemar-" A hand was held to her face, as if to shut the girl up. "Shush. First of all honey it's Mary. I don't know what that other bastard told you but I hate going by that full name...." Mary removed her feet off the desk and stood up, her fingers still messing with her locks of hair. "Besides, as far as I heard, people are dying, there's some curse. Cliche shit if you ask me." Nimue's hand grabbed Mary's collar threateningly and pulled her a bit close. A threatening tone entered her voice. "The name's Nimue and don't just treat this all like a firetrucking game. Who the hell do you think you are, pulling the silent chick act a minute ago." Mary stared at her, unamused before glancing away. "Oh, so she hasn't told you yet..." "..?" Mary smirked as she shook off Nimue's grip from her. "I don't feel like explaining our little secret, so I'll let Rose tell you when she comes back, if she's willing to of course." "...huh." "She has a multiple personality disorder. She's basically two people in one body." "Bingo champ. Look whose a smart cookie~" she cheered towards Alphonse. "But enough wasting your time about me. Some kid just died out there, right? I wonder if he wrote a will of some sort. I mean if he has a nice laptop, I'd be willing to snatch that up." She said a bit too cheerfully. Cesare stared at her blankly before turning to Jules. "I would like to volunteer to help get rid of this curse." "A-are you serious?!" Nimue exclaimed and Cesare simply looked at her before slightly shrugging. "Sure, why not? If it will satisfy everyone and get past this curse nonsense, then I don't see the big deal." Ryo was still shaking in his seat, tears formulating at the corner of his eyes. Goddammit, why. Why did this have to happen to me? I did nothing wrong to deserve this. I...I-just don't know what to do.. He dragged his hands through his hair before looking around the students at the students that were here. Someone was really a ghost? But who would that be? And how will I know? Questions were simply racking through his brain. Just how exactly they were going to raise this curse was a good question but Ryo still couldn;t get over the fact that someone he just met simply died a minute later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 25, 2014 Jeremy instinctively moved into position to protect his family. The moment she asked for volunteers, Jeremy stood to offer...when Peter ran out. "Uh. I vomunteer to he-" cut off by a screa., he threw his hand out at Sora warningly before running outside...ok, moreso walking quickly. As they looked upon Peter, Jeremy nearly threw up. He quickly turned to his sister, and Sora. "Go home. Sora, our place. Please." The two noticed his tone...and they hurried off. Jeremy found Jules. I want to help. Please. My twin and my adopted - not odficially but a family joke kinda adoption - sister are in this class. I wanna protect them. What's our first step?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted March 26, 2014 (Jules) When she had realized what had happened, her heart dropped. It's already started, and I've already lost someone. I can't lose anyone else. Jules sighed and then replied to Jeremy and Rosemary in a hushed tone, no longer trying to hold the attention of the entire class, realizing most of them were probably too far gone, worrying about what was to become of them. "Well, I'm not sure about you, but my knowledge about curses and ghosts is minimal, so I say we start doing some research, find some people that still live in town that were a part of 139, and see what they did to survive. It might not be much, but it's all we have to go on." Shortly after her suggestion, the school made an announcement telling all the students that they were dismissed and for the teachers to meet in the teacher's lounge. Jules stood in front of the class again. "You know this is real now. As sorry as I am for that guy's untimely death, he wasn't careful, and got himself killed. You all must be on your guard, while we figure this out together. Be safe." (Lily) Lily finally arrived at her house, an old Victorian style house, and entered, being welcomed with eerie piano music, being played by her younger brother. She climbed the spiral staircase and went into her room, where she laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Rose... Are you doing this? She wondered. Lily turned to her side, and eventually drifted off to sleep. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted March 26, 2014 Mary frowned a bit in disgust before crossing her arms. "That...sounds like too much work for me. Maybe I'll get miss gloomy to do that for you when she comes back or something." she said before hearing the sudden announcement over the intercom that was in the corner of the classroom. "Eh? Time to go already? Aw, but I just got here!" she moaned as she reached down to pick up her school bag that was sitting on the floor. She looked at the desk to pick up the small sketch book, pausing to stare at the picture Rose was working on earlier, before scooping it up in her arms. "There was a murder here. What do you expect the school to do when there are people still here?" Nimue said as she hear the girl's outburst, her eyebrows narrowed. Mary blinked before bringing a finger to her chin. "Gee, I don't know. Clean up the body and move on with the school day. Guh, people have transportation issues, you know. Do they every take that into consideration? "....Are you even listening to a single thing that I'm saying?" Mary simply poked Nimue in the forehead, a bit too hard. "Well of course silly, I'm not deaf. Whether due to a curse or some other crap, people die everyday. It's nature. Now stop bothering me about this shit and move." Mary then made her way over to the door, stopping and looking back behind her shoulder to the others. "Don't worry. i'll make sure Rose gets on the case with this. As for everyone else, be sure to listen to our chief here and stay safe. I wouldn't want anymore of my precious classmates dying before I meet them~" A chuckle escaped her lips before she left the room. "Why that bit-" Nimue growled before she stormed off after her. Before she could reach the door, there was a rough tug at her scarf, which choked her for a second, making the girl stop where she was. She quickly looked back to see that it was Cesare. "Why the hell are you getting in my way?!" "What good will it do you to pick a fight with a girl you just met?" "......" Ryo simply looked up and looked at Cesare, to Nimue and then back to Cesare but neither of them seemed to acknowledge that he was watching. "My point exactly. If anything, she'll go back to her other self eventually, no need to bother her. Besides, doing anything reckless could probably get you killed with our current situation in mind." Nimue simply walked back to her seat and grabbed her things. "Whatever. But are you just going to sit around and let those two do all the research?" Cesare slung his bag over his shoulder and slid his small book into it. "Maybe. Maybe not." "Ohh! And what's that suppose to mean?" Ryo said, suddenly butting in. ".....I might depending on if the other manages to find anything by tomorrow, although I doubt it." "What? You don't have faith in them?" Cesare began to walk to the door, not bothering to look back at the two of them. "You shouldn't have high expectations for people at first glance. I'm leaving." Cesare then proceeded out the door. Nimue looked down at Ryo and roughly shook his hand as she spoke quickly. "I'm Nimue by the way. Nice meeting you. Don't die on me, okay?" And with that, she dashed out of the classroom, shouting Ceasre's name as she left to catch up to him. "...Nice meeting you too..." he said, sounding a bit dazed, not even getting a chance to say his name. He sighed as he picked up his things and walked over to Jules. "I know I didn't exactly volunteer to be one of your helpers but..." his voice trailed off before he took a silent gulp. "But, I'll try my best to help you guys get rid of this curse! Peter....nobody else will have to die because of this..!" And with that he quickly walked out before she could respond. He really didn't need to hear it. He already had a good idea as to what she would say. 'Thank you for helping us out. Its much appreciated' or something along the lines of that. As he paced down the hallway, taking the other exit since the one Peter went down was apparently blocked with police tape already, he couldn't help but catch a slight glimpse of a body covered with a black blanket at the bottom of the stairs. Ryo quickly looked away before continuing down the hallway that lead to another set of stairs. I'll make sure that nobody else would have to die from this stupid curse. I'll find this extra student one way or another! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 26, 2014 Jeremy crossed his arms, thinking. "I have a friend who can find the old members. And my sister is ridiculous at research." He whipped out his phone. His fingers flew. "Jules, the curse takes a life every month right? Well, as morbid as it is, Peter died for all of us. He bought us time to prep and prepare." His phone lowered, he adjusted his Seattle 138 beanie. "Jules..." he sighed and followed, then waited for her to finish and stepped up to her again. His phone had gone off a minute ago. "I had Ellie and Sora leave school. Both are home and digging up things. Should have info within an hour. Got a way for me to contact you?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arya Stark 1,337 Posted March 27, 2014 Charlie had stopped playing when Jules went to the front of the class. Following the small speech, one kid freaked out, and ran out of the classroom. The piercing scream that followed chilled his blood. It brought up some... bad memories. He followed people out of the classroom tentatively, hoping for the best. The best was not what he got. Charlie immediately ran into the bathroom, and puked. Oh God. Oh God. There was a headless body outside the classroom. A... Headless... Body... Charlie forced himself to take a few breaths. He splashed some sink water on his face. Leaning over the sink, he glanced to the mirror. For a split second he saw his father's bloodied and mangled face. Charlie threw up again. He went through the process of composing himself once more, and focused on himself. He needed to be normal. Typical. He walked outside the bathroom, arriving at the scene again. He was in time to hear the announcement that school was out. The musician walked calmly back to the classroom (not looking at the body), picked up his guitar and stuffsack, and walked out of the school. He contemplated going home, but not yet. Charlie headed to a nearby diner first. He needed some food before going home and facing reality. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naegi 149 Posted March 29, 2014 Hearing the announcement, Sonya slowly unwrapped her arms around Seth with a part of his jacket wet from her tears. "I guess..we go home." He headed toward the exit but his sister grabbed his wrist. "Wait, mom and dad would be wondering why we came home so early, what would we tell them?" The male blinked surprised at how quickly Sonya got over a student's death when she was just bawling a few seconds ago. "Uh..the truth? This whole situation?" Sonya shook her head, "If we do tell them, there's a high possibility we'll be the next one to die. Besides, even if we move to a different school or country, I'm sure we're going to die unless we keep going to this school and find out this special student." Seth looked down, he watched plenty of movies where criminals or citizens die a horrible death, but the thought of himself experiencing something so scary send chills down his spine. "Y-you're right, so what excuse are we going to tell them?" Sonya innocently smiled, "We're not going home right now, we can just do something to pass the time, and pretend we went to school." His eyes widen as he took a step back, "What? We'll get in trouble!" Sonya pouted getting frustrated with her brother's obliviousness. "No we won't, people these days don't care if they see a couple teenagers around in the mall." Hooking his arm around hers Sonya dragged Seth to a nearby mall despite his refusals. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted March 29, 2014 (Jules) Jules wrote her number on a piece of paper and gave it to Jeremy. "That's my cell number. Try to give it to Ryo and Rosemary when you get the chance." She began to head out of the classroom. "I'm going to head to the library and pull up some records, see which class had the least deaths, and go from there. Maybe they'll have something to tell us about how to avoid the curse." She stopped at the door and looked back to Jeremy. "Try to talk to Lily, maybe the curse is more tied to the family than we realize. She might even be the extra student, I don't think we've had a Williams go to this school since the 90's. But I could be wrong." And with that she was gone. (Lily) Lily stared out of the window in her second story room, tracing some kind of symbol against the glass. She knew more about the curse than she was choosing to let on, but she didn't know whether to tell the others about it or not. She knew that bad things had happened when her family tended to interfere with the supernatural, it happened quite often. So she thought it best to just wait it out, and hopefully no one else would have to get hurt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Saber Lily 1,543 Posted March 30, 2014 Jeremy entered the number into his phone, then texted it to Sora and Ellie. The address for Lily popped up in response. He checked his phone app; yep...she had hacked him. "Stop striking me, you witch." He muttered. He then ran after Jules. "I just texted you so you could have my number. In the text is my sister Ellie's, so forward ajything you find to her. She'll cross check and help go off of what you have." He glanced at his phone. "I have Lily's address so I'll go there now. Let me know if you find anything." He ran off, and soon was off and driving. Sora and Ellie were back to back on the floor. They had thrown their shirts to the side, letting their bare skin touch. The warmth and contact helped keep them relaxed - being tense would just cause stress, and that would make them work bad. So their way of going about it was in fullswing, and Sora peeked over her shoulder. "Hacking into the records of the county mortician and the coroner. And since this is always happening the FBI got involved. Gime ten minutes and I'll bring up the files on the TVs." Her laptop was connected to three separated monitors arranged on three trays with heavy duty wheels through a small hub, and wirelessly connected to the flatscreens covering the walls. The Hunter's Gaming Room was now the Ops Center, and through the hubs Sora had brought, the TVs were soon enough alive with files. "Lovely. Let's see what we got." Jeremy arrived at the home. Stepping out, he walked up to the door to Lily's home and knocked. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted March 30, 2014 "I'm...I'm ho-" Ryo began to say as he walked in through the door of his home before a sharp pointed dart zipped past his head and nailed itself into the door, the dark just missing his head by a few close inches. His face immediately went pale in color as he slowly looked at the dart that could have hit him in the head. "Did I get it?" A girl's voice echoed from the small hallway that lead to the living room from the front door. "Goddammit Lucy, that could have killed me!" he ranted, his voice shaking as he yanked out the dart from the door. The blonde haired girl with a long braid slung over down one of her shoulder pulled off the blindfold to see that Ryo was standing there. A surprised expression came to her face as she came over to Ryo. "Oh my gosh, are you okay?" "Well just barely. What are you even doing here anyways." Lucy crossed her hands and she walked back over to the set of darts that was sitting on the table. "It's boring at home so I came over to your place~" "But my parents aren't even home." "So? Do you know how long I've been your neighbor, Ryo? I'm pretty much family." She picked up another dart and twirled it between her fingers. This, however, only made Ryo a bit nervous. "Well whatever. Just go find a dart board somewhere to do that. I'm going to go do some research." "Whaaa!? Ryo actually studying and it's not a test night?! Am I dreaming!?" Ryo sighed as he went to go sit down in the computer chair in front of the desktop. "Of course not. I'm just doing some research of my own." "It doesn't happen to be physics, does it?I just love that stuff to death. I can teach you about some facts if you like. Maybe Schrodinger's cat-" Lucy stopped talking when links having to do with the Curse of Rose pulled up on the computer. She leaned over next to him to get a better look. "....Curse of Rose..?" "Yeah, have you ever heard about it?" "Nope. You know damn well I don't believe in that stuff." "'s real alright.." Peter's face flashed in his mind. "Let's get to work." Meanwhile "....Eh?" Rose looked up to see that she was back at home, and on the floor. Her laptop was sitting in front of her with some quickly scribbled notes in pen next to it. She looked over to one of these notes. It read: Hiya! Mary here. Some girl asked me to do some research on some 'Curse of Rose' crap since some kid in our class died. HA! Can you believe that? What a clutz he was! Anyways, I'm just going to leave you to do that work. You're pretty smart when it comes to that crap, right? Or at least I hope so anyways. But for now, Ciao~ Mary's signature was scribbled at the bottom of the note and Rose resisted the urge to crumble it. She never liked her other self and she always seemed to surface without warning. Rose simply sighed as she pushed herself up to sitting position and looked at the laptop screen. There was an article pulled up on the Curse of Rose story and it was written today, earlier this morning to be exact. Her eyes widened as she read the article. "This guy really did die...." A cold chill went down her spine as she clicked off and went to go read some more about this Curse of Rose since she seemed to miss out on all of it earlier today. She felt her heart sink lower and lower as she read about each case that ever happened. She was fearing for her life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VIIth Angel 35 Posted March 30, 2014 (Jules) Entering the library, she approached the section of the library dedicated to the school records, where she was greeted by the librarian. "Hello, Jules. Have your teachers already assigned you homework? You know you're supposed to be home, the school is closed today on account of that horrible accident with Peter. Ah, I knew him so well, always checking out comics and manga and that sort of thing." Jules looked to the librarian. "I need you to cut me a little slack and give me at least an hour to do some research. Peter's death wasn't a horrible accident and you know it." The librarian sighed. "Every year, I try to find the extra student myself, but the records always seemed to have been altered. I don't think you are going to find anything even if you tried your hardest." Jules continued to look through the bookshelves. "I'm not looking for the extra student directly. I'm trying to find patterns in the past years, the ones that had the most deaths, the ones that had the least deaths, hell, even how many kids had blue eyes. Anything that could lead me to stopping the curse." "Do you think it can be done?" The librarian asked. "I have to try." She replied, pulling an old Centra High yearbook. (Lily) Lily knew that none of her family members would answer the door, and having looked out her window seeing it was Jeremy she knew it was for her anyways. When she had reached the doorway, she opened the old English two door opening of her house, and her head peered out slightly. "Can I help you?" She asked politely, but with obvious restraint of irritation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites