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Isamu Kuno

Kairi's Evoution Throughout the Series.

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Okay, so I know Kairi has filled the "Damsel in distress role"  and, unless she's been kidnapped, she seems not to appear in a game at all, but beyond that I did notice an evolution between KH I and KH II that, oddly enough, mirrors the change in the role of Disney's Princesses from the Golden Age to the Disney Renaissance


In the first game, she was completely helpless, like Snow White. In KH II she at least tried to resist, but still winds up getting captured, like Jasmine.


Given this change I predict that in KH III her roll will be similar to that of the Revival Era Princesses. Completely independent with no need of being rescued and, if she does get into danger, manages to save herself, similar to Anna 

I agree with everything but the first statements. She was asleep in kh1. She was simply dragged along like a corpse. In kh2 she saved herself. If anything she SUBVERTS a DID.


She wasn't ''completely helpless'' either. I think that's pretty unfounded. In kh1 she was willing to help Sora fight after she saved him. It's a short animation, but she's in a fighting stance.


Speaking of Sora he's the one who's needed saving. The only time you could really say she was saved, was when Riku got rid of the heartless that were ontop of her after she tried getting to Sora( Sora had heartless ontop him as well {she didn't know Riku was there} so you can't hold it against her)


This guy puts it well(16:00)

Edited by KittensOnFire

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I agree with everything but the first statements. She was asleep in kh1. She was simply dragged along like a corpse. In kh2 she saved herself. If anything she SUBVERTS a DID.


She wasn't ''completely helpless'' either. I think that's pretty unfounded. In kh1 she was willing to help Sora fight after she saved him. It's a short animation, but she's in a fighting stance.


Speaking of Sora he's the one who's needed saving. The only time you could really say she was saved, was when Riku got rid of the heartless that were ontop of her after she tried getting to Sora( Sora had heartless ontop him as well {she didn't know Riku was there} so you can't hold it against her)

She didn't really save herself, Namine saved her. True they are technically the same person but she did get oustide help. And her comatose state in the first game is what made her helpless. And as for her wanting to protect Sora, "Willing" and "Able" are two different things. Like Sora said, she would have just gotten in the way because, as she had not yet summoned her Keyblade, she had no way of fighting against the Heartless. I hold nothing against her, but it's true that without a weapon, she'd be worse than useless if she had gone with Sora after he saved her in the first game. 

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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Okay, so I know Kairi has filled the "Damsel in distress role"  and, unless she's been kidnapped, she seems not to appear in a game at all, but beyond that I did notice an evolution between KH I and KH II that, oddly enough, mirrors the change in the role of Disney's Princesses from the Golden Age to the Disney Renaissance


In the first game, she was completely helpless, like Snow White. In KH II she at least tried to resist, but still winds up getting captured, like Jasmine.


Given this change I predict that in KH III her roll will be similar to that of the Revival Era Princesses. Completely independent with no need of being rescued and, if she does get into danger, manages to save herself, similar to Anna 

Two Kairi topics in a row. 

I hope Nomura does not firetruck up. People are going to be furious is she is DiD again. Just let her fight like Aqua and Xion.

As much as I admit that it is a bad timing for her to get serious development, she needs it sort of. She is like Thomasin in The Return of the Native. 

I won't go on my literary analysis today. It is my birthday after all. 

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At least we can all agree that Kairi will be able to stand her own ground in KH3. It's not really Kairi's fault in KH2. Axel, being all careless and shit got her into the Organization's hands, even though he had nothing to do with them at that point.

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She didn't really save herself, Namine saved her. True they are technically the same person but she did get oustide help. And her comatose state in the first game is what made her helpless. And as for her wanting to protect Sora, "Willing" and "Able" are two different things. Like Sora said, she would have just gotten in the way because, as she had not yet summoned her Keyblade, she had no way of fighting against the Heartless. I hold nothing against her, but it's true that without a weapon, she'd be worse than useless if she had gone with Sora after he saved her in the first game. 

They are the same person. I agree but she still more of a subversion

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They are the same person. I agree but she still more of a subversion

I noted that, but the fact remains that she was only able to escape because she got outside help.

I want to be clear, I do not hate Kairi, in fact I'm tired of her being used as a plot device and desperately want her to have a major role in KH III, maybe even be playable, but I cannot ignore the fact that for two games she has needed to be saved, whether she she took it laying down or not is not the point.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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The worst development in the series, by far.

I want her to have a great role in KH3 and I think she would be the perfect choice for the first character we play in KH3. Teaching the new controls and stuff.

Edited by Sakuraba Neku

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Tracking Kairi's(quote unquote) "Evolution:


BBS:In need of saving from Unversed


KH1:Kidnapped by Ansem SoDMaleficent


KH2:Kidnapped by Organization XIII


Yeah...three times are more than how many times the average Disney princess got kidnapped(unless you count the Aladdin TV show that occurs after the second movie in which Jasmine gets kidnapped A LOT)


I'm not expecting her to not get kidnapped in KH3 cuz it's Xehanort's easy bait to lure Sora into the darkness and make him the thirteenth vessel again


Sure she'll have a couple of moments of self defense but she'll get kidnapped anyway and realize her role as the Princess Peach of the KH series

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Tracking Kairi's(quote unquote) "Evolution:


BBS:In need of saving from Unversed


KH1:Kidnapped by Ansem SoDMaleficent


KH2:Kidnapped by Organization XIII


Yeah...three times are more than how many times the average Disney princess got kidnapped(unless you count the Aladdin TV show that occurs after the second movie in which Jasmine gets kidnapped A LOT)


I'm not expecting her to not get kidnapped in KH3 cuz it's Xehanort's easy bait to lure Sora into the darkness and make him the thirteenth vessel again


Sure she'll have a couple of moments of self defense but she'll get kidnapped anyway and realize her role as the Princess Peach of the KH series








KH2: Ran away from axel. Escaped on her own.





DDD: Captured by young xehanort


KH2: Captured by xemnas


CoM: captured by Organisation XIII using Namine





Kidnapped by axel


Kidnapped by axel again then captured by xemnas


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KH2: Ran away from axel. Escaped on her own.





DDD: Captured by young xehanort


KH2: Captured by xemnas


CoM: captured by Organisation XIII using Namine





Kidnapped by axel


Kidnapped by axel again then captured by xemnas


Calm down calm down no need to get angry and fangirly over something like this


I'm not mocking anyone who likes Kairi but they really need to improve her 


Besides,she only fought for ONE BRIEF MOMENT in KH2 swinging blindly on the weak little Shadow heartlesses,after that she didn't fight until the end of KH2


Also,Why did you call me a dumbass over a fictional character?


if this happened again ,then that report button will be used

Edited by Red Tribal

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Calm down calm down no need to get angry and fangirly over something like this


I'm not mocking anyone who likes Kairi but they really need to improve her 


Besides,she only fought for ONE BRIEF MOMENT in KH2 swinging blindly on the weak little Shadow heartlesses,after that she didn't fight until the end of KH2



She killed them in one hit. Sora took several hits to kill a shadow when he first had the keyblade, and he was just as clumsy. All keyblade weilders are when they first get their keyblades. How dare you imply that she has to be perfect at everything just to satisfy you. 



She is a strong character. I have wrote whole essays with evidence from many of the sources in the series that proves it. I'm not going to write it again for every little asshat boy and girl like you. I'm tired of having to ram the truth into you stupid fanboys and girls who don't take Kairi and Sora seriously and just think of them how you like even if they're not like that in the canon. Piss off. You be corrected enough when kh3 comes out

Edited by KittensOnFire

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She killed them in one hit. Sora took several hits to kill a shadow when he first had the keyblade, and he was just as clumsy. All keyblade weilders are when they first get their keyblades. How dare you imply that she has to be perfect at everything just to satisfy you. 



She is a strong character. I have wrote whole essays with evidence from many of the sources in the series that proves it. I'm not going to write it again for every little asshat boy and girl like you. I'm tired of having to ram the truth into you stupid fanboys and girls who don't take Kairi and Sora seriously and just think of them how you like even if they're not like that in the canon. Piss off. You be corrected enough when kh3 comes out

Look I don't mind people correcting me cuz I'm a human and I make mistakes


but when you call me a dumbass,asshat and tells me to piss off....then I draw the line

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Tracking Kairi's(quote unquote) "Evolution:


BBS:In need of saving from Unversed


KH1:Kidnapped by Ansem SoDMaleficent


KH2:Kidnapped by Organization XIII


Yeah...three times are more than how many times the average Disney princess got kidnapped(unless you count the Aladdin TV show that occurs after the second movie in which Jasmine gets kidnapped A LOT)


I'm not expecting her to not get kidnapped in KH3 cuz it's Xehanort's easy bait to lure Sora into the darkness and make him the thirteenth vessel again


Sure she'll have a couple of moments of self defense but she'll get kidnapped anyway and realize her role as the Princess Peach of the KH series

BbS. She was four. Of course she couldn't do anything. Sora and Riku would have needed to be saved too had the Destiny Islands been attacked.KH I. She was comatose. Of course she was helpless.KH II. I'll give you this, but keep in mind that, even skinny as he is, Axel has far greater physical strength then Kairi, Strength that was likely augmented by becoming a Nobody. But at least she tried to resist. She ran away first chance she got and when he found her again she tried to pull away. And don't forget, she actually did manage to escape from Axel a second time but the Saix showed up who is likely stronger and certainly more ruthless.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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BbS. She was four. Of course she couldn't do anything. Sora and Riku would have needed to be saved too had the Destiny Islands been attacked.KH I. She was comatose. Of course she was helpless.KH II. I'll give you this, but keep in mind that, even skinny as he is, Axel has far greater physical strength then Kairi, Strength that was likely augmented by becoming a Nobody. But at least she tried to resist. She ran away first chance she got and when he found her again she tried to pull away. And don't forget, she actually did manage to escape from Axel a second time but the Saix showed up who is likely stringer and certainly more ruthless.

Well Axel's fighting style is supposed to mimic the assassin's class from the Final Fantasy games(each member represent a class) so regardless of skinniness he's still an expert fighter


Sure she "tried" to resist but she ended up being a damsel again making her another burden for Sora and Riku who has far more bigger problems to deal with


Just because she whacked a Shadow or two in the head doesn't make her super duper expert badass fighter that some of the fanbase make her look

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Well Axel's fighting style is supposed to mimic the assassin's class from the Final Fantasy games(each member represent a class) so regardless of skinniness he's still an expert fighter


Sure she "tried" to resist but she ended up being a damsel again making her another burden for Sora and Riku who has far more bigger problems to deal with


Just because she whacked a Shadow or two in the head doesn't make her super duper expert badass fighter that some of the fanbase make her look

And that, my good sir, is exactly the point of this thread, To show that Kairi has slowly but surly been learning to defend herself. As I said before, In kH 1 she was unable to do anything without her heart, (Another interesting parallel to the early Princess movies because the effect is basically the same as the Sleeping Curse that Snow White and Aurora were under)  Yet in KH II, she was able to resist, for a time and eventually fight, perhaps not on Sora or RIku's level, but enough to get by. And this is why i expect her to play and active role in KH III. She may not reach the same level of epic badassery as her friends, but she'll finally be able to defend herself and help them without being in the way.


In fact, If you want to go all the way back to BbS one could say that even from there to KH I she improved as by hiding her heart within Sora she was taking steps to protect herself.


The bottom line is, the way I see it, Kairi basically represents all the Disney Princesses throughout the ages in the way that she's changed.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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And that, my good sir, is exactly the point of this thread, To show that Kairi has slowly but surly learning to defend herself. As I said before, In kH 1 she was unable to do anything without her heart, (Another intresetign parallel to the early Princess movies because the effect is basically the same as the Sleeping Curse that Snow White and Aurora were under)  Yet in KH II, she was able to resist, for a time and eventually fight, perhaps not on Sora or RIku's level, but enough to get by. And this is why i expect her to play and active role in KH III. She may no treach the  epic as her friends, but she'll finally be able to defend hersel help.

My point is,in KH3 I want her to be useful,to actually contribute something to the plot that isn't either getting kidnapped or just appear for a couple of seconds cameo like some of the previous games


Though I'm expecting her to get kidnapped again....I'd like to think that this won't happen

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My point is,in KH3 I want her to be useful,to actually contribute something to the plot that isn't either getting kidnapped or just appear for a couple of seconds cameo like some of the previous games


Though I'm expecting her to get kidnapped again....I'd like to think that this won't happen

Then we are in accordance. As said above, the point of this thread is to show that this is indeed the direction in which she is moving.


Though I wouldn't mind her being captured again only if she manages to break out on her own and rejoin the others with no outside assistance whatsoever.

Edited by Isamu_Kuno

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