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Comics What Type Of Superheroes Do You Prefer?

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Do you prefer ones with sci-fi/fantasy powers and/or have mystical objects (a la Green Lantern's power ring)


Or just non-powered vigilantes (Batman and Punisher)


I prefer ones with actual superpowers, how about you?

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*Note, this is going based purely off Superhero movies, as I don't read comics*


I prefer ones like Batman and Ironman, normal (well, my two examples were rich guys, but eh) people that have cool gadgets and lay down their own form of vigilante justice. Mostly because they are innately not as heroic and special as the superheros with innate powers that others do not or cannot possess, which I like better in a character. That isn't to say I dislike the other two types, though.

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I love both types of superheroes.  There's no denying that both types are awesome!  On the superpower side, look at Spider Man, Thor, Doctor Strange, etc.  They are amazing and have a variety of incredible powers!  Non powered vigilantes are also badass, Batman being a prime example.  I mean seriously, a multi-billionare genius with top tech gadgets and an amazing knowledge of martial arts and incredible detective skills?  I say heck to the yes!  I love every kind of hero, ooo, especially anti-heroes like Ghost Rider! :D

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