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Power Jusho

Which game should I get: Tales of Xillia 2 or Bravely Default?

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My birthday is coming up on Friday and my dad asked me what I wanted and I'm having a hard decision of which game I want to get: Tales of Xillia 2 or Bravely Default. I have Tales of Xillia so I should just continue on with ToX 2 but I wanted to play Bravely Default because of the demo I played. Both games are long and have a lot of content and made by my favorite companies. So hard to choose!!

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Why couldn't this be something easy like "I.5 or bubonic plague?"


I beat Tales of Xillia myself and still haven't gotten the second game, to be honest Bavely Default peaks my interest more but that's because it's completely new to me


So my vote (don't hurt me Xillia fans) is Bravely Default, but in an ideal word you'd be able to request both

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You already know what i say.


But i'm not saying get Bravely Default cuz i played it, i'm saying get Bravely Default because i never played/heard of Tales of Xillia 1 and 2 lol


But what i heard something from Tiz in Bravely Default, you have to make your own choice.


Another word of advice, choose the game you want the most and save your money for the other one.

Edited by GotMilk5101520

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Always go with the Square Enix title.

Hey man, the Tales series are really really good RPGs, and if you ask me, they've stood up to changing standards in the gaming world better than FF and other SE titles have.So, I am going to say Xillia 2 as my vote.

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Personally, I'd get Tales of Xillia 2. Tales of Xillia was awesome.


But Bravely Default is really interesting, and it seems to me like an old-school Final Fantasy, which is a good thing. 

But I always go for the console, sit on couch, big-screen game when I have to make a choice like that.

Edited by wolfsinner

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