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Am I the only one who is not that big on the open-world concept?

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As some of you already know, I am not that the "I want to explore for the heck of it" kind of guy. I want to have the purpose of exploring and exploring to just explore doesn't really fulfill my purpose of playing the game. If the game forces you to explore the world I think it should do the following:


1. make a clear purpose for why I should explore (other than just exploring for fun)


2. Have story development after you do an event in a game to make the game more interesting (it also gives me a reason on why I should explore the vast world)


3. Have a bunch of sidequests scattered around the world(something like Majora's Mask's sidequests) It would be cool if some of the sidequests gives you some sort of power ups that make you and your weapon even stronger.


The three points I just showed you are the things I'd like to see in Zelda U, but I'd also like to see this in affect for other open-world games that I find interesting. 

Edited by Toon Link

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My joy for Open World games began with Naruto : Rise of a Ninja. It was the Naruto game I always dreamed for... Anyway when I think of a open world game with a good connection between the Main Plot and side quest, i think of GTA and Sphinx...




Edited by Gamerazor247

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I'm the exploring kind of guy in video games so I like open worlds even if the exploration is not rewarded,that's why I like Zelda,Pokemon,Super Mario 64,Xenoblade,Metroid,Metroidvania,Grand theft Auto and Final Fantasy(the ones with open worlds of course) so much

Edited by Isaix

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1. make a clear purpose for why I should explore (other than just exploring for fun)


2. Have story development after you do an event in a game to make the game more interesting (it also gives me a reason on why I should explore the vast world)


3. Have a bunch of sidequests scattered around the world(something like Majora's Mask's sidequests) It would be cool if some of the sidequests gives you some sort of power ups that make you and your weapon even stronger.


So, you're basically describing nearly every open world game ever made. I've never played one that didn't fulfill at least two of those conditions.


Personally, i would hate an open world video game that made me do anything; the fun of those kinds of games is exploring around and discovering what kinds of hidden places the game world has tucked away in the far corners of the map. If it's a game that's in an open world but it's constantly trying to force me to explore because of story or whatever, then it defeats the purpose of an open world game. A good open world game is inticing but never intrusive.

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So, you're basically describing nearly every open world game ever made. I've never played one that didn't fulfill at least two of those conditions.


Personally, i would hate an open world video game that made me do anything; the fun of those kinds of games is exploring around and discovering what kinds of hidden places the game world has tucked away in the far corners of the map. If it's a game that's in an open world but it's constantly trying to force me to explore because of story or whatever, then it defeats the purpose of an open world game. A good open world game is inticing but never intrusive.

Couldn't agree more. 

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As long as there's actually stuff to do, I'm fine with open world. I really don't care about a story as long as the gameplay is fun.

I respect your opinion and my opinion is the opposite of yours. I mean I'm fine with the open world if the story is good, I don't really care about the gameplay much. Story in a video game gives me a reasons to play the game and a reason to explore the open world. I hope zelda u is like that. 



So, you're basically describing nearly every open world game ever made. I've never played one that didn't fulfill at least two of those conditions.


Personally, i would hate an open world video game that made me do anything; the fun of those kinds of games is exploring around and discovering what kinds of hidden places the game world has tucked away in the far corners of the map. If it's a game that's in an open world but it's constantly trying to force me to explore because of story or whatever, then it defeats the purpose of an open world game. A good open world game is inticing but never intrusive.


I think you're basically saying that my opinion is contradicting itself because the point of an open world zelda game is to explore. 

Edited by Toon Link

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It really depends. Open world games can often be unfocused, and if you have crappy traversal mechanics, it makes it a real chore to get through. Assassin's Creed games do it well enough by offering fast-travel, but ones you have to earn first, and Infamous games do it very well by combining your powers with the environment to make getting around fast AND fun.


But there's also plenty of games where it doesn't work as well; a lot of "RPG-based open worlds", like Ni-No-Kuni, Bravely Default, Final Fantasy titles etc. are a royal pain to meander through until you get the fast-travel options, which end up being really late in the game anyway.


If it's a world worth exploring, then it's fun. Your mileage will vary; Skyrim and medieval fantasy worlds usually bore the crap out of me, for instance, but Assassin's Creed games are always vibrant and full of things to do, so I enjoy that.

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