SRKTVAMDGRLXN 232 Posted January 8, 2015 Sure, KH2's Atlantica was pretty awful and lame (TO ME, OK?) since you literally did nothing there (in gameplay terms) besides swimming around, dancing and singing (ewww). I agree on that. But, come on guys, did you really think that Atlantica in KH1 and in Re:CoM was a bad idea? This world is my favorite in KH1 and I really did enjoy it in the first game and in Re:CoM (althought, I must admit: I would have enjoyed it a lot more in the latter game if Sora, Donald and Goofy were in their "aquatic" forms, not in their normal outfits). People keep complaining the gameplay mechanic was rather difficult, that it was very hard to swim around and attack enemies at the same time. I POLITELY DISAGREE. For me, it was easy, simple, fun and very different... Let me know your opinions, guys... Love and peace... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
khfan02 56 Posted January 8, 2015 It wasn't entirely my favorite world but I really did like it better in kh1. I think the only reason I didn't like it is because of the damn under the sea song that played constantly throughout 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Key Sharkz 69 Posted January 8, 2015 In KH1 the annoyance was constantly trying to readjust the camera to see what you were doing, and half of your moves and abilities didn't work there, making it frustrating. In 2 it's just an annoying drawn out cutscene with singing. It's better than one because at least you don't have to attempt to fight there, but it's still annoying to me. 1 Oli reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted January 8, 2015 It wasn't entirely my favorite world but I really did like it better in kh1. I think the only reason I didn't like it is because of the damn under the sea song that played constantly throughoutAnd Ursla. Don't forget that put please haired trident stealing gigantic squid women! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demyx. 10,064 Posted January 8, 2015 (edited) I love Atlantica in KH2. It's a nice change of pace. In KH1 it was just boring. and how could you not love, "Sorry mommy your poopsies are toast!" Edited January 8, 2015 by Squirting Demyx 3 King_Graham, Movies798 and HeyMouseSayCheese reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caity 3,946 Posted January 8, 2015 In KH1 people didn't like the swimming controls or camera controls (and if you equipped mermaid kick you've have a habit of trying to move up and instead blasting forward), for KH2, people didn't like the mini game element, though the swimming controls were improved IMO. Also Atlantica in KH1 on the PS3 is easier than the PS2 version, which is the one a lot of complainants would be referencing to and may still have a bitter taste regarding it. I personally like both, Atlantica in KH2 was a welcomed break for when I felt like playing but didn't want to fight anything, like the minigames in Disney town or "jobs" in KH2's twilight town. I also enjoy reaction/rhythm based games. The only reason I wouldn't want Atlantica in KH3, is because I'm kinda hoping for Atlantis and 2 underwater themed worlds in one game seems a bit much, but I liked the idea of an easter egg in an Atlantis based world of seeing Ariel's silhouette swimming on the outskirts. I personally think the new adventure into Atlantis would be more exciting than trying to create a story for KH2 (since we got a premature one in KH1, then the movie in KH2, I don't really care to meet Melody right now) for Ariel. There could be a submarine dive into the ocean with the team where you fight that giant lobster for one. Want. 3 Robbie the Wise, Oli and Kalen Bellamy reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dave 5,715 Posted January 8, 2015 Because people hate fun. The sheer number of people begging for death, or wanting Sora to give in to Darkness, or demanding a more "mature" element to the series, is proof of that. 6 Demyx., Dracozombie, Robbie the Wise and 3 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emrys 3,192 Posted January 8, 2015 the controls are shit the songs suck. the script for the world feels rushed and horribly written. in kh2 I only do it for the oricalcum+ I hate ursala the keyblade you get from beating it sucks in BOTH games sora looks stupid as a mermaid they never show the cooky seagull who in my opinion was the best character in all of the little mermaid. they never fully explain which magic to use on the cauldron with the first ursala fight that whole riding the dolphin thing was not fun but a chore Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psychic_Ketchup 367 Posted January 8, 2015 I like KH1's and 2's iterations (because CoM's didn't stand out much), but only because they're different. I like how in KH1 you can freely move vertically and quite fast. But I dislike that you can't guard and dodge roll, and the first Ursala fight was just plain awful. I like how in KH2 the world is fairly unique, and a nice change of pace. And I actually kinda like the songs. That said, it's very easy to see why people do not like it, because it does feel out of place, and you have to suspend your disbelief a bit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WonderHeroe 32 Posted January 8, 2015 I did like Atlantica in KH moreso than in KH II. I mean, the timed button pressing games were fun but it felt more like a mini game than a actually gameplay, if you know what I mean. With KH, Atlantica was really a world you explore and fight enemies. The controls were pretty wonky sure but remember it was the first KH game (You can't even use the right analog stick to control the camera!). I'm sure if they include Atlantica again that the controls would be MUCH better. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Demyx. 10,064 Posted January 8, 2015 Because people hate fun. The sheer number of people begging for death, or wanting Sora to give in to Darkness, or demanding a more "mature" element to the series, is proof of that. Thank you. 2 Dave and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted January 8, 2015 (edited) I liked Atlantica in KH2 throwback childhood songs ftw! Also "Sorry mommy your poopsies are toast" was priceless! Edited January 8, 2015 by devereauxr 2 Demyx. and Philip Ellwell reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BlankShell 638 Posted January 8, 2015 I liked them because they were different, but they're not everybody's cup of tea. KH1 had some spotty combat controls (and whose idea was it to make treasure chests that open based on certain spells? So annoying), while KH2 was basically just a dragged out minigame that you couldn't finish all in one go and had to keep revisiting, which fragmented the story in a really awful way. It's easy enough to enjoy them for what they are, but there's a reason people dislike them as worlds. Plus, in 2, there's a major plot dissonance. "No heartless around? whelp better kill some time in that super not-urgent quest I have finding my friends". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XxBlossomingNobodyxX 298 Posted January 8, 2015 I liked Atlantica, but I usually like things that most KH fans dont like lol (Re:coded) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forever 3,550 Posted January 8, 2015 Better than Monstro. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hero of Light XIV 2,381 Posted January 8, 2015 Well, I wouldn't say that there's "hate" (at least, not from me), but it usually is kind of a pace-breaker in the games it's featured in (save for Re:CoM). The KH1 gameplay was a bit weird, but honestly it's not that bad, and it is a pretty creative style of play that adds variety to the game. KH2...welllllll, yeah, it's not the world that I like to go to over and over again, but it's mostly because there isn't much to do other than sing (which seems to be trickier in 2.5 than I remember...). Only about half of the songs are actually appealing to me, which would include the two movie songs and Ursula's Revenge. The other two original songs, while their music is fun, the lyrics and quality of voice work is just a little too silly and easy-bake for me. Haley Joel Osmett has sung before, and he has a decent voice, but you can still tell that he doesn't have that much singing experience to really keep up with Ariel. I also like how they're all pretending Donald can actually sing (I imagine he was quite the diva backstage, lol). Sebastion isn't voiced by the same guy anymore, so his work in Under the Sea isn't that noteworthy.Songs aside, the only other thing that throws me off about Atlantica in KH2 is it's plot. You can tell that they wanted to be more involved with the original story, but they brutally wrote themselves into a corner by killing off Ursula in the last game. They had this same problem in Halloween Town, with Oggie not being around to wreck Christmas. However, they came up with a creative way to bring him back, which they actually went to the effort of displaying for you (sure, Maleficent can just bring people back from the dead now, but death is such a loose concept in KH that I'm willing to let it slide. Better than no explanation at all.) But with Ursula?...Yeah, she's just kind of back now. I mean, the journal technically says "she used the powers of darkness to return", but they never explicitly state that in any scene and you'd have to actually read through the journal to know that. What's worse though is that everyone, or at least Ariel of all people, seems to have forgotten the fact that she tricked everyone already and that she was already dead! Um, HELLO!? Ariel, anyone home!? It's not like she learns much in the original movie or the first game anyway, but to have been THIS blindly trusting and forgetful? I wouldn't go so far as to call her an airhead (waterhead?), but geeEEEEEZZZzzze!While it's a little annoying and mind-nummingly confusing sometimes, I wouldn't say that it was a terrible level though. I enjoyed it's variety, even if the first Atlantica fit in with the series a little better. I just hope that KH3 doesn't try to capitalize on Frozen's soundtrack as heavily as they did with Little Mermaid's. Better than Monstro.Yeah, I will say that I'd rather take being transformed into a merman over getting swallowed alive by a gigantic space whale anyday. I'll sing if I have to, just keep me away from bodily organs. 2 SRKTVAMDGRLXN and Philip Ellwell reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Movies798 1,359 Posted January 8, 2015 I have nothing against Atlantica in KH2. I like get because we a chance to see Sora, Donald, and Goofy having fun for a change. And I love the music playing in the background while I was swimming in KH2, much better than the Under the Sea music from KH1. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Philip Ellwell 5,487 Posted January 8, 2015 I liked it in KH II: Jodie Benson as Ariel is a guilty pleasure. Storywise, it serves no purpose, but I enjoyed it more in KH 1. I wouldn't mind a combo world with both Ariel singing, possibly as a cutscene rather than mini game, and the aquatic combat. Sora's model needs work, though: He looked odd as a shark-person whatever, and his hips suddenly got huge. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dracozombie 4,554 Posted January 8, 2015 I actually didn't hate KH1 Atlantica, and honestly I never bothered to play 2's since it's just an optional rhythm games (and I don't like rhythm games). Even so, like a lot of others say, KH1's swimming controls were fairly clunky -- and KH1 already had clunky controls in general. For me, Atlantica stood out in sort of a bad way. You play normally literally everywhere else in the game, and then there's Atlantica. Switching up controls for a bit isn't inherently a bad thing at all, but KH1 didn't have the finesse to really pull it off imo. So it stands out as an oddity that you're pretty much forced to grin and bear. For me, the annoyance just came from having to constantly manually adjust your altitude, so fighting felt awkward. Then again, I have the same complaint with Neverland's flight mechanics, but at least with Neverland you have the option of landing and fighting normally. The entirety of Atlantica is like flying in Neverland, though. That sad, I think Atlantica hate is a little overblown, though it's fun to make it a joke. I don't like its controls, but I like the world's aesthetics. It also helps I seem to be among the few who can tolerate its music. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted January 8, 2015 I don't like it in KH2, it was such a pain in the neck for me since I'm not used to rhythm games and they didn't really help me learn how to play through that world. The only good thing that came out of it was the song Ursula's Revenge, which is great and funny in my opinion. But I didn't mind the world in KH1 and COM, as they fit more into the main story and just had something special about them. But do I wish for the day that the world comes back in another KH game? Nope, I am the complete opposite. I hope it never comes back, I just hope they use the underwater gameplay again for a better movie, like Atlantis or even Finding Nemo. Just something different than Little Mermaid. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exiblade7 1,917 Posted January 8, 2015 I hate the Atlantica in kingdom hearts 2 because I don't like the minigames in the world. I think the one in kingdom hearts 1 is a lot better because I'd prefer fighting heartless over singing any day. 1 SRKTVAMDGRLXN reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rarzhn 10 Posted January 8, 2015 The controls were awful in KH1 The singing passages were afwul in KH2 chain of memories was ok since it was like any other world. 1 Sendou Aichi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Raphael Millon 87 Posted January 9, 2015 Atlantica in KH2 > Painful death > Atlantica in KH1 I rest my case. kbye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SRKTVAMDGRLXN 232 Posted January 9, 2015 (edited) It wasn't entirely my favorite world but I really did like it better in kh1. I think the only reason I didn't like it is because of the damn under the sea song that played constantly throughout Really? But it was only an instrumental version... In KH1 the annoyance was constantly trying to readjust the camera to see what you were doing, and half of your moves and abilities didn't work there, making it frustrating. In 2 it's just an annoying drawn out cutscene with singing. It's better than one because at least you don't have to attempt to fight there, but it's still annoying to me. That was unfortunate for sure...I would love to see how Sora would execute Sonic Blade, Strike Raid, Ars Arcanum, Ragnarok and Trinity Limit under the water in his mermaid form (of course). That's exactly the reason I dislike it (gameplay wise) in KH2...You don't do anything there, no fights, no magic commands... The controls were awful in KH1 The singing passages were afwul in KH2 chain of memories was ok since it was like any other world. Awful? Maybe for some people, but I didn't really find it difficult to figure out. Besides, it's a different mechanic, right? I hate the Atlantica in kingdom hearts 2 because I don't like the minigames in the world. I think the one in kingdom hearts 1 is a lot better because I'd prefer fighting heartless over singing any day. AT LAST, SOMEBODY AGREES...we're friends now... And Ursla. Don't forget that put please haired trident stealing gigantic squid women! Guys, really, Ursula is one of the easiest boss battles I've ever faced (OK, maybe she gets annoying when she constantly summons lightning to attack you, right? But not difficult. I face her on both times ONLY when Goofy has that ability, which can't remember the name right now, when he sacrifices 2 bars of his MP and give three bars to a party member). I love Atlantica in KH2. It's a nice change of pace. In KH1 it was just boring. and how could you not love, "Sorry mommy your poopsies are toast!" I really loved the world and its gameplay mechanics in the first game. I liked that very much, but, if they were to include cutscenes only in this world, they'd better saved it for Re: Coded, right? Well, I wouldn't say that there's "hate" (at least, not from me), but it usually is kind of a pace-breaker in the games it's featured in (save for Re:CoM). The KH1 gameplay was a bit weird, but honestly it's not that bad, and it is a pretty creative style of play that adds variety to the game. KH2...welllllll, yeah, it's not the world that I like to go to over and over again, but it's mostly because there isn't much to do other than sing (which seems to be trickier in 2.5 than I remember...). Only about half of the songs are actually appealing to me, which would include the two movie songs and Ursula's Revenge. The other two original songs, while their music is fun, the lyrics and quality of voice work is just a little too silly and easy-bake for me. Haley Joel Osmett has sung before, and he has a decent voice, but you can still tell that he doesn't have that much singing experience to really keep up with Ariel. I also like how they're all pretending Donald can actually sing (I imagine he was quite the diva backstage, lol). Sebastion isn't voiced by the same guy anymore, so his work in Under the Sea isn't that noteworthy.Songs aside, the only other thing that throws me off about Atlantica in KH2 is it's plot. You can tell that they wanted to be more involved with the original story, but they brutally wrote themselves into a corner by killing off Ursula in the last game. They had this same problem in Halloween Town, with Oggie not being around to wreck Christmas. However, they came up with a creative way to bring him back, which they actually went to the effort of displaying for you (sure, Maleficent can just bring people back from the dead now, but death is such a loose concept in KH that I'm willing to let it slide. Better than no explanation at all.) But with Ursula?...Yeah, she's just kind of back now. I mean, the journal technically says "she used the powers of darkness to return", but they never explicitly state that in any scene and you'd have to actually read through the journal to know that. What's worse though is that everyone, or at least Ariel of all people, seems to have forgotten the fact that she tricked everyone already and that she was already dead! Um, HELLO!? Ariel, anyone home!? It's not like she learns much in the original movie or the first game anyway, but to have been THIS blindly trusting and forgetful? I wouldn't go so far as to call her an airhead (waterhead?), but geeEEEEEZZZzzze!While it's a little annoying and mind-nummingly confusing sometimes, I wouldn't say that it was a terrible level though. I enjoyed it's variety, even if the first Atlantica fit in with the series a little better. I just hope that KH3 doesn't try to capitalize on Frozen's soundtrack as heavily as they did with Little Mermaid's.Yeah, I will say that I'd rather take being transformed into a merman over getting swallowed alive by a gigantic space whale anyday. I'll sing if I have to, just keep me away from bodily organs. I think the fact that Naminé reconnecting Sora's memories affected Ariel's way too much... Edited January 9, 2015 by SRKTVAMDGRLXN 1 Exiblade7 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ForsakenAngel 14 Posted January 9, 2015 In KH1 swimming was a pain and the enemies sucked. In KH2 it's just boring and I think it was weird. I like the movies but it just wasn't a good world I think. Also I think she should have been a princess of heart instead of Alice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites