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Another Kingdom Hearts X(chi) Reference in 2.5

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So I know the twilight mansion could have a possible backstory with all the unicorns but I've something else that is interesting in twilight town and its a bear in the other side of town with the sunset hill and 7 wonders. Now I haven't looked for many other possible references to the 5 tribes or whatever they're called in x chi and if someone could look around twilight town for any more that would be great. Another thing is that I think twilight town and daybreak town are somehow connected. Just look how similar the 2 names twilight and daybreak are. This could be possible but I'm just throwing things out there xD


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My (and a lot of other people's) theory is that Daybreak Town = Cable Town or alternatively Daybreak Town = Twilight Town.

However it is curious that there are small signs like that in Twilight Town.

Edited by AuraAce

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I was actually going around the mansion and the town and noticed that.  Along with the fact that the clock tower's design itself looks like it has wings.

Also inside the mansion on the walls there's little gold emblems.  If you look a little closer they look like some kind of feline.  A leopard perhaps?

Edit: here's a picture of it

Posted Image

Edited by khoathkeeper13

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On 3/15/2015 at 10:16 PM, devereauxr said:

I've seen that from other angle and to say that's a bear is really stretching it.


Edited by Ventus99

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