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My brother got attacked today.

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By his ex-girlfriend. The reason why? Because he left her.Also, it turns out she wasn't so nice at all. She was just tricking us to think she's nice.


I hope it wasn't serious enough to press charges? If its bad, do contact and report it to the police.

I hope you and your family be safe and sound.


All the best!

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The sad part is he can't attack her back since he (shouldn't) be hitting other girls.


Uh, no. Speaking as a girl, I don't care about your sex/gender/whatever, if you're physically violent toward someone, you shouldn't be in the least bit surprised if you experience likewise in retaliation (and depending on the circumstance, said retaliation may well be justified, or at least understandable).

Edited by Ultima Spark

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All I can say is, that kind of girlfriend sucks. Someone should call the police & have them arrest her. This is why you should watch out for yanderes.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I'm as a woman as well, I would say that what your brother ex girlfriend had done was not nice moreover, it's cruel for a woman. I just hope your brother is okay. Hope the best as well for your brother.

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