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Epi Carrero

KHUX Which is the strongest Keyblade in KHUX?

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There isn't really any single most powerful keyblade in UX. But the three I strongly reccomend are Treasure Trove, Three Wishes, and Lady Luck. They boost stats for only one type each, but they compensate for that with very high boosts to those slots, making your powerful medals even more powerful! Starlight is well-balanced, perfect for just playing the game casually. The keyblade you use should depend on your play style, plus what medals you have.



Rock on!

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What he said, and here's my two cents as a player that's 1 turn cleared everything except the lvl 140 proud dungeons (working on it now :P).  


What is strongest always depends on what dungeon your doing.  For those that are one type only (Super super common) the focused keyblade for the type that's advantageous against that dungeon is always superior.  Those would be Treasure Trove for Strength.   Lady Luck for Speed.  Treasure Trove for Magic.  Olympus, while it has potential, is currently the weakest keyblade since it currently only goes up to lvl 10 and the 5th medal slot is not currently available.  Expect that to change in later updates though and since Olympus currently has a killer 2.0 Strength slot at level 10 it'll probably be very very powerful once it gets its 5th slot.  


Which one you should do first is obviously based on which type you have the strongest medals in.  I would recommend Starlight as a good basic option if you have good medals spread across the types, and also as I expect multi-type dungeons to become much much more common later in the game and starlight is ideal for those.  Personally, I use primarily Lady Luck and Starlight as I have good medals across all types but have particularly powerful skilled up medals in Speed.  


If there's any further questions I can try and help )

Edited by Emuemuman

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If I can jump in here, I think another thing to take into account is the abilities of your medal set-up - it's tough because it's all in Japanese (i also never pay attention to this either), but the quest menu often tells you what kind of abilities would be good (single or multi target). i just grabbed this cap off my blog, but here it says that magic element (blue) medals would be effective, and since there are a lot of enemies, abilities that attack the whole enemy party would be best. it would probably be a good idea to have a variety of medals that do both, and you can tweak your set up for harder quests depending on the target enemy.

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I used up all my Oris but I still have one keyblade that doesn't have a 5th slot(no not the Olympus). I already completed all 250 stages so far, and gotten the one in the proud quest. Did I miss any Oris or is just that I can't fully max all keyblades so far?

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I used up all my Oris but I still have one keyblade that doesn't have a 5th slot(no not the Olympus). I already completed all 250 stages so far, and gotten the one in the proud quest. Did I miss any Oris or is just that I can't fully max all keyblades so far?


those are all the orichalcums available right now. they should be adding another 50 quests this month, so you should be able to upgrade that last one soon!

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