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Ultima Sage

Need some tips on my channel

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For a long time I really wanted to become kingdom hearts youtuber eversince i got the required things to do it, i went to work as soon as possible So yesterday I uploaded a kingdom hearts gameplay video and I was hoping if anyone could go check out my first video and give me some tips



Edited by Ultima Sage

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Try getting a capture card to record the game directly, also you should discuss certain topics regarding KH, or if you don't have anything, don't talk at all.

After my 1.5 and 2.5 broke I plan on getting new copy's of those game this weekend and I plan on doing critical boss runs for every game but talking about kh related stuff is nice how about doing some top 10 videos

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Maybe, but you have to have interesting topics to do top 10s on, otherwise I would be hearing things that I already heard.

True I was thinking about top 10 keyblade transformations or stuff i hope for me 2.8

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here are some general tips:

-don't do camcorder LPs

-have a few topics thought up beforehand so you'll have things to say

-don't worry about filling up dead air with talking. nothing every thought is worth saying aloud

-provide some insight or strategy to the game you're featuring so that it can be informal

-don't bank on having loads of material for a channel dedicated to one series. you may end up doing tons of filler videos and terrible top 10s like "Top 10 Items in KH" or something lame

-don't do commentary that just mimics what a typical gamer would say while playing the game. think of what you can add to the scenario to improve or enhance it. as i mentioned earlier, tips or strategies.


if all else fails, put up a facecam, yell and act "whacky" a lot, repeat things over and over, sing along with the game music and just pander to the lowest audience demographic


EDIT: also here's an idea don't upload a video where half of it is frozen footage of the gameplay with white noise clipping in and out

Edited by Headphone Jack

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