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A Reminder to Those Who Are Having It Rough.

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Thank you so much for this, I'm gonna save it in a word document for the rough days!  :smile:

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I couldn't help but click on this topic after seeing the name of it, because well...I've been having it rough lately...emotionally rough, to be precise.  And well, it hasn't been easy.  But, thanks to your words, Hargle, I feel a little better.  Those words felt like an honest pat to the back, a reassurance that things will get better with time! I just have to believe things will turn out okay, ya know?


Thanks again for your kind words, Hargle. :)

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Its funny reading this - I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that a lot of us have had it rough, and then got through it to the next phase in life - kind of a rollcoaster gig. Anyways, these words scream hindsight - you look back and see the big picture and know you're past that stage/experience/whatever. 


The hardest lesson in life is to have the foresight to remember the bad times, the strength to not succumb to the emotions the memories bring, and to apply this percpective to help you be a more balanced, settled person come what may.


I think it's great this was shared - we are a community after all, so let's all look out for each other! 

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Amen! Truest words from Harglebargleboo. I always try to remember this when things get rough. It seems interesting to me that not everyone reads or bothers to listen to speeches like this, and yet they still wonder if they're worth it or they're alone. Everybody, and I mean everybody, should take this lesson to heart, or if not by heart, at least don't pretend it doesn't apply to them.


I care about so many people, even if they are evil, or are brainwashed to do one's evil deeds. I feel that they aren't really trying to be evil, they are just misguided by the world's behavior around them. I can relate: I've been told that these terrorists who kill others just because or "for their religion" can never change. I believe that's not true! We are all human beings, who are misguided by the world around us, and the extremely misguided won't change because nobody can reach out to them unless we try. Nobody would have to die if we just stop the fighting and work together.


Soldiers, every day, fight for their life and the lives of their country, and there is always at least 20 soldiers who die daily knowing their efforts aren't in vain. They lose their lives for US (not just the United States!) so that maybe one day we would rise out of this misery and make our mark in the world.


You are worth it. You were born for reasons you must discover yourself. You just have to take the first step!


"The future is ours to decide!" -Shulk from Xenoblade Chronicles


I could go on about this for a long time, but you now have something to do: Make your future the brightest you can.



Rock on!

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