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Ideas to make KH13 more "interesting"

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I have some ideas to make KH13 more "interesting" for users on here. Hopefully my ideas for this site come true.


Here's the ideas.




Ranks and Medals


Depending on the number of posts, the users will have a certain rank. These ranks will change when a user number of posts increase. For example, a user who is a rank of a darkside(Who have posts number of 30) can increase into dream eater by having over 100 posts. There's also exclusive ranks that only belongs to moderators, news team, webmasters, and contest winners. It will probably look this on the forums.

Posted Image


Also about the specials rank for contest winners, those ranks are temporary. They'll move to a different contest winner of the monthly event. Here's some ideas for these special and normal ranks:


Creeper- No matter how many posts you have, this ranks is with you until moderators decided you learned your lesson. (Only obtained after getting 3 temporary bans)


Shadow- The first rank you obtain on here. 0-30 posts.


Flood- Second rank. 30-70 posts.


Meow Wow- third rank. 70-100 posts.


Special ranks:


Moogle writer- Only obtained by being the fanfic writer of the month. The mods have to decide who made the best fanfic of the month



You guys can think of rest of the ranks.


Medals, you get for doing certain things. Like having over 200 posts or something like getting a like from a moderator. You guys can think up rest of the medals.



So, what you guys think? Can this happen in the next update?

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I don't think it's actually necesary, but it could make the site slightly more "interesting", however, you'll always get someone who doesn't agree for whatever reason (for example what Lea said).




EDIT: Actually, we've already got some sort of rank thingy: the number of likes you have

Edited by Xamtehwt MC (Trece)

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We don't need to rank people on post counts bc that encourages spam and crappy posts. You should aim for quality posts that actually contribute. Nor should we label people creepers based on rules violations because no one deserves to be humiliated for making mistakes. Hopefully they do learn from them though. We do have the like system too. In other words I feel this is unnecessary and chaotic.

scratchs headYou're right Lea about the posts. I guess I forgot about the bad outcomes. But about the medals, can they work?

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Couldn't agree more with Lea's response. It's really unnecessary in my opinion. It encourages spamming as said, and people shouldn't be rewarded for that. And when they violate the rules they shouldn't be publicly branded as such. That's not at all the right way to go about things, its more so between the staff and the violator. Not "Hey everyone! This shows that I did _____!" 

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Was gonna say what Xamhehwt said, we already kind of have a ranking system with regards to likes, it just isn't displayed under our avatar when we post but it's on our profile pages.  Could simply have medals made up for those to be displayed near your avatar, gets round the spamming issue of having it just related to post count as well.

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Depends on what the medals are for and if DC is willing to do it.



scratchs headYou're right Lea about the posts. I guess I forgot about the bad outcomes. But about the medals, can they work?


Daniel is currently working on v4 and with that will be our new awards system that we had in the past, but hasn't worked in a long time. Once v4 is out and 100% done, we will have an awards system that works like medals.

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Daniel is currently working on v4 and with that will be our new awards system that we had in the past, but hasn't worked in a long time. Once v4 is out and 100% done, we will have an awards system that works like medals.


Yeah but wasn't that for contributing things like news and whatnot? ( I could be wrong it's been awhile) I think OP wants an award system for other less serious things and that's what DC would have to decide upon.

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Yeah but wasn't that for contributing things like news and whatnot? ( I could be wrong it's been awhile) I think OP wants an award system for other less serious things and that's what DC would have to decide upon,


Daniel is expanding it and making it way different from before. I'm not sure of his plans yet, but I would assume it could be something with stuff that the OP had in mind.

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I disagree about the "Fanfic of the Month" aspect. The point of writing fanfictions should be solely to entertain people and to let out your creativity, not to compete. Doing this would only increase competition and give fanfiction writers the sense that they NEED to write if they want to "win."


Not only that, to decide which one is the best could be completely subjective and/or biased unless an entire team dedicated to just that decides together.


That's just my two cents, though, so if anyone wants to argue/build on my opinion, feel free to do so.

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