The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 4, 2016 Hey there everyone, how's it going!? Okay, I know what you're thinking! "Um, why would I talk about my flaws?" Well, it's because this is a topic I've been thinking about since last night and during the day today, ya know? Because you know how there are people that just love to point out flaws in everyone? I just wonder if they ever stop to realize their own flaws! With that in mind, I've made this thread so we can all gather and discuss our flaws, because hey, we're human beings, and if we're anything, we're flawed, but there's beauty in imperfection, ya know? But anyways, I'll start! I think I can safely say that one of the biggest flaws I have is being indecisive. Like, for example, there are a few shows I want to watch, but I don't know where to begin, and if it narrows down to just two choices, I have a tough time deciding, ya know? The same goes for cooking! Sometimes when I cook, I think to myself what I want to do, but then another idea pops into my head and then I start thinking about that, and before I know it, I'm indecisive about what I want to cook! This also applies to books that I see, video games, movies, etc. Sometimes there are two really good choices, and I just don't know which one I'd enjoy more, ya know? I hate being indecisive, and it's something that really bothers me! X_X Another big flaw I have is that sometimes I'm just too nice! Okay, wait, what I mean is, that when I try to be blunt, it doesn't work! Let me explain. You see, sometimes, when things happen or someone talks to me in a certain way, I think of a really good comeback or just some comment in general to throw back at the person, and though I picture it all great and dandy in my head, when it really comes to it, I just kind of shy out and don't say shit! It's frustrating! -_- It's like when I'm handing out job resumes! The heads of the establishments are like: "We're already full on employees, but if anything comes out, I'll let you know!" That's the response I always get, and sometimes I just want to go out and say: "Look, I know that I'm not the only one in the world looking for a job, and I know the economy is rough, but damn it, I am trying my hardest to get a job, but nothing happens as much as I try!" Like I said, it all sounds neat and awesome in my head, but when it comes to speaking my mind...well, I go flat. Sometimes I wish I could have the ability to be blunt, ya know? So yeah, those are my two biggest flaws! What about all of you? What would you say are your biggest flaws, things that you think mess you up personally? Feel free to share below, I won't judge, and no one here will judge, because we're a good community! We won't bite! ^_^ 2 littleTSUBAME and Veemon reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yuya Sakaki 5,212 Posted March 4, 2016 I give people too many chances and continue to believe there's still good inside them even after they've wronged me so much. So I guess that's along the lines of being "too nice." I'm willing to get hurt over and over again for someone. Also, like you, I'm indecisive and don't usually have set goals in mind when I want to do something. I just go in willy-nilly. I'm lazy sometimes too. Those I think are the biggest ones, but certainly not the only ones. Peace! 4 The Transcendent Key, AlixtheMagi13, Zola and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veemon 1,540 Posted March 4, 2016 My biggest flaw(s)... Lemme think... Well, I have this tendency to be shy about some things. True, you may see me on here as one of the most outgoing people here, however, that's nowhere near how I really react around people physically. I have SO much of a hard time making new friends, talking to new people, talking about my hobbies to my family, etc. It's always,"Steve's complainin' just because there's no one to talk to about Veemon or nuthin'." Coming straight from my brother's mouth. It's aggravating, but true in some ways. Another flaw? I suck so badly at sarcasm. Like, unless it's SUPER obvious to me, I may not get the sarcasm. But to be honest, I have never gotten to practice making those kinds of... What are they again? Well, whatever those are, I'm not good at them, and that right there is what got me in trouble with some of the other members on here. And those are only two of the many flaws I have. ^^ Wait, should I be saying this negatively, or in a good way? LOL Rock on! 4 The Transcendent Key, AlixtheMagi13, Col.Random and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted March 4, 2016 I'm perfect, geez! Kidding! I talk too much. HA! 12 MythrilMagician, Zola, Moochieh32 and 9 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mag77 405 Posted March 4, 2016 By far my biggest flaw is my perfectionism. Because of this, I have such a hard time doing creative things. Whenever I draw something, I hate it because its not how I envisioned it and think it looks horrible. I always get major writer's block because I want my writings to be perfect the first time around. And I have such a difficult time trying out new things because I want to be great at it immediately. Tying into this also are: my fear of failing, and comparing myself to others. Another flaw of mine is that I worry too much about everything. Because of that, I'm pretty stressed out almost all the time. I'm actually starting to become rather pessimistic and nihilistic due to all of my worry, and well... that worries me. Another flaw is that I'm extremely shy. I want friends (and a boyfriend) so bad, but I'm afraid of talking. I don't wanna bother others or offend them or get on their nerves. I don't wanna look stupid or arrogant either, but I have such a hard time conveying emotions to others. A lot of times people think I'm bored or sad when I'm not feeling either of these. The last flaw is that I am extremely emetophobic. Whenever I feel like I'm going to vomit, I get severe panic attacks. This is the only thing that causes me to get panic attacks, so if I can get over this fear, then it'll take away a lot of stress. Now that I think about it, this is what causes most of my worry, so I'll be good if I can stop this. Well, that's all I can think of, although I'm sure I have plenty more. And I know it wasn't very descriptive, but I'm very bad at explaining or describing things (another flaw I have) 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shard the Gentleman 2,891 Posted March 4, 2016 *takes out huge book the size of pluto* Let's see here *tsk tsk tsk* Ah-ha! Number one... the only one I plan on saying I'm very gullible. Especially when it comes to sone one getting hurt. I won't think about how likely it is, I'll just freak out and be all like "oh my god, are you okay? Please be okay. " 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OmegaForte 1,674 Posted March 4, 2016 (edited) My biggest flaw would be... myself in a nutshell. I have too many flawless to even jot down. Being very shy to the moment I talk too much if I know the person. (The irony.) That's one example I suppose. Edited March 4, 2016 by OmegaForte 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dracozombie 4,554 Posted March 4, 2016 Yeesh, don't even get me started. If I had to pick something, I've had multiple sources tell me that I tend to overthink things. A lot. It's not just about worry (I have some anxiety issues...), but also gazing too deeply into matters, or trying to think too far ahead, to the point where it becomes counterproductive. These days I have to consciously tell myself that I've given a matter enough thought and that it's time to move on. It doesn't always work. It feels like not overthinking things feels like I'm kidding myself or willfully ignoring the truth. I'm anal like that, I guess. 3 PillowHead, The Transcendent Key and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
catmaster0116 2,676 Posted March 4, 2016 I worry. But not to the point of debilitating anxiety (I dub it 'excessive pathological concern that is academic-related' because its mainly about scoring well on exams lol) I can become so detail oriented sometimes that I've been told I need to take a step back, take a big breath and appreciate the big picture See inside the spoiler box at least I'm being honest: My goddamn skin!! What I wouldn't give to have blemish-free smooth baby butt skin again Growing up is the worst! bwahahaha 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Justin- 2,111 Posted March 4, 2016 I'm very shy, I'm socially awkward (it's getting better now), and I'm very claustrophobic... 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Revolart 431 Posted March 4, 2016 Most related to shyness and unwilling to try new things. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Javelin434 3,164 Posted March 4, 2016 -Indecisive when hungry -In love with a fictional 14 year old girl, which technically makes me a pedophile -Over-think things [both a blessing and a curse] Biggest one I think: Chronic professionalism. To the point that I cannot form any 'new' meaningful friendships anymore. It's no longer "he/she seems like a fun person!" it's more like 'if I befriend that person temporarily, what kind of contacts/networking opportunities can I possibly establish, who to pursue/seek, and is that person worth the effort? Can I achieve forward progress in the span of a month? Can that person benefit me academically?" 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
2 quid is good 2,209 Posted March 4, 2016 Absoluckingflutely flawless 2 The Transcendent Key and Yuya Sakaki reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exiblade7 1,917 Posted March 4, 2016 I think my flaw is that I get too sensitive sometimes with people's opinions 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pangoro "Sen" 445 Posted March 4, 2016 My flaws? Huh. Well, I'm not entirely sure, but... I have practically no dedication to things like video games/anime/shows/etc. If I'm playing a game, and I get a new game, I'm going to spend all of my time on that game. And then I get a new game, and the cycle continues. I've been getting better at that, though! I'm also a biiiiit socially awkward. Well, actually, awkwardly social. I tend to speak my mind quite a bit. If I don't want a group of people to hate me(in person), you bet your ass I'm gonna make them all hate me with something I say. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valhite 168 Posted March 4, 2016 1. Have the tendencies to always remember the sad past 2. Messiah Complex 3. Always saying the truth. Even if it's hurting 4. Overthingking 5. Too many Negative thinking in my head 6. Relied heavily in medicines 7. Too many flaws 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weedanort 8,786 Posted March 4, 2016 - Should smoke more weed I'd say I let others do the decisions for me, but I've bene improving on that 5 -Justin-, HarLea Quinn, Shard the Gentleman and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VisitJoan 2,713 Posted March 4, 2016 Let's see... I'm impenitent. Sometimes waiting for things drives me nuts. For some reason waiting in line for a roller coaster is okay, but waiting for a new app update has me going crazy. I'm impulsive. If someone makes me mad I tend to do something stupid. Sometimes I snap at people when I don't mean it. I'm not perfect, but who is? 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shuy 110 Posted March 4, 2016 Would be an interesting topic to talk about other people's flaws in this website. To be on topic, I am way too emotional and if I care about someone and love them, I demand lots of attentions. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 5, 2016 (edited) I give people too many chances and continue to believe there's still good inside them even after they've wronged me so much. So I guess that's along the lines of being "too nice." I'm willing to get hurt over and over again for someone. Also, like you, I'm indecisive and don't usually have set goals in mind when I want to do something. I just go in willy-nilly. I'm lazy sometimes too. Those I think are the biggest ones, but certainly not the only ones. Peace! Oh yeah, humanity can definitely be a piece of shit sometimes, and we're oftentimes the most miserable things on this good earth, but like you said, there's still some good, ya know? It's just extremely hard to find, ya know? Because nowadays, people make a living on deceit and hurting people. That's just how the world works! But yeah, I feel for ya! We always have that spot in our hearts that tells us that there's still good left in this world. My biggest flaw(s)... Lemme think... Well, I have this tendency to be shy about some things. True, you may see me on here as one of the most outgoing people here, however, that's nowhere near how I really react around people physically. I have SO much of a hard time making new friends, talking to new people, talking about my hobbies to my family, etc. It's always,"Steve's complainin' just because there's no one to talk to about Veemon or nuthin'." Coming straight from my brother's mouth. It's aggravating, but true in some ways. Another flaw? I suck so badly at sarcasm. Like, unless it's SUPER obvious to me, I may not get the sarcasm. But to be honest, I have never gotten to practice making those kinds of... What are they again? Well, whatever those are, I'm not good at them, and that right there is what got me in trouble with some of the other members on here. And those are only two of the many flaws I have. ^^ Wait, should I be saying this negatively, or in a good way? LOL Rock on! Hmm, so you're a shy person in some aspects, huh? Well, shyness is something normal, because obviously, the world's a big place, and there's tons upon tons of people in this world, so odds are we'll feel shy about talking to a lot of em, ya know? But yeah, don't bring yourself down, and keep your chin up! You just have to have a positive mindset and put yourself into motion! As for sarcasm, you'll learn it as you go, ya know? I'm perfect, geez! Kidding! I talk too much. HA! Lol, I talk too much too. Well, at least that's what my brother tells me! By far my biggest flaw is my perfectionism. Because of this, I have such a hard time doing creative things. Whenever I draw something, I hate it because its not how I envisioned it and think it looks horrible. I always get major writer's block because I want my writings to be perfect the first time around. And I have such a difficult time trying out new things because I want to be great at it immediately. Tying into this also are: my fear of failing, and comparing myself to others. Another flaw of mine is that I worry too much about everything. Because of that, I'm pretty stressed out almost all the time. I'm actually starting to become rather pessimistic and nihilistic due to all of my worry, and well... that worries me. Another flaw is that I'm extremely shy. I want friends (and a boyfriend) so bad, but I'm afraid of talking. I don't wanna bother others or offend them or get on their nerves. I don't wanna look stupid or arrogant either, but I have such a hard time conveying emotions to others. A lot of times people think I'm bored or sad when I'm not feeling either of these. The last flaw is that I am extremely emetophobic. Whenever I feel like I'm going to vomit, I get severe panic attacks. This is the only thing that causes me to get panic attacks, so if I can get over this fear, then it'll take away a lot of stress. Now that I think about it, this is what causes most of my worry, so I'll be good if I can stop this. Well, that's all I can think of, although I'm sure I have plenty more. And I know it wasn't very descriptive, but I'm very bad at explaining or describing things (another flaw I have) Ah, I see. Hmm, you've got quite a few worries stacked up on your shoulders, huh? Well, what I can say is that you have to take a step back and analyze your situation, and try to slowly overcome yourself by facing the things that worry you head on! If something doesn't go the way you want it to, then that's okay! At least you'll know you're giving it your all! I do know it can be agonizing to do something sometimes. For when it comes to drawing, I have this amazing image pictured in my head, but when it translates to paper, a lot of times it doesn't come out like I want it too, ya know? But I just keep practicing so I can get better! ^_^ And hey, you sound like a great person! I'm pretty sure you'd make lots of friends and have a special someone, too! It all just comes down to confronting your fears and pushing through them! That way, you break boundaries! *takes out huge book the size of pluto* Let's see here *tsk tsk tsk* Ah-ha! Number one... the only one I plan on saying I'm very gullible. Especially when it comes to sone one getting hurt. I won't think about how likely it is, I'll just freak out and be all like "oh my god, are you okay? Please be okay. " Well, that just means you've got a heart of gold! Worrying about someone you care about like that is definitely sweet, ya know? But yeah, one has to be careful not to be gullible! My biggest flaw would be... myself in a nutshell. I have too many flawless to even jot down. Being very shy to the moment I talk too much if I know the person. (The irony.) That's one example I suppose. Hmm, I see. Well, you shouldn't be so hard on yourself! You should step out there and be brave, and don't let your shyness get the best of you! There's probably many people who are just waiting for a good conversation! All you have to do is start said conversation! Yeesh, don't even get me started. If I had to pick something, I've had multiple sources tell me that I tend to overthink things. A lot. It's not just about worry (I have some anxiety issues...), but also gazing too deeply into matters, or trying to think too far ahead, to the point where it becomes counterproductive. These days I have to consciously tell myself that I've given a matter enough thought and that it's time to move on. It doesn't always work. It feels like not overthinking things feels like I'm kidding myself or willfully ignoring the truth. I'm anal like that, I guess. Ooh yes, overthinking! Yeah, overthinking can be bad sometimes, as you often miss out on things due to thinking about multiple ways scenarios could come around and about! I hate to overthink, so I feel for ya! X_X I worry. But not to the point of debilitating anxiety (I dub it 'excessive pathological concern that is academic-related' because its mainly about scoring well on exams lol) I can become so detail oriented sometimes that I've been told I need to take a step back, take a big breath and appreciate the big picture See inside the spoiler box at least I'm being honest: My goddamn skin!! What I wouldn't give to have blemish-free smooth baby butt skin again Growing up is the worst! bwahahaha Ah well, worrying about grades is normal, trust me, I'd worry about my grades back when I was in school, so I feel for ya! Hmm, so I see you're an exceptional detail kind of guy! I can tell because of the amazing 3D models you make of Keyblades, so I definitely believe you have an attention for detail! That's actually a good thing, since it makes the end result look that much more stunning! But yeah, sometimes taking a breath and looking at the work you've made so far is just as good! Ha, and I can totally relate to you on the whole zit situation! Currently still have a few zits dotting my face, which I'm dying to pop, but I do not, otherwise more shall spawn! God, I hate acne! That's the only thing that sucks about puberty! X_X That, and not being able to sing high pitch notes in songs because of having a deeper voice! D: I'm very shy, I'm socially awkward (it's getting better now), and I'm very claustrophobic... Yes, shyness is something common, so I don't blame you, because trying to make friends can sometimes be intimidating! But hey, if you're getting better socially, that's great! Aw, and I'm sorry about your claustrophobia! Most related to shyness and unwilling to try new things. Yep, like I said, shyness is a common thing! Ooh, and I remember that I used to refuse to try new things, but I'll get to that later! X3 -Indecisive when hungry -In love with a fictional 14 year old girl, which technically makes me a pedophile -Over-think things [both a blessing and a curse] Biggest one I think: Chronic professionalism. To the point that I cannot form any 'new' meaningful friendships anymore. It's no longer "he/she seems like a fun person!" it's more like 'if I befriend that person temporarily, what kind of contacts/networking opportunities can I possibly establish, who to pursue/seek, and is that person worth the effort? Can I achieve forward progress in the span of a month? Can that person benefit me academically?" Ha, when there's lots of food to choose from, believe me, it's a tough choice! Well, technically, she doesn't exist, so you're in the clear? But yeah, if she were real, you'd definitely be a pedophile! But hey, it's just a fictional character, so there's no harm done, right? Oh yeah, overthinking can be both good and bad! X_X Oh wow, those are a lot of requirements you got going on there in terms of forming new friends! Interesting! Absoluckingflutely flawless Lol, what a strange ass video! I think my flaw is that I get too sensitive sometimes with people's opinions That's understandable, since sometimes people can deliver hurtful opinions that, while not directly intended for you, make it feel like the opinion is directed at you, ya know? So yeah, I get you! My flaws? Huh. Well, I'm not entirely sure, but... I have practically no dedication to things like video games/anime/shows/etc. If I'm playing a game, and I get a new game, I'm going to spend all of my time on that game. And then I get a new game, and the cycle continues. I've been getting better at that, though! I'm also a biiiiit socially awkward. Well, actually, awkwardly social. I tend to speak my mind quite a bit. If I don't want a group of people to hate me(in person), you bet your ass I'm gonna make them all hate me with something I say. I used to be like that! I would never focus on beating one game, since I'd play different games constantly! But then I learned to play through one game at a time, and that's proved better, and I enjoy playing video games more this way! Ah, so in other words, you're saying that even though you try to make friendly conversation, you're afraid you'll overdo it and strike people's nerves? I can understand that can be a worrisome thing, but you shouldn't let that fear rule over you! 1. Have the tendencies to always remember the sad past 2. Messiah Complex 3. Always saying the truth. Even if it's hurting 4. Overthingking 5. Too many Negative thinking in my head 6. Relied heavily in medicines 7. Too many flaws We all have flaws, friend. I think we're the most flawed things in existence, but even so, there is beauty in imperfection, and that shines through the most when we try our absolute best to overcome ourselves, ya know? - Should smoke more weed I'd say I let others do the decisions for me, but I've bene improving on that Lol, I knew you'd say something involving weed! Oh yes, others making decisions for you can definitely be bad, but hey, as long as you work to improve on that, that's what matters! ^_^ Let's see... I'm impenitent. Sometimes waiting for things drives me nuts. For some reason waiting in line for a roller coaster is okay, but waiting for a new app update has me going crazy. I'm impulsive. If someone makes me mad I tend to do something stupid. Sometimes I snap at people when I don't mean it. I'm not perfect, but who is? Oh yeah, I can sometimes be impatient, too! I mean, you'd be surprised how patient I can be, but when my patience is at its limit, I start to lose my grip and get desperate! It's a miracle I haven't snapped from waiting so much for Kingdom Hearts III to come out! Oh wow, I see, so you lash out at people sometimes without meaning it? That can happen, and yes, you are right, no one is perfect, otherwise, we wouldn't be in this earth, ya know? Would be an interesting topic to talk about other people's flaws in this website. To be on topic, I am way too emotional and if I care about someone and love them, I demand lots of attentions. Ah, I see! Well, emotions are good to have, but keeping them in check is the main thing to do, ya know? Oh wow, I've got to say, all your replies have been most interesting! It just goes to show that we all have our flaws, however big or small! It's just part of what makes us human, ya know? It gives us something to strive to overcome! I remember that one huge flaw I used to have back when I was a kid is that I was extremely picky with food! Like, quite literally, the only thing I'd eat for dinner each and every single day was White Rice with Corned Beef! Day in and day out, that's all I'd eat for dinner! It came to a point that it was becoming a problem, since I wouldn't eat anything else! But, slowly, thanks to my family's insistence and also to my best friend/soul brother Jonathan, I learned to try out different things, and to this day, I can safely say that I eat almost anything! There are still some foods I'm picky with, but for the most part, I eat a vast array of different dishes! White Rice with Corned Beef will always be my favorite, though! Also, one flaw I've been noticing is that I constantly say ya know at the end of my posts here! I don't know if its even a flaw, or if I'm just taking after Rai, ya know? (Okay, that last one was intentional! ) Edited March 5, 2016 by The Transcendent Key 9 Exiblade7, Revolart, Valhite and 6 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Takzu20 78 Posted March 7, 2016 My biggest flaw is my anger. I have a very short temper, and it can get out of hand very easily. I have yet to beat certain bosses because I always rage quit, and my grandma is too scared to be in the car while I'm driving. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 7, 2016 My biggest flaw is my anger. I have a very short temper, and it can get out of hand very easily. I have yet to beat certain bosses because I always rage quit, and my grandma is too scared to be in the car while I'm driving. Hmm, I see. Well, anger can be quite the problem, but if you can learn to master your anger, you'll be alright! Feed me your anger, and your journey to the Dark Side shall be complete!!! *Maniacal cackle* 1 Takzu20 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shimmy 458 Posted March 7, 2016 Pushover of the year and in a constant state of internal screaming, but hush certainly my flaws are quirky and adorable u_u Ok but seriously, I am as indecisive, vicarious, and paranoid as they get. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted March 7, 2016 Pushover of the year and in a constant state of internal screaming, but hush certainly my flaws are quirky and adorable u_u Ok but seriously, I am as indecisive, vicarious, and paranoid as they get. Aw, well hey, don't beat yourself up! As long as you're aware of your flaws and you try your best to get past them, you're doing good! Trust me, I can be indecisive at times as well, and it's so annoying, because I hate not knowing what to decide! D: 1 Shimmy reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shimmy 458 Posted March 7, 2016 Aw, well hey, don't beat yourself up! As long as you're aware of your flaws and you try your best to get past them, you're doing good! Trust me, I can be indecisive at times as well, and it's so annoying, because I hate not knowing what to decide! D: My gosh you are a sweetheart. Haha yeah but my indecisiveness stems from my paranoia of displeasing others so I just let them decide my life for me (hence vicarious), and I have trouble deciding for myself as a result. Being indecisive is a struggle, but I'm managing as I'm sure you are as well. Thanks for this though, it brought a smile to my face :> 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites