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Status Updates posted by TripleNipple

  1. Would KH3 run smoothly on a regular PS4? OR should I upgrade to the Pro

    1. PrinceNoctis


      They'll make sure it's smooth...Probably not 60 FPS smooth though.

    2. KeybladeMasterBalo


      60 FPS smooth only on Pro, regular smoothness in PS4, better than 0.2 they say though.

  2. should i get a ps4 pro for kh3 or would it run okay?

    1. KingdomHearts3


      Anything to get KH3.

  3. At this point we might as well give the Statue of Liberty back

  4. I was able to beat the final boss in 0.2 I'm so proud of myself. Also the game in absolutely beautiful.

  5. I haven't gotten home yet, so please don't spoil it for me, but how is the secret boss in 0.2! Is it epic? A fun fight?

    1. Kingdomhe


      I can't play it for some reason, one of the steps is glitched for me because I think I walk into the final boss by mistake.

  6. oh my gooood I called my local video game stores to ask if they had 2.8 in stock and all of them are sold out and are restocking on Monday rip

  7. The amount of 2.8 spoiler thumbnails/titles on YouTube annoy me. Like I feel like I know the entire story just from the titles. I'm shook

  8. Is there a way to sleep until the 24th???

  9. Was the full Ray of Hope remix posted here? Here it is just in case you didn't know https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB5a3DDp2FI

  10. Just got a Ps4. What games do you guys recommend?

    1. MythrilMagician


      Danganronpa 1.2 Reload

      Uncharted 4

      World of Final Fantasy

      Final Fantasy XV


      Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

      And obviously Kingdom Hearts

    2. HeyMouseSayCheese


      Ratchet & Clank- it's super good and super cheap.

  11. Greater?? Seems to me like America would be going backwards. If this is truly our future, good luck America.

  12. Finally got a ps3 just for the remixes and I'm so excited ❤

    1. Sora96


      Get the FFXIII series and X/X-2 HD as well! Amazing games!

    2. Soul_Seeker



      What Sora96 said. My favorite FF mainline title series of all time.

    3. Pangoro "Sen"

      Pangoro "Sen"

      And if you like the action in Kingdom Hearts, then I recommend anything from Platinum Games. Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, whatever. They're all great.

  13. Damn Twilight Town looks so pretty

    1. Philip Ellwell

      Philip Ellwell

      I literally just posted that on the trailer comments

  14. Yay really happy that on Friday I'll be able to end finals week with a KH 3 trailer <3

  15. i just had some god awful french food

    1. Soul Eater Evans

      Soul Eater Evans

      was there a french snooty waiter?

  16. i'm stuck watching ahs help me

    1. Stray Reaper
    2. TripleNipple


      freakshow it's my least favorite but it's still so good O_O

    3. Stray Reaper

      Stray Reaper

      I like freakshow over coven but I hate coven with a passion

  17. I feel really bad for Namine; I feel like she'll never have a love interest):

    1. Emrys


      I nominate myself as her love interest

    2. Saber Lily

      Saber Lily

      I nominate Roxas. XION IS MINE I TELL YOU MINE!

    3. Ruby Rose
  18. Esperanto is so easy to learn like omfg

  19. Black Swan was amazing :) and gruesome

  20. so, amv makers, how do you guys avoid copyright claims?

    1. Lalalablah


      That new avatar scared me

    2. Ghost


      #yolo it


  21. what if sora forgot his mom after Chain of Memories D:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cucco


      mommanort roasts donald and forces it down his throat as his new dinner

    3. Col.Random
    4. Lalalablah
  22. Does anyone watch KPOPP?

  23. Why no trailer online. Y u do this D':

    1. Enmaa


      your name and your icon. oh my god.

  24. "Originally, Sora's parents were orange." lol wat

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ruby Rose

      Ruby Rose

      Glad I'm not the only one that read it that way xD

    3. AROD666


      orange? what are you talking about? o.O

    4. Javelin434


      or about to show Sora's new clothes

  25. 10 more minutes omfg

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