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Status Replies posted by Kinode

  1. Is it bad to say that Sora recoded voice is my favorite out the whole series?

    1. Kinode


      In retrospect, this isn't such a bad take after all.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. Is it bad to say that Sora recoded voice is my favorite out the whole series?

  3. Why are they selling another KH collection when they already have the All-In-One Package?

    1. Kinode


      The deals are exactly the same in terms of price, it's just a matter of preference dude

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. That "surprise" in the end of KH Back Cover Movie by the Master of Masters will easily become a meme.

  5. That "surprise" in the end of KH Back Cover Movie by the Master of Masters will easily become a meme.

    1. Kinode


      The surprise is that he says "suprise" in engrish lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. I want all of the spoilers ugh

    1. Kinode


      Most of the answers people/I wanted were visual based. Like (spoilerss) why Ava showed up in the war, what happened after her fight with Luxu, what was in the goddamn suitcase, etc. We did get a few answers, like per example about No Name and whatnot, but it was mostly disappointing because once it got to the climax everyone wanted to see, it ended. Like really?

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  7. I want all of the spoilers ugh

    1. Kinode


      More like, it doesn't answer the stuff we didn't know and just sets up MORE mysteries without even a clue for us to go on.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  8. I want all of the spoilers ugh

    1. Kinode


      Yeah it was pretty nice but I mean, come on, everything we were WANTING to see didn't get shown. I feel like it showed even less than what we got in X(chi)

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  9. I want all of the spoilers ugh

    1. Kinode


      Already got all the spoilers I could. Loved the new tracks as well, can't wait for them to be ripped! Also didn't like Back Cover as a whole...

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  10. I need a good party on KHUx! A more casual group that does have good raids every now and then. Any Union is fine!

    1. Kinode


      You can totally join mine! I'm in Vulpes. Let me know your player Id so we can invite you :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. I wonder if I try submitting something for the 2.8 contest... I was hoping I could finish learning Musique Pour La Tristesse de Xion from the piano collections and record it but I still need to learn 2 and a half pages D:

  12. During KH1, Disney had trouble letting Mickey be in one scene. Seven games later, Disney is letting Mickey strip on screen lol

    1. Kinode


      Now Disney is allowing MickeyRiku to become canon

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Calling it now the last scene in 0.2 is going to be Yen Sid and Mickey finishing their story and they are about to leave to get Aqua. Sora comes back from his "secret" mission says he's back and that he has Aqua with him

    1. Kinode


      Well yeah that's not too hard to predict

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    1. Kinode


      They were only being developed by the same teams when it was called VSXIII. That changed when Tabata took over, I assume.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      Don't worry. We're continuing on a PM. I think it's over now lol

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  16. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

  17. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      but this isn't what you were talking about at all. You were talking about lgbt matters being "everywhere" (which it's not it's just in more places) and how that makes you feel oppressed (which well, is not rly oppression). ANYONE can have problems and be bullied. But what I was talking about is how GAY PEOPLE HAVE PROBLEMS THAT ONLY THEY SPECIFICALLY RELATE TO!!!!! and that having utada singing abt that is refreshing and great. How you managed to feel s...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  18. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      Ok you have a hard life, but it's not BECAUSE you are straight and that's the point. Your life will never be hard BECAUSE of straightness as opposed to homosexuality. Like anyone can be bullied??? but maybe instead of being all "aw man gay people are getting ALL the attention" you could go find spaces in which your experiences with bullying can be talked about and stop speaking as if visibility is harmful to anyone. Like yeah??? Being bullied is a shitty experience regardless

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  19. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      Like you're LITERALLY acting like you suffer from "heterophobia" or something. You're taking things way out of proportion.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  20. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      No, no one said that. No one hates straights. No one think that's the only kind of love??? I'm talking about discussions and themes relating specifically to lgbt people. Which is like, a thing that people create BECAUSE lgbt people aren't accepted in all spaces, what a shocker right?

      No one should hate you for being straight and no one thinks straight people shouldn't exist. Stop trying to twist it around and make it about you lol

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  21. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      irrelevant. your life honestly wont be affected by that at all. sorry if you have anger management issues but it gets annoying to see heteros repeatedly comparing themselves to gay people in regards of space and rights and visibility as if they had it worse just because lgbt is getting more visible.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  22. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      Meanwhile gay people... don't. So yes they find waay more freedom to talk about these things and enjoy having visibility online. So yeah I get why someone might be annoyed when straight people shove themselves into lgbt spaces or discussions that are completely irrelevant to them and expect to be treated with the same amount of importance. Like someone mocking your for being straight is like someone being racist to white people... it "can" happen but systematically it's irrele...

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  23. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      Look, someone being rude to you is not being bashed. Someone being annoyed by your presence on lgbt matters or spaces when it might be uncalled for isn't bashing. Someone saying your stance is less important when it comes to lgbt matters is... the truth?? I... honestly don't see why you're so bothered. You've got the entire world as a space for you where you won't be bothered for being straight.

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

  24. I'm loving utada hikaru having so many new songs about gay love, and that bomb she dropped on twitter about not being straight. It's so nice to be able to relate to her lyrics!!!

    1. Kinode


      Also... Straight love is like, the most mainstream thing?? Like you are expected to see straight people everywhere. You don't question straight people holding hands, and everyone's first assumption is that any fictional character is straight unless explicitly stated otherwise. imo you're kind of feeling threatened by the inclusion of gay visibility for little to no reason. Trust me on this you're not gonna get bashed on for being straight

    2. (See 43 other replies to this status update)

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