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Status Updates posted by WakelessDream

  1. Hi Styxboy! I just wanted to let you know that I took down two of your topics regarding the KH 22nd anniversary and video you made. There is still one topic up which is visible on the forums, but just wanted to let you know about the other two since they seem to have been made on accident! Hope you understand and let me know if you have any questions! Thanks for sharing your video with the KH13 community! 

    1. StyXboY



      Yes, I came back to the Forum later and noticed the two old topics, I think there was a bug when I tried to edit the post I didn't understand why.. I wanted to delete them but we can not, thank you for taking the lead. ^^

  2. Hi Albert! Just to let you know I had to remove your post in the recent JK Rowling thread (the Russian language one) since it was a quoting a spam post that we had to take down earlier. You didn't do anything wrong but just wanted to let you know what happened there!

    1. Albert


      I figured that could happen. Thanks for notifying!

  3. Sometimes I wish I were as naive as I was back in 2012 >.<

  4. Sweep sweep sweep!~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WakelessDream


      No more rematches I'd like to play a LeBron-less team next time. xD

    3. KingdomHearts3


      Lebron leaves in free agency so no rematch next year.

    4. WakelessDream


      Which is why I said a LeBron-less team and not specifically the Cavs. I want to see them face someone other than Bron for a change.

  5. When your company is giving away 2 free NBA playoff tickets but the deadline to submit your entry is 12 and you submit it at 12:01 just my luck T_T

    1. Jake


      Man that sucks :(. I’d love to have a chance to go to a game.

    2. WakelessDream


      It would have been nice too because it's up in the suites! Oh well now I know for next time.

  6. Stupid earthquake spooking me in the middle of the night x_x

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VisitJoan


      I once felt one like that. I just thought it was one of those half-asleep spaz attack and went back to sleep.

    3. WakelessDream


      Yep I do! I think the entire Bay Area felt it haha. It's weird, I feel like we've been having an uptick in quakes we can actually feel lately.

    4. KingdomHearts3


      That’s a relief. Thank goodness you’re okay.

  7. Friendly reminder to play nicely when discussing controversial subjects such as politics. Any drama or fights will go. Please and thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Solstice


      But why not just prohibit it to begin with?

    3. WakelessDream


      Because we're not a censorship. People are encouraged to share their differing perspective on things, the line is only drawn when it incites drama/fights and upsets others.

    4. Solstice


      Fair enough.

  8. My dog keeps barking incessantly at the trick or treaters it's even more ridiculous bc he's doing so in a pikachu costume xD

  9. Sora96 just landed a job at Siliconera, I'm so proud of him :')

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. MythrilMagician


      Australia is an expensive country to live in and the education system needs a major overhaul. Also, too many taxes.

    3. Xiro


      Okay fine, we won't visit -3-

    4. Xiro


      ... Er, migrate

  10. Sigh I really hate when my relatives try to pressure me into telling them my salary. Nosey af. :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. WakelessDream


      It's one thing if you genuinely want to know, but it was painfully obvious they were just being nosey. Not that I have anything to hide or am embarrassed with my pay, but like you said, it's none of their business.

      Also thanks for the congrats! I'm so glad someone finally gave me a break. :D

    3. Soul_Seeker


      Haha, I can relate. I went to a family gathering and some of my relatives kept pressuring me to go to certain universities, and urging me to try out other areas in education. Meanwhile I'm sitting there, smiling in a very fake manner. :P

    4. WakelessDream


      Yeah you'd think some people would take a hint. I held up a fake smile too and told them in a joking yet annoyed tone I wouldn't tell them and they're like "we know you won't tell" and I'm sitting there thinking "then why are you asking?....you've wasted everyone's time"

  11. Lmao my brother wants to accompany me on every dog walk now just so he can catch Pokemon xD

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Robbie the Wise

      Robbie the Wise

      Yeah it was cool, she asked me to help and everything! It was awesome!

    3. Soul_Seeker


      What if my school is a Gym by the time I go back?

    4. WakelessDream


      All the students would be fighting to take over it? :P

  12. Sheesh all the bots coming out just as I'm about to sleep. Go away bots. x_x

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Felixx


      Then better watch out Xam. We don't want you to disappear suddenly...

    3. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)

      You sure you don't want me to? xD

    4. WakelessDream


      That can always be arranged. ;)

      Nah I kid xD

  13. When someone calls you blind but you're not wearing your contacts or glasses, so you can't even argue with them. Lmao

    1. Soul_Seeker


      Very similar experience: I thought it was a great idea to shine a flashlight directly into my eyes a couple years ago. Needless to say, it wasn't the best idea.

    2. WakelessDream


      Ouch that sounds painful lol.

  14. Just adopted this adorable little dog! :3

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. MythrilMagician


      Name the dog Sora. For reasons.

    3. Anonn0000


      Sora is a great name for a dog, i agree :)

    4. WakelessDream


      Sora's a nice name, but I don't want to name him after a Kingdom Hearts character. Thanks for the suggestion though! :)

  15. I joined KH13 on this day four years ago!~ So glad to be part of this wonderful community for such a long time.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WakelessDream


      @Yessie thanks :D

      @Gotmilk Indeed I did! I like to joke that I fell in love with the site because of that, but really it was because a new KH3D trailer released that day and that prompted me to join. :P

    3. Nero Kunivas

      Nero Kunivas

      A long time indeed, Wakeless. And I hope it's been a good time~ :3 Happy 4 Year KH13 Anniversary! :D

    4. WakelessDream


      It has been a great time for the most part! And thanks! :)

  16. The only Christmas carol I'll be singing this month because finals http://i.imgur.com/3QpxqL5.jpg?1 x_x

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Enix


      Lmao the list is hilarious!

    3. WakelessDream


      It's hilarious but sadly relatable xD

      @Sora Your support means a lot!


    4. KingdomHearts3


      Oh my, that's hilarious! I hope it all goes well.

  17. Starting to get the hang of my new computer, it's from some kind of fruit company. xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WakelessDream
    3. KingdomHearts3


      No it's gotta be grapes. Am I right?

    4. WakelessDream


      Come on you guys obviously it's Blackberry! :P

  18. Welp some idiot tried to kill me this morning

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KeybladeLordCheeseCurd


      *does the call of Sora96*

    3. Veemon


      That foolish driver was driving offensively. People these days, I tell you.

    4. Sora96


      No one tries to kill my Wakeless. I shall take care of my Wakeless forever.

  19. Golden State Warriorrrrrrsssss!!!!

    1. Sora96


      GO DUBS!!!!!

    2. WakelessDream



    3. Sora96


      Which makes me happy!

  20. Going to an NBA playoff game today! I'm super pumped for it! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WakelessDream



      Golden State's my team!

    3. Sora96


      Go Warriors!

    4. WakelessDream


      firetruck yeah! Dubs were amazing! And Curry's officially MVP!~ :D

  21. Just when I thought all hope was lost I managed to get my hands on a Majora's Mask edition New 3DS XL this morning. Yay!

  22. Attaboy Warriors!~

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. WakelessDream


      It deprived me of a PS3 D: Haha yeah sorry...

    3. Cyber Shaman

      Cyber Shaman

      A Ps3 deprived me of an xbox D:

    4. Sora96


      360 deprived her of the greatest JRPGS of all time.

  23. Holy crap California you're not supposed to get this cold ;~;

    1. Kirie


      is worser if you live where snow is.

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