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About Javier.velasquez002

  • Birthday 09/07/1991

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  1. THAT'S ENOUGH!!! I got a idea! Ever since, I watch all trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" in throughout the years, including "Final Battle Trailer"!! And I saw that all Easter eggs hunt for every Kingdom Hearts game, including "Dream Drop Distance" and all thanks to Master Yen Sid and King Mickey, even Xehanort!! And all letters of the name must be backwards with "X"! EVERYONE KNOWS THAT!!! And don't forget, Xehanort is the one who sent to Time Travel, collect all humans and create all vessels as become the reincarnation of Xehanort, himself and thanks to his Future self, after the destruction of x-Blade! so, I know who to ask and that's who we should get! So, here's my final prediction for the 7 Guardians of Light (as the Legendary Keyblade wielders): 1.) Sora 2.) Master Riku 3.) King Mickey 4.) Ventus (as the true name of Roxas) 5.) Master Aqua 6.) Lea 7.) Kairi And here's my Final Prediction for the 13 Seeker of Darkness (as the Real Organization XIII): 1.) Master Xehanort (as his future self) 2.) Lord Xemnas (as Terranort's Nobodies) 3.) Lord Ansem (as Terranort's Heartless) 4.) Braig (as the true name of Xigbar) 5.) Even (as the true name of Vexen) 6.) Durol (as the true name of Luxord) 7.) Isa (as the true name of Saïx) 8.) Medy (as the true name of Demyx) 9.) Lauriam (as the true name of Marluxia) 10.) Elrena (as the true name of Larxene) 11.) Vanitas (as Master Xehanort's Apprentice) 12.) Young Xehanort (as his past self) 13.) Repliku (as Dark Riku replica) You see? I was the one watch all cutscenes movie for every Kingdom Hearts game, so far!!! And now, time is running out with the final countdown IN 3 weeks until the release of the final game, "Kingdom Hearts 3" will begins!! And that means this could be the last chapter of the Kingdom Hearts saga and the story of Kingdom Hearts Timeline is now complete!! GOOD LUCK, fellow keyblade wielders!!!??? and remember, may your heart be your guiding key!!
  2. Yes!!!???? The Final Countdown in 3 Weeks remaining until the release of "Kingdom Hearts 3" at midnight in every location of GameStop!!! And so, Thanks to Tetsuya Nomura, it said "The Battle between Light and Dark will reach it's Epic Conclusions"! All fans are gonna be miss them, most of all nd that's means this could be the end of Kingdom Hearts saga and the Dark Seeker Saga has come to an end!! And Xehanort are NO MORE!! And soon, the updates schedule of "Kingdom Hearts 3" will be Memory Achieve as cutscenes movie, Secret Ending and main menu trailer!! And after 15 years of Kingdom Hearts game experience, all we need to do is to add the Final Piece of the story will be complete the Kingdom Hearts Timeline story!! Now, I finally can't wait to see them all, first!!?????? I miss you, so much!!
  3. THAT'S ENOUGH!!! I saw that all trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" throughout the years! From Work in Progress to the final version of Kingdom Hearts 3 as Behind the Scenes and it's about "the Real Organization XIII" as the 13 Seeker of Darkness, which the reincarnation of Xehanort, himself!!! And it was the Easter eggs on every Kingdom Hearts game franchise, all along? And here's how it looks: 1.) Master Xehanort (as his future self) 2.) Lord Xemnas (as Terranort's nobodies, which after Terra's body and heart has been consumed by Master Xehanort) 3.) Lord Ansem (as Terranort's heartless, which after Terra's heart and body has been consumed by Master Xehanort) 4.) Braig (which is the true name of Xigbar) 5.) Even (which is the true name of Vexen) 6.) Durol (which is the true name of Luxord) 7.) Medy (which is the true name of Demyx) 8.) Isa (which is the true name of Saïx) 9.) Elrena (which is the true name of Larxene) 10.) Lauriam (which is the true name of Marluxia) 11.) Vanitas (which is Ventus' heart has been consume the darkness by Master Xehanort) 12.) Young Xehanort (as his past self) 13.) Repliku (as Dark Riku, which he is create the replica by Vexen) YOU SEE? I see that spots about the Easter eggs hunt for the Kingdom Hearts game franchise, including all games! Because, first, Lauriam and Elrena has close friends, which is actually the true name of Marluxia and Larxene from the tributes of Kingdom Hearts: Union x(cross), 358/2 Days and Chain of Memories! Then, Lea, Isa and Ventus are close friends, which is actually the true name of Roxas, Saïx and Axel from the references of Union x(cross), Birth by Sleep! And finally, Even, Aeleus, Ienzo, Dilan and Braig, one of 5 Ansem's apprentice, which was actually the true name of Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Xaldin and Xigbar! And so, what I'm trying to say is....... now, I remember! Ever since Xehanort was all part of his plan to destroy Eraqus! I remember about Ventus' heart has been consume the darkness by Master Xehanort and Vanitas has been born from Darkness and Terra's heart and body has been consumed by Master Xehanort and then, Terra was actually the name of Terranort and he's splitting into 2 persons: Terranort's Heartless is Lord Ansem and Terranort's Nobodies is Lord Xemnas! So, this is the beginning of the story of Kingdom Hearts Timeline and that's the truth about XEHANORT and the Organization members! Do you understand?
  4. Yes!!!!????? I can't wait to see the final 2 trailers and second cinema commercial for Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming to Barcelona Game World event and Jump Festa 2019 event at the same time for next month, right before the Launch Trailer does!!! And this time, I can't wait to hear the full songs, "Don't Think Twice" by Utada Hikaru in the final trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3! Even, "Kingdom Hearts Timeline" has been connected them all into the whole story and that means this could be the end of Kingdom Hearts game franchise! And what I'm trying to say is............ The Final 2 trailers and second cinema commercial for Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming next month!! And now, thanks for the news information about Kingdom Hearts 3, Kingdom Hearts: The Story So Far and Kingdom Hearts 3, cause they were all connected in the great circle of life!! Right, everyone?
  5. I want to see another new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 in XO2018 event and reveal the old and new worlds, like "Olympus", "San Fransokyo" and "Keyblade Graveyard" and the return of "Dark World" as the Realm of Darkness. And I can't wait to see another new trailer of KH3 about the confirmed characters for The 7 Guardians of Light: Sora, Master Riku, King Mickey, Ventus, Master Aqua, Lea and Kairi! Because Kairi IS became the Last Guardians of Light, not for being the Last Princesses of Heart anymore, since she has a new Keyblade and Lea has a new Keyblade, which set during the events of "Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance" and the epilogue of "Kingdom Hearts 0.2: Birth by Sleep: -A Fragmentary Passage-"! And during the events of "Dream Drop Distance", Yen Sid was right about Xehanort, they must be the confirmed characters about the Real Organization XIII: Master Xehanort, Lord Xemnas, Lord Ansem, Braig, Isa, Arlene, Lauriam, Durol, Even, Medy, Vanitas, Young Xehanort and Repliku. Because Larxene, Marluxia, Luxord, Demyx, Vexen, Xigbar and Saïx was actually the true name of Arlene, Braig, Isa, Durol, Medy and Even, one of Ansem's apprentice and the humans? Even, Lord Xemnas and Lord Ansem was actually Terranort's Heartless and Terranort's Nobodies? Is that right?
  6. And now, I can't wait to see the news information and another new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3, tomorrow! Cause I want to see reveal the old and new worlds, like Olympus! Is that right?
  7. I Want to see the news information and another new trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3" is Tomorrow and reveal the old and new worlds, like Olympus and reveal the old and new characters, like Kairi and even, the Three Caballeros (Donald, Panchito and Jose)! Because this Sunday, the 100th anniversary celebration of Daylight Savings Time has come to an end at 2:00 a.m. and all clock must be fall backwards to regain the hour of sleep, during the Fall and Winter months! But wait! There's more! As during the events of "Dream Drop Distance", Here's how it looks at the characters of "Kingdom Hearts 3" about 7 Lights and 13 Darknesses: *The Legendary Keyblade Wielders (as the 7 Guardians of Light): Sora, Master Riku, King Mickey, Master Aqua, Ventus (as the true name of Roxas), Lea and Kairi. *The Real Organization XIII (as the 13 Seeker of Darkness): Master Xehanort (as his future self), Lord Xemnas, which is Terranort's Nobodies, Lord Ansem, which is Terranort's Heartless, Isa (as the true name of Saïx), Braig (as the true name of Xigbar), Arlene (as the true name of Larxene), Durol (as the true name of Luxord), Even (as the true name of Vexen), Medy (as the true name of Demyx), Lauriam (as the true name of Marluxia), Young Xehanort (as his past self), Vanitas and Repliku! You see? This is exactly what happens the story of the Kingdom Hearts saga from the very beginning! Is that Correct?
  8. Yes, I think so!! Because Xion is possible unrevealed characters that I'm excited to see in future trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3"!! That's why I remember about this story! Xionort IS became the last members of the Real Organization XIII!!! Right?
  9. I say they have 3 more new trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" are coming out in Tuesday at Tokyo Game Show 2018 event before Launch! Because I want to see 3 more new trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" and reveal new and old worlds about San Fransokyo (as Big Hero 6 world), Metroville (as The Incredibles world), Keyblade Graveyard, Dark World (as the Realm of Darkness) and Radiant Gardens. And full new songs about "Don't Think Twice" by Utada Hikaru is coming........ And then, another Final launch trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3" is Coming to Jump Festa 2019, because of Paris Games Week 2018! And I finally can't wait to watch and see it first! So, I'll see you there in Tokyo Game Show 2018, Wan_Pisu, KH13.com members, everyone!!! I say they have 3 more new trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" are coming out in Tuesday at Tokyo Game Show 2018 event before Launch! Because I want to see 3 more new trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" and reveal new and old worlds about San Fransokyo (as Big Hero 6 world), Metroville (as The Incredibles world), Keyblade Graveyard, Dark World (as the Realm of Darkness) and Radiant Gardens. And full new songs about "Don't Think Twice" by Utada Hikaru is coming........ And then, another Final launch trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3" is Coming to Jump Festa 2019, because of Paris Games Week 2018! And I finally can't wait to watch and see it first! So, I'll see you there in Tokyo Game Show 2018, Wan_Pisu, KH13.com members, everyone!!!
  10. As of matter of fact, Another new trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3" IS the most exciting news from the PlayStation Lineup Tour as short trailer! Because new worlds about San Fransokyo from the movie, "Big Hero 6", where Sora, Donald and Goofy has met Hiro, Baymax and his friends! And Xion was became Xehanort's new vessel? And the epic battle between 7 Lights and 13 Darknesses in the Ancient Keyblade Graveyard? And What about Kairi, Lea, Maleficent, Ienzo, Master Yen Sid, Hercules, Hades, Ansem the Wise and Terra's spirit armor as Lingering Will? Well, here they are! And here's how it looks about "The Legendary Keyblade Wielders" as "The 7 Guardians of Light": 1.) Sora 2.) Master Riku 3.) King Mickey 4.) Ventus (as the true name of Roxas) 5.) Terra (as the Lingering Will in Terra's spirit Armor) 6.) Lea (as the true name of Axel) 7.) Kairi And here's also how it looks about "The Real Organization XIII" as "The 13 Seeker of Darkness": 1.) Master Xehanort (as his Future self) 2.) Lord Xemnas (as Terranort's Nobodies) 3.) Lord Ansem (as Terranort's Heartless) 4.) Braig (as the true name of Xigbar) 5.) Durol (as the true name of Luxord) 6.) Arlene (as the true name of Larxene) 7.) Medy (as the true name of Demyx) 8.) Isa (as the true name of Saïx) 9.) Lauriam (as the true name of Marluxia) 10.) Aquanort 11.) Vanitas 12.) Young Xehanort (as his Past self) 13.) Xionort So, you see? I was the one who watch all trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" as behind-the-scenes for being Work in Progress! Now, Let's find out all the answers to burning questions in another new trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3", Coming Next Tuesday in Tokyo Game Show 2018 event!
  11. WHAT!!!!????? Let me get this straight!! In "Kingdom Hearts Timeline" or the timelines of Kingdom Hearts history, The New updates to the main story of "Kingdom Hearts: Union x(cross)" was actually leading to the last chapter of the Kingdom Hearts Saga, "Kingdom Hearts 3"? That's perfect!!!?? Because the Circle is Now Complete!!!
  12. Thanks for the news information about "Kingdom Hearts 3" and "Kingdom Hearts Timeline", NihonScribe!? Because I can't wait to see another new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 3 in PlayStation Lineup Tour 2018 for the final countdown starting NOW and Reveal new world about San Fransokyo (as Big Hero 6 world)!! And then, there's 2 new trailers for Kingdom Hearts 3 in Tokyo Game Show 2018, which is Coming out in Next Weeks and reveal more new worlds, including Metroville (as The Incredibles world) and a new theme song about "Don't Think Twice/Oath" by Utada Hikaru! OOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!???? This is gonna be so great!!??
  13. In that case, Lauriam as the true name of Marluxia is the one who is the most likely to BETRAY the new Organization as the Real Organization XIII! Ever since that Axel was betrayed Marluxia and the other Organization members in Castle Oblivion, because of SAÏX, who have a message for Lord Xemnas! And now, Marluxia, which is the true name of Lauriam was betrayed on the Real Organization XIII, because of Sora and Ventus! Was that Right?
  14. Finally, it's about time!!! First, it was another new trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3" is coming next Monday in PlayStation Lineup Tour 2018, right before next Tuesday is September 11th under attacks and reveal new worlds, Including San Fransokyo (as Big Hero 6 world). And then, there's 2 new trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" is Coming in 2 weeks in Tokyo Game Show 2018 and reveal more new worlds, Including Metroville (as The Incredibles world) and the Cinematic opening of Kingdom Hearts 3. Now, thanks for the news information about "Kingdom Hearts 3" and "Kingdom Hearts Timeline"! Becuase "Kingdom Hearts 3" IS the final chapter of the Kingdom Hearts saga and "The Dark Seeker Saga" has finally come to an end. So, I can't wait to see another new trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3" and the cinematic opening of "Kingdom Hearts 3" with new theme songs about "Don't Think Twice" by Utada Hikaru, because I'm first! Is that Right, NihonScribe?
  15. As of matter of fact, another new trailer for "Kingdom Hearts 3" is possibly Coming Next Monday for PlayStation Lineup Tour 2018 and reveal the new worlds, including San Fransokyo (as Big Hero 6 world) with a new full theme songs about "Don't Think Twice", performed by Utada Hikaru! And then, there might be another new trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" are coming to Jump Festa 2019, because a new trailers will be the last! So, I want to see more new trailers for "Kingdom Hearts 3" and reveal more new worlds, first! Right, somedayhunchback and KH13.com memebers?
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