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  1. Like
    Revolart got a reaction from Awesome Sauce in Who do you think will die in Avengers Infinity War?   
    Either Iron Man or Captain America will bite the dust  
  2. Like
    Revolart reacted to sexyninjajon in Kingdom Hearts 3 Riku Pixel Art   
    So I got board and decided to work on a chain of memories style rendition of rikus new model.

  3. Like
    Revolart reacted to Yessie Maltese in Raiku's New Keyblade   
  4. Like
  5. Like
    Revolart reacted to The Transcendent Key in Concerning Utada Hikaru's New Theme Song For Kingdom Hearts III...   
    Hey there everyone, how's it going!? So then, ever since the godly and glorious trailers for Kingdom Hearts III got uploaded to Youtube, the whole KH community has combusted in an ocean of hype the likes of which we have never seen before! And among all this hype is the fact that we finally have a theme for Kingdom Hearts III, sung by none other than the lovely Utada Hikaru! And this song is Oath/Don't Think Twice!
    Now, while we all love the new song, I've read a lot of comments stating that many people think this is too slow to be an opening and sounds more like a credits-esque theme song. Well, that's fine and all, but here's what I think.
    We're at the end of the Xehanort Saga. The stakes have never been higher, and Nomura himself had said at one point that Kingdom Hearts III will be darker than all the other entries that have come in the series before. And with the fact that there are countless people in the series that have suffered that are awaiting their awakening via Sora, I think that Oath/Don't Think Twice as they are perfectly symbolize the grim and rough situation our heroes are going through right now. And since it's the end of a saga, it even adds more of an emotional punch, which I believe is something that goes a long way into establishing the feels we shall feel as we play the game. I can honestly see this grim, melancholic song being played to an equally grim yet uplifting intro video! The whole intro could be about how our heroes have suffered, and then going off into the final part of the intro, Sora could be the light that radiates for all of them, giving the song a hopeful edge as well. I just think that the tone this song has is perfect for the point in time the series is in right now, ya know?
    If there's another version made for the opening, then cool, but I'd much rather have this current rendition. It's hauntingly beautiful, ya know?
  6. Like
    Revolart reacted to Raxaimus in Two Kingdom Hearts III trailers relevealed at D23 Expo Japan 2018   
    During the Kingdom Hearts Fan Event at D23 Japan 2018, a pair of new Kingdom Hearts III trailers were revealed. You can view both Japanese trailers, and those with English subtitles, below.

    Kingdom Hearts III – D23 Expo Japan 2018 Monsters, Inc. Trailer [English Subtitles]

    Kingdom Hearts III – D23 Expo Japan 2018 Monsters, Inc. Trailer [Japanese]

    Kingdom Hearts III Theme Song Trailer – “Don’t Think Twice” by Utada Hikaru

    Kingdom Hearts III Theme Song Trailer – “Chikai” by Utada Hikaru

    What do you think of the trailers? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to catch up with our coverage of D23 Expo Japan 2018 and the Kingdom Hearts Fan Event!
    Click here to view the article
  7. Like
    Revolart reacted to The Transcendent Key in Coverage: Kingdom Hearts Fan Event at D23 Expo Japan 2018   
    Leamax, thank you, and I thank everyone on the News Team who will be keeping us up to date with what happens over at D23! We shall all be anxiously and happily awaiting any epic news that comes out of the event!
    Gahhh, I'm so excited! I can't believe we've already reached this moment! I'm getting a very strong good vibe that we're definitely in for a special treat!
  8. Like
    Revolart reacted to Connected in Just one week, All on booooaaaardddd!   
    Just one week until the D23 2018 Event!
  9. Like
    Revolart reacted to The Transcendent Key in A Farewell To 2017!   
    Hey there everyone, I hope that all of you are doing okay! So then, I just wanted to leave this for all you guys and gals before the year is out! Let's greet 2018 with the biggest smiles possible, am I right?

    Onward to 2018, my dear friends!
  10. Like
    Revolart reacted to Felixx in What’s the first sentence you think will be said in KH3?   
    Sora, dinner’s ready!
  11. Like
    Revolart reacted to Cricket in KH Christmas Gift I am drawing for someone   
    Been away due to health and finishing up a semester of college, but I’ve been improving a bit in sketching recently and drawing a KH3 Christmas picture for someone. This isn’t finished yet and probably going to change Sora’s pose or add his keyblade in front of him holding it in a cool stance like he’s holding it outright.
    -I do random things when I can’t sleep-
    *my phone uploaded them sideways because phone stuff.

  12. Like
    Revolart reacted to KingdomHearts3 in Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party 2017   
    Ah yes, it's the most wonderful time of the year. Families come together to celebrate the season and children open gifts Santa left for them. Some start the celebrating early and put up the decorations early while others wait until after Thanksgiving to start the celebrating and decorating. Mickey is the former alright. Once Halloween is done, it's on to the Christmas season. He even has a part going on and guess what? You're invited! Wait... you... can't make it... Worry not! You can see it here!
    A Frozen Holiday Wish

    Mickey's Most Merriest Celebration

    Mickey's Once Upon a Christmastime Parade

    Holidaywishes - Celebrate the Spirit of the Season

  13. Like
    Revolart reacted to KingdomHearts3 in Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity War Official Trailer   
    It all comes down to this...

  14. Like
    Revolart reacted to Soboz in Watercolor painting of Eleven (Stranger Things)   
    Hey everybody, so I decided that in honor of the release of the second season of Stranger Things last month to do a watercolor painting of one of my many favorite characters from the show, Eleven. I really liked the new and different that they gave to Eleven this season and as such wanted to capture it paint form. I also decided that I wanted to do a more relaxed pose of her, as opposed to one where she's using her powers or looking "intense". Anyways, getting away from all of those little details here's the finished piece, which I personally think came out better than expected.
    Sound off below if you have any comments or questions

  15. Like
    Revolart reacted to Yessie Maltese in .:~Halloween Town Sora~:.   
    Happy "Late" Halloween! lol yeah I know I'm a little late but ehh, whatever, the night's still young. I'm leaving a link of the picture. Hopefully this is OK.
  16. Like
    Revolart reacted to Tails in Who's Excited For Super Mario Odyssey Next Week?   
    So as you all know Super Mario Odyssey's release is literally just around the corner. Is anyone here excited for the release of the game? Because I know I am. I already have the game paid off on my pre-order on it so you can bet I'll be picking it up at launch. Luckily Fire Emblem Warriors comes out this week so that will keep me occupied until next Friday rolls around.
  17. Like
    Revolart reacted to Tails in This Must Be How KH Fans Feel About The Xehanort Saga   
    This is how KH fans must feel right now with all these versions of Xehanort

  18. Like
    Revolart reacted to catmaster0116 in Fanart on the latest KHUx character   
    Not sure if a Spoiler Curfew is in effect but I'll drop it here anyway.
    The art isn't mine, I found it on google and thought I might share it
  19. Like
    Revolart got a reaction from Sieses Detkrah in Some interesting details about the latest story advancements (SPOILERS)   
    That's actually very interesting
  20. Like
    Revolart got a reaction from Elfdemon_ in Some interesting details about the latest story advancements (SPOILERS)   
    That's actually very interesting
  21. Like
    Revolart got a reaction from The Transcendent Key in Some interesting details about the latest story advancements (SPOILERS)   
    That's actually very interesting
  22. Like
    Revolart reacted to Elfdemon_ in Some interesting details about the latest story advancements (SPOILERS)   
    If you don't want to get spoiled by the latest story advancements in the JP version of KHUX, then stop reading.
    There's some interesting little details I've noticed about the latest story advancements with Lauriam (Marluxia's Somebody) and Strelitzia. Here's what we know for sure: Strelitzia was killed by someone. And Lauriam showed up at the Keyblade Graveyard as the last Dandelion Union Leader. The general consensus is that Lauriam is who killed Strelitzia, but we don't know that for sure. Many people say it could've been Blaine or that it could've been someone completely unrelated who's watching from behind the scenes who then told Ventus he was a Dandelion Union Leader, when he actually wasn't. I've noticed an interesting detail that might put to rest these theories and will further validate the general consensus of the murderer being Lauriam.
    There are people getting upset about the fact that Marluxia's Somebody is in this game because it means that he's a Keyblade wielder. He's a Dandelion Union Leader, which means he has a Keyblade, right? Wrong. Maybe he was never able to summon a Keyblade and become a Dandelion or even a Union member, he was just an ordinary resident of Daybreak Town, so he killed Strelitzia and took her place to force himself into the Dandelions to try and become a Keyblade wielder. Assuming he's the one who killed her. "The Keyblade's power-- how I've longed to make it my own." - Marluxia in Re:Chain of Memories
    Another reason people say that he is a Keyblade wielder is because of the noise of the weapon that killed Strelitzia. People are saying it's the typical noise you hear from a Keyblade slash. And this brings me to my point. The small, but interesting detail I've noticed. That is not the Keyblade slash noise. Listen to it closely. Sound familiar? Compare it to this.
    And another interesting thing I've noticed is that the hairclip on Strelitzia's hair is the roman numeral for the number 11. Marluxia is the number 11 in Organization XIII. Nomura warned us all this time.
    (Source for the hairclip info.)
  23. Like
    Revolart reacted to KeybladeMasterBalo in STRELITZIA NOMURA STYLE SKETCH   
    Hi there! Your friend Balo is back with yet another drawing.
    It's been quite a time without posting anything and just wanted to share this quick Nomura style drawing I made for the new unveiled character on the KHUX realm: The fifth Union Leader Strelitzia.
    While the drawing may lack some details due to the character mobile version being too little to see them, I think it turned out pretty good.
    All credit for Mr. Nomura on the actual character design.
    I will leave a colored and non-colored version if anyone wants to make their own coloring.
    NOTE: Please if you are going to use this sketch for your own purposes just make sure to give credit.
    See ya everyone!

  24. Like
    Revolart reacted to catmaster0116 in 3D Keyblade modelling Poll   
    First of all I'd like to introduce my friend/Acquaintance Iman whom I met on deviantart a while back. Iman is a highly talented and creative designer when it comes to weapons - especially designing Keyblades! Up until a few days ago I wasn't even aware he had a KH13 account lmfao.

    For the longest time I've wanted to attempt making a 3D model out of one of his Keyblade designs BUT since he has SO MANY designs (all of which are absolutely gorgeous), I've had a REALLY REALLY REALLY hard time choosing which one to make.
    SO, I'm going to leave the decisions to you guys!
    Please have a look at his 2016 designs shown below and after you've had a good look; go ahead and comment on thread by listing the name of your top 5 favourite Keyblade designs.

    The deadline will be end of November, so once December 1st rolls around, I will tally up the preferences and the top 5 most popular designs will be made into 3D models for Mikumiku Dance (PMX or PMD format). I also made the same post on my deviant Art account so the final tally count will involve the results from the KH13 thread and my Deviant Art thread.

    3 months to make your decisions so please make the most of it ^^
    Thanks again guys!!
  25. Like
    Revolart got a reaction from catmaster0116 in .HACK//G.U. Last Recode - Haseo's New Sword [3D Model]   
    Nice . I still think the xth form is one of the better design cause it looks more angelic and clean compared to the other form.
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