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Master Eraqus

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Master Eraqus last won the day on November 13 2017

Master Eraqus had the most liked content!

About Master Eraqus

  • Birthday 02/17/1999

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    Focuses only on positive.. so basically not a spoiled critic
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  1. Probably one of the most confusing things I ever come across the internet is when people clearly don't enjoy watching a TV series or series of movies/video games and yet they continue to watch/play it. And I'm just like, "Why?" You're clearly not enjoying it and unless you're a critic or something, why 'torture' yourself to continue watching/playing? If I was watching a TV show and I didn't like the first few episodes, I'm not gonna continue watching it...

    1. Master Eraqus

      Master Eraqus

      ...The concept is just so confusing to me.

    2. Awesome Sauce

      Awesome Sauce

      The Sonic fanbase has a few of these people.

    3. KingdomHearts3


      Sounds like when I was in high school, someone was eating something they said tasted bad, but ate it anyway.

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