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Master Eraqus

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Master Eraqus last won the day on November 13 2017

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About Master Eraqus

  • Birthday 02/17/1999

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    Focuses only on positive.. so basically not a spoiled critic
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  1. I will never take another person's argument seriously if they simply act like a child and use insults. I don't care how valid your argument could be; if you're gonna act like a child, then I'd treat you like a child.

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    2. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      does not give nazis moral credence....you however are giving this evil group moral credence bc it supports your agenda.

    3. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      Trump acts like an idiot but he has not taken anyones rights to free speech or protesting. He posts stupid memes that are immature towards his detractors yes but thats not violence. He also takes aim at the media bc they have openly targeted him and got caught printing lies many times ( New York Times and CNN) He gets all kinds of death threats from the public and celebrities and even other government officials. They all act like idiots under the name of free speech.

    4. HarLea Quinn

      HarLea Quinn

      The media is suppose to be unbiased and report facts to inform the public- not push agendas like they are doing. You cannot denounce one side if you can't denounce the other when its committing the same BS..It's not intellectually honest and ruins credibility. The right wing and the left wing are from the same chicken.

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