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Status Updates posted by Hargleblargleboo

  1. I'm so excited for D23 this year, and not just for Kingdom Hearts 3!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WakingDawn96


      No, I was seriously asking. I dont really follow D23 like I should, so I really don't know what they show off besides the movies and KH. I know they did show off Disney Infinity last year, but now they are done with that, I don't know what else they will show off. :)

    3. Hargleblargleboo


      Oh! Well, that's all the public stuff I know about so far. They like surprises, so all will be revealed in due time, I suppose.

    4. Green Sparrow

      Green Sparrow

      There is suppose to be some impressive stuff for the parks to be announced. I'm pretty jazzed for that!

  2. Man, I missed you all. I should visit here more often!

    1. Javelin434


      Welcome back mate!


  4. I'm never gonna get over how Lea and Kairi are training together. That makes me really happy...

    1. DoDo4869


      It is pretty neat isn't it? :3

    2. Hargleblargleboo
    3. DoDo4869


      I hope we get to see some cutscenes (or even play a small sequenze like the tutorial) with them. I'd be cool to see conversations between the two to get some developement between their relationship, like you said after their encounter in KH 2 :D

  5. God. Every single RP idea I have in my head that I wanna do all have something to do with the spooky or the supernatural. I need better ideas...

    1. WakingDawn96


      How about this: The Spooky Supernatural!


      That way you fused the two ideas together and create something new! :)

    2. Hargleblargleboo


      That is...

      a brilliant idea! I'll keep it in mind!


    3. WakingDawn96


      Good! I mean it's so obvious to do something like that, but sometimes the easiest way is the best way, as it can combine ideas and become something even greater! :)

  6. Haha! I am safe from the Lea virus! My username is too ridiculous!

  7. Bowser put on a hat and he looks nice.

  8. 2.8 spoilers aside... Where the hell is 'Hiveswap'?

  9. I gotta like, try and avoid the internet for 2 weeks for fear of 2.8 spoilers. Stupid release dates...

  10. I want Bewear to hug me and snap my spine in half.

    1. Hargleblargleboo


      I can't believe hugs are a kink now.

    2. KairiKeybasH


      Bewear Hugs are dangerous.

  11. Come and join my circle of people who really want Final Fantasy XV, but don't have it yet.

  12. I can't wait till I get to dress Aqua up is the cutest outfits while she fights ungodly abominations in 2.8!

    1. Joker


      I wonder, does this hint at a future in KH3 cause I don't see them throwing it away after 0.2

  13. After all of my finals are done, I wanna try and get into anime again with an open mind. Are there any good ones as of recent that I could watch? I'm gonna try and stomach 'Yuri!!! On Ice' next week and see if it's what I expect it to be.

    1. MythrilMagician


      If you like drama and murder mysteries, Ace Attorney. If you're a fan of Danganronpa, there's a Danganronpa 3 anime if you haven't already watched it.

    2. Exilra


      One I recommend from this season is Nanbaka. Great comedy/action anime.

  14. Who wants my leftovers?

    1. Yuya Sakaki

      Yuya Sakaki

      That depends... are they halal?

    2. Hargleblargleboo
  15. I miss RPing with you guys, even if I wasn't that best at it. I hope I have some free time in the summer so that I can do it again...

  16. Emma Watson looks so beautiful in her Belle dress.

  17. Merry Christmas, guys.

  18. Thought I'd spend Halloween at least doing something spooky-related, but apparently not. Stupid 'no-fun-allowed' people keeping me hostage.

  19. One of my favorite things in a group RP is when you can sense a strong friendship developing between two characters. I don't know why, it's just so nice.

  20. In other news, 2017 looks like it's gonna be an unbelievably spectacular year for gaming.

  21. So much KH news,... I'm so happy we're getting it. It's been so dry.

  22. My Youtube feed is now suddenly recommending me copious amounts of anime and yaoi. I never asked for this; all I wanted to do is look up sports anime. http://i.imgur.com/ZMwD7Pz.png

    1. KairiKeybasH


      That´s why i hate Youtube´s Recommendation System.

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