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Status Updates posted by GotMilk5101520

  1. Why did Miraculous Ladybug and Kingdom Hearts 3 decided to destroy me today?

    1. Jingilator


      Ooh, boy…what happened in Miraculous?

    2. GotMilk5101520
  2. Tokyo Ghoul Re anime is confirmed. Can't wait to see chapter 125 animated

    1. Iris
    2. Felixx


      They haven’t even done the original one right –.–

  3. Listening to In The End to honor Chester Bennington. It was the first Linkin Park song i ever heard. He will be missed ;(

  4. I made a small Tumblr post about Fairy Tail Akame Ga Kill and Attack on Titan. I wake up and found out it got over 300 posts. I'm shocked

  5. I just realized that yesterday was my 3 year anniversary on this website. Time sure has passed

    1. MythrilMagician


      Belated Happy anniversary.

    2. PrinceNoctis


      Happy anniversary!

  6. Question: Was I watching Samurai Jack or Breath of the Wild?

  7. #BotW Master Race lol

    1. Joker


      #MM Master Race! Though im pretty sure BotW will dethrone MM

  8. Zelda is trending on Twitter. And no it's not The Legend of Zelda

    1. Solstice


      What is it, this time?

  9. Forgive me everyone! But i have seen the first 10 minutes of 0.2 (And nothing else)

  10. Is it bad i'm more interested in Back Cover then 0.2?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hargleblargleboo


      Not really. Old lore is interesting.

    3. Shard the Gentleman

      Shard the Gentleman

      I'm also more interested in Back Cover. I honestly wouldn't be as mad at 0.2 spoilers as I would Back Cover spoilers.

    4. PrinceNoctis


      Yeah well it's kinda hard to get spoilers out of Back Cover if you don't speak japanese so you won't have a hard time with that.

  11. Listening to Frozen songs in reversed and they keep mentioning someone named Harold. And i'm just sitting here thinking "WHO THE FIRETRUCK IS THIS HARLOD?!"

  12. The only good thing to come out of this Election is that i’ll be smoking some weed in January

  13. First Bleach ended, now Toriko is ending this month and Akame ga Kill is ending in the following month?

    1. MythrilMagician


      The age of ending mangas.

    2. Trece the Xam ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀)
    3. GotMilk5101520


      Meanwhile: One Piece is on break and Hunter x Hunter is still in hiatus hell (sorry for the word)

  14. The latest Bleach episode though

  15. Who still watches the BotW trailler to this day?

    1. Joker


      I haven't seen it in a long while but im still excited for it!

  16. The time has come for revolution #Freedomforall

  17. I got Illustrated Sora on my first try

    1. BlankShell


      Well aren't we fancy.

    1. Xiro



      Do you know of the amiibo is available separately?

  18. Super Mario GO! Break into people's houses and save the princess.

    1. MythrilMagician


      Hit hovering bricks with your hand!

  19. My heart is in so much pain after reading the new chapter of Akame ga Kill ;(

  20. What is a man?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Xiro


      What does that make me? .-.

    3. Joker


      A miserable pile of secrets.

    4. Xiro
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