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Status Updates posted by Young_Master_Eraqueez

  1. The Persona 5 anime's intro theme is currently stuck in my brain. Should I be concerned about that?

  2. I beat Xenoblade Chronicles 2 a couple weeks ago, now I really need to get back to Persona 5.

  3. Now that Pokemon Ultra Sun is out I will vanish from society for the next few days more than likely.

  4. Jeez, trying to browse YouTube while trying to avoid Pokemon USUM spoilers is like walking through a freaking minefield.

    1. VisitJoan


      I haven clicked on any USUM videos.

    2. Young_Master_Eraqueez


      But there's still the thumbnails.

    3. KingdomHearts3


      Wait until KH3. You will literally have to avoid the internet.

  5. So I just finished watching episode 21 of the Pokemon Sun And Moon anime. I am not afraid to admit that the episode had me in tears by the end of it.

  6. Went to see the new Pokemon Movie today. It was really good in my opinion.

    1. KairiKeybasH


      I saw it as well I find the story very Charming.

  7. It's official, my wallet is going to be dead in 2018.

    1. Jingilator
    2. Jingilator


      ...Except it's probably going to be some of my mom's wallet, lol

    3. Iris


      Poor wallets.


    1. Iris


      They're gone :O

  9. So I've decided to shiny hunt most of the one of a kind Pokemon in Pokemon Silver, starting with Sudowoodo.

  10. Should I find it concerning that I've been playing online matches in Pokken DX multiple times everyday?

    1. Iris


      No. Playing games everyday is fun. Just don't play all day.

  11. My god it's a miracle, the NA Union Cross Twitter is actually replying to comments!

  12. Why does Uncharted Lost Legacy and the PS4 port of Jak And Daxter: The Precursor Legacy have to come out the same day I start College?

  13. Let me just say I like Sonic Mania, BUT THE BOSS IN OIL OCEAN CAN GO DIE IN A FREAKING FIRE! I have gotten so many game overs thanks to that thing! I haven't gotten this many game overs in a Sonic game since the Biolizard in SA2.

    1. Dracula X

      Dracula X

      Me when I'm fighting the dinosaur thing in Adventure 2 Battle.

    2. Jingilator


      Except the oil is set ON fir-OOOOOOHH....

    3. Isaix


      He's probably one of the harder boss in the game,but he's not that bad,none of the bosses were too difficult for me,they were all perfect

  14. When that 2018 launch window showed up on my screen at the end of that KH3 trailer I screamed so loud that I nearly killed my throat.

    1. WakingDawn96


      I was thinking to myself at the time, "Okay, they are being very slow to put the date part on the screen" and so I knew it was coming, just I couldn't believe my eyes that it was next year! :)

  15. My god the wait is AGONIZING!

    1. PrinceNoctis


      RIGHT?! I woke up this morning and was like...dang I have to wait like 9 hours for that trailer to drop lol

  16. Man, the comment section on the Pokken DX and Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon reveal trailer is saltier than the Dead Sea.

    1. WakingDawn96


      You could say it's really a DX situation! Get it! DX !!!!!

    2. Awesome Sauce

      Awesome Sauce

      That's what always happens with the Nintendo Direct cycle.

  17. Man I sure could use some covfefe right about now.

    1. KeybladeMasterBalo


      I am going for my second covfefe already! :v

  18. Covfefe is love, Covfefe is life

  19. Only a month to go until E3. Anyone here hyped? BECAUSE I SURE AS HECK AM!

    1. DoDo4869


      Hell yeah! The Hype is back! >:D

  20. I finally was able to unpack my computer after moving. And then I realized I put the power cord in a completely different box than the one I had my computer in.

  21. Finally preordered 2.8. Now all that's left is to wait.

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