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Silent Multiverse

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  1. Sad
    Silent Multiverse got a reaction from Smithee in Games/Films/TV Chat   
    yeah vader became one with the force
  2. Like
    Silent Multiverse got a reaction from King_Graham in KHUX Chat   
    miss it already
  3. Sad
    Silent Multiverse got a reaction from ienzo628 in KHUX Chat   
    but yeah i agree on the whole thing being more disturbing which signify that Nomura's upping the ante by going more bolder and more darker than kh3
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    Silent Multiverse got a reaction from KHfan4 in General Chat   
    coming june 8th

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    Silent Multiverse got a reaction from The Transcendent Key in KHUX Chat   
    uh not known. i think it'll lead into dark road?
  6. Confused
    Silent Multiverse got a reaction from RazorDN in Endgame Spoilers   
    that was campy era lol
  7. Sad
    Silent Multiverse got a reaction from Jeffreytoony in KHUX Chat   
    rip i responded and said to delete tier 1-4 medals to save space for medals
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