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Found 70 results

  1. Hey, anyone here good at digital coloring and is intimately familiar with the right ones to use on some manga pages? I'm willing to pay for art commissions for anyone here artistically inclined enough to color in some pages of the manga for me!
  2. Hey, everyone, how's it going!? Happy New Year! It's been more than a hot minute since I was last on here, so I decided to log in to see how things have been! Of course, keeping updated with the Kingdom Hearts news, though things have been quiet as of late! But with the Anniversary steadily approaching, we're sure to be in for a flood of news soon! Anyways, I was listening to some tracks from the series, and then Fate Of The Unknown came up, which is one of my favorite compositions of the franchise! (Seriously, Yoko did something special with this one!) And with that, I felt nostalgic and pulled up the secret ending for Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejYttnAXfEY&ab_channel=TheRoxasXIIIK It's crazy that this is from so long ago yet it still holds up so amazingly well! Remember when we all thought that this was Kingdom Hearts III? When we were all confused as to why Roxas was with two other strangers? So many thoughts and questions rolled in my mind back in the day, and honestly, this still gives me goosebumps every time I watch it! I love how dark it is and that this was basically the endgame for Birth By Sleep years before it released! Birth By Sleep is one of my favorite entries in the franchise, so every time I look at this secret ending, I smile at all the foreshadowing and just the awesome buildup and mystery this brought us during our wait for Kingdom Hearts III! Ah, memories! What did you all think when you saw this secret ending for the very first time?
  3. Another battle, but instead of a final battle it's a secret battle! Hope you all like it!
  4. Here’s an alternate Sora with the original artstyle from Normura !
  5. Mulan: Mushu, I'm not sure... I haven't even joined the army yet. I have to take my father's place to preserve the Fa family honor. I just hope I don't get discovered.
  6. Aqua...Ven... A Keyblade? Who are you? I know you. We've met before, way back when. No, that wasn't you. You're not the one I chose. Where is he? Xe...ha...nort... Is that you? Xeha...nort... Xehanort!"
  7. Hey all! This morning, I released a jazz arrangement of the opening theme from Kingdom Hearts 2 on my YouTube channel - feel free to check it out and let me know what you thought of it!
  8. *USE LINK BELOW* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7JKK4G-WFw Sephiroth is probably my favorite Final Fantasy Character in Kingdom Hearts, and with KH3 quickly approaching, I felt this was necessary & important to discuss! Let me know what you think about Sephiroth making a return in Kingdom Hearts 3? Do you think we'll see him and will we get to fight him again?
  9. Mykaila Shakespeare

    Another Journey

    Here comes the big meal! This title is not only my favorite Kingdom Hearts game, it is my favorite game of all time. To all the fans, it is surprising nobody that I am one of the "KH2 is best game surprising nobody" squad LOL Then again, I haven't heard anyone tell me they hated KH2 yet (please comment below whoever you are that hates KH2). There is a good reason this game is praised. Before I settle why, I got some story to tell you. I mentioned in my KH1 post that the first of the series is luckily how I was introduced to the series. It held some major nostalgia for me in many ways. Then we have KH2. I remember the first time seeing the game advertised in my local Walmart. I was so excited that there was a sequel to a game I loved (keep in mind, I did not know Chain of Memories existed at the time), I had to look up online when YouTube was being born. I don't remember how long it took for my mother to finally buy the game, but she managed to get it for us. I remember me and my sister argued on who will play it first....guess who played first? LOL Throughout it all, like KH1, I remembered fondly of the play through for the first time. The prologue was certainly interesting. This prologue was/is controversial. You play as a different character, named Roxas, for at least 2-3 hours simply not because it is a tutorial. It was also small story on it's own. I'll be quite honest, I don't remember my thoughts about it back in the day. I know I was obviously confused and wondered when I would play as Sora. Throughout the years I've played the game, however, I have been too used to this prologue. Heck, I personally loved the prologue. In those 2-3 hours, you learn about Roxas and his struggles of his fate before playing as Sora. If you didn't play this, I recommend you see for yourselves. I'll just leave at that. Then there was finally playing as Sora again. Playing throughout the game was certainly a journey. The feeling of flying through the gummi ships again, was truly a more upgraded and incredibly fun ride. Visiting new and returning world's was also incredible. Fighting heartless and nobodies was also fun enemies to fight. However, like KH1, the biggest moments I remembered were fighting through all the big bosses in the game (not final mix). They were the hardest to get through and when I was able to pass them, it was sweet sweet victory for my childhood. To this day, I continue to play this game over and over again. I feel like out of all the games I played in general, this was my crowning achievement of being able to fight difficult bosses on my own. I am not perfect at them, but I continue to do better whenever I come back. The music of this game also amazing. A lot of my favorite songs are from KH2: the other promise, lazy afternoon, 13th struggle, sacred moon, fight to the death, darkness of the unknown, cavern of remembrance, and KH2's take on dearly beloved. Even the music for each world I visit are unique and works in their own way. I can easily identify what world is and they don't play songs from their original film counterparts (exception of nightmare before christmas and a bit of atlantica). Throughout the time I kept playing kh2, so far, I was never tired of it. There is the fact that it is simply fun. But, I always found something new whenever I come back. That actually goes for the entire series for that matter. If there was anything that I feel is flawed in the game (yes, even this game has flaws), it's the stories for the Disney worlds. In terms of what messages provided in the game, the plots of the Disney worlds worked. However, a majority of them had nothing to do with the game's narrative, at least during the first visit for each world. It felt like I was watching a fanfic with an OC added to it. I mean, you could say the same for the other installments. But I think KH1 does a lot better with all the world's plot. Their plots were mildly similar to their film counterparts and still inserting Nomura's OC. However, it was still part of the story's narrative for a majority of worlds served an importance in the game's overall plot. Which is why I am incredibly excited for KH3 because the world's announced, so far, each had a member of the organization which is telling me each world is important to the story. So, KH2 Disney world plots are kinda meh for me. Not terrible, since I think it is more nit picky for me LOL (there is one world that is painfully ripped from the film, the acting was blegh and Sora contributed to nothing other than fighting the final boss with your Disney party member) That aside, having a chance to play final mix in the remix collections for the first time (on my PS3 back in 2016), I was finally able to experience some new content. Example, I actually went ahead and got into critical the first time I played it since I've always played proud mode in the original. The extra bosses, new cutscenes, new keyblades, upgraded soundtracks to make them sound orchestrated, etc. Let me tell you y'all, it's harder to get back to the original after this. During my time playing final mix, I felt like I was playing it for the first time again but with better content and upgraded music. Overall, I love this game with all my heart. I come back to this game because it is fun mostly. The story is a conundrum, but the characters are whom we connect with the most. The journey the characters go through, struggles and all, we wanted them to succeed. Everything the game has is what I love, despite the few problems it had. Although most of us can agree that it is the best game in the series. For me, it is a complete 10/10 for me (or 9.5/10 to make you all feel better LOL)
  10. I have just made a great discovery: I guess I just found out Ventus' grandma! (Just a Pancake joke reference, anyway)
  11. I'm back everyone! This time with a quick fifteen-minute ink sketch of Sora. Happy Early Halloween, everyone! Lately I've been doing five-to-fifteen minute sketches a day. If anyone wants to see a particular sketch, let me know!
  12. Hey guys, the title says it all. I have completed an EX mission on every Gummi ship route and was not rewarded the achievement trophy. I have even gone and looked up guides to see which specific missions were picked and did those ones aswell and still nothing. I’m super bummed and concerned I won’t figure this out because I am attempting the platinum trophy and well...we all know I need this trophy for that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Kingdom Hearts 2 is a fantastic game and it does not receive much criticism from many. There is one very notable moment in the game where people do often criticize Kingdom Hearts 2 at, that moment is the Prologue ft. Roxas. (I'm not just talking about IGN also, many people bash on this games opening segment) In this video I try my best to analyze the Opening segment of this game, talking about its good points, its bad points, and how it could have been better. I spent hours in Sony Vegas working on this video and I would really appreciate any sort of support you can throw my way whether that be a Sub, a like, a comment, just whatever would mean a lot. Anyways I hope you all enjoy
  14. A wallpaper I made to celebrate the release of 1.5+2.5 on ps4, as well as to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the series.

    © David Sobozenski

  15. Kingdom Hearts 15th Anniversary watercolor sketch, based on concept art by Nomura.
  16. Me as Riku from Kingdom Hearts II
  17. If the Organization was supposed to be a clandestine group, why do they have such a massive fleet of ships? Or, if they have such a massive fleet, why do they need to be secretive? Does Xehanort now have command of the fleet? Is that how KH3 starts, a huge invasion of star ships start blowing everything up?
  18. This is my entry for the giveaway. I sang "Passion" by Utada Hikaru... Yes, I did the Japanese version because I just think the lyrics are so much better and fluid this way. Instrumental here: (it is not mine) Thank you for listening, and good luck to everyone else who is entering! :lol:
  19. This is my first entry for Kingdom Hearts 2.8 HD Give Away. Maybe I'll post another if I have time to make it In this entry, I submit my cosplay pictures and videos (requirements for cosplay) as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts II Seifuku ver (School Uniform). Here's the video about Kairi Kingdom Hearts II School Uniform Ver. Requirements. http://youtu.be/S-WuZpGF38k Keyblades, Letter in bottle I made them by myself; costumes, thanks to my mom, tailors, and friends who helped me to make it; Bag, Shoes, Stockings, Wig I purchased them here and via online. And for the photos, I decide to put the photos in spoilers, since they're quite huge. Thank you dear Randy Juliant for allowing me to use these photos and taking photographs for me during Photo sessions. Kairi Kingdom Hearts II Seifuku Cosplay - Photo Session #1 - at event (evening session) Kairi Kingdom Hearts II Seifuku Cosplay - Photo Session #2 - Backyard of My Home Residence (night session)
  20. So, I decided to rematch Lingering Will, and I don't know that this short cutscene is there. The cutscene appears before the battle begins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igkBTFY2eT8 Does anybody know about this?
  21. As the topic said, I did some videos about unboxing Sora and Roxas Kingdom Hearts 2 play arts (the 1st gen of playarts, before playarts kai). I got this from my friends last year as my birthday presents, but few weeks ago I decided to put them back to the box because I had to clean and re arrange my messy room. And now, I decide to put them back on my display shelf! Lol. And also, I did some photos indoor and outdoor for these playarts (yeah this is another side of myself aside as singer and vblogger). There are 3 videos, which you can watch here (I hide them in spoiler) Sora kingdom hearts 2 Roxas Kingdom Hearts 2 Photography of both playarts Hope you enjoy the videos.
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